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Members’ Bar & Riverside Bar
The Members’ Bar, run by Sean our Bar and Events Manager, is open at weekends and various times throughout the week for members dropping in on the club during the evenings.
You will find the bar open at the weekend both at lunch times and into the evening subject to the season. The wellstocked Members’ bar provides a warm and cosy welcome for members, their guests and visiting yachtsmen to enjoy some convivial company and perhaps lunch or dinner. Check the club website and weekly newsletter for opening times.
The Riverside Bar offers the facility for those who wish to hold a special event at the club to have their own private staffed bar in the lovely surroundings of the riverside room which can be laid out with a dance floor and can provide seating for diners in various configurations. Both club bars have doors opening out onto the club patios for fine days and whatever the weather, they offer a fine view of the river.
The two bars can be run together or separately to suit the needs of the occasion allowing members to always have access to the club facilities, at the same time as providing privacy for guests attending functions.
Photo by Mike Jones, Waterline Media

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