DC vs Marvel

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Leader of Deadpool Corps, The Talking Red, The Mutant Assassins

DEADPOOL Regenerative Healing Factor: Deadpool possesses a superhuman healing factor derived from that of the mutant Wolverine that allows him to regenerate damaged or destroyed bodily tissue with far greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. His healing factor is significantly more powerful than Wolverine’s as he can regrow missing limbs and organs and was able to recover after the Hulk liquidated everything from his waist up. His head or any other limb can be reattached using this ability, but has to be placed in the proper place.Even though being beheaded, Deadpool can still move his body normally. Foreign Chemical Resistance: Deadpool’s body is highly resistant to most drugs and toxins. For example, it is extremely difficult, though not impossible, for him to become intoxicated. He can, however, be affected by certain drugs, such as tranquilizers, if he is exposed to a large enough dosage. Disease Immunity: The unique regenerative qualities of Deadpool’s healing factor also extend to his immune system, rendering him immune to the effects of all known diseases and infections in the planet and space. Immortality: Deadpool’s healing factor provides him with an extended lifespan by slowing the effects of the aging process to an unknown degree. His life span is extended to such a degree, that an alternate reality version of him was alive and still in business as Deadpool 800 years in the future.Deadpool has established a relationship with the personification of Death and as a result has been cursed by Thanos, to be unable to die. Superhuman Strength: Deadpool is rated as having a superhuman level of strength capable of lifting 2 tons. Superhuman Speed: Superhuman speed thanks to Weapon X, but he sometimes relies on his teleportation device. Superhuman Stamina: Deadpool’s musculature generates considerably less fatigue toxins than the muscles of an ordinary human being, granting him superhuman levels of stamina in all physical activities. He can physically exert himself at peak capacity for several days before boredom or stress takes over, and could have possibly gone on further. Superhuman Agility: Deadpool’s agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete. Superhuman Reflexes: His reflexes are similarly enhanced, superior to those of even the finest human athlete. Master Martial Artist: Deadpool is an extraordinary handto-hand combatant and is a master in multiple unarmed combat . Master Assassin: He is a master of assassination techniques, espionage methods, covert operations, infiltration methods, escape artistry, marksmanship, and is highly skilled with many bladed weapons, especially his catanas.



Bounty Hunter, Slade,???



Unique Physiology: Due to a military enhancement procedure, Slade Wilson’s physiology was changed permanently. First, the procedure crippled his mind and body. Then, the experiment rebuilt his physical and mental faculties further than a human could process or build. These enhancements make Deathstroke a superhumanly enhanced. Enhanced Intellect: Able to think 9 times faster and utilize that much more of his mind than your average human for information processing and sorting, Deathstroke’s mind is virtually a computer built for strategy and problem-solving, one that works at optimal ability even when under stress and fatigue as he apparently uses 90% of his brain. Enhanced Reflexes: The speed at which he reacts allows him to dodge fast-moving projectiles such as arrows and bullets, Enhanced Speed: Ability to run at speeds of up to 30mph and long distances far out-performing any Olympic athlete, Enhanced Stamina: Deathstroke can exert himself at peak capacity greater then any human could. Enhanced Strength: His entire muscular system was hardened and fortified making Deathstroke many times stronger than an average human to the point of tearing off an airplane door and twisting steel with his bare hands. He can place this capability into his strikes, allowing him the augment the concussive force of his attacks. His strength should be sufficient enough to press about a 1 ton with relative ease. Enhanced Senses: Deathstroke’s senses have been augmented to heightened levels of function. He can perceive things better. Regenerative Healing Factor: Deathstroke’s body recovers from injury and capable of being repaired before death. As such, Deathstroke’s body can take a tremendous amount of punishment before fall. Decelerated Aging: Deathstroke is apparently aging, he does so very slowly, appearing younger than he actually is. Tactical Analysis: Slade is a great strategist and tactician. Always calculating his opponents moves before hand to make a WWconter. Even against metahumans he has proven more than a match for them all at once with time to prepare. Using his superior problem-solving skills, Deathstroke can work out a battle ahead of time for many possibilities and predict enemy movements and tactics after the battle has engaged by recalling and utilizing memorized mannerisms acquired through past experience on a moment’s notice. Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced): Slade trained in hand-to-hand combat and when he was in the Army, he proved himself to be one of their best fighters. Later he received martial arts training in various styles. After train in the ways of Ninja and had studied assassination techniques just to be better. Swordsmanship: Deathstroke is a highly trained swordsman; he is able to dual-wield a pair of katanas and to use them with deadly accuracy and an almost-superhuman speed. Hunting and Tracking: Deathstroke is an expert big game hunter and tracker and used his occupation as a safari hunter as cover for his mercenary work.


