RESPECT ME Anti bullying week questionnaire November 2013 1. Have you ever been bullied?
If yes what type of bullying did you experience? Physical Cyber Mental/emotional Verbal Racism Homophobia Other 2. Have you ever bullied another person? If yes, why did you do it? Peer pressure To act cool and show off Revenge bullying Jealousy To distract me from personal issues Other 3. Where do you think bullying happens the most? On social media In school In the community By text In Public Transport Other
4. Who would you go to for support/help if you were being bullied? Friend Parent/relative/guardian Teacher Counsellor/social Worker Other
5. What support initiatives in school do you think would be helpful for someone being bullied? Buddy system Peer Education where students deliver sessions to others Guidance teacher drop in Bully-Free Lunchtime clubs e.g. craft club Befrienders /buddies/Friendship teams Big Sister/Big Brother Scheme Bullying incident box
Bullying counsellor available Other
Is there anything else you would like to tell us – ideas/issues/etc?