25 minute read
Why You Should Start A Young Living Business
Making Money With Young Living
What You Need To Do
Simple Steps To Get Started
Mobile Apps & Biz Tools
FB Groups & Books We Love
Your Why
Sharing The Opportunity
Income Producing Activities
The Importance Of Essential Rewards
Terminology / Ranks / Etc
Where To Find Your Dream Team
03 05 07 09 13 15 17 18 19 21 23 25
The focus of Young Living is sharing WELLNESS, PURPOSE & ABUNDANCE.

Young Living is a network marketing company, and we get to redefine and reshape the perception of what an MLM is and what it means to be a professional Network Marketer. We truly believe network marketing is the way of the future. It is a better and smarter way to work!
How would you describe your dream job?! Would it allow you to: -Grow as a person -Invest little money to start -Build residual income -Will your business to the next generation -Work with people YOU choose to work with -Operate your own hours -Work wherever you feel like -Have no cap to the income you could earn -Generate incredible financial freedom ...all while helping other people to live healthier and more abundant lives?!
If you said “YES!” to one or more of these descriptions then you’re in the right place!!

More and more people are looking for a business opportunity that ticks all of these seemingly unattainable boxes, which is why more people are turning to entrepreneurship and network marketing. Young Living is a network marketing company whose compensation plan is second to none. They are a global company that is expanding their reach and their product line all the time. Every single man, woman, child and furry friend can and will benefit from Young Living. With Young Living we focus on sharing wellness, purpose and abundance with people which makes this business a lifestyle and it truly is a better way to work!
- Confucius
Star $75
Senior Star
Crown Diamond
Royal Crown Diamond Royal Crown Diamond $235
*visit youngliving.com/ids for the full income disclosure statement
If you are wondering if this whole “sharing about oils” thing can really turn into a serious paycheque, have a look at the Young Living Income Disclosure Statement.
For us, this isn’t only a chart… it is also the names and faces of women and men who have dug in with GRIT and DETERMINATION and now have retired, built dream homes, funded adoptions, given freely to those in need, payed for their children to take those music lessons or join gymnastics camp. The stories are ENDLESS!
An average SILVER makes $2,088 USD a month which equals over $25,000 USD a year. What if you added $25,000 USD a year to your household income? What changes could that make in your life? What would you do with this additional income? Allow yourself to dream a little! The average GOLD makes $5,666 USD a month. That is over $67,000 USD a year. How would this impact your family? The average PLATINUM makes $13,872 USD a month. That is over $166,000 USD a year. How would that change your life? Your families life? And even the generations to come? The average DIAMOND makes $35,348 USD a month. That equals over $424,000 USD a year.
That number is especially hard to comprehend, and it is not even the highest rank in the company! What could you accomplish for the good of our world with that kind of income?
“Money in the hands of good people does GOOD things” - Mary Young

You guys ready for this?? There is ONE thing required of you financially if you want to pursue this business. ONE. And this never changes. Whether you are making $200 or over $50,000 per month with Young Living.
H E R E I T I S : Spend 100 PV on ER each month. -There is no investing in thousands of dollars worth of products stocked up in your garage - There is no selling products out of your house or lugging them to classes - There is no shipping products to ‘customers’
This is different for every single person. If you can invest more hours you will see quicker growth, just like anything! Many women on our team are mama's and also have full time jobs. It’s about creating the time in your schedule to invest in your future by putting time into your business. For a lot of us that means working in the 'fringe' hours. Five minutes here and there, getting up early before the family, staying up late after they go to bed.Prioritizing classes and coffee dates and income producing activities. As your rank changes, your hours will change, but YOU get to decide what your work load looks like.

This is a simplified breakdown for starting out. Essentially you make $50 USD every time you enroll someone with a Starter Kit. You also make 25% of whatever they order for the first three months after they enroll. You will earn unilevel commissions on your whole team and eventually generational bonuses which is where things get really exciting!