Leader of the Avengers, The Perfect Soldier, The First Avenger and Superhero

CAPITAN AMERICA Abilities Master Tactician and Strategist: Rogers is an accomplished strategist. He had been widely considered one of, if not the greatest, tacticians on the planet, both on and off the battlefield. He is able to formulate battle strategies and his brilliant tactical sense allows him to alter any strategy to fit the changing need of the situation. Master Martial Artist: He is an expert in hand-to-hand combat being very skilled in multiple martial arts through his training in military combatives and instruction under various private instructors (he may have learned most of his initial knowledge from WW2 trainers such William Fairbairne and Rex Applegate who pioneered most the methods utilized in that period).[109][110] Rogers utilizes Boxing, Judo and various other disciplines with his gymnastics ability creating a style that suits his strengths and enables him to use his knowledge to the best of his ability. He is considered one of the finest martial artists on Earth. Master Shieldmanship: His years of training and experience with his unique shield, as well as its physical properties, allow him to accomplish amazing feats with the item. Aside from bashing foes and blocking incoming attacks, he is able to throw it with nearly perfect aim. Rogers can hit multiple targets with the same throw by means of ricochet, and could even achieve a boomerang-like return effect, allowing him to strike enemies from behind or retrieve the shield. Advanced Military Operator: He is well-versed in all Armed force disciplines including intelligence gathering, escape arts, assassination, demolition, survival tactics, hunting, swimming, mountaineering, march/drill skills, map making and reading, decoding cipher and other secret code messages, reading and making wood craft signs and other secret code languages, disguising, interrogation, computers, explosives, communication systems, vehicles and electronic appliances used. Master Acrobat: His years of training and experience have made him an expert acrobat, gymnast, and aerialist. He often utilizes these talents in combat for both evasive and offensive purposes. Indomitable Will: Rogers is a very strong-willed person. He is able to overcome most forms of temptation and resist the effects of extreme pain, drugs and toxins to a great extent. Rogers accepts his own mortality, and refuses to rob any sapient being of their freedom. During the Destiny War, he destroyed the Forever Crystal, deciding it was too dangerous to exist, despite the many benefits of its power. Rogers is also capable of resisting all forms of mind control; only the strongest willed individuals have a chance of enslaving him. Expert Marksman: He can throw most projectile weaponry with great aim and is well-versed in the use of firearms, though he prefers not to use them. Perfect soldier in every fisical and mental aspect.



The Batman, The dark Cruseider, Leader of The Justice League, The Greatest detective



