‘Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might’ Ecclesiastes IX v.10

• Easter Term Highlights
• ‘Practically perfect’ Mary Poppins
• Book Week Comes to Life
• Charity Concert Brings Families Together
• Special Guests
• Wave goodbye, say hello
• OL News
Welcome from the Headmaster
As ever, we have been busy having fun and working hard - I hope you enjoy flicking through the Easter Term 2024 edition of The Ludgrovian.

A sense of purpose underpins everything and these pages give a flavour of the breadth of all that Ludgrove life offers. Academically we are as ambitious as ever and we also reach for the stars on the creative, dramatic, musical and sporting fronts. We celebrate the scholarships and exhibitions our boys have been awarded so far this year in academia, music, drama and sport and it is heart-warming to witness the pride that the boys take in the achievements of their peers.
In one assembly this the term, I spoke to the boys about happiness and success, based on an article I had read, asking them to consider four things: to think like a scientist (ask questions), to be like a sea-sponge (absorbing all that comes their way, retaining the good stuff and expelling the rubbish), to be a ‘giver’ rather than ‘taker’ (those who look out for others and contribute tend to be much happier in life) and finally to aim for excellence not perfection (take pride in doing
things well and not to be anxious about getting things wrong). We strive to ensure that every boy is happy and successful as we aim to nurture and grow their character, confidence and creativity.
There have been many highlights of the term – the Speeches Competition, the Townsend-Warner History prize, the Spring Concert and Choral Day, the Threes’ brilliant performances of Mary Poppins, the rugby and hockey seasons, winning the U13s Prep Schools’ Fives competition for the first time in 25 years as well as the Inter-Set General Knowledge Competition and the Mastermind final… I could go on.
There is a vibrant atmosphere around the School which enables the boys to thrive –a big thank you to one and all who work to make Ludgrove such a special community.
Simon Barber, Headmaster“We strive to ensure that every boy is happy and successful as we aim to nurture and grow their character, confidence and creativity.”
A selection of Easter Term highlights
The start of the year, the start of the Easter term and the start of more activities and achievements for the boys at Ludgrove. It was full steam ahead from the 10th January and what a lot the School packed into those 11 weeks of term. Here is just a selection of the highlights... and not enough room to do justice to them all!

Practically perfect ... in every way
After three performances, the IIIs’ final show of Mary Poppins was “practically perfect, in every way”… singing, dancing, magical characters and laughs and cheers along the way.
After many weeks of rehearsals with Mr French and Mrs Gore, the whole production came together on opening night with Mr Bellingham leading them through the

complex musical numbers, much to the enjoyment of an audience who couldn’t wait for an encore of ‘Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’!
Special mention and thanks must go to Ms Knowles who helped the characters come to life with wonderful costumes, wigs and hats for the last time before her retirement.

Read all about Book Week fun!

U13 National Fives Champs
Ludgrove was incredibly proud to announce that Alex and Bear were crowned Prep School U13s Fives Champions - the School’s first since 1999! After a day of tough competition, the boys claimed victory in the final v Summer Fields. Ludgrove also appeared in the Jeremy Marston Salver final, with Ameyaw and Tarka just missing out on the top spot.
Ludgrove’s Book Week (incorporating World Book Day) kicked off with a visit by one of our favourite authors, Rob Lloyd Jones, who explained his writing process and the fourpoint framework he uses to craft his exciting tales of adventure. A highlight for the IVs was when he read from his book “Me, my brother and the monster meltdown”, with much giggling to boot! As a special treat, he rounded off his visit by signing books for the boys.
And the fun didn’t stop there. In addition to all the fun of staff dressing up as book characters, there were two Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) sessions throughout the day, a Masked Reader activity where the boys had to guess which teacher was behind the mask, favourite book suggestions posted around the School and an on-going Readathon throughout the week (eventually won by Shell).
What a week for our

Green Team food waste initiative

The Green Team has launched an initiative to reduce food waste at Ludgrove. The boys took turns to weigh food surplus after lunch and supper each day for two weeks, with the goal of encouraging boys to put less on their plate and finish it before having more. In just two lunch sittings on the first day, the team weighed 7.7kg of waste - we look forward to learning how much the team can help to slim down food waste over the next term.
Concert showcases music scholars
The Charity Concert provided the perfect opportunity to showcase Ludgrove’s musical talent, especially our four Music Award recipients.

Frank (left) has received a Music Scholarship from Eton College.
George (right) has been awarded a Music Scholarship to Eton College.
Theo (left) has received a Music Scholarship from Winchester College.
Steven (right) has been awarded a Music Exhibition to Harrow School.

Supporting music in local schools
How fantastic to see the children at local school, Westende Juniors, enjoying their music lessons thanks to Ludgrove’s support of a cluster of Wokingham schools.

