Conversations with Music Legends: Heaven’s Hall of Fame

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Conversations with Music Legends: Heaven’s Hall of Fame Channeled by Dianna Gutoski © 2012 by Dianna Gutoski All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including scanning, photocopying, or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder. We ask in the spirit of Creator Parent’s Christ White Light that you respect the copyright of this work. Feel free to share our website with anyone you think would benefit from the information we provide. Author’s Note: The dates found in the text are the actual dates the message was channeled. First Printing, 2012 Printed in the United States of America

Table of Contents ~Forward~ ~Musicians~ Amy Winehouse: Her thoughts about her death Andy Gibb Buddy Holly Clarence Clemons Davy Jones Eddie Rabbitt Elvis Presley Elvis Presley: Giving Back Freddie Mercury Freddie Mercury: The Show Must Go On George Harrison Janis Lyn Joplin Janis Joplin: I played Janis but it is not who I AM Joey Ramone Jerry Garcia Jim Croce Jim Morrison John Lennon Johnny Cash Kurt Cobain Michael Jackson Michael Jackson: Questions & Answers Michael Jackson and Friends Michael Jackson: Save the Children Rick Nelson Roy Orbison Sonny Bono and Roy Orbison Sonny Bono and John Belushi: How Culture Affected Them ~Sonny Bono~ Leadership and Responsibility Religion in My Life Government Celebrities Small Town Views of Government Politicians as Actors

Lobbyists Image is Everything Terrorist Threats Love and Relationships Gun Laws and Nuclear Disarmament Earth Day A World Controlled By the Few A Disconnected Government Let Your Voices be Heard State of the Union Spirit Life Current Events Wake Up and Care ~About the Author~ Dianna Gutoski C. Liane Luini ~Other Books by Dianna Gutoski~

~Forward~ Dianna: I asked Elvis to come back to visit me in order to write the Forward for this book. Elvis, thank you for coming. I would like to ask you to please explain to people why this book of communications is so important to them and also to the ones speaking. Howdy friends. I feel that I speak for all of the beings in this book, as we all had many things in common while in physical life. Our chosen life path was entertainment for humanity and we devoted our lives to it. For many of us, it took a toll on our bodies and minds. It was much tougher to live and experience than we ever thought it would be when we planned the life before birth. Many lessons are learned along the way. A lot of us died way too young because we did not have the spiritual grounding that was needed for balance and understanding. It is so easy for the ego to take over and we lose our true self. The mass public feeds the ego and gives us way too much power. This power wrongly used kills the spirit and eventually the body. When we die because of our own abuse and stupidity or maybe even not of our choice, we come to understand and remember who we really are. We can look back over our past experience and see what went wrong. It is a great learning process for our soul. These channeled sessions with Dianna gave us a way to objectively look at our life and understand how outside events and people affected our choices. We are able to see mistakes that we made and maybe even forgive ourselves because we now understand the reasons why this happens. This is very helpful to all of us so that we can learn and grow before we take our next life and hopefully not repeat events. The other very important reason that our Creator wanted this project to be done is to awaken the masses to Life after Death. We are sharing with you what it feels like to die and what we experience next as a Spirit being. We are still “ourselves� but no longer have a body and the strong ego persona is not there anymore. Is a wonderful realization to all of us and we wish to share this message with many of you.

Death is certainly not to be feared in any way and it is our hope that once people understand this, it will change their life. Birth and life and death are a continuous process and we remain the same consciousness; we just change form to experience it. Keeping that awareness of yourself as a true Spirit being will change your perspective on living and help you to make the most of it. And understanding your real connection with God will help you to make every moment count for something. Live your life with awareness, love, compassion, tolerance, and please take care of the body vehicle that you must live in. Please do not abuse it like many of us did! Also remember that we are all near you so there is never a reason to feel all alone and sad. Please read our stories and get a totally different perspective on what it was like to be a music star. These are the stories that the tabloids never heard and they are the Truth–at long last! Good day my friends–until we meet again. Affectionately known as, Elvis Thank you, thank you very much! (7/20/12) After we finished I asked Elvis if he was happy and keeping busy. He told me that he still works among humanity helping to inspire children to make music. And in spirit life he travels around entertaining at spirit gatherings. So you see that life really does go on even though our body has died. There is absolutely no reason to fear death. I hope you will enjoy reading the thoughts of all these wonderful musicians. It should be eye-opening to all of you, as I know it was for me. Thank you, Dianna

