Down with us imperialism

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Down with US Imperialism

Referred to the People and the Sovereign of the United Nations, the European Union, the African Union, the Asian Union and especially the Organization of American States.

Let's end all empires, the US priority; the greatest, worst, the most pernicious and the most hated by the vast majority of the world. Verify detailed exegesis of the evidence: Reach the commendable achievement of the paradigmatic fourteen northern nations:

Canada, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Sweden, UK, Estonia, Portugal, France, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. Where happily magnum advance more jurisdicente independent programmed macro social order and endorsed by the United Nations met. Promote, we demand and we ensure the enjoyment of the equity present in the Universal

Declaration of Human Rights, meeting MartĂ­ maxim: with all and for the good of all Cubans, Statians state, other Latin American communities and many other ethnic groups; now dominated and subjugated by US Synarchism. Jurisprudentes choose leaders and state and federal worthy, responsible and honorable, no matter come from any match or better any. Achievers of all human rights set forth in the Magna Carta of the United Nations. Able to develop and carry at least thirteen reforms libertarian dignitaries and laws; which have repeatedly claiming. to:


1. Improve and enforce the Sherman Antitrust Act issued on July 2, 1890, the first plan and method of the US federal government to abolish monopolies. Converted to the system guilty of discrimination (abuse, bribery, felony, fraud and other violations of human rights or crimes against humanity mega masters; irrogadores impoverishment of the working class and their families and therefore of all manifestations of social crises Verify details of the evidence: 2. Abolish the "death penalty", ie the penalty of hell or punishment. Saving the worst human victims of discrimination, torture and premeditated murder, committed and executed today by the political and judicial authorities in 38 US states; especially to exterminate AfroAmerican, Mexican and Hispanic people in general. 3. Legitimizing the right and freedom of euthanasia or assisted suicide to avoid the immense agonizing pain. Legal only in the States of Washington, Oregon and Montana. While it is legitimate for pets in the whole US. 4. Legalize and regulate the right and freedom of nearly 11 million undocumented immigrants (particularly Hispanics). The establishment more discriminated against, suffered, and mistreated in US for many decades. Sacrificed with refusals of residence permits and work, humiliation, enslavement, exploitation, fraud, theft, harassment, blackmail, retaliation, confiscation, deportation, family separation, arrests, torture and killings. 5. Legalize and normalize all the rights and civil liberties of homosexuals, bisexuals and transsexuals. Whose marriages are currently recognized by the federal government and the powers of 19 US States. 6. Ensure proper way of subsidized public power, for insolvent needy people. 7. Ensure subsidized for public health, for insolvent needy people. Including suitable for all psychiatric therapies. Believing crucial that "Americans have worse health than people in

other rich countries, and usually die soon and also suffer a greater number of diseases, although its per capita spending on health is greater" Published AFP today (January 10, 2013). And in the US there are: More violent deaths compared to other developed nations. Six violent deaths per 100 thousand inhabitants. More deaths of young people. More calories. More vehicular accidents due to alcohol consumption. More drug related deaths, infant mortality and AIDS. As they revealed two research institutions in major US health care.

8. Ensuring way subsidized public education for insolvent needy people. 9. Legitimize and regularize the right and freedom of companies gambling and betting. Prohibited in Texas and two other states. 10. Legitimize and regularize the right and freedom to conduct business professional prostitution of both sexes. Legal in the States of Rhode Island, California and Nevada, the first in the world that legalized male prostitution. Considering the strong evidence and considering that all individuals or spouses deer prostitute for an indefinite term. The matrimoniados married or concubinados (heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual or mixed) together in pairs or in groups, using


