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Welcome from the Headmaster
We’ve been busy over the last three months and I hope you enjoy flicking through the Easter Term 2023 edition of The Ludgrovian.
A sense of purpose underpins everything and these pages give a flavour of the breadth of education that Ludgrove Life offers. Academically, we are as ambitious as ever and we also reach for the stars on the creative, dramatic, musical and sporting fronts. We celebrate the scholarships and exhibitions our boys have been awarded so far this year in music, design and technology, sport and academia and it is heart-warming to witness the pride that the boys take in the achievements of their peers.
We have had a concerted ‘push’ this term on the importance of listening and reading. Both are fundamental to a happy school and both need to be highly valued. Listening is not the same as hearing, as hearing refers to the sounds that you hear, whereas listening requires more than that: it requires focus. Likewise, reading requires concentration and time, and it was tremendous to witness boys who perhaps were somewhat ‘reluctant readers’ getting stuck into a book and loving it.
There have been many highlights of the term – the Speeches Competition, the Spring Concert, the IIIs’ performance of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, every rugby team in the Fours remaining unbeaten, as well as Sets Football and Mastermind… I could go on.
There is a happy atmosphere around the school which enables the boys to thrive – a big thank you to one and all who work to make Ludgrove such a special place and well done to the boys for all they have achieved.