~Musicians~ Amy Winehouse: Her thoughts about her death 1983 – 2011 Amy Jade Winehouse was an English singer and songwriter known for her powerful deep contralto vocals and her eclectic mix of musical genres including R&B, soul and jazz. Winehouse’s 2003 debut album, Frank, was critically successful in the UK. She had also been nominated for Best British Album. Dianna: On the night that you died—did you consciously know you were going to die? Yes, I guess I did know it although I did not have that intent at the time. I had already destroyed my physical body and my death would come soon in one way or another. I had been on a downward spiral for too long now and I couldn’t reverse the damage or cancel my addictions. I just decided on a soul level to write it all off as a big mistake and leave now. Dianna: Can you describe your actual death? Yes, it was easy, like shedding a worn out vehicle. That is all your body is anyway. It is a vehicle to carry around your soul. I saw no reason to hang around and I felt myself being pulled away from my body and home. Floating, just like on drugs, but much better. It was an interesting sensation. I could not remember ever having done this before, but now I know that I have done it many times. My grandmother’s soul met me and I was so glad. She was always a great influence on me. Too bad I never really listened to her. That is how I got into the music business. Yes, my spirit guide Zina was waiting for me. I was not happy to see her as I was now starting to remember myself, my original plans and what actually happened. At that point I felt that I had made the best choice to just leave and try again in another body. We will sit and talk about it. Dianna: Tell me about meeting up with your guide, Zina.

She waits for me, I know her as we have been together for a long time. She is older and wiser than me and sincerely wants to help me learn and grow. Right now I am not so happy about how my life turned out. I know she is not judging me, I am judging myself. We go to what appears to be a grassy field with nothing else around us. It feels tranquil and soothing to me and we “sit” to talk. Zina reminds me of all the grand plans that we had made for my last life and how I had chosen my body and circumstances to allow me to be a musician. Yes, I remember it now; how I had planned everything and it actually would have worked out well if I had not been so weak. I really had so many wonderful opportunities to be a success and cannot blame my problems on someone else. I was just a young child when I entered the School for the Arts, but I never learned to appreciate it so therefore I never applied myself to learn as I should have. I can blame it on not having a solid mentor to guide me and control me but that is just avoiding myself. Dianna: Did a past life before this influence you? Yes, in ways. My most previous life I had trouble with conforming and I was rebellious. I was also an alcoholic and got into trouble. After that life I had many classes, counsels and “rehab” sessions. So we thought I was ready to try it again. Evidentially this was a recurring problem of mine. What will it take to break free from this cycle of abuse? I obviously did not learn my lessons very well, so here I am again. What a mess I made of my last life! I am just lucky that I did not hurt anyone else in the process of destroying myself. Zina lets me talk it all out and she is just there for support as I don’t need her scolding me for what I did. Dianna: Do GOD and Spirit play any part in your life-now and then? In physical life I would say no way. I was a confirmed atheist and I’m sure I probably was the life before that one. Who knows how many others and I know that I was influenced by the dark side. In physical life I couldn’t rationalize it and could not feel it,

therefore it didn’t exist to me. I did not question who I was or what life was about. An atheist wants solid proof that GOD exists. I guess that is why there was a conflict and emptiness in my life. There was nothing to live for, no reason for my existence, no one to care if I lived or died. OK, so if I learn otherwise in spirit; why can’t I remember this in physical life? Zina tells me it is because I must prove that I have changed and I remember all that I learned between lives. Life on Earth is so hard and has so many temptations to drag us back down. I know on a soul level that I keep going over this again and again. Zina must be very tired of trying to get me to succeed. Being a guide must be very hard when you have someone like me that does not learn lessons very well. It takes more patience than I would ever have. Dianna: So, now what happens next? I have to go to detox and rehab all over again, just like I hated to do so in physical life. They are much stricter here and I can’t run away from it. No one is as hard on me as I am on myself although I can imagine what they really must think of me. I will have to face the Elder Council to review my life, but I need to get cleaned first and think of how I will present myself. They see and know all that I am so; I cannot hide my weakness and my mistakes. I really hope they do not classify me as unredeemable. Those souls never come back to their group. Dianna: I would like to talk to you again after you have spent some time getting clear and after you have talked with the Elders. Will you come back to continue our talk? Yes, I most certainly will. Until then. (8/2/11) Dianna: I found out after this discussion that Amy had been in trouble in many lifetimes and could never seem to get past it. She had been working with the Dark side in past lifetimes and was an atheist for a long time. After much counseling when back in spirit it was determined that she would never change, so Amy’s soul is no longer with us. (10/26/12)

