Galactic Conversations: Meeting the Colossum Members
Channeled by Dianna Gutoski
© 2012 by Dianna Gutoski
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including scanning, photocopying, or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder. We ask in the spirit of Creator Parent’s Christ White Light that you respect the copyright of this work. Feel free to share our website with anyone you think would benefit from the information we provide. The cover images are courtesy of Author’s Note: The dates found in the text are the actual dates the message was channeled. First Printing, 2012 Printed in the United States of America
Table of Contents Forward Preface The Colossum Member Project Introduction What is the Colossum? Athena, Colossum Director Master Bocca Master Dajakto Master Diyani Master Domizen Master Eck Master Evifar Master Gal-An’ Master Gonaki Master Gu-Far’ Master Gugula Master Gu’stafar Master Hasim Master Janot Master Jivo Master Jojobah Master Mauf Master Mawabi Master Mi-Lea’ Master Oui-Htp Master Piizara Master Si-Man Master Soluka Master Tibron Master Tiibu Master Toulan Master Tutuma Master Wachensi Master Wexan Master Xavia Master Yamaya Lady Master Garizena
Master Zeus8 Lady Master Nirobu Master Zian Master Zolucas Lady Master Elena Lady Master Mana Lady Master La-Sena Lady Master Elenni Master Sim-Wazi Master Goshen-Ta Avane Ignati Ms. Peni Santaire Captain LuTan-Zian Captain Tao Elisi Ghanti & Damit Johnsin & Sulie Master Xian Pi Medical Officer Ha-Singa Officer Tibbs Polarian Captain Bain Science Officer Pi-Lau Aria Sirian Captain Hansan Sirians Adia & Tiwan The Sans The Navs About the Authors Offworld Ascended Masters Dianna Gutoski C. Liane Luini Other Books by Dianna Gutoski
Forward This book is a collection of short talks with off world beings from all over the galaxy. I ask that you read it with an open mind and acceptance of it as real. Because it is indeed very real. Just because humans have not met other beings face-to-face does not mean that they do not exist. Our universe is filled with many different types of intelligent life and quite a few are humanoid like us. They may have slight variations in their bodies that have developed to help them adapt to their home planets. On a soul level we are all the same and by reading about these extraterrestrial beings you will discover that we really are alike. We have much in common with how we live our lives and have families. What is important to us is also important to them. You will come to realize that body appearance does not always dictate the consciousness that is inside. And you will see that even if they could do so, they have no interest in taking over our planet. They desire peace and happiness the same as we do. These stories are not fiction and are written as communicated to Dianna. We all hope that this will give you a new perspective on our cosmos. –Ascended Master Godfre Ray King 5/08/2012
Preface The Colossum Member Project This Colossum Member project was brought to me by CREATOR as a way for Humanity to know and understand that we are not alone in this Cosmos. It started off in an interesting way. It was Thanksgiving dinner at a psychic friend’s house and after dinner we were casually talking about ETs. I expressed how I really wanted to talk to them and within minutes four human looking space beings transported into the room with us. Were we surprised? I would say so! After that, members from the Colossum starting coming to me to tell me about their home world–the planet, people, climate, and basic information about how they live. I could see them in my mind, but they did not actually appear to me in physical form. I enjoyed looking to see the details of their appearance and have included the description of them at the beginning of every talk. They presented themselves as representatives of their people. The communication was all telepathic, so there were no language barriers. I have found it to be very enlightening to learn about all of these other intelligent, conscious beings. It really makes you know that even though we are all so very far apart and look very different, we really are so much alike in how we think and feel about things. You get such a good feeling when you understand this. The need for understanding the Equality and Oneness of us all has never been greater or more needed. Please open your mind to the fact that we are not alone in this universe. There are a lot of really wonderful beings inhabiting the many planets. –Dianna Gutoski 05/08/2012
Introduction What is the Colossum? The Colossum is many thousands of years old in linear time as you know it. Its location is in the void, of neutral frequencies to accommodate all of the members. It was created to give Ascended beings, mostly Masters, from all over the Universe a place to come together. It is a place of socialization as well as heavy discussion. Lady Palas Athena is one of the original founders and she still has her presence there quite often. There are thousands of members from all over our Creative Territory and you must be invited to join. I am a member, and have been there. It is a very beautiful place with abundant White Light. There are lots of columns with a central arena for discussions. If a member has an issue to discuss and get ideas on, they take center stage and the Masters that are present listen and discuss the topic. Some have issues concerning their home planet and others have discussions that affect us all on all worlds and beyond. It is a Spiritual think tank. All members are equal and treated with due respect. This is an incredible way for Higher Beings of all types to solve the problems found to be affecting some or all of us. –Matthew 01/22/10
