3 minute read
I was inspired by the makeup and the lights from a movie party monster.
This story is about a group of girls from a small town. They watch movies and create their own imaginary world to escape reality. They put glitter on their faces and dance in front of the tv lights. We named that story the "glitter monsters".

Photographer Maya Tetter @Mayatter | Stylist Gala Borzova @Iamgalaborzova | Makeup Denis Kartashev @Deniskartashev | Makeup Assistance Luba Litoshko @Luba_litoshko | Hair Elisabeth Fogel @Hairdresserlf | Models Sveta Alaska @Sveta.alaska @Agentmgmt Sasha Sergeeva @Sashasergeeva_ @Genom.models @Elzableck @Agentmgmt