So let’s get things going! We have covered the why, how, what it takes and what kind of income is possible. So now that you are ready to jump in with both feet, how do you actually start?
“The most effective way to do it, is to do it.” - Amelia Earhart
Step 1: Use your oils! You have that beautiful Premium Starter Kit, so break it open and start using it! Honestly, that is all it takes to get started. Use the oils, try different recipes and SHARE about it. Find out what you love and tell everyone about it. Use and then share genuinely. If you have a favourite sweater that you get from your favourite store, what would you do? You would tell your friends about this awesome store and this amazing sweater! It’s the same thing with these oils and products. Share about how these oils and products have made a positive impact on your household and for yourself. Try new oils and products and continue to share about them as you go. Young Living’s oils and products are so amazing that it will be hard not to tell everyone about them - so do just that! Stay consistent, be passionate and be yourself and people will take notice.
“Take massive, imperfect action towards your goals. The time will never be just right.” Think about those fellow mamas, your neighbour, your best friend, that just want to sleep better. Think about people you know with skin troubles that just want to have clear, radiant skin. Think about all of the people in your life that you love dearly and how they need to switch and ditch those toxic products in their house and start using #allthethieves. We don’t want people using those harmful products on the daily! Think about all of the people that could really use these oils and products to help support their health and wellness. Be proud to be the person that can teach and support them. Share your knowledge. People will thank you. And don’t forget to also share about this amazing business opportunity! This business is a huge blessing and we know it could bless MANY others. Take a second and think about all of the people you know that could benefit tremendously from having their own Young Living business. We bet it is a long list! So don’t be afraid to present this incredible opportunity! Sharing about health and wellness and helping others feels like a dream job, and everyone can always use extra income. So spread your passion and let people know! It is their choice in the end, but at least you gave them the information and the choice. Even if they say “no,” we know that a lot of the time it might just mean “not right now.” We have seen many people say no at first, but as they watch you share your Young Living journey a lot of them will eventually decide to join you. It will be one of the best decisions they have ever made.

There are so many ways to share! Opportunities are EVERYWHERE and it is not complicated at all. Lets chat about a few of the ways we can share about Young Living. Find a few that work for you and get to it! Learn as you go, try new things and we promise that you will get more comfortable and confident as you go.
Classes: Many of us Spruced Oilers LOVE teaching classes. Connecting with people in person is our jam. Gather a group of friends and family at your home, a friends place, a coffee shop or even rent a public space (so many options!). Share from your heart or read off a script. We have so many amazing resources to help you host a successful class.
Coffee with a friend: Make plans to meet up with a friend at a coffee shop, a restaurant, or go for a walk. Share about the Premium Starter Kit and why you love it and why they will love it too! Share about some of your favourite things about Young Living and just chat and hang out like you normally would. Plus you get to spend time with a friend and that is always fun!
Social media: Social media is an INCREDIBLE business tool. No more being restricted to building a business just in your local area. No more traveling miles and miles to meet and talk to new people (although we do love to travel to hang out with our non-local team members!). Now you can sit in front of your computer or on your phone and teach and share with people all over the world. Young Living has open markets in SO many countries and they are continuing to open more every year! It is so much fun to run an international business. You meet so many new friends and learn so many new things about different places and their cultures. We love it!
While social media can be an amazing way to grow our businesses, we want to be mindful that we are in this business to share and NOT sell. Avoid using sales terminology and coming across as pushy or money hungry. We care about peoples wellness and that always comes first, not the paycheque.

Vendor events: Vendor events can be a very successful way to grow your business. It allows us to meet new people and expand our social circles. Many of the people you meet will have never heard of Young Living so it is a great opportunity to share with them. We have many tips and tricks for vendor events located in our Spruced Oilers facebook groups. It’s such a great way to make new contacts and plant some seeds!

