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Your new uniforms have arrived
from LUHFT Life - Issue 6
Your new uniforms have arrived
The first batch of new uniforms has now arrived on site and throughout January will be distributed to colleagues around the Trust.
Our aim is to provide a clear LUHFT identity by standardising our clinical and patient-facing admin uniforms, ensuring patients and staff can easily identify roles across all our hospital sites.
This is particularly important as our integration programme develops and teams work across different wards and departments. We partnered with local uniform suppliers Meltemi and colleagues selected from a range of styles and colours, with the majority of feedback opting for smart scrub-style top and trousers.
This new uniform project includes all nurses, (including eye and dental), nursing associates, HCAs, AHPs, physiologists/clinical scientists, pharmacists and phlebotomists. Patient-facing admin staff will also be standardised with navy shirts and navy, patterned blouses.
Jacqui Stamper, Associate Chief Nurse, said: “This has been a long process with consultation involving thousands of staff to make sure we selected a uniform that was comfortable, light-weight and easy wash material that was also smart, to try and accommodate all opinions across all our hospital departments.
“I feel once all clinical staff are in the same uniform on any site it will help our Trust move forward together to provide the best care for our patients and their families.”
Uniforms will be continually rolled out to colleagues during the next couple of months. There is currently work being undertaken to standardise uniforms for NHS staff across the country. In planning for our new clinical uniform we have tried to align ourselves as closely as possible with the expected direction of the national programme in terms of styles and colour schemes which should enable a seamless transition to the national standard over a natural timescale.
For more information and full role colours visit: www.liverpoolft.nhs.uk/internal-news/standardising-our-uniforms/
Benefits to adopting a consistent uniform standard:
• Ensuring easier recognition of specific staff groups for both colleagues and patients
• A consistent uniform will promote cohesion of the Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Trust identity – this will be particularly important as our service integration programme develops
• Consistent uniform design across the organisation will simplify supply management and allow better planning and forecasting of future uniform demand.