Clamo ayuda social para terminar mis verdades 1

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Social support I Clam to End MY TRUTHS

MY TRUTHS is the name of a pentalogy (five interrelated thematic books) with scientific-academic-heuristic-juristic profile. This important work began in 1981 with another nomenclature. It is registered in the intellectual property offices of Spain and the United States. See your abstract The first volume of MY TRUTHS is titled ORISMOLOGY, it is the only completed and published on the Internet. See ORISMOLOGY is a monograph prototype, resulting treated better exponent of Spanish literature in its history, concerning semasiology branch, specializing in orismos or concepts; the kind of semantics that assigns each word an exclusive meaning: denotative orismic, diagnosis, defined, concrete, monosemio, or literal. ORISMOLOGY discover all monosemios orismos or Spanish or Hispanic dictionary, sorts, it defines and becomes the best method of scientific knowledge, the recapacitador or intelligent thought and genuine education. It also creates a geometric map arborescence or dichotomous structure with all perfect tens of thousands of pairs of similes docenales concepts (or perfect synonyms and antonyms) derivatives. ORISMOLOGY is the only strategy and tactical able to understand and explain the truth of each and every one of the known entities (physical and mental) and unknown. It also facilitates deduct from each cause (or axiomatic truth) effect. Finally, it ORISMOLOGY be the indispensable process of scientific, doctors and experts professional any matter, to achieve optimal efficiency in defining the respective concepts of either natural or mental entities. ORISMOLOGY is the opposite tropology: the common semantics of tropes. They are all words with many different meanings; the polisemios, abstract or young rabbits meanings. They all have different figurative senses, innuendo or connotative. Denotes the trope never any evidence of immanence or being, as orismos or concepts. Tropes or rabbits are typical of vulgar and/or literary people: dictions and absent writings of concepts, with a multiplicity of errors, exaggerations, confusion, dream-like and/or mythical illusions, poetry, prejudices or psychiatric dogmas and / or mystics. Sean order to please or annoy, praise or insult, amuse or offend. Especially with discriminatory pretexts for the benefit of the sinarcasoligarchs and their obsequious, accomplices and bribed at the expense of the humble, increasingly impoverished and miserable classes hierarchs. CONCLUSIONS: 1- MY TRUTHS in general and ORISMOLOGY in particular, offer humanity a wonderful, excellent and very valuable legacy: the invention of a suitable method for modernizing and improving research and educational progress of all subjects; the best way to advance the process of study, teaching and learning in all subjects, grades and school subsystems for all countries on Earth. 2 Therefore, the author of my truths comes once more to national, international and business institutions, which relates to promoting the development of science, 1

creativity, education and social justice, request one mecenazgo or sponsorship to consummate MY TRUTHS benefit of everyone. 3- These institutions, stressed the University of Miami, the Association of Spanish Language Academies (Hispanic) and the Royal Academy of Sweden; whom I reiterate my request to analyze and evaluate ORISMOLOGÍA with the intention to grant a deserved and probable Nobel Prize for Literature. AUTOR DE MIS VERDADES: Luis Alberto Pita Santos. EDAD: 69 años. FOUNDER: Director and Owner of MISVERDADES (small business) GRADUATE UNIVERSITY: History of Political Economy and requalified. CITIZENSHIP: Cuban, Spanish and American soon. SACRED: The research, creative, educational and defending the rights activity and human freedoms endorsed by the United Nations. FOUNDER AND HISTORICAL PRESIDENT: From the Association of Defence of Political Rights and the People's Democratic Alliance (ADEPOs) in Cuba. Society Helps Cubans (SAC) in Spain. PUNISHED: arbitrarily by two sectors of sinarcas-oligarchs (the one-party of Cuba and the bipartisan US); cahoots with their respective authoritarian, servile and mercenary classes. In the US, belonging to all government and judicial jurisdictions of the State of Texas. Also other federal ruling, the Fifth Circuit Court and secretary of the Supreme Court. SUFFERING: Multireincidentes discriminatory crimes, gangster, faithless retaliadores and hatred. Including harassment, libel, slander, false accusations, theft of documents, kidnapping, torture (physical and psiquiatrics), denial of medical care, attempted murder and banishment. In the USA. I have violated a total of 19 human rights with a recurrence of 739 specific crimes, for nearly a decade. DAMAGE: Immense much of my family, MY TRUTHS (company), the neighbors and helpless that collaborate to defend in any country, and my very weakened and at risk of being killed under some pretext by retail gunmen super powerful mafia criminal, abusive, corrupt and unpunished. DEMANDS: the aforementioned mafia sued Texas and federal trial in 38 cases demanding compensation for a total of $318.000.000.00 (three hundred and eighteen million dollars, an amount that will double in the next demand n ° 41). My accused me they sued against two false crimes. I underwent two kidnappings in prison, with various tortures and many other damages. Such crimes after my massive protests the sobreseyeron and expelled judges felons being sent and betrayed by prosecutors of cases. A traditional lawlessness practiced in the US by usurping duality of government-judiciary. CURRENT STATUS: For four years I have been unemployed, homeless, hobo, homeless and with various health problems. HOUSED: In CHAPMAN Partnership: 1550 North Miami Avenue, Miami, FL 33136. T. 305.329.3002 ADDRESS: 1629 NW RIVER RD APT 504 North Miami, FL 33125-2638 2

PHONE: No. 1 + (281) 704-3105. EMAIL: SIGNATURE: Professor Luis Alberto Pita Santos. In Miami, on June 20, 2016 POSTED: By ISSUU, facebook, Google +, Twitter, LinKedin. In addition, forwarded by my group Google over 6,000 e-mail recipients.

Amos, sinarcas, magnates or imperialist (former monarchs and now monopolists) have always been responsible for all social crises in the world. Let all and for the good of all, to establish a new political and economic world order, without masters or monopolies; where prevails the exercise of all human rights on Earth. As today in his fourteen fairer nations: Canada, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom, Estonia, Portugal, France, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia.


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