You don’t need much to start your Young Living business! Just your Premium Starter Kit and a love for the amazing oils. Once you have started sharing and your business begins to grow, here are some business and social media tools and resources that we use and love to assist you in building your social media platform. MOBILE APPS & BIZ TOOLS
Reference Guide for Essential Oils This is your travelling reference guide that will tell you all you need to know about your oils on the go! You can search by single oils, ailments, all of the oils in YL blends and all of their uses. It tells you historical uses and frequencies. It is the most incredible app and a must-have, especially if you are sharing and educating about your oils! This app is $10, a write off and a worthy tool for your business. Pull this out at every class when people ask you questions about oils you are unfamiliar with.
Oily Tools Oily Tools is the best virtual assistant you will ever have! We love this app and use it daily in our businesses. It tracks your commission amount, your team members, your biz stats (# you’ve enrolled, growth, projections, etc) and gives you alerts when your team members rank up or sell a kit! Your Silver upline can gift you this app to try for a month for free!!
PicTapGo or VSCO Our favourites for editing images! As you go to share about your oils, remember that posts with photos are a thousand times more interesting (it’s science!) Brighten up every photo before you post and watch your photos gain more traction!
Word Swag or Over We LOVE these graphic design apps! If you don’t have them yet, download one immediately. This can be used to make the quickest graphics like a pro. You can use the pre-loaded images or photos of your own, type in what you want it to say, and play around with all the options to make it look however you please! AMAZING.
Dropbox or Google Drive Use these as a way to easily access photos, files, etc. on our computer, laptop and phone. Both of these drives live "in the cloud" so you just throw something in your folder from whatever device you're on, and BAM it's there whenever you need it with quick access through an app! It's also an easy way to send files to friends.

One thing that many of us didn’t expect when we started our Young Living businesses was the attention to our own personal growth. In this business you start to look at things you never considered before, learn things about yourself and grow in new ways you never expected. Here are some of our favourite personal development resources that have helped teach us and shape us into the business minded people we are today: BOOKS
Mindset and Growth: The Energy Bus - Jon Gordon Developing the Leader Within You - John C. Maxwell Girl, Wash Your Face - Rachel Hollis
Network Marketing and Action Steps: 4 Year Career - Richard Bliss Brook Go Pro - Eric Worre Getting Noticed - Linsday Teague Moreno Gameplan - Sarah Harnisch
Podcasts: “Boss Up” - Lindsay Teague Moreno “Network Marketing Heroes” - Richard Bliss Brook “Rise Up” - Rachel Hollis

Spruced Oilers - Our main team page! - A place full of essential oil and product education - We share the promotions and updates from Young Living - Education on the science of essential oils - The awesomeness of Essential Rewards - We talk about 90% products/updates and 10% business! - We share our commissions in this page so people can see the income potential! - We add new members to Spruced Oilers and welcome them in the pinned post
Spruced Oilers Biz Lounge - Specifically biz-focused group - A place to dig in hard with training - Encouragement to help anyone interested in learning about this biz - A place to ask business questions and brainstorm - We use this group to celebrate rank advancements and exciting achievements within our team
Awesome Oil Talk! - A collaborative essentail oil discussion page - Use the search bar to find answers related to using your oils
Lemons & Joy - A collaborative recipe sharing page - Please add your DIY’s and tried and true recipes to this page as you share on your social media - Add your members to Lemons & Joy to help them dig into their kits
There are also groups related to all other categories. Babies, pets, kids, horses, cleaning, science, cooking. If you need help getting into any of these pages, please message your enroller and they’ll add you in!