Abilities Indomitable Will: He has no known superhuman powers, but he does have an extreme, almost superhuman “force of will”. Intimidation: It is widely known that Batman has the ability to instill fear in others, even the people that know him best are intimidated by him. Even those who aren’t afraid of Superman fear Batman. Peak capabilities: Peak Human Strength: He can break steel chains and cuffs, support a ceiling that weighed over 1000lbs, bent steel metal bars with his hands. Batman even punched a SWAT officer through a brick wall. He utilizes his strength/power so effectively, that a near-meta such as Deathstroke comments that Batman “hits harder than most beings with superhuman strength.” During his exercise regimes, Batman regularly bench-presses at least 1000Ibs.Peak Human Reflexes: Batman’s reflexes are practically superhuman.Peak Human Speed: He can run at speeds comparable to the finest competing athletes. Endurance: His endurance was comparable to that of the finest Olympic Decathlon participant. His lung capacity is so great that he can hold his breath underwater for 3 minutes and 15 seconds.Peak Human Agility: His agility is greater than that of a Chinese acrobat and an Olympic gold medalist gymnast. His main phase of movement is Parkour which he learned in France and uses it to scale the cities rooftops in an acrobatic manner. He is capable of completing a triple somersault. Expert Acrobat: Proficient in gymnastics and acrobatics, to the peak of all human capabilities. Master Martial Artist: Batman is one of the finest human combatants Earth has ever known. He trained in the US for various martial arts for 10 years. He has mastered 127 styles of martial arts Weapon Master: Through his martial arts training, he has become an expert on virtually all types of weaponry. He is an exceptional swordsman as evident in his fight with Ra’s al Ghul, his proficiency in Jui Jitsu can proclaim his swordsmanship skill. Proficient with most melee weapons because of his mastery of Okinawan Kobudo. He was trained and became proficient in all arms. Master of Stealth: His Ninjutsu training has made him a master at stealth capable of breaching high security facilities with ease Expert Marksman: Due in part to his training in Ninjitsu, Batman almost never misses his targets, 9/10 times he’s successful. Genius Intellect: (Batman’s IQ is possibly well over 200; it is estimated Batman is a brilliant, virtually peerless, detective, strategist, scientist, tactician, and commander. Master Detective: He is widely considered as the World’s Greatest Detective, capable of observation, forensic investigation, and inductive and deductive reasoning of the highest caliber. conclusions with a fraction of the data. .


The Archer, Clint,The Hawkeye, Barton

HAWKEYE Abilities Master Archer: Barton has trained himself to become a master archer specializing in the use of regular bows, longbows, compound bows, and crossbows with near-perfect accuracy. He is capable of firing multiple arrows at a single target in a few seconds, hitting multiple targets in a few quick strokes, and directly hit small targets in the greatest of distances. Barton has even been known to hit an apple in the center of it. He practices a minimum of two hours per day to keep his skills honed and to keep up with the rest. Expert Marksman: He possesses very keen eyesight, and his accuracy is virtually unerring; he was trained in his youth by Trick Shot with throwing blades, balls, bolas, and boomerangs. He now has near-perfect precision with any aimed or thrown weapon. He can hurl objects with extreme speed and accuracy, both in direct aim and complicated rebounds/interactions. Expert Acrobat: Barton possesses exceptional human strength, endurance, and stamina. He is athletic, with very good reflexes and agility. This, combined with training as an aerialist and acrobat, makes him capable of numerous complex acrobatic maneuvers that get him out of troubles. Expert Martial Artist: Barton is an excellent martial artist, having been trained in various forms by Captain America, who was arguably the world’s greatest hand-to-hand combatant. On his first mission with Luke Cage’s band of renegade New Avengers, Ronin proved to have come a long way from his old days of rarely ever using his martial arts skills. Throughout the battle against Elektra and The Hand, he demonstrated great skill in his overall martial ability, holding his own against nearly endless hordes of ninjas. This earned him a very respecting compliment from his teammate Iron Fist, one of the world’s top martial artists. Skilled Tactician: As shown in his leadership of the West Coast Avengers and the Thunderbolts, Barton is a highly competent strategist, tactician, and field commander. Weapons Proficiency: Although he is not known to use melee weapons, Barton’s incredible reflexes and hand-eye coordination allow him to easily master most weapons. He also received training in swordsmanship during his youth from the original Swordsman, who was considered one of the greatest experts in sword-fighting the world has ever known. Barton is skilled with swords, knives, nunchukus, staffs and is one of the few people to be able to properly handle Captain America’s shield.