Andy Gibb 1958 – 1988 Andy Gibb was an English singer and teen idol, and the younger brother of Bee Gees Barry, Robin, and Maurice Gibb. I started talking with Andy Gibb at the request of a friend. Andy had been appearing to her lately and she had no idea why. Andy did come to me alone and willingly. He had to be escorted to me by his brothers Maurice and Barry. Barry is still alive but is an Ascended Soul. Andy was not happy to be here. He appeared to me as his teen idol image from the height of his fame in 1978. Dianna: Let us start the conversation talking about early childhood in Manchester. Our family was quite poor as many of our neighbors were. The family originally was from Australia and all were musically inclined. I literally grew up in a house of music. My older brothers were closer in age and would sing and play together. All around me the music was rapidly changing and so was the culture. I was too young to really notice it. Even the original Beatles fame and the subsequent British music boom was lost on me. I was too young to be a part of it. My brothers got involved early on and more so all the time. You see, I was only 12 years old in 1970, so I missed the whole mod decade in England. I watched my brothers, and it was a lot of fun. The fashions and styles were so wild. The culture really changed that decade and so much happened in the world. I really am sorry to have missed it as it was a pivotal time in history. My brothers became successful with their music and helped the family immensely. We did not have to worry so much anymore. This helped me to have a fairly normal childhood and lots of fun. The 70s dawned and music was changing. The culture shifted twice that decade. The early 70s saw drugs and heavier rock music. New artists came upon the scene and the 60s bands were no longer popular. Our family had enough money so we could live comfortably. It was harder on my Brothers who were trying to reinvent themselves. By the mid 70s, as an older teenager, I set out to prove myself on my own away from home. I traveled to Spain

and Australia and played club dates all over to gain experience and confidence. I could sing; I was just a little shy about performing. It is hard to follow in the family footsteps. I wanted to be on my own to try and be myself. I had to see if I could be a success on my own. Dianna: What happened in the next part of your life? I went home to England. By that time music and culture had made another shift to dance music. My brothers were very successful getting involved with the film Saturday Night Fever. A lot of big hits came out of that deal. It was very exciting. At the age of 18 I got married to Kim but we were too young and realized it was a mistake. We were crazy in love and went on impulse. I was ready to get back into the music scene and my brothers had lots of connections. This time they were able to help me and I thank them for that. They wrote many of my hits, as I was not a writer. They always had so much more talent than I did and I guess I was always jealous of them. In 1977 it really took off and the songs became huge hits. All of a sudden I had to deal with the instant fame. The late 70s changed my life. I guess the timing was right and the music was fun and had good songs. It was a combination of things making me successful. I was still a teenager, so yes, I was a teen idol. I got to be a Teen Beat poster boy. Having all of that attention on me was new, exciting and I loved it. Of course it totally destroyed my marriage, but that was ok. I was on top of the world. It was so much fun and excitement like I have never known. And the money came rolling in. Yes, it is like a drug and it is very addictive. I think it hits you harder when you are young. You do not have a lot of common sense at that age. By 1978 I had divorced Kim but she had been pregnant and had a baby girl. I only saw my daughter once so we were never that close. I was too caught up in the good times. The Cocaine drug craze had started and by 1980 I was heavy in to Coke. So many of us were; it was expensive and we had the money. It was a status drug and you were expected to have it. As it had so many other times, the music and culture changed again. My style of music was no longer popular. At 22 years of age