By now you may of heard people talking about their “why.” What does this mean? Allow us to clarify!
A “why” is that deep internal motivation that drives us to continually press forward. It moves us emotionally and keeps us motivated during the down times. It may change over time but it will always be there to fall back on when times get tough. Maybe you want to quit your full time job so that you can spend more time with your kids. Maybe you want to retire your husband so you can spend more time together as a family. Maybe you want to donate to charities that are close to you heart. Maybe you want to travel the world. Maybe you want to help your family members pay off their debt. Maybe you want to get your oils paid for and enjoy having these oils and plant based products in your home for your family to use.
Whatever your WHY is, we want that for you too! Dream big friends! Write down your why constantly. Focus on it when things seem hard. It will be the thing that drives you in this business. And it will feel SO DARN GOOD when you achieve it!
“Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen.” - Wayne Huizenga
SHARING THE OPPORTUNITY When you fall in love with Young Living and all of their amazing oils and products, it’s easy and natural to share about it with others because you want them to experience the goodness as well. The same goes for the business opportunity! If you are loving running your own YL business, why not share about it?! If you are running towards financial freedom and fun adventures, you are going to want to bring your friends and family along with you! The idea of sharing about the business may seem daunting or maybe unnatural to you and that is ok. It can take time, especially when sharing about something that is new or different than the things you typically share about. But the more that you do it, the more natural and easy it will become. Share your love and your passion and erase the awkwardness! Trust us, there are people out there that want to know about this! That need to know about this! The most rewarding part of this business is seeing people that you have helped get started reach their goals. To see the lives being changed, the dreams becoming realities....it is so worth it to step out of your comfort zone and present this amazing opportunity to everyone that you meet! You might choose to share online through your social media platforms and by hosting online classes or you may feel more comfortable sharing in person via coffee dates or in-person classes (or maybe you want to do a bit of both). It doesn’t matter so much how you choose to share - what matters the most is that when you do, you do it enthusiastically, consistently and with passion.

Income Producing Activities are the foundation of your Young Living business. This is where your growth will come from. You should strive to complete at least three IPA’s each day. Here are some examples of IPA’s:
· Share a kit · Enroll a member on Essential Rewards · Host an in-person or online class (Essential Oils 101, make and take, Essential Oils 102, business class, sip and sniff, cleaning class, baby and kids class, back to school class, summer essentials, so many options!) · Share about the Premium Starter Kit on social media · Share a DIY recipe on social media · Share about the business on social media · Share about why you love YL on social media · Use your oils in public · Send out samples · Follow up with anyone who has attended your classes or has asked you questions/ show interest in the oils, products or business

· Plan some oily coffee dates with potential members who have shown interest or with current members who just got their starter kit · Do a live video unboxing the kit or your ER order · Participate in the Spruced Oilers group pages · Send personal messages to your current members and make sure they are aware of the monthly promotions, any upcoming classes you are hosting, and that they are educated on Essential Rewards · Host or attend team events, classes and Young Living rallies and conventions · Send out Happy Mail to your members · Share a personal testimony on your social media · Expand your network by connecting with new friends on your social media platforms · Create a “weekend loaner” kit and let people borrow and try it out for the weekend · Have a zoom call with your business builders · Run reports and connect with members who are about to go inactive, who are close to a new rank, or who have unprocessed ER orders due to an error · Share about the monthly promotions on your social media and with your team · Have a coffee date with a friend who has shown interest in the business side of YL · Share about how easy it is to switch and ditch toxic products out of your home and switch them over to all natural YL products

Let’s talk Essential Rewards and how it is the key to success in this business!
Essential Rewards (ER) is Young Living’s monthly subscription program. It is awesome for many reasons, including: - You get reduced shipping rates - You can change your order each month - You can change your order date each month - You can cancel anytime (but why would you?!) - You get points back to use for free product! The longer you are on the program the higher percentage you get back. You can get up to 25% back which is incredible! - You get loyalty gifts at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months - You qualify for extra monthly promotions from Young Living - It’s the best way to switch and ditch. Get all of those toxic products out of your home and instead invest in all natural ones from YL. Less money spent at the store and a safer and healthier home. Win win!