Emerald Archer, Ace Archer,Battling Bowman

ARROW Abilities Acrobatics: He has displayed on many occasions that he is an expert in acrobatics, and often uses this skill while evading enemy fire or other superheros like flash and superman. Archery: Oliver Queen is perhaps the finest archer ever known. He claims to be able to shoot 29 arrows per minute (he stated this himself, in the Sound of Violence story arc, when he corrected Black Canary for saying. He has a wide-variety of trick arrows, ranging from bola arrows to time-bomb arrows to his infamous boxing-glove arrow. In recent years he has used these arrows sparingly, preferring the time-tested simple arrow(its signature one). Green Arrow has shown the ability to shoot an arrow down the barrel of a gun, pierce a drop of water as it leaves a tap, and shoot almost any part of the human body; although he aims only to wound and not kill when he shoots. He once shot two arrows down two different gun barrels while upside down, in mid-flip while somersaulting off a building ( he didnt kill anyone at that time). Aviation: He used to own and fly his own airplane called the Arrowplane. He still has some skill in flying different types of planes. Cooking: Green Arrow’s Chili is one of the hottest foods on the planet but we don´t know if its the only thing he cook. Martial Arts: He is proficient in several forms of hand-to-hand combat including Judo, Kickboxing and Karate. Proclaimed as a martial arts master, he has shown the ability to take on seven people at once. He spent several months dedicated to making himself a better fighter and trained with many of the world’s finest martial arts teachers and even went through training from Natas, the same person who trained Deathstroke. Hunting: Archery is by far Olivers preferred method of hunting however the ability to hunt comes from years of training, patience and survival. He is proficient enough in hunting to pursue a cougar without it ever noticing. Politics: Ollie ran for office and became the mayor of Star City for a significant amount of time. He has since resigned from being the mayor and has continued to lean on political issues from time to time when the situation requieres it. Swordsmanship: Ollie is also very proficient with a sword, though it is not his preferred weapon of choice. He has beaten Jason Todd in a sword-fight and has deflected an incoming arrow with the sword he carries making him a most complete fighter.



Savage She-Hulk, Sensational She-Hulk ,Shulkie

SHE-HULK Abilities Superhuman Strength: As She-Hulk, she is proportionally stronger than her Jennifer Walters form. This means that any extra strength gains as Jennifer Walters through intense physical training will be amplified, making her She-Hulk form that much stronger. As a result of her intense training, She-Hulk’s calm strength currently surpasses the base strength levels of the Gray Hulk, Savage, and Professor some of the incarnations of the Hulk, at least while they’re in a calm emotional state. Superhuman Speed: Due, at least partially, to the great muscular strength and development of her leg muscles, she is capable of running and moving at speeds that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. Superhuman Stamina: She-Hulk’s highly advanced musculature produces considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human. She can exert herself at peak capacity for about 48 hours non stop beforethe fatigue begins to impair her performance and star loosing her strength. Superhuman Durability: She-Hulk’s body is highly resistant to all forms of conventional injury. Her skin is capable of withstanding tremendous pressures and temperatures(not like the Hulk), falls from great heights, field-artillery canon shells, and powerful energy blasts without sustaining any injury. Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite her body’s extremely high resistance to injury, it is possible to injure her. However, she is capable of rapidly regenerating injuries that result in great tissue damage and blood loss within a matter of minutes. However, she is not capable of regenerating missing limbs or organs. SheHulk’s highly efficient metabolism renders her immune to all drugs and toxins as well as total immunity to all known Earthly diseases. Expert Combatant: The She-Hulk is a formidable hand-to-hand combatant, having been trained by Captain America and Gamora. Even in her Jennifer Walters form, she possesses sufficient skill in the martial arts to dispatch several would-be muggers much larger than she is. She is also highly trained in the use of weapons and battle tactics and strategies. Skilled Pilot: Jennifer Walters is a good pilot, as has been shown in multiple issues of Avengers and Fantastic Four. Expert Attorney: Extremely intelligent, the She-Hulk is a skilled and experienced lawyer. She has won many cases proving various civilians, costumed heroes, and even villains innocent. Gifted Intellect: In spite of the character’s party-girl image, she is a bona fide intellectual, being one of the few superheroines to have attained an advanced post-baccalaureate degree.