We have hired cornets plus tuition for one Year Group and a years’ worth of ukulele tuition for another. The School is also supporting Wescott Infants with their weekly choir group and one whole school singing session as part of a weekly assembly.

Charity Concert brings families together on Mother’s Day
Ludgrove’s Charity Concert on Mother’s Day was a musical treat of two halves.
The first half was a showcase of our senior musicians, then followed a rip-roaring rendition of Captain Noah and his Floating Zoo, all in aid of Child Bereavement UK.
A wonderful performance from the Senior String Group was followed by soloists George, Theo, Lambert, Frank and Steven, a group of boys that include two Eton Music Scholars (violin and bassoon), a Winchester Music Scholar (violin) and a Harrow Music Exhibition (piano) recipient in their number (please see story top left for more information on these awards).
The second part of the proceedings saw the Chapel Choir perform Captain Noah and his Floating Zoo, helped by the fine voices of honorary members from the parent and staff body!
The musical tale - with stellar star soloists Ewen, Ms Seymour and Mr Auty, Ludgrove’s singing teacher - had the audience tapping their toes and joining in with a sing-a-long finale.
It was a fantastic Charity Concert that brought the School together on Mother’s Day to raise over £1,600 for Child Bereavement UK.
If you would like to donate to this very worthy cause please go to www.child bereavementuk.org/donate/donate
Thank you.

“What beautiful performances, thank you to everyone who helped to make this happen, practised their pieces and supported the event. We are incredibly grateful to you all.”
Child Bereavement UK

ANDREW MILLER shared his experiences as a cricket journalist, his life travelling the world as a correspondent and how he coined the term ‘Bazball’. Answering a lively Q&A session at the end of the lecture, he gave an insight into the world of journalism.

SIMON MUIR, the High Sheriff of the Royal County of Berkshire and former Ludgrove parent, talked about his role and the two themes he is championing; young people and the law and ‘Hidden Heroes’. The boys were particularly fascinated to find out about his ceremonial sword!
David Gower OBE does ‘the honours’
It was an amazing surprise for the boys at Ludgrove when David Gower OBE, cricketing legend and former England Captain, came to speak to them about his career and the joy of sport.
After lots of questions from the audience, Mr Gower kindly ‘did the honours’ to present the
Cricket Tour squad with their kit and cap for the Easter Pre Season Cricket Training Camp at Desert Springs, Spain. He even stayed to enjoy a home-cooked Ludgrove lunch and chat some more with the boys.
What a fantastic occasion and one they will never forget!
Look who else came to see the boys during the term...

MARK RAMPRAKASH, former England cricketer and now Cricket Pro at Harrow, watched a nets session and spoke to the boys, who were then able to ask this sporting legend lots of questions. So exciting, especially for the School’s biggest cricket fan, Miss Bridge.

WILLIAM GOW, parent, spoke to the IIIs about his 920-mile expedition to Antarctica as one of the descendants of the celebrated explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton. What a fantastic tale of courage and endurance, made especially pertinent by the many Ludgrove connections.
Ludgrove enjoys Inter-School Relay success

Who cares about a bit of mud? Well certainly not the cross country runners at Ludgrove’s Inter-School Relay event as they sped around a very soggy course putting in some phenomenal individual and team performances.
Well done to the visiting competitors from Caldicott and Summer Fields and congratulations to the Ludgrove teams who clocked up 1st place in the U9s, 1st and 2nd in the U11s and 2nd and 3rd in the U13s.

On your marks... set... go! Inter-Set Cross Country
And they’re off… the boys were cheered every step of the way in Ludgrove’s Inter-Set Cross Country Junior and Senior races on Saturday 27th January. Running in fantastic conditions on a course around the School’s 130 acres, the boys were cheered on by their peers and a record number of spectators.
First across the line for the Juniors (VIs, IVs and IIIs) was Arlo followed by Oliver and George. In the second race, the Seniors (IIs and Top Year) Ludo took top spot followed by Arthur and then George.
The outstanding performance of the day came from Arlo (left) who set a new School record of 9 minutes 3 seconds for the Juniors. However, whether first or last over the line, everyone who completed the course was a winner!

Read all about the School!

Further Top Year boys’ awards success
Ludgrove is proud to announce the success of two further Top Year (Year 8) boys who have received awards from their future senior schools. This brings the total to a whopping 10 awards so far this academic year.

Congratulations to Bear who has received a Drama Scholarship from Marlborough College. Bear has been a leading thespian throughout his five years at the School so it’s no surprise that his talents on the stage have been recognised.
Nico has been awarded an Academic Exhibition by Radley College. Well done to this Top Year boy who has always been at the core of Ludgrove life, most recently as a Prefect and member of the U13A rugby team.
Ludgrove has been featured in the pages of several publications this term including The Guide to Independent Schools, School House and London Life series of magazines.

