Luisa Milani Portfolio (English)

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Final graduation project - individual (2017)

As my final project at college I designed a furniture system, consisting of three types of piece: vertical support; horizontal support; locks. With these pieces it is possible to assemble different types of furniture, such as a bench, a table and a shelf. Each piece would be sold separately allowing the users to decide which furniture piece is suitable for their needs. There would be instructions on the packaging, with suggestions of basic designs to give guidance, but no predetermined set. For that I firstly researched the history of furniture, as well as the living habits that characterize our present society. Full brochure in Portuguese can be found at: https://

Some assembly options

Bench Horizontal support 15.7in x 15.7in

Table Vertical supports - with two height options: 18.5 in or 12.5 in



02 GRAVATAI 83 Individual Project (2015)

For one of the college studios we were asked to design a social housing building in Sao Paulo ciy in Brazil. The site chosen is located in the city center, in a street that connects a park and a famous square, with many cultural and educational institutions around. The building was designed in a way that it integrates with its surroundings, with mixed use integrated in the design. The building extends itself through the North-West part of the land, with housing units receiving appropriate sun-light, and leaving a linear square for public use. The ground floor and mezzanine have spaces for shops and offices, attracting people to use the space. In the back an area of approximately 2050 ft² was reserved for private condominium use. Finally, on the upper floors we have housing with three different types: studios for students and young adults; and 2 and 3 bedroom apartments, aimed at families.

2 bedroom

3 bedroom Shop




2 bedroom

2 bedroom Condominium use

Vertical circulation

Vertical circulation

Vertical circulation




Floor plan 0m 1m




Odd floors plan 0m 1m


Even floor plan 10m

0m 1m



Roosevelt Square

Caio Prado st.

View C View C 0m


View D 10m

Ground floor detail




Faรงade detail




Undergraduate Research Assistant coordinator: Lara Leite Barbosa de Senne

The APIS project- Emergency bathrooms for use following rain-related disasters is part of the research group NOAH- Habitat Center without Borders. It received support from the “Academic Partners in Building and Construction: the future of sustainable cities and the built environment� program, and received financial support for research, conception and construction, from the ALCOA Foundation, from the federal agency CAPES, and from the company ContainIT. The project consists of the adaptation of a container into a bathroom and changing room. It has showers, toilets, sinks and changing areas divided by gender. It also has an accessible bathroom. Its main innovation is that it is completely self-sufficient, it has a water purification system, heating system and is completely automated. Its prototype is expected to be finished by the end of 2017, and will be tested in the city of Eldorado, SP (frequently affected by floods). After testing it will be available to assist all Brazilians who live in temporary shelters after rain related disasters. My specific contributions for the design were related to the foundations and model making.

Foundation detailing

Superior piece to be attached in the container - it has a steel rotating screw for level adjustment Cylindrical void to fit stake - projection Foundation of 500mm X 500mm - Rest on the ground Foundation layout - plan Cylinder to attach the stake in the foundation Hook to facilitate the stake removal from the ground Stake - it will be buried on the ground when needed (intended for soft grounds)

Adjustable support and foundation - top view

Adjustable support and foundation - side view

Physical model

Made by: Arthur Cordeiro; Luisa Duarte Milani; Marina Lima.


Group project (2019) Aodhan Hemeon-McMahon Luisa Duarte Milani Ryan Natividad

For this project, we measured transit coverage in the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) service area, which includes the City of Boston, and much of the Greater Boston Area. Unlike most American cities, Boston was largely developed prior to the widespread use of the automobile. Thus, rail and bus use is quite strong as a mode of transportation relative to car trips, and is a driver of urban development. Also known as the T, the MBTA provides extensive subway service (4) and bus service (177 routes). While overall service in the MBTA service is good, the factors specifically cited above are the main concerns for low-income and non-white residents, who are disproportionately reliant on public transportation. It is noted that black Bostonians are less likely to own a car than other racial categories, and that black bus riders spend 66 more hours per year (80+ minutes weekly) waiting for, or riding the bus system than white bus riders. Informed by this background, we explored the extent to which the MBTA provides high-frequency service to low-income and minority communities.

Map 02: Median Household Income

° Legend Median HH Income < 30% MHI 30% 50% MHI 50% 60% MHI 60% 80% MHI 80% 110% MHI > 110% MHI

0 1.25 2.5



Miles 10

Map 05: Monday Trips - Daytime

° Legend Monday Trips Trips /Hour 0 -1 1-2 2-3 3-4 >4

0 1.25 2.5



Miles 10

05 ALVARENGA Group project (2015) Ambra Mattotti Ana Clara Santana Giuliano Magnelli Helena Luz Leonie Dre Luisa Milani

For the course AUP0282- Urban Design and City Spaces Project me and my group chose to work together in a project of the LabHab, one of the school’s research lab that focus on integrating university’s practices and apply it to generate alternative real solutions for housing problems. We worked in a suburban area in the city of Sao Bernardo, which is part of the Sao Paulo metropolitan area, called Parque dos Quimicos. The area is an irregular impoverished settlement, located near a dam, with no planning and almost no services. There are only local shops that sell basic need products and food, but no public service. We worked with the LabHab to design a community center that would house some public services. The project also has a passage, connecting two streets with great level difference. It has plateaus with a sports court and a community garden, and ends in a public square.