Diana Prince, Princess Diana, Miss America, Goddess of Truth

WONDERWOMAN Abilities Superhuman Strength: Granted by Demeter (Goddess of the Earth). Diana is literally as strong as the Earth because of her link to the planet granted to her by Demeter. She is said to be “stronger than Hercules”. Wonder Woman is as strong as Superman himself and able to physically outmatch other beings such as Supergirl. Superhuman Durability: Granted by Demeter (Goddess of the Earth). Diana possesses a high resistance to damage and magical attacks. Her resistance to injury is not quite as great as any of the above mentioned metahumans. However, due to her vast threshold for pain and her amazon ability to heal at a superhuman rate, this easily makes up for the difference. She has withstood considerable bludgeoning damage in the form of hand to hand combat with metahuman opponents such as Superman and Captain Marvel. She has considerable resistance to human weaponries, though this is not absolute; Bullets can cause minor to moderate injury, but never life threatening or permanent injuries. Superhuman Speed: Granted by Hermes She is able to think, react and move at superhuman speeds. According to Flash, she can easily keep up with him if he is at regular cruising speed Superhuman Reflexes: Granted by Hermes.Wonder Woman’s reflexes are far beyond the limitations of the finest human athletes. She has been able to react to a barrage of gunfire from multiple opponents at once unharmed. Batman noted that her reflexes are superior to that of Superman. Superhuman Agility: Wonder Womans’s agility is far beyond that of even an Olympic level athlete, as is her balance and coordination are olmost at the level of Superman. Superhuman Stamina: Wonder Woman can last a great deal of time in any fight and with virtually anyone. She doesn’t tire out, as her body produces no lactic acids in her muscles. Enhanced Healing Factor: Like the Earth, Diana is constantly renewing herself (almost like Superman), allowing her to quickly heal mild to moderate injuries at an amazing rate. Enhanced Senses: Granted by Artemis (Goddess of the Hunt). Eyesight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced): Diana is the finest warrior ever born among the Amazons of Themyscira. She is a master of armed and unarmed combat, proficient with nearly every weapon ever made and the exotic martial arts styles of the Amazons. Master Tactician and Strategist: Granted by Athena (Goddess of Wisdom). Diana is an accomplished strategist and tactician, trained in the arts of leadership, persuasion and diplomacy, and possesses a great deal of courage as well.



Grimm, The Mole,Ben Grimm

THE THING Abilities Rock-like Skin: The Thing possesses a smooth, rock-like hide as a result of exposure to cosmic rays. The mutagenic process caused his musculature, bone structure, internal organ composition, soft tissue structure, and skin to greatly increase in toughness and density. After being subjected to a serum, he now reverts to human form once a year, which is now the only time he ages. Superhuman Strength: The Thing’s primary superhuman power is his great physical strength. Over the years, through rigorous training and further mutation, his strength dramatically increased His feats include successfully holding back a giant alien spacecraft from jettisoning from Earth,lifting an oil rig and stopping a multiple story building (weighing roughly 30,000 tons) from falling over and lifting it back into place, holding bridges main cables together for an extended period (which support about 10,000 tons).The most impressive feat was to overpower a pile driver mechanism stated to be powerful enough to push through an entire planet bigger than earth. Superhuman Stamina: The Thing’s advanced musculature produces considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of a normal human. At his peak, he can exert himself for about 24 hours before the build up of fatigue toxins in his blood begins to affect him. Incidentally, The Thing’s lungs are of greater volume and efficien enabling him to hold his breath underwater for up to 9 minutes. Superhuman Durability: The rock-like composition of the Thing’s body renders him highly resistant to physical injury. The Thing’s body can resist extremely powerful impact forces, such as the force of the Hulk’s punches .He can also withstand exposure to high levels of explosives, such as being struck full with bazooka shells, without sustaining injury. His body can also withstand extreme temperatures. However he couldn’t withstand being slashed by Wolverine’s adamantium claws. Superhuman Sensory Adaptation: Though his senses aren’t superhumanly acute, his five senses can withstand greater amounts of sensory stimuli than he could when he was a normal human being. Immortality: The Thing cannot age. The only way for him to age is by being in his human form. If he’s not turned back to human or decides not to turn back to human one day a year as he’s able to, The Thing would theoretically never die but its not prove. Master Combatant: He is uniquely gifted in the art of hand-to-hand combat, though his fighting style tends to be a rather loose brawling technique all his own. This style often incorporates collegiate wrestling techniques, Boxing and on even Jujutsu. Indomitable Will: One of Ben’s remarkable qualities is his extreme willpower. Whatever obstacles may come, he would try until he overcomes them or dies. In fact, during his fight with the Champion of the universe, despite suffering severe injuries, he kept coming back.



