Respect me questionnaire nov 2013

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RESPECT ME Anti bullying week questionnaire November 2013 1. Have you ever been bullied?


 No 

If yes what type of bullying did you experience? Physical Cyber Mental/emotional Verbal Racism Homophobia Other 2. Have you ever bullied another person? If yes, why did you do it?  Peer pressure  To act cool and show off  Revenge bullying  Jealousy  To distract me from personal issues Other 3. Where do you think bullying happens the most?  On social media  In school  In the community  By text  In Public Transport Other


 No 

4. Who would you go to for support/help if you were being bullied?  Friend  Parent/relative/guardian  Teacher  Counsellor/social Worker Other

5. What support initiatives in school do you think would be helpful for someone being bullied?  Buddy system  Peer Education where students deliver sessions to others  Guidance teacher drop in  Bully-Free Lunchtime clubs e.g. craft club  Befrienders /buddies/Friendship teams  Big Sister/Big Brother Scheme Bullying incident box

 Bullying counsellor available Other

Is there anything else you would like to tell us – ideas/issues/etc?

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