Essay_Questions_Presentetion_Final GROUP 4

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What is an essay question? ď‚— It is a test item which requires a response

composed by the examinee, usually in the form of one or more sentences or paragraphs, about a presented situation or to required questions.

Contained elements  Requires examinees to compose rather than select

their response.  Elicits student responses that mus consist of more than one sentence.  Allows different or original responses or pattern of responses  Requires subjective judgment by a competent specialist to judge the accuracy and quality of responses.

Essay question sample  Education comes not from books but from

practical experience. Write a unified essay in which you perform the following tasks.  Explain what you think the above statement means.  Describe a specific situation in which books might educate students better than practical experience.  Discuss what you think determines when practical experience provides a better education than books do.

SAMPLE ESSAY  The statement means that at times practical experience can

be a better method of education than pure classroom work.  The use of books to present abstract ideas is one kind of education that is better to learn from books than practical experience. Take math, for instance. Math concepts are best learned from books rather than practical experience. Also, history is best learned in the classroom since a person can't physically go back in time and watch a war.  Certain professions are learned on the job, like carpentry and plumbing. Practical experience is the primary method of education. It is the same way for surgery. You wouldn't want someone to take out your appendix unless they had practiced this procedure many times on someone else.

Essays are essential for development and evaluation of student’s skills – Writing and reading skills, analytical and critical thinking skills, research skills, and the ability to write under time pressure. All these skills are assessed in the entire essay writing process.

Essay writing is a good way to internalize the facts that has been heard or read. Writing activity stimulates the intellect and leads to intellectual development and also is a healty way to improve writing skills.

Essay are used to judge the mastery and comprenhension of material in fields such as the humanities and social sciences, also include non-literary types such as visual arts, music, films, and photography Though essay wrinting is not very easy and simple; it needs practice and the students have to learn essay writing rules and about the collection of material.

A student must have a critical and analytical mind that is keen to research on any specified essay topic. Knowledge internalization Intellectual development Feed Back Generation Good Practice

Reaction: How the learners react to the learning process. Learning: The extent to which the learners gain knowledge and skills. Behavior: Capability to perform the learned skills while on the job. Results: Includes such items as monetary, efficiency, moral, etc.

Elements of an essay that can be assessed through an essay Evaluation Content: Evidence of the use of appropriate material. There should be transition sentences linking the paragraph. Idea: It directly answer the question of the essay. Organization: Of material into a coherent structure: introduction, argument and evidence, coclusion. Form: Clear style, including accurate spelling, clear sentence construction and punctuation. Language: Avoidance of inappropriate slang, racist or sexist language.

Type of essay to test a specific topic and what does it consist in. Extended Response: These answers have three parts: a) Beginning: The first paragraph introduces your main idea or

position. Often it simply restates the questions. a)

Middle: The second paragraph provides information, examples and details to support your main idea of position.


Ending: The final paragraph sums up your main idea or position. It restates your topic sentence, this time with more feeling. Restricted response: Relate more directly to a specific objective, generally assesses the lower complexity outcomes.

Process Essay: The writing project in which we describe how to do something or tell how to do something of tell how something happens. Classification Essay: It is supposed to organize or sort the arguments of the wssay in categories. An important thing to mention is that the categories are to fully resemble the essence of the essay’s topic. Comparison Essay: This type is focused on the comparison of things, people, facts or events. Its basic purpose it to find the most significant similarities of the differences of specific things, facts, evets, etc. First is described the less significant points and up to the conclusion the most significant point is revealed. Problem Solving Essay: It is a kind of academic paper that describes one or more problems and provides possible variants for their solutions. It is crucial to remember that a problem solving papaer cannot be written without one definite solution. You cannot just dwell on the problems for pages without providing your ideas of solving them.

“Advantanges� Assess complex learning outcomes and thought processes Test writing skills Promote original thinking Stimulate increased studying Simulate realistic tasks Relatively simple to construct Encourage the organization of knowledge, integration of theories and expression of opinions

“Disadvantages� Time consuming to answer Scoring is more subjective and time consuming Grading can be influenced by context effects, expectations, or grading fatigue. Grading may be influenced by factors extraneous to the content.

Students can submit an organized coherent essay of irrelevant material

Evaluation Tool used to avoid bias or Subjective Results When evaluating an essay for professional rubrics, common assessment areas include focused thesis statement, satisfactory grammar, organization, and conclusive sections that fully answer the question timeline can aid in correction and evaluation of professional writing to meet the standardized objectives. Descriptions uses tools such as denotative language, connotative language, figurative language, metaphor, and sImile to arrive at a dominat impression.

Tips for using Essay Question Focus each question so that students know exactly what is expected. Provide specific guidelines about time limits, amount of info expected, weighting of questions, criteria for evaluating. Limit the use of essay questions to objectives that benefit from them. Avoid making optional essay questions so that different tests. Don’t give questions to students ahead of time, but you can go through sample questions to prepare students.

HANDS ON !! ď‚— Politicians too often base their decisions on what

will please the voters, not on what is best for the country. Write a unified essay in which you perform the following tasks. Explain what you think the above statement means. Describe a specific situation in which a politician might make an unpopular decision for the good of the country. Discuss the principles you think should determine whether political decisions should be made to please the voters or to serve the nation .

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