I was a has been. That is hard to accept at any age but is even harder when you are young and your music defines you as a person. That is when I decided to get involved with Broadway musicals. It was a lot of fun and kept me performing but it was not the same as before. I was no longer a “Star.” I realize so many musicians go through this but it was so hard to bear, and the drugs kept coming. My brothers had a very long stable career and never really felt it like I did. The family saw what was happening and made me go into rehab. It was interfering with any career I had left. It was hard but I am thankful for it. I was still so young and had really messed up my life. I had no real values or grounding in reality. Spiritual matters meant nothing to me. I only understood living for myself and the pleasures of life. After I got out I worked at many different things, including guest spots on various TV shows. It was all based on my name and who I had been, not my talent. I knew they never wanted me for my acting talent and that hurt. I started doing Vegas shows and that help to satisfy the urge to perform. The audiences seemed to like me and my music. Vegas has a way of making all “has been” performers feel loved again. All of the hype and people would keep coming. It was satisfying enough I suppose, but it never really made me happy with my life. I wonderedwhat would make me happy with my life? In 1986 I had to declare bankruptcy and that was a tough blow to the Ego. I had been on top of the world and lived for the moment. It all came crashing down and now I really had nothing to show for it. Like so many other people; life goes on and you make the best of it. I kept performing anywhere I could as it was all I really knew how to do. I never studied any other skill. You can’t be too choosy when you have no money and bills to pay. It is a humbling experience. I was in London in 1988 and had just had my 30th birthday. I developed such pains in my chest and was admitted to the hospital. I never made it back out. Five days after my birthday I died of cardiac arrest. Well, at least I did not die from an overdose of cocaine. It was some kind of a virus that maybe could have been stopped if we had known about it earlier. I died peacefully and was not in pain.

Dianna: What happened next? As I said, I was not a spiritual person. I never gave it much thought. Now here I was consciously floating above my lifeless body. It takes awhile to realize what was happening. I guess there was some relief, because I had been so unhappy anyway. Somewhere it sinks in that you are dead and then you have a panic moment. I felt beings of Light surround me and tell me it was going to be all right. The peace and love was overwhelming. They escorted me away somewhere to rest for awhile. I do not know how long I was there because time does not mean the same thing anymore. After quite awhile I was brought out into the activity and was quite surprised by it. I was still me but had no physical body. As the Beatles say “Life goes on within you or without you.” It is all a learning experience whether in body or not. At that point you start to realize all of the screw ups that you did and you try and understand it all. Now my brother Maurice is also here and we can be together if we choose to. That is why He came along today. Dianna: Is there anything that you would like to share? • • • • • • • • • • •

Be careful of what you value in your life. Look beyond yourself. Keep people in your life. Don’t die alone like I did. Give of yourself to help others and you will be helped in return. Learn the Truth about our Creator. Keep the ONE in your life always. Do not believe Hype about yourself. If the masses adore you, they do not know the real you. Do not limit yourself to one skill or occupation. Learn to love yourself no matter who you are. Enjoy your life; you never know how quickly it will end. (01/30/10)

George Harrison 1943 – 2001 George Harrison, was an English musician and singer-songwriter who achieved international fame as lead guitarist of the Beatles. Often referred to as “the quiet Beatle,” Harrison became over time an admirer of Indian culture and mysticism, and introduced it to the other Beatles, as well as their Western audience. Dianna: Were you always Spiritual? I suppose in some ways I was. I learned to use a pendulum while I was studying in India. Even as a child, I was different than the rest. I was always aware of a spiritual longing and the “churches” did not feel right to me. Dianna: Did drugs open your awareness? Yes, LSD opened new areas of perception, removed the blocks and veils. If approached with a spiritual goal in mind, it allowed you to experience those other energies and feel the “Oneness.” LSD can work like any other creation. In life, we create our reality that we live in. With LSD, the trip is your own creationan alternate reality. Properly done, it can be wonderful. But if the Ego gets involved, it can get ugly or fearful because that is what the Ego is all about. Dianna: You studied mysticismdid it prepare you for life after body death? Yes, but not enough. You are so much more advanced than I ever was while in body. In my later years, I did not continue my studies and I should have. So many wasted years, but yet not really. I was learning and experiencing other things. I always tried to live by certain standards and ideas and I believe that I did that. Dianna: Do You consider yourself a Lightworker? I never knew what that meant until now. When I was searching spiritually, it was all for Me. How could I help others and teach others if I was learning myself. I guess the music that I created while in a spiritual placeit was different and touched people’s hearts and Souls. My next lifetime, I plan on being an actual