Peña Dura King, The Tank,Masked One, Big Boy



Abilities Superhuman capabilities: When Bane injects the maximum amount of Venom that is considered healthy into himself, he becomes capable of lifting about 2 tons. He is ultimately capable of exceeding his limit to 3 ton, run faster than and olimpic athlete. Superhuman Stamina: Under the effects of Venom, Bane can fight almost forever. As long as he can continue to pump Venom into his veins he can continue fighting indefinitely. Superhuman Durability: Under the effects of Venom, Bane can withstand powerful blows from metahumans, multiple bullets and explosions (that doesnt meant he don´t get hurt). Accelerated Healing: Bane can also use his Venom as a form of medicine to heal from injuries, poisons and diseases. Depending on how devastating the injury, Bane needs to inject a certain amount of Venom into himself but it can´t also afect is mint. Venom Usage: Bane’s use of the Super-steroid Venom allowed him to temporarily enhance his physical functions to superhuman levels, particularly his strength, endurance, and speed. His body’s senses and healing abilities are also augmented to a degree. Bane needs to periodically inject himself with Venom to retain it. Genius Level Intellect: Bane is also highly intelligent; Ra’s al Ghul says that Bane “has a mind equal to the greatest he has known”. In prison, he teaches himself various scientific disciplines equal to the level of understanding of leading experts in those fields, making him a genius, an one of Batman’s most intelligent foes. Photographic Memory: Bane has a photographic memory, which borders on absolute total recall. This has allowed him to memorize the countless skills, disciplines, and facts that he learned. Polymath: Despite the absence of a college, high school, or even primary education as a result of incarceration, he has completely memorized all the facts in countless encyclopedias and books during his time in Peña Duro. He is exceptionally knowledgeable in various subjects most likely more, to a level that would have definitely given him degrees in these fields. Escapology: Bane is challenged only by Batman, Nightwing, and Mister Miracle in the arts of escaping and infiltration, and has managed to break out of Peña Duro as well as various maximum security centers, including Blackgate and Arkham Asylum. Martial Arts: Bane is a highly formidable combatant who has not only mastered, but also created several forms of martial arts. Though less skilled than the likes of Batman or Lady Shiva, Bane’s fighting ability combined with his peak strength and endurance make him a highly formidable opponent Tactical Analysis: He is also highly devious, and a superb strategist and tactician, who has committed various famous war manuals that help him in battle with other superheros.


Ωmega Hulk,Savage Hulk, Indestructible Hulk, Incredible Hulk

HULK Abilities Unlimited Strength: The Hulk possesses the capacity for virtually limitless physical strength.in effect, upon actually estimating Hulk’s raw potential, the cosmic entity Beyonder stated outright that the Hulk’s strength is intrinsically limitless. His uttermost potential is unlimite Superhuman Leaping: The Hulk is able to use his highly developed leg muscles to leap great distances. As the Hulk becomes enraged, his strength increases considerably, which means he can jump farther. Superhuman Strength Utilizations: For example, he can expel the air at great speeds to knock down forests and even armed troops.The Hulk can slam his hands together to cause a powerful sonic vibration compared to the strongest hurricane in history. Superhuman Stamina: The Hulk’s body counteracts fatigue poisons that build up in his muscles during physical activity. In an enraged state, the Hulk is capable of exerting himself at peak physical capacity. Vast Invulnerability: In addition to immense strength, the Hulk’s body possesses a high degree of resistance to physical injury. The Hulk has survived tremendous amount of punishment throughout his entire career gaining the fear of his enemies. Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite the Hulk’s high resistance to physical harm, it is possible to cause the Hulk injury. However, the Hulk is capable of regenerating damaged or destroyed areas of his body (even his limbs)with much greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. In fact the Hulk was able to systematically regenerate his internal organs and tissues. Superhuman Speed: Regardless of his size, Hulk’s superhumanly strong legs allow him to run at speeds that are well beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete. Reactive Adaptation: There have been several events in the past where Hulk has not only faced extended periods of time in oxygen-less outer space without suffocating, but he has also repeatedly spoken in these inhospitable habitats Super Genius Level Intellect: Doctor Bruce Banner is a super-genius in nuclear physics,possessing a mind so brilliant that it cannot be measured by any known intelligence test Banner also has expertise in the fields of engineering and biology.He was once referred as the fourth smartest people on the planet in almost all the field on science. Skilled Combatant: The Hulk is a skillful and capable warrior, demonstrating vast versatility and intuition in the battle, like anticipating to his enemies As the Green Scar, he has had training in combat arms, including broadswords, spears, and battle shields. As Doc Green, he received martial arts training from Daniel Rand. Self-Restraint: When Banner is the Hulk he can influence the Hulk’s behavior only to a very limited extent. However, recent facts indicate that Banner subconsciously restrains the Hulk.For example, the Hulk asked for Jean Grey to psionically shut Bruce Banner off so that the Hulk’s sheer power could be unleashed.



