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Getting to know you ...David Roberts
David Roberts, Dispensing Manager in St Paul’s Ophthalmology has a passion for the saxophone, singing and archery when he’s not helping patients to choose their next pair of glasses.
Did you always want to work in healthcare?
I originally wanted to join the RAF as a pilot, but health problems put an end to that idea. I come from an optical family, both my father and older brother were optometrists, so it seemed a logical alternative.
However, just as I was getting to the end of my first year of A-levels I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma, and this was both the beginning of my association with the Royal but the end of my decision to become an optometrist. I already had the necessary qualifications to study Optical Dispensing, so I went down that career path.
Briefly, what does your role involve?
I’ve worked at St Paul’s in the Royal for 19 years. Following patients’ eye examinations by an optometrist, they bring me their prescription and I help patients choose appropriate spectacle frames and lenses. We can see both patients of St Paul's and non-St Paul's patients and I also help with queries from other departments.
What’s your favourite thing about your job?
That moment when someone who has been struggling to see puts their new glasses on and suddenly realises that they can now see.
What are the standout highlights or experiences during your time at LUHFT?
There have been a few, I had the opportunity to hold a pair of John Lennon’s spectacles a few years ago and met his sister which was a big highlight. Also, my lasting thankfulness to the staff who have saved my life on three separate occasions.
What are your hobbies outside of work?
Target archery, reading, playing tenor saxophone and DIY. I also started singing in the Wall of Sound Choir at Gateacre High School after I had heart surgery and suffered with PTSD, my doctor recommended doing something outside of my comfort zone and it’s really helped me.
What’s your favourite thing about Liverpool?
The architecture and the waterfront.
What’s your favourite restaurant or café?
Three Chimneys on the Isle of Skye.
What’s your favourite film or song?
All of the Lord of the Rings films and there are too many songs to pick only one!
You win the lottery, what’s your dream holiday?
I’d love to explore Japan and revisit New Zealand.
You’re stranded on an island, what three items would you want with you?
A fully-loaded Kindle, iPod and my saxophone!