appropriate verbal or written contracts, to love much or not. Denoting that all marriage requires mutual rent (not sale) of bodies and souls for some time (minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or years) to be reciprocal orgasmic and other household services. Exchanged for money or other species of goods, which are essential to cover the maintenance of each of the related families and their offspring, whether poor or rich. 11. Legitimize and regularize the right and freedom to conduct narcotics companies at all stages: production, distribution, trade and consumption. Necessary and good for their bland and/or euphoric psychotropic effects. It is not enough that only in 18 US states is legal trade and consumption of marijuana for medicinal purposes. In two of them, Colorado and Washington allowed its consumer pleasant. While seven states are more ready to get this right. The discriminatory actions of the imperialist monopolies and their mercenaries to prohibit the right and freedom of these entrepreneurs (small, medium and large) to repress them, attacking and killing must end: Because his absurd and unacceptable fraudulent arguments: a. The truism (passive participle truism, it means so well known and it is known that silly to say) that these substances can be lethal. It is also true that all human subjects with an exaggerated dose used (contact, ingestion, inhalation or injection) can be poisonous and toxic. Including water and especially sugars, fats and salt; the most addictive, toxic and lethal. b. The truism that can cause addiction. They know these imperialists and their hirelings that all substances, thoughts, actions and human behavior can irrogar addictive psychosis and / or fanatical, cravings worse. Lying sub and super social parasites parasites US, for favors eternal continuity of monopoly scams, their interference and attacks on Latin America and its top cover crime: discrimination of peoples. 12. Legitimize and regularize the right and freedom to enjoy employment benefits established by the International Labour Organization (ILO). Emphasizing human right is violated by bribed politicians and state and federal legal leaders of US complicity with the UN. To meet the abusive and corrupt will (traitor and thief) of such masters and other multi millionaires. Protecting impunity for such discriminatory mafias of all the American people and many other dependent countries and subjugated. The great test of such a crime against humanity and is not been ratified six of the eight core ILO conventions, totaling 189 specific agreements; one of the lowest rates in the world ratification. Combine the two complementary and general methods of production inputs on appropriate distribution of property and wealth: o From each according to his abilities, to each according to his work. o From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. Whenever some individuals can not work or its performance is poor: as children, the elderly, the disabled, the handicapped and other special cases. 13. Legitimize and regularize the right and freedom to enjoy the legal and judicial equality (meritoriousness and responsibility) for the enjoyment of the different social classes. Absent in all districts of USA. Fulfilling the maxim that "no one is above human rights." This reform would allow sue, prosecute and convict the current imperialist monopoly to make them disappear as criminal establishment against humanity. Enabling adequate gain and growing wealth among workers producers, distributors, traders and consumers of all material and spiritual


to enjoy a better quality of life assets. Also for the legitimate and genuine owners (small, medium and large) businesses to shareholders or condoministas. "The only stable state is one in which all citizens are equal before the law." (Aristotle) Some of these legal reforms concerning rights and freedoms the majority sectors of society and other minority. However, it is apodictic that the partial sums of minorities of any set up their all; reciencia and crucially the excellence of the dignity of one of the most prominent nations of the earth. Sinarcas we prevent, or masters of US tycoons continue to discriminate against hundreds and thousands of millions of their peers, individuals and fellow national citizens or residents (including immigrants and exiles) and international; integrated in eleven obsequious estates (humiliated and/or enslaved) for them. Intimidated and/or startled and/or blackmailed as servants employees (retirees, pensioners or concession) See detail evidence: We can get all the people enjoy dignities, liberties and property to provide optimal quality of life. When workers and small, medium and large businesses are in accordance with a new and perfect legal order (dĂ­gnico and formĂĄlico) the sole owners and all the riches that are shortchanged and so far monopolized by oligopolies (monopolists and poster artists) higher world super parasites. Avid fickle and vain to live as semi "almighty". Bribing and plotting the generality of politicians and jurists native, foreign and international organizations such as the OAS and the UN. Perpetuating their victimizers invasions and subjugation of third world peoples as they please, submitting, impoverishing them and forcing them to suffer any injury of the growing social crisis once and now. Let denouncing and suing all offenders discriminators oligarchs and their mercenaries sinarcas leaders of US lackeys. Especially the maximum lousy politicians: Barack Obama, the worst President of the Government (verify evidence and John Boehner, the worst US Congress president. As opposed to the vast majority of Americans, eager plainants immigration reform and ignoring a