Nameless, Judgmentday



Abilities Unique Physiology: Doomsday was created and evolved through cloning an infant and having it killed over and over again by one of the most dangerous species of the universe and in one of the harshest habitats in existence, prehistoric Krypton. As such, he returns to life every time he dies and becomes near invulnurable to what killed him before. His entire body is built as a defensive structure which continues to arm itself. Energy Resistance: Superman used a sound gun to paralyze Doomsday, but Doomsday’s auditory canals closed making him impervious to the weapon. Waverider paralyzed Doomsday once with “chronal” energy, but the second attempt backlashes on him. Accelerated Healing: He also has a highly accelerated healing factor that allows him to heal and regenerate from most damage almost instantly (more efficient than Superman´s). Power Replication: The monster can replicate and store the special abilities of any super-beings in his immediate proximity using “Absorption Cells” making him almost unstopable. Superhuman Strength: With his strength, Doomsday can easily overpower and kill humans and other aliens like Kryptonians, and can bend and break through reinforced steel, destroy impenetrable barriers, and can lift extremely heavy objects, and uproot trees and buildings/structures as well as decimate them with his might. He is strong and powerful enough to overcome entire rosters of superhumans, like the Justice League. Invulnerability: Doomsday is almost completely resistant to all forms of physical and mental types of harm, and as such, bullets bounce off him, rockets, lasers and bombs will not leave a mark on him, and high-voltage energy emissions cannot penetrate through his tough hide. Self-Sustenance: He can survive in space and can even operate while in the direct presence of space vacuums, vortexes and wormholes, and he does not require oxygen, water, or any form of nourishment to maintain himself. Superhuman Stamina: Doomsday can take part in super-powered battles for months on end. He fought Superman through Metropolis for days of physical combat until even the Man of Steel was broken bye his unlimited stamina. Superhuman Speed: Most surprising is his speed for his bulked size. In a matter of moments, Doomsday managed to render most of the Justice League incapable of fighting. Super-Leaping: He was incapable of flight but due to his extremely dense muscles in his legs, he can leaps miles at a time. Superman took advantage of this in their first battle by attempting to keep him airborne. He also used it to his advantage when he deposited Doomsday in a lake to slow him down.


The Stronger Human Of The Universe

SENTRY Abilities Molecular Manipulation: Reynold’s molecular manipulation ability theoretically would give him potential regenerative healing abilities as well despite his extraordinary invulnerability and durability. It has been theorized that the vast majority of his powers are derived from his ability to alter matter and energy and that he could simulate almost any superpower with enough practice and control. Superhuman Strength: The Sentry’s strength varies greatly and depends on his mental stability. The Sentry possesses vast superhuman strength, granting him the ability to lift far in excess of 100 tons easily. He is one of the strongest beings in the Universe. He can also absorb solar radiation for additional strength. The Sentry has yet to demonstrate an upper-limit to his strength, but he has shown that it can rival the likes of the Hulk, although this depends on his mental state ( he fears his own power). Superhuman Speed: The Sentry possesses the ability to think, move, and react at superhuman speeds. He has been observed catching bullets and has also been seen moving far in excess of supersonic speeds; his speed on earth is enough to be gauged as fast enough to move at orbital velocity (5 miles a second). It should also be noted that the Sentry has numerously been depicted as able to fly to the sun in a matter of moments (where it takes light over 8 minutes). This shows that his speed during inter-stellar travels is several times in excess of the speed of light. He has recently shown the ability to travel an indistinguishable amount of lightyears in a very short amount of time in flight without fatige. Superhuman Stamina:Enhanced musculature is far more efficient than that of a human. As a result his muscles produce no fatigue toxins. However, his stamina varies, depending on his mental state( he is afraid of the world). Superhuman Agility: Sentry’s natural balance, agility, and body coordination are enhanced to levels that are far beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete. Superhuman Senses: The Sentry possesses vastly enhanced senses. He is able to hear almost any sound at any volume or pitch. The only Earth creature who can detect sounds at the frequencies he can is a blue whale (0.01-200,000 Hz). He has shown enough control to block out ambient sounds to focus on a specific source/frequency .The range of his eyesight is also far greater than that of a human. Flight:The ability to float by defying gravity, utilizing his superhuman speed to fly far above hypersonic speeds (above mach 10). Nigh Invulnerability: The Sentry is, for all intents and purposes, almost completely impervious to harm, unless he wills himself to be killed he has shown no direct weakness. He has been seen surviving extremely harsh atmospheric conditions, including vacuums. Photokinesis: It may be theorized that the Sentry also has the superhuman ability to generate, control, and emit light. This ability to produce hard-light constructs. Energy Blasts: The Sentry can generate light, heat, force, and other forms of energy as powerful blasts and explosions of a yellow color. These blasts are usually generated from the hands and eyes. It has shown previously to be capable of burning Hulks skin and levelling city blocks in the past. Healing Factor: The Sentry can heal himself from virtually all injuries its said that only if he wants to get hurt he gets hurt.




