2 minute read
Nifah M is an openly bisexual, up-andcoming model. She was gracious enough to share her story about coming out and some of the difficulties she's faced coming out as a woman of colour.
She touches on the support out there for women of colour in the LGBTQ community and how specifically she has felt like she can be herself and felt a sense of family since going to UK Black Pride (@ ukblackpride/ https://www.ukblackpride. org.uk/ukbp-2019).
Approaching this project, I intended to spread awareness for the difficulties faced by individuals of ethnic minority backgrounds. I purposefully wanted to document this from a first person’s point of view using the words of Nifah herself. I also wanted to ensure the visual elements, the film and still imagery, were documented in an uplifting way with the make-up & styling with help from both Deborah and Kalisah respectively.
Neo Management, who also act as Nifah’s modelling agent, creatively produced this project. Their aim is to open up the conversation in diversity and they actively do this by who they choose to manage, which clients they choose to work with and also the creative projects they decide to involve themselves in.

photographer / videographer NATE CLARKE @natevisuals | model NIFAH M @nifahrm | make up artist DEBORAH AREMU @daretolookgood | stylist KALISAH VICTORIA @kalisahsarchive @ NEO MANAGEMENT @neomgmt | production NEO MANAGEMENT @neomgmt