the green way
urban and environment design studio Prof. Fabiano Lemes de Oliveira | Emanuela Torrigiani
group 10 | aa 2020/2021 | second semester
urban and environment design studio Prof. Fabiano Lemes de Oliveira | Emanuela Torrigiani
group 10 | aa 2020/2021 | second semester
the metropolitan scale PTCP the city scale accordo scali the city scale Milan strategy 2020
•Key points: Enhance of the “qualified density” of the polycentric system poles made of: a central city and 10 attractive poles;
Qualification and extension of the infrastructural nets, reinforcement of transverse connections;
Qualification of the environment and the urban landscape; Enhancement and requalification of the green net.
•Main goals: Landscape and enviromental compatibility of the transfor mations
Increase of the social housing property development
Upgrading of the ecological network
The actual landscape system has changed a lot in the last few years. The urban sprawl and the development of the industrial sector modified the rural and periurban landscape, wasting the old urban poles and all the landmarks. The main purpose of the plan is to adopt strategies to ensure the sustainability in the transformations during the long period. The goals can be reached through the landscape protection and enhancement.
The PTCP wants to restore the ecosystem functions that has been compromised by the artificialization of the territory. To realize an ecological interconnected system the plan has designed the Rete Ecologica Provinciale (REP). The net is composed of a large and compact natural area, which are related to each other through green corridors with good vegetation equip-
The strategic approach of the PTCP give importance to the polycentric structure. The main purpose of the plan is to connect, in an efficient way, the most important urban settlements in the provincial areas with a dense infrastructural network. Moreover, the urban poles will be connected through a continues tissue of green spaces.
The actual road network is radio centric towards Milan where transversal interconnections take place due to the Milan ring road. In order to decrease the traffic congestion in the Milan pole, the plan provide an improvement of the transversal connections in the more suburban areas.
The connective function of some itineraries has been compromised by the uncontrolled edifications along them.
The strategy of the PTCP Plan consists of some main goals that converge to the concept of making a metropolitan network system. The actual radial shape territorial organization, in the Milan metropolitan area, has begun unsustainable in terms of ecology, logistics and enhancement of the territory. The new idea is oriented in creating a polycentric system based on the most important and effective city plans that characterize the nowadays smart cities.
The infrastructural set-up, the PTCP wants to promote a hierarchical system of railway transportation with mixed metropolitan lines that could serve the external urban area in order to reduce the traffic congestion the central areas of the city. Moreover, the plan wants to overlap a complex green net tissue.
A polycentric system can be actualized through the achievement of some main goals in order to reduce the “sprawl effect”.
The urban sprawl brought to some negative effects like difficult accessibility to services, settlements dispersion and the increase of the traffic. The erosion of green natural spaces and agricultural landscape, due to the urban sprawl, have a big impact on the residual green areas and their ecological regeneration capacity.
the city scale accordo scali
The regeneration of the railway yards is a fundamental opportunity to develop the belt line project which from Stephenson leads to San Cristoforo, with connections organized and managed on the urban scale, characterized by the increase in frequencies, by the creation of necessary interchange stations, connections with the poles of interest and between the functions of strategic interest; in a logic of overcoming the radial structure towards a network system.
Build new stations and adapt those existing on the railway belt (infrastructural interventions, on docks and access systems)
This point of view, can play a double role, becoming a platform for experimentation and innovation and building enbling condition for society intelligence and social innovation.
Even a urban strategy, able to mix competitiveness and coesion, in a frame of development of works and social integration, new kind of housing for lower classes and metropolitan attracting functions.
Railways yards can not become exclusive place to live, only for the rich part of the population, green neighborhoods only for few, separeted from the city. They have to be places lived by different population, spaces where the city is betting on youngs people and compensation of peripheries areas.
Considerably increase the budget total of the greenery available to the city. Why the increase may affect ecosystem services * it is important that the system of green areas is organized as a network, to form a single and continuous system of interconnected green spaces, up to reaching the external agricultural areas and territorial systems.
Through the choice of design solutions which foresee an increase in degree of naturalness, based on specific naturalistic techniques, green can become a strategic element in mitigation and compensation of the resulting effects from atmospheric changes, contributing to the management of phenomena of heat islands and the management of runoff urban water.
The railways yards aim to become experimental laboratories for innovation through sustainable urban design, capable of integrating urban planning themesnvironmental and mobility with economic, social and of process. Give continuity to cycle networks e existing and planned pedestrian walkways Increase and integrate the different ones sharing mode Install monitoring devices e control of mobility and parking flows.
Encourage electric mobility Discourage the use of the car maximizing the presence of zones pedestrian and limited traffic.
Designing urban spaces with strategic solutions.
Rethink the adjustment of railway regional service thanks to the agreement about railway yards at metropolitan dimesion, working on crossing nodes, increasing lines and suburban services, and facilitating the accesability for commutersand city users.