Lightworker. I have been dabbling with this for many lifetimes. Dianna: What are you doing now to prepare you for your next lifetime? Taking lots of classes, entering lots of discussions. This process is really quite amazing! If only people alive on Earth could “remember� who they really are. It could change the way we live. But, the world is not designed that way and we have to basically start over. Hopefully, we choose our circumstances well and will receive a proper upbringing to teach us to remember reality. Dianna: George, how do you find this process of communication with me? I think it is awesome! I did not realize that it was possible in this way. It shows that we truly are as One, if we can only remember it. Believe me, it was so much more than I knew it could be, when I shed my body and realized what a small part of the CREATION we were dealing with. Such freedom and joy found ME. Now, I just want to share it with others. (07/03/09)

~Sonny Bono~ 1935 – 1998 Salvatore Phillip “Sonny” Bono was an American recording artist, record producer, actor, and politician. He started his professional life as a singer/songwriter most known for his duo with wife Cher. He wrote, arranged, and produced a number of hit records including “I Got You Babe” and “The Beat Goes On” which are popular to this day. He entered politics after experiencing great frustration with his local government bureaucracy when he tried to open a restaurant in Palm Springs, California. He campaigned for and became the new mayor of Palm Springs, serving for four years from 1988 to 1992. He went on to run for the United States House of Representatives and earned a seat in 1994 representing California's 44th congressional district. He served until 1998. He died on January 5, 1998 from injuries after hitting a tree while skiing on the Nevada side of Heavenly Ski Resort near South Lake Tahoe, California. Dianna: Sonny Bono appeared to me while I was at the Mountain Spirit Co-op. A few others saw and heard him. He was very adamant about speaking with me on leadership and other issues. He wants to be heard and I have found him to be an eloquent speaker who is very intelligent but humble. His early life is not important to our discussions and is already known anyway. I am giving Sonny the chance to reach many and hopefully awaken them to the issues that we all are living with today. He sees things with a new perspective now. Sonny came back to talk with me on a regular basis to share his thoughts. According to Arlen Bock, Sonny has a mission to help with the issues that we are facing. He is like a guardian and as you’ll see, is watching and participating in current American life. His life on Earth was to prepare him for this mission in his afterlife. He continues to be involved in politics and is whispering

in the ears of many beings in government and beyond. His messages to us are timely and critical for us to hear now. Let us all give him our support, as he is much needed. Publisher’s Note: We are including Sonny’s messages in this book because of his connection to music, a large part of his life’s work. Also, his insights on life in spirit answer a lot of questions and are invaluable to those of us still “in body.”

Leadership and Responsibility Dianna: Welcome Sonny. You have come to me to express your concerns on Leadership and Responsibility and its importance. You are an Honorable, respected being and I would love to hear your views. We grew up in a culture of young people that cared about the world and its problems. As teenagers and young adults, we were awakened to things that our parents did not understand. We saw through the lies and adults would get angry when we pointed out these contradictions and untruths. Our parents were brought up in a time when you were not encouraged to question anything. I was not a fully fledged hippie although some of the outfits I wore made me look like one. I was a Catholic by family and we never questioned that although now I see how wrong that was. I actually did not question anything until later in life when I ran into opposition from local government. That got me into questioning the “why” of things. For all of us, it is too easy to say “let the other guy do it.” We do not want to get involved; that requires time and effort. But yet, Americans all complain about the government. They complain about the bickering and taking of sides as well as the fact that not much ever really gets done. I know many on Capitol Hill and they all started out with wanting to make a difference. The youngest members start out so idealistic and full of promise. Seriously, all government offices should be limited because after awhile, they get set in their ways and lose that idealism. The lobbyists find who they can influence. The biggest loss is of the innocence and desire to really change things for the better.

Now let’s look at another reason why people do not go into politics and government. They already have disillusionment about the government being effective and honest—for a good reason. They see how the news media treats them and how much the public hates them. It is no longer an honored position. A young eager member joins the House or Senate and soon finds himself pressured to join groups or vote certain ways. You must choose sides of every argument or cause. You really do not have the freedom to be objective and so much idealism gets washed away. This is not to discourage participation in the process—on the contrary. I am here to try to get people to wake up and care about things. There is far too much apathy in our country! The young ones, teenagers and young adults are so apathetic about the various causes and the adults are even worse. I suppose it is that way all over the world. Even worse, there are too many countries that do not even have a democracy and deal with one dictator after another. These people do not have the freedom of speech and thinking. Americans have it and do not utilize it. Yes, there are fringe groups that always speak out, but they usually do not know the real truth about whatever subject they are championing. It is the bulk of the population that I am concerned about. The ones that sit on their butt and learn their news and opinions from the local TV stations. The change must start in early education classes. We used to have civics classes that would teach about our government, laws and what it meant to be a proper citizen. Children are not taught to think properly and learn, or gain a desire to become leaders. The flocks of sheep need leaders and hopefully ones that place honor and truth high on their lists. Young children say “The pledge of Allegiance” in schools, but it is meaningless. Their life and freedom is totally taken for granted and they grow up apathetic. They become just like their parents who complain about things but never do anything about it. There is no Personal Responsibility to try and make things better. Maybe if adults raised their children to be more responsible for many things in their life, especially school. Children must take more responsibility for their learning and school work. Right now,

