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Open Competitions
Burton On Trent Golf Club runs a number of Open events each year, where golfers are warmly invited to enter and come along and play in the appropriate competition.
From beginner to scratch golfer and whether you’re female or male, there’s an event to give you a chance to take part.
Our Open events are normally very popular, with early entry submission advisable. Places will normally be allocated on a first-come first-served basis in the event that any Open event becomes oversubscribed.
The Handicap Committee organise a variety of Open competitions throughout the year; Ladies, Gentlemen’s and Mixed Team competitions in various formats, for example, Am Am, 4BBB and Greensome’ s competitions. Competitions also run throughout the year, with weekly midweek and weekend competitions taking place during the season as well as monthly medals and cups played for at weekends.
There is also annual knockout trophies along with winter competitions which are held on Sunday mornings with drawn teams, which proves very popular.
Details of all the open competitions can be found on the club website at www.botgc.co.uk or call 01283 544 551 Option 1
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