Getting members on Essential Rewards will give your guaranteed Organizational Group Volume (OGV) each month and is the best way to keep your business growing. Consistently working to increase your member ER percentage will get you to those big ranks faster! Plus, ER is a no brainer so it’s super easy to share about.
Some ways to teach your members about ER include: - Send a personal message or email to check in on your member and use that opportunity to let them know the benefits of placing their next order using the Essential Rewards program - Hosting classes and talking about Essential Rewards. Add in a conversation about Essential Rewards and why it’s awesome at every in person and online class that you teach - Sharing your ER orders on social media. Showing people the products and the items your got for free is a great way to get people interested in the program - Tagging members in posts about ER is another great way for them to learn the awesome value that comes along with this program - Product education is key to inspire members to try new products and fall in love with them. If they are loving a product and wanting it monthly, ER is the best way to do that. Consistent product education is the key in this business!
OGV: Organization Group Volume (your PV + the PV of everyone in your organization) PV: Personal Volume (also stands for Product Value) ER: Essential Rewards PGV: Personal Group Volume (the total volume of your organization not including Silver and above) PSK: Premium Starter Kit NFR: Not for Resale (the US market that Canadians can order from) OOS: Out of stock VO: Virtual Office RCD: Royal Crown Diamond YLEO: Young Living Essential Oils EO: Essential Oil
SILVER 10,000 OGV 2 LEGS @ 4K 1,000 PGV
PAID ON LEVELS 1-5 GEN 2 & 3 = 3% PERSONAL GEN = 2.5%
GOLD 35,000 OGV 3 LEGS @ 6K 1,000 PGV
PLATINUM 100,000 OGV 4 LEGS @ 8K 1,000 PGV
DIAMOND 250,000 OGV 5 LEGS @ 15K 1,000 PGV
PAID ON LEVELS 1-5 GEN 2- 6 = 3% PERSONAL GEN = 2.5%
CROWN DIAMOND 750,000 OGV 6 LEGS @ 20K 1,000 PGV ROYAL CROWN DIAMOND 1,500,000 OGV 6 LEGS @ 35K 1,000 PGV
PAID ON LEVELS 1-5 GEN 2-7 = 3% / 8= 1% PERSONAL GEN = 2.5%
Visit the Spruced Oilers Biz Lounge for more details on the compensation plan

There are many ways to expand your network, you just need to change your small town mindset and think “big city dreams”. Connecting with people on a daily basis is a big part of this job and it is super fun! Meeting new people, connecting and creating relationships is one of our favourite parts of this busines. Lucky for us, social media makes it super easy to do so. Using and sharing about these products that we love so much by posting personal photos, videos and testimonies is what gets people contacting us to learn more. Adding new friends to your social media platforms is a great way to expand your network. Be open to meeting new people daily. Parent and tot groups, kids dance lessons, the check-out person at the grocery store, your new family photographer, the coffee shop owner or a new family you meet while on vacation. The world is full of new friends and new relationships, you just have to be open to these making these new connections. Make a list of potential members that you already know and who you feel could benefit from these amazing oils and products. Make another list of people that you think could really benefit from and/or rock at this Young Living business. Make it a priority to connect with people consistently on both lists! Think Globally! It is Young Living’s mission to get their essential oils into every single home. They have been working hard to open markets all across the world and will continue to do so, so we can expand our networks outside of our towns, cities, and countries. The opportunities are endless! Wouldn’t you love to run your own global business?! WHERE TO FIND YOUR DREAM TEAM:
“The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do” #justdoit

“Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire” #worthfightingfor

“A rising tide lifts all boats” #communitynotcompetition


“You are most yourself when you are wrapped up in your purpose, not your position” #findyourpurpose

“If you don’t have big dreams and goals you’ll end up working hard for someone who does” #dreambigger

Thank you for checking out this little book. Our goal is to consistently educate, elevate and inspire our members and business partners. We hope you felt this while reading through these pages. Now get out there and start rocking your business! xo Much love, Your Spruced Oilers Leaders