April Fools!
We’re sorry to say that, although promised on social media, there won’t be Ludgrove-sourced fresh water in the Dining Hall and at Match Teas. The eagle-eyed realised that the news we had discovered a natural spring in the grounds came on 1st April. Well done to all those who saw through the April Fools prank!
History in the making
Bear made history for Ludgrove when he came 12th in the Townsend-Warner History prize, a national competition that attracts over 1,200 entries each year. The competition is one of the oldest institutions in the prep school world, with only 250 making it to the second round.

A sad farewell to two Ludgrove Legends
The end of the Easter term saw the School say a sad farewell to two Ludgrove Legends.
Having prepared over 1.5 million meals during her 16 years at Ludgrove, Ms Crowther (top right) hung up her pinny and the whole Dining Room wished her a happy retirement.
The woman behind the sewing machine... for over 20 years
Ms Knowles (bottom right) has sorted the boys’ sports kit, acted as costume designer for plays, repaired uniforms and even provided a Toys’ Hospital for the boys’ cuddlies.
Happy retirement ladies!

Ludgrove landmark gets a makeover

Welcome to 2024’s team of Gappers!
The start of the Easter term heralded the arrival of this year’s crack new squad of Gappers - Messrs. Barnes, Gowthorp and Allfrey and Misses Carrington and Kramer.
The gang has quickly settled in and thrown themselves into Ludgrove life looking after the boys in the Dorms, supporting reading in the VIs classrooms and taking an active role on the rugby and hockey pitches.
A much-loved Ludgrove landmark, the Clock Tower, has had a Spring clean over the Easter break. The wooden tower and the clock face have both benefited from a wash and brush up. Every week the Maintenance team checks the clock’s mechanism and winds it to ensure everything is ticking over. And with it’s recent makeover, the 101 year old School clock is looking as good as new.
Celebrating 30 years at the helm

There aren’t many people who can claim to have looked after both a current Ludgrovian and his OL father but Miss Bridge can do just that!
With 30 years’ service as a Matron at Ludgrove under her belt, Miss Bridge has helped almost 1,000 boys settle into boarding life when they join in
the VIs. And on the first day of term it’s always lovely to see a new boy accompanied by one of Miss Bridge’s ‘old boys’, a father who many years ago had started at Ludgrove in one of her dorms.
Thank you Miss Bridge for your incredible years of service - our boys are lucky to have you as their guiding hand.

Following Ms Knowles retirement (see top left), Ludgrove welcomed Ms Childs to the Dorms’ team upstairs as the School’s new Seamstress.
In addition to keeping uniforms and costumes in tip top condition, Ms Childs has taken over the A&E Department of the Toys’ Hospital. Welcome aboard!

Once a Ludgrovian, always a Ludgrovian
“Once a Ludgrovian, always a Ludgrovian”... no matter where they live in the world! Making sure that mantra holds fast for ‘new’ old boys, Mr and Mrs Barber joined OL Jack (left) at the recent JCR black tie dinner at Bradfield College. Jack, Leaving
Charlie Marshall Trophy

The Home team retained the Charlie Marshall Trophy following a hotly contested Staff v Fathers’ football match. Special mention to Mr Boyd for scoring two goals.
Class of 2019 and now in the Upper 6th and Head of House at Bradfield, is a sterling example of an Old Ludgrovian and what our boys can achieve.
Mr and Mrs Barber were delighted to spend time catching up with the Heras-Garcia brothers (below) and other OLs when they hosted an evening for families old and new in Madrid.

Save the date!

An important date for your diary - please make a note of Thursday 23rd May for the annual Parents’ Drinks Party at The Bluebird, Chelsea. Invitations to follow in the Summer term.
OLs in Harrow’s U18 Winning team

Update details
We love keeping in touch with Old Ludgrovians through the pages of this newsletter to keep them abreast of developments at their prep school and notice of events throughout the year. This is only possible, however, if address and email details are up-to-date. If you have moved in recent years or have changed email address, please email development@ludgroveschool.co.uk.
Congratulations to Old Ludgrovians John Edwards and Charlie Hope who were part of the U18s Harrow rugby team who won the Continental Tyres Schools Cup at Twickenham!
Welcome back!

We were delighted to welcome back four ‘Old Ludgrovians’ to Sunday Chapel. Guy and Emma Barker (pictured left) taught at Ludgrove and Henrietta and Philip Hoyland met when working as a Matron and teacher at the School. Both couples thoroughly enjoyed a trip down memory lane remembering the important part Ludgrove has played in their lives.