they have none and it really shows in all of the poor education. Don’t even get me started on how bad our school system is! Parents must take responsibility for raising their children with proper values and morals. No one wants to be responsible for anything anymore. Pass the buck to someone else. “Not my problem” everyone says about everything. No matter what it is, it is always someone else’s job to fix it. Then they complain about that someone else not doing it correctly or whatever. It is a screwed up mess at anytime. An excellent example is the current state of the Republican and Democrat parties that cannot work together to accomplish anything. It is no longer about doing the right thing and working for the people. I guess I should not complain; at least we have democracy. I just get frustrated that it does not work the way it could if operated at its optimum. The rest of the world has its own problems and I am not here to resolve them. I am an American; or at least I was and still feel that way. I can still work for freedom even though not in body. It is a little more complicated to do it this way. I cannot go speak at the Capitol building. Well actually, I could but no one would hear me. I can follow them around and whisper in their ears. I want to still be involved in some way to help humanity. I need to find an activist to influence somehow. There are not enough of them that fight for legitimate subjects or changes. No, it has to start with the children. Build a new generation that will care about change and be effective when they grow up. Then there is Responsibility. Everyone is ultimately responsible for their own life and evolution. Don’t blame others for your life’s circumstances. Take responsibility for everything in your life. Pass that responsibility on to your children. If you all desire a better world to live in, take responsibility for helping that occur. Stand up for what you believe and make a change, no matter how small. Just do something to end this Apathy that is slowing our growth and eventually will lead to our destruction. End the apathy that surrounds saving our planet. Each one must CARE about something and make a difference in some way. (03/24/10)

Religion in My Life Dianna: You were raised as a Catholic and did you stay one? Yes, I was raised a Catholic and never really thought about it or even questioned it. This was a religion of my family and not a spiritual awareness. There is a definite difference between the two. I did not find that out until I died. Then, slowly I was shown the real ways of the world and Creation. I found out that any religion is not the whole truth but maybe has a snippet of it. Earth is a planet of many religions and beliefs which in itself is OK, but there is no tolerance for another’s beliefs. All through history man has fought and killed because of religion and that makes no sense. Especially the Catholic and Christian religions in the last 2,000 years. It still goes on but it is not as bad. In Europe, there were so many killings because of religious beliefs. I never really looked at it that way while alive. As a Catholic you are taught that your way is correct and all of the rest are wrong. Now I see it for what it really is—a way to control people. Our CREATOR would never sanction all of this hatred for any reason. Look at all of the problems in the Middle East because of religious beliefs. How will we ever get it to stop? Our Creator is all about Love and Equality, but we sure are not. Dianna: How was it being married to Mary as she was a Scientologist? You know, at times it was rough but we knew that going into the relationship. We had to agree to give the other freedom to believe as they chose and not try and change them. Of course, both of us thought that the other one had it all wrong; but we chose Love over all things. Love and respect for one another. It was always a good supportive relationship. It was different religions and just another way of seeing and understanding the world. Dianna: Do you believe that parents should insist that their children follow a particular religion? That’s a tough one because as a parent it is natural to teach a child what you believe. It is actually better to have parents like Mary and I because there were two different points of view. In an