The Man Of Tomorrow, Son of Kripton, Blue Boy




Abilities Solar Energy Absorption: Main source of Superman’s powers. Superhuman Strength:His strength should effortlessly range into the multi-megaton level at the very least. While the exact magnitude of Superman’s strength is unknown, it is generally accepted that his strength easily surpasses the capacity to lift 1,000,000 tons, he is so strong he possesses the strength necessary shatter entire worlds. Invulnerability:Superman’s body is nigh-invulnerable. He has taken a blast equivalent to a million nuclear war heads point blank and remained conscious. He has entered the Sun and emerged completely unharmed, he has even traveled through Krypton’s Red Sun and survived physically unharmed, even though Red Solar Radiation depowers and weakens him. He has been seen to skirt the photosphere of the sun (100,000,000 degrees F). Superman has even been shown withstanding Darkseid’s Omega Beams, a feat that was previously considered impossible. Superman was able to survive the nuclear destruction of the entire moon in the year 2995 when he was stuck in the future.. The proximity of this field to his skin means that loose clothes, for example, may be burned off of him, while cloth that is close to his body is protected by the “aura Superhuman Stamina:Superman has the ability to maintain continuous strenuous physical action for an undefined period. Superman like other Kryptonians does not get tired and does not need to eat or sleep and can be sustained on Solar energy alone. Flight:Under one Earth gravity Superman is capable of flying at faster than light speeds. He tends to fly at speeds of Mach 10 in the atmosphere. His control of his flight is perfect. Speed: Superman can move at speeds much faster than light and is one of the fastest beings in the Universe. Superman can match most other speedsters in their ability to perform super fast movements. Superhuman Hearing:The ability to hear any sound at any volume or pitch. He canblock out ambient sounds to focus on a specific source/ frequency. He can hear every single heartbeat, as well as the blood pumping through everyone’s veins, hear every foot step, every cell phone signal as it lances through the air and more. Super Scream:Superman was shown to have the ability to project a “super scream” from his vocal cords. He used this ability to cancel out the impending threat of an already exploding nuclear detonation. Healing Factor:In the extreme event that Superman is harmed, either by an alien matching his own strength or other occurence, he has been shown to have the ability to heal almost instantaneously from any wound, assuming that the process is not impeded from some outside factor i.e. Kryptonite. This “healing factor” is supplemented by his stores of solar energy and also seems to be an unconscious ability, as Superman does not seem to have the ability to control when he heals and when he doesn’t. Much like a human has no control over their immune system. Super Breath:Create hurricane force winds by blowing, and to chill his breath in order to freeze a target .The ability to chill inhaled air is a function of Superman’s great strength and invulnerability. Super Vision and Heat: His heat vision is so powerful that they are able to power up the giant ion planet moving engines with his heat vision alone, annihilate an entire army of Doomsday clones in one blast, and has even been stated to rival the heat of a Star. The area of effect can be consciously determined by Superman, down to the microscopic level. He also possess a superior sensory arrangement of microscopic.



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