The regeneration of those areas allowed to support local mobility, promoting an efficient policy of mending between different parts of the city even through the permeability and interconnection between railways system and urban public transport the creation of a connection system that include also a cycle network system.
the city scale Milan strategy 2020
Participation of everyone;
Measures for the most vulnerable, mapping and including the underprivileged in the service system (15-min-away-city, medical services, internet access)
Rethinking the timelines, schedules of the city in order to better distribute the demand for mobility (trying to avoid overlaps and crowds, introducing crowd management apps and heat-mapping tools);
Adapting infrastructures, urban spaces and public services to the new distancing measures.
Limiting the usage of public transport reducing crowds, solutions that allow for safety distancing;
Promoting use of bicycles,motorcycles and scooters, extending the cycle network and promoting shared mobility solutions;
Promoting walking to lighten the burden on local public transport and promote active mobility.
Driving economic recovery with the aim of environmental transition: (equality,decarbonization, re-naturalization; promoting energy, climate and emergency response actions);
Improving air quality;
Developing sustainable and individual mobility: (shared bicycles and electric scooters)
•Project “Strade Aperte” and extended cycle network
Creating a network of pedestrian and cycle paths using signage only, with reduced costs and construction times, starting from some of the main routes, such as;
San Babila - B.Aires - V.le MonzaSesto Marelli.
•Public Space and Wellbeing
Open and accessible schools.
Gradually and safely reopening the city’s spaces to children and young adults.
Adapting the sidewalks to physical distancing requirements and identifying “protected” routes for the safety of vulnerable individuals;
Expanding public spaces to supplement the parks, creating temporary pedestrian areas in neighborhoods lacking green areas;
Managing and monitoring access flows to parks, allowing their use for exercise, cultural initiatives and encouraging apartment buildings to allow children to play in common spaces;
Open squares in every neighborhood
orchards- Cino Zucchi
Spaces of the rail yards will be able to establish new links between the extended metropolis and the actual urban scale of the sites where they are located. They reconnect parts of the city that today are separated, hosting new services and new open space with high environmental qualities.
The new parts of the city must be able to support long-lasting transformations, and eventual changes related to the local communities desires and unpredictable needs.
Scalo Farini - great park with sinuous paths and pedestrian runways
Porta Romana - great sloping lawn, open towards Prada Foundation and a market-square
Scalo Lambrate - a great green «crescent».
The proposal is to connect the city with its population, nature, and history.”
Each of the seven railway districts is given its own character such as cultural programming and design.
The proposal seeks to address some of the main upcoming concepts in Milan, like urban agriculture, participatory and circular economy, soft mobility, and sustainability.
Scalo Farini - Water Hub, Railway Museum, Concert Space, Residential Buildings
Scalo Porta Genova - Creativity Hub, design, fashion, market
Scalo San Cristoforo - Agriculture Hub, Scalo Greco-Breda - Light Hub, pedestrian pathways, green platforms, and playgrounds
a green river for Milan- Boeri architects
SThe Green River aims to transform 90% of the yards into an interconnected system of parks, woods, oases, orchards and gardens for public use linked by green corridors and cycle paths built on the former railway tracks.
Parks, hills, open spaces and meadows will make up the landscape of a continuous green system designed to take the place of the abandoned yards.
The projects was developed as a unique opportunity to rethink Milan as a whole, combining urban development with the presence of continuous green systems accessible to everyone, capable of improving air quality and growth of urban biodiversity.
San Cristoforo
Seven disused railway yards, for a total surface area of 1,000,000 sqm, located just around the city center of Milan, have been transformed from railways destinations to urban destinations: residential districts, retail spaces, office spaces, housing, green areas.
The seven yards are different for dimensions (from 400,000 sqm of Farini to 20,000 sqm of Rogoredo), but they all distinguish for train and subway accessibility. In fact their accessibility is easy for the proximity of railway stations and subways station. They also can contribute to the connection of parts of the city that have been separated by the railway. These seven underused railway yards are a part of a strategic regeneration plan, regulated by an Agreement among the City of Milan, Regione Lombardia and Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane – the National Railway Company, owner of the property areas. This concerns the reallocation of economic revenues from the development operation to improve the railway service in the Milan hub and the creation of a “Circle-Line”.
unused areas main roads railway network blue areas
Lombardy boundary subway roads intersections highways secondary roads parks and gardens parco sud
unused areas main roads railway network blue areas Lombardy boundary subway roads intersections highways secondary roads parks and gardens parco sud
railway track meadows parks and gardens parco agricolo Sud parco Nord orchards protected areas
Despite the dense tessute of the urban settlemet, it is possible to find many different green areas all around the city of Milan, them touch the railway track.
The public green spaces and the parks are not well connected, but punctual and some parts are degraded.
Create green infrastructures and new ecological corridors that can be introduced inside the city and connect all the green spaces around it.
The railway can represent a barrier between the countryside and the historical centre for the developing of the green system.
ditches blu areas rivers drains irrigation channels
SAll along the urban perimeter of the city there are many points in which the blu system is interconnected with the green system, supported also with the railway.
