1 minute read
Clear vision for the future
from LUHFT Life - issue 3
Limit alcohol Excess alcohol can damage our optic nerves and the communications between our eyes and the brain.
Sun protection Ultraviolet light can lead to cataracts and AMD. Wear sunglasses that filter UVA and UVB light.
Screen time Every 20 minutes look 20 feet in front of you, for about 20 seconds to give your eyes a rest.

National Eye Health Week took place in September. We spoke to Dr Nima Ghadiri, a Consultant in Medical Ophthalmology from St Paul’s Eye Unit, he explains simple ways to safeguard eye health.
Dr Ghadiri diagnoses and treats medical eye conditions which are related to full-body illnesses. This holistic field requires a broad understanding of the human body and its relationship to diseases which can affect the eye, and requires training in both eyes and general medicine.
Here are his top tips:
• Eat and drink healthily: Fatty acids found in fish, nuts and oils are crucial for the general maintenance of eye health, as well as structural support in the eye and helping reduce dry eyes. Green leaf vegetables such as kale and spinach help protect the functional centre, while avocados and whole grain foods have Vitamin B, which is important for health of the retina and the optic nerve. • Stay active: Being physically active reduces risk of sight loss by 58% compared to a sedentary lifestyle. Excess body weight is linked to eye diseases such as Glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Type II diabetes remain the leading cause of blindness in adults. • Quit smoking: Smokers are four times more likely to experience sight loss. Toxins in smoke can lead to increased risk of AMD, cataracts, dry eye, disorders of retinal blood vessels, optic nerve damage and thyroid eye disease. For help to quit smoking contact our in-house
CURE team on cureteam@liverpoolft.nhs.uk or www.smokefreeliverpool.co.uk/
• Protect your eyes: 30,000 people suffer from injuries due to flying bits of metal or wood when drilling, chiselling and sanding every year in the UK. Wear safety glasses when doing DIY.
Don’t forget eye protection if you play sports like squash too.