LEGENDAS MAP KEY LEGENDAS Vias que contribuem Streets help Vias que that contribuem com o escoamento the water flow of combasin o escoamento the bacia

bacia Ruas pavimentadas Paved streets Ruas pavimentadas sem guias ou sarjetas without sem guias ou sarjetas sidewalks

Ruas pavimentadas

Ruas pavimentadas Paved streets com guias ou sarjetas with sidewalks com guias ou sarjetas

Áreas de interesse para Areas possible Áreas deofinteresse para o uso público public interest o uso público Área pública de

Public areade Área pública interesse para of interest interesse parafor intervenção intervention

intervenção Escadas hidráulicas Escadas hidráulicas Existing Hydraulic construídas stairs construídas 1 1

5 4 2 5 4 2

Ponto de saída na cota

Ponto de point saída naofcota Exiting baixa das escadas Hydraulic stair baixa das escadas

hidráulicas hidráulicas

3 3

Pontospoints críticos Critcal Pontos críticos Murode dearrimo arrimo Support wall Muro Bocasde delobo lobo Manhole Bocas Sub-bacias Sub-Basin Sub-bacias



3 3

4 4


Áreaescolhida escolhida Chosen Area Área


The chosen area has strategic importance the community A áreaforescolhida é de as it has drainage mechanisms importância estratégica associated with the land slope. para a comunidade, uma vezof With the intention quequalifying conta comthedispositivos de area and give it a function, the group will drenagem associados à design a multifunctional inclinação do terreno. complex. We will be taking A fim ofdea future conferirLabHab uma advantage refunçãointervention e qualificar that essawill área, emergesethe stream in the left o grupo propôs a desenhar street (shown in ante-projeto . um side of theblue in the map).



(aproveitando a articulação com a futura intervenção que a aflorará o córrego ao lado esquerdo da rua como mostrado em azul no mapa.)

à diferença de nível e a presença dos dispositivos de drenagem criaram um espaço insólito que acaba por se isolar da dinâmica do Factors the support local e such se astornar um wall, the level difference and ambiente subaproveitado e the presence of drainage vulnerável a create outras mechanisms an unusual space. ocupações queIt is isolated podem from the local dynamics. aumentar riscos de It is under-exploited desabamento, por exemplo. and vulnerable to other Utilizarthata can áreaenhance para occupations the pode risk of landslides for projeto proporcionar Using the area lazerforexample. por meio de our project will create equipamentos também a leisure spaceseand create forterreno. the land dar umfoundation alicerce ao

também, por meio de um programa de projeto, ocupar um espaço aonde existe uma exposição de esgoto e descarte de lixo doméstico


2 O muro de arrimo junto

2 3 4

4 Há

Área de intervenção Intervention Area Projeto ser implantado de afloramento Futurea project of re-emerging the do córregostream existing Existing - now closed fechado). Caminhopathway pré-existente ( atualmente



The community is located in an environmentally Situada em área de protected area and has a preservação ambiental ,a direct relationship with the comunidade tem uma relação natural landscape. Although paisagem direta and comunsustainable, insipient this relationship can be . natural reclaimed (favoring the Ainda que de modo view in picture number 2) incipiente e nãoguidelines sustentável, a through project and proper of pode an relação comoccupation a paisagem area currently has recuperada desewage modo ser that exposition and open disposal favorecer a vista da foto 2 e of house waste.


um caminho pré-existente que foi fechado por uma cerca. A proposta é recuperar essa passagem que ainda é requisitada (durante a visita comprovamos a sua utilização). There is a pre-existing Essathatpassagem deve passage was closed with ser permeadas por espaços a fence. The proposal is to reclaim the passage ethat is de permanência também still needed (During the visits acesso a itsedifício we testified use). Thisa ser construído deve ser um passage will(que be permeated with resting spacesprocurando and an equipamento, access to the future building, suprir as necessidades da which will house public comunidade). services as needed by the community.

Situation plan

26,0 m Shared street

Stream to be re-emerged by a LabHab project

22,0 m Community Garden 2nd access

19,0 m sports block 3,0 m Access to public equipment

6,0 m Green roof Public equipment

0,0 m Square

SHARED SPACES Uso compartilhado Key streets for the project’s articulation vias de articulação ao projeto

2 - Streets crossing

_Cruzamento de ruas

- Sidewalks with innapropriate _Calçadas commeasures for accessibility

dimensões insuficientes a para acessibilidade .




_A nova calçada é um espaço compartilhado por veículos e pessoas, que -podem New sidewalk is a shared cruzá-la de space for vehicles and qualquerthat ponto. people can cross at any _Aopoint chegar ao novo pavimento os veículos - When arriving in the new devem thereduzir a pavement vehicles will reduce speed. velocidade


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