Ideal world, a child would be taught about being spiritual and having good morals. There would not be religious rules to follow and obey; just how to be a good honorable human. Most parents do not know about true spirituality, so the best thing they can do is to introduce them to various belief systems and discuss the differences. An open minded approach is needed to let your child decide for themselves what they want to believe in. Nothing should be forced upon them at any time. Dianna: How do you feel that GOD fits in with government? This country was founded on religious freedom and freedom of speech. It was also founded on a strong belief in GOD as Supreme Creator of us all. It is prominent on our money and other documents. “In GOD We Trust” and “One Nation Under GOD” Our founding fathers were not stupid or unaware. They were ascended masters trying to establish a new country where GOD could be of paramount importance. It did not really work out that way, even though the statements are still there. The mass public did not really believe in the Truth of those statements. Yes, on some level most believed in a GOD. On some level there were religious beliefs for most. But the government lost sight of the Truth and what it meant to Trust in GOD. They lost sight of what it meant to be one nation united under GOD. Any Senator or House member today would tell you that GOD does not enter into any decision that is made. GOD is not an active part of their lives anymore. I am not talking about religions that need to be kept separate from government. I am talking about real spirituality and a belief in One Real GOD that Loves and Guides us through this maze called life. I was the same as the rest of them. GOD was a vague faraway figure that maybe was not even real. In public office you do not feel comfortable talking about such things. The people do not want to hear it, so no one brings up the topic of GOD. People confuse GOD with religion and can get very angry. See, there is a difference and yet people will not even try to

communicate about these things. Always, religion pops up and people shut down or get angry. In an ideal world which will never happen on this Earth, our CREATOR would be included in our lives and we would all know it and accept it. Even more ideal and impossible would be for the entire world to live and know the One True CREATOR and all of the religions would fade away. Hey, a guy can dream, can’t He? Is this even possible? Not any time soon. I feel that things are going to crash even farther before anything can turn around. There is nothing to shake people out of their apathy and get things moving in a different direction. I may be in Spirit but I intend to keep trying. This means a lot to me. (03/24/10) The full book is available at: Paperback eStore Amazon Kindle Store

~About the Author~ Dianna Gutoski Hello, I am Dianna, the Communicator of these stories. I grew up in the beautiful Pennsylvania countryside. About the age of thirteen I found myself reading everything I could find in our small library on the subjects of Theosophy, philosophy and religions. My Mother was quite amused by my selected readings. I decided that Christianity was not for me as I could not believe all of the dogma. That is when I started studying Edgar Cayce and other “paranormal� subjects. As a teenager I started to become aware of my past lives and my Ascended Master St. Germain. At age 21 I attended the Arica School of Scientific Mysticism in New York City. This school was started by the Great Mystic Oscar Ichazo as a way for modern man to learn about the ancient instruction and traditions and to find Enlightenment. I actively worked with these teachings until my 30s and they still provide a basis for all that I know and practice. About 2005, while living in Washington DC, I started working with Spiritual Clearance, SRT, Soul Retrieval and DNA programming. All of this work opened me to my own abilities. In 2007 I was told very clearly by my guidance to move to Arizona and my husband and I listened and moved to Prescott, Arizona. During that time I started working with Arlen Bock. He helped me discover who I really was and learn how to properly channel. Although a metaphysical student my whole life, it has only been about five years that I have been able to channel this way. I was a channel in many former lives, so it was natural for me to do so in this one. I had been talking to various Ascended Masters and Jesus before I started this project with musicians.

C. Liane Luini Greetings from the designer of this book and web master for I have been involved in spiritual study since college when I began to question the meaning of life. I too read Edgar Cayce, among others, and went for readings with psychics in my quest to understand how the cosmos worked and my place in it. Along with

my spiritual study, I became drawn to computers and Internet Marketing. I’ve been studying web and print design, SEO and other forms of Internet Marketing for several years. I now understand that all of this study was to prepare me for the call from my friend Dianna. Her guides and Creator Parent told her to contact me to do the technical work necessary to get their message out in a variety of forms. To say I’ve been honored to be chosen is an understatement! To say this experience has profoundly changed my life is also an understatement. I hope as you read this book and think about what the musicians and Sonny Bono have to say, you’ll get more insight into what it means to be responsible for the direction your life takes.

~Other Books by Dianna Gutoski~ Path to the Light, A Spiritual Journey with Ascended Master Godfre Ray King Ascended Master Godfre Ray King: Our Work Continues, Always and Forever The Jesus Scrolls, Creator’s Mission to Jesus Conversations with Buddha: How the Eightfold Path is Relevant for Today Galactic Conversations: Meeting the Colossum Members Celebrity Conversations: Life After Death Experiences Old Wisdom for a New World: Selections from the Messages Channeled by Dianna Gutoski For more about Dianna, visit her Amazon Author’s Page and her website

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