WThe blu system is not well connected and doesn’t reach the centre of the city. It’s mainly placed aoutside the track where we can finda some permanences of the agricoltural landscape.
The system follow in some spots the railway track, and in other cases the two ways they overlap creating a different relationship.
There are some parts in which the canals cross the railway track.
railway track parks and gardens forests parco agricolo Sud protected areas land with high value
S WAgriculture is one of the most important resources in Milan which they have managed to protect the heritage of the land.The parks and agricultural areas scattered around the city creates urban voids where people can get away from the dense city.
Due to the increasing population, the city is always expanding out of the core of Milan so this sometimes results in a loss of green spaces.
OThere can be some connections linked with the agricultural areas which would link the green infrastructure to itself and create some activities such as education for people to discover the local history, nature and products.
TThe climate change and the air pollution are big threats for the plant productivity.
highway tram line roads metro stop
railway track metro line
SThe transportation in Milan such as metro, buses and trams are mainly efficient for people who dont use cars.
Trams are one of the easiest and fastest ways to get around the city.
The vehicles produce air and noise pollution.
Congestion and traffic jam problems appear in the center of the city because of the car usage. The connections of railway, metro and tram paths can also be supported by green infrastructure. With this we can also create buffer zones from air and noise pollutions.
The air and noise pollution threats the well being of people.
Air pollution creates climate alteration.
railway track industrial brownfield commercial retail residential abandoned
SThe residential areas, which is mainly located in the centre is well connected with the surrounding industrial areas.
The city has a polycentric structure
The railway connects the centre with the country sites.
The historical centre is very dense In the centre there is no green and blue system integration. There are not transversal connections between the industrial poles around the city.
Create connections between the residential and industrial poles Distribute in a better way the main poles destinations.
Because of the urban sprawl it can be difficult to regulate the distribution of the settlements.
SPedestrian paths are interconnected in most parts of the city, supported by crosswalks. There are many bike stops around the city. Bike lanes are interrupted around the city, especially near railways. Some pedestrian ways, especially outer parts of the city(near railway stations) feel unsafe.
Improving cycling paths. This new network would allow users to reach a place more safe and secure way which is supported by resting areas along the way. Improve the existing pedestrian way with a new green infrastructure. Due to the safety issues around the stations people may not want to spend time around these places.
low level of pollution
high level of pollution medium level of pollution
are the
blu areas canals ditches blu areas rivers drains irrigation channels
blu areas canals ditches blu areas rivers drains irrigation channels
blu areas canals ditches blu areas rivers drains irrigation channels 1:70000
There are a lot of brownfields, industrial areas and abandoned areas along the railway line. These scattered areas can be re-used and can be connected with the green areas. They are mainly focused near San Cristoforo, Porta Romana, Forlanini and Certosa. Also, we can see the overlapping between the blue structure, the industrial areas and brownfields can be important for the strategy because these places have more potential for regeneration.
meadows parks and gardens parco agricolo Sud parco Nord orchards protected areas
blu areas canals ditches blu areas rivers drains irrigation channels
industrial brownfield commercial retail residential abandoned
blu areas canals ditches blu areas rivers drains irrigation channels
blu areas canals ditches blu areas rivers drains irrigation channels industrial brownfield commercial retail residential abandoned
Since the brownfields, industrial sites and green structure is in a conjunction in San Cristoforo, we can try to regenerate these areas and try to connect with the other scattered greenery, maybe even with Parco Sud. These areas are also existing in Forlanini, Porta Romana and Certosa. Similar kind of strategy can be also followed in these areas.
meadows parks and gardens parco agricolo Sud parco Nord orchards protected areas
industrial brownfield commercial retail residential abandoned
industrial brownfield commercial retail residential abandoned highway tram line roads metro stop bike line bike stop bus stop
The metro line and railway are interfering with each other on 6 points. There are 4 points on the north side and the other two points are near the San Cristoforo and Porta Romana which enhances the accessibility to these areas. Also, the tram lines are very consistent within the city which also helps the accessibility to these areas as well. The metro lines which are leading to Parco Nord, Botanic Garden are especially important in sense of reaching the green areas so in the future there can be a possibility to connect these green areas as well.
parco agricolo Sud parco Nord orchards protected areas
blu areas canals ditches blu areas rivers drains irrigation channels
blu areas canals ditches blu areas rivers drains irrigation channels
blu areas canals ditches blu areas rivers drains irrigation channels highway tram line roads metro stop bike line bike stop bus stop
parks and gardens parco agricolo Sud parco Nord orchards protected areas
blu areas canals ditches blu areas rivers drains irrigation channels
industrial brownfield commercial retail residential abandoned
blu areas canals ditches blu areas rivers drains irrigation channels
blu areas canals ditches blu areas rivers drains irrigation channels industrial brownfield commercial retail residential abandoned
highway tram line roads metro stop bike line bike stop bus stop
tram line intersection
which actions could help us to adress these challenges?