Athena, Colossum Director “I Am Athena” A very beautiful woman was before me. She had long dark hair, very blue eyes, pale skin. Tattoos of lightning bolts on each temple on her head. Long bare arms with some tattoos and many gold arm cuff bracelets. Wearing a long white flowing dress with a gold belt. White cape trimmed in gold on the hood and down the front. Dianna: Are You the famous Athena, known as the Goddess? Yes, I am She. You are right; I am very ancient by your standards. I do not have a home planet. I Am as I AM now. Even as the Goddess Athena, I was not in body, though very much here. I have always been here, involved with the Lightworkers on Earth, not just individually. Vil-im {Dianna’s Soul} is one that I have known for a long time. I choose to work with females to empower them. Nothing against the men, women need Me more. I have seen much and done much. I have been in this Creative Territory from the beginning, having worked with the Grand Parents Three. One of my jobs is to oversee at the Colossum. I had a part in designing it and making it happen. The Colossum is an ideal Forum to learn about each other and find peace. We discuss new ideas and concepts that affect us all. This Idea of CREATOR to have Us all communicate through You is wonderful. This will give many Souls an opportunity to know these other Beings. This was not done before, as Earth Beings are known to be afraid of off worlders. Most of them have been taught their entire life that other Beings do not exist. The churches started this story, as we all know that Earth was originally populated with off worlders
{Space people}. It is so strange that your people refuse to admit to life off Earth, but yet that is where they are from. The time will come soon for Contact. It cannot wait much longer. You are destroying your planet a little too quickly. We must intervene. The Colossum was designed so that we can all meet and share ideas and opinions, but more importantly, for us to see We are indeed all ONE. Working together for our Beloved CREATOR, as IT is a part of ALL of US. No reason for wars or fighting, if We are all ONE. Will Earth people ever learn that lesson? Maybe when “Visitors” come to their planet. Not to control them as seen on TV or in Movies, but to help them find a new Reality. We must make this happen. Many of your people–the government–will react badly to any visitors. The people will actually welcome it. They are tired of feeling alone in the Cosmos. That is why all have waited so long to figure out the best way to introduce themselves. And it is definitely more than one race that wants to be known. It is time to wake up and join the Galactic community. Not all Humans are trustworthy. We know You are, so We talk to You. Actually, this is a CREATOR project anyway, so We know it is Ok and safe. I thank you for providing this service to us. It would be wonderful if someday after first contact, that these stories could be told to everyone. We should make this happen. What an opportunity this is to come together! (11/21/09)
Master Bocca Appearing before me is a tall 7 ft muscular, burly man. Older, wearing leather garments. He has large hands, muscled arms, and suntanned skin. Shoulder length brown hair. Fairly normal human looking, brown eyes, some hairy body. From the planet NAZ. Dianna: Tell me about your home The planet name is NAZ and it is in your galaxy, far, far away. We have 2 suns and multiple moons. Our days are a bit shorter than yours and the climate is mild and wet. We have oceans of water, but not as big as on your Earth. Lots of vegetation and forests, rivers and lakes. Swamps and wetlands with nasty creatures in them. Larger wild creatures roam the lands and we have to be careful. We do not have big tall cities, just a lot of towns and villages. Some of us have built homes up in the trees to try and be safe. Fishing is a popular occupation and gives us much food. We also hunt the animals for food, as they hunt us for the same. You might call our way of life primitive, as we have no advanced equipment or tech stuff. We do use large fast animals to travel on, and others to carry us and goods. We do have a few other type races on this planet and we do not always agree on things. There is a thin pale race that lives mostly far from here. They prefer to be by the ocean shores. We do not particularly like each other. Another smaller race lives all over and they are Ok. They like to commune with nature and generally are pretty peaceful. There is also a type of less evolved race that lives in the mountains. They stay to themselves as much as possible.
Spiritually, we are not very aware, but we believe in being one with our Nature and Planet. Some of us have become aware (somehow) that we can be much more than we are. I was one of those. Our people strive to live a good life, but not much about growing spiritually. We do have some interesting Magic clans that come around. They see visions and do tricks and tell us good stories. Our females mostly stay home and take care of the young and the household. Prepare the food and make the clothes. They seem happy enough to do that. We have medicine men to help us with injury and illness. They use herbs and plants from nature and seem to know what works to help us heal. They do ceremonies a lot to celebrate nature and we attend to watch and listen. The pale race by the oceans is much more volatile and fights a lot. We hear stories about them, as we do not travel far from home. On rare occasions, they pass through our lands and we try to be peaceful with them. They speak another language, so communication if not easily. They have not tried to harm us–we are much larger than they are. Education is not like you know it to be. Our home has none of that available. We do teach our young about nature and the skies, and how to live life respecting the planet. We have not had space travelers come to us, as far as I know. Our planet is not near enough to others to make it easy for travel. You ask how I became ascended. Multiple lives in other places. I have not always lived on NAZ, just my most recent few lifetimes. The wisdom I have would be lost on that world, but they are good loving people. We all have our place in the Cosmos. (11/25/09)
Master Dajakto He is red skinned, has dark long hair, dark eyes. Wearing a headband with a star in the front. Dressed in a 2 piece brown tunic and pants. About 5 feet tall with a small body. From the planet MEANIX. Our planet and system is in another galaxy than yours. We have limited space travel to just get us around our own world and to our moon. There are mining operations on our moon, otherwise it is not livable. Many on our world study science and astronomy. These beings run the labs and the telescopes. Others study the science of our planet and guide us in keeping it healthy. There is not much seismic activity as our planet is old and settled. We have some mountain ranges and very large fresh water lakes, but most of the planet is flat plains. A lot of green lush areas line the rivers, but there is much drier desert than green. We have to be very careful to conserve our water. The foods are grown in the cooler temperatures North and South of our main living area. It gets quite hot where I live, and is not really suitable for growing food. We have large fields where the animals graze–all different types that seem to get along with one another. Our planet was visited long ago by people from other worlds. We still value those truths and stories that were given to us as a code for living peacefully together. At one time there were wars over territory, but not so much anymore. There are a few other races on the planet with us. A large pale skinned race that lives and works among us. We can understand each other’s language and co-exist
in peace. Another race likes to live in the mountains and we do not see them often. They are not as educated as we are. Our schools stress the study of all kinds of math and physics as well as various sciences and biology. Separate schools concentrate on the arts and creative endeavors. All students must have both to be well rounded. As they get older and more experienced, they are required to do volunteer work teaching others a subject of their choice. We have a small “police security� force to keep the peace as needed. Our people are taught a strong moral value towards others and it is usually upheld as a way of life. The religions center around One God Creator of us all, but ceremonies vary with the area. We have cities all over our planet as well as many villages tying them together. A few of our cities are quite large and many live there. We really are not so different from many other worlds. I find this to be true as we get to meet and understand each other. It is amazing to me how much alike we all really are. It is a Joy to meet all of you and share our world. (1/10/10)
Master Diyani Appearing was a small thin male with golden mottled skin and brown eyes. No hair on head, but Human features and body type. From the planet SANTUII in a different galaxy. I am Master Diyani, no longer still in physical body. Our planet does not have space travel. Our planet is lush and green with many rolling hills. We do have cities located all around our planet. Mostly smaller towns and countryside farms fill the land. There is another race on our world besides us. They are bigger and more of a working class. The men are strong and get paid well for their labor. We live together in peace, helping one another with different things. My race of Beings is the most Spiritual in their lives. We have strong beliefs and ceremonies. The others have no central belief and do as they choose. Our climate is mild and moist. Some times of the year, it gets very cold and snow covered. A very beautiful place. Our people have never mastered space travel or even air travel. We have high speed vehicles to transport us on the few main roads through the forests. Smaller roads use slower vehicles, individual and multi person. Some of our families are extended and large; some choose to live by themselves. Most like the socialness of the large family living together. Multiple mates are acceptable and child rearing is shared. Naturally, in the cities, education is more formal and diverse. In the countryside, smaller schools educate as they can. Anyone who wishes to really succeed at something must study in the city.
We have governors to oversee operations of the cities and towns. People are taxed to help pay for schools, road, and many other things. Our Monastery retreats train the priests and wise men. These men help to guide and council the others as needed. We welcome our introduction to the rest of the Cosmos. (12/08/09)
Master Domizen A male with grey skin, large bald head, small pointed ears, small dark eyes. He has a small nose and small round mouth. Tall thin body with fluid movement. Dressed in long robe over loose pants. From the planet GANZA. Our race is long and light because we have very low gravity on our world. It is enough to keep up connected to the planet but we can easily float. There are also a few other races on our world. The little people are half our size and hair covered. There is also an avian/human hybrid that can fly as well as walk. We live in harmony among us and help one another in many ways. The planet has varying climates and geography. The Avians move around the most according to temperature and food source. The hairy ones prefer the cooler climates and we like the hot warm weather. The hairy ones are great hunters and prefer to eat the meat that they hunt and kill. They do supplement it with grown produce when the weather permits. The avians prefer to catch and eat the seafood. My race eats mostly vegetables, fruit and other produce that we grow in our long warm climates. We will also eat the seafood. The planet does have large areas of water but not as much as your Earth. The ice and snow melt and give us much fresh water. We cherish it and keep it pure at all costs. All three races have their own cities built to suit them. We can visit but the buildings are not built to suit us all as to size. The accommodations and sizes vary too much. There are roads connecting many places on the planet and travel is easy but not always fast. We travel on the surface land or water and do not use air
ships. Sometimes we use motor vehicles and sometimes we ride on several types of animals trained for that purpose. It is not fast but it is better for the environment of the planet. That is more important to us than speed. All of us are spiritual to a degree with my race being the most highly conscious. We all believe in the One Creator of us and our world. We treat our animals and plants the same way, with respect. Long ago we stopped the wars and bickering and now we help one another in any way that we can. This is a quick introduction to us. Thanks for letting us share with all of you. (03/05/10)
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About the Authors: Offworld Ascended Masters Each of the Offworld Ascended Masters came to Dianna to talk about their home world. They talked about their planet, people, the climate, and basic information about how they live. As they come and stand in front of Dianna, she sees how the Being chooses to look. They have presented themselves as representative of their people on their planet. The communication is all telepathic, so there are no language barriers. In this book, Dianna gives a physical description of the being as she sees them before the transcription of their communication so you can have an idea of how they appear.
Dianna Gutoski Hello, I am Dianna, the Communicator of these stories. I grew up in the beautiful Pennsylvania countryside. About the age of thirteen I found myself reading everything I could find in our small library on the subjects of Theosophy, philosophy and religions. My Mother was quite amused by my selected readings. I decided that Christianity was not for me as I could not believe all of the dogma. That is when I started studying Edgar Cayce and other “paranormal� subjects. As a teenager I started to become aware of my past lives and my Ascended Master St. Germain. At age 21 I attended the Arica School of Scientific Mysticism in New York City. This school was started by the Great Mystic Oscar Ichazo as a way for modern man to learn about the ancient instruction and traditions and to find Enlightenment. I actively worked with these teachings until my 30s and they still provide a basis for all that I know and practice. About 2005, while living in Washington DC, I started working with Spiritual Clearance, SRT, Soul Retrieval and DNA programming. All of this work opened me to my own abilities. In 2007 I was told very clearly by my guidance to move to Arizona and my husband and I listened and moved to Prescott, Arizona. During that time I started working with Arlen Bock. He helped me discover who I really was and learn how to properly channel. Although a metaphysical student my whole life, it has only been about three years that I have been able to channel this way. I was a channel in many former lives, so it was natural for me to do so in this one.
C. Liane Luini Greetings from the designer of this book and web master for I have been involved in spiritual study since college when I began to question the meaning of life. I too read Edgar Cayce, among others, and went for readings with psychics in my quest to understand how the cosmos worked and my place in it. Along with my spiritual study, I became drawn to computers and Internet Marketing. I’ve been studying web and print design, SEO and other forms of Internet Marketing for several years. I now understand that all of this study was to prepare me for the call from my friend Dianna. Her guides and Creator Parent told her to contact me to do the technical work necessary to get their message out in a variety of forms. To say I’ve been honored to be chosen is an understatement! To say this experience has profoundly changed my life is also an understatement. I hope as you read this book and think about the messages, you will find your mind opening to all the possibilities this amazing universe offers us. We are definitely not alone!
Other Books by Dianna Gutoski Path to the Light, A Spiritual Journey with Ascended Master Godfre Ray King Ascended Master Godfre Ray King: Our Work Continues, Always and Forever The Jesus Scrolls, Creator’s Mission to Jesus Conversations with Buddha: How the Eightfold Path is Relevant for Today For more about Dianna, visit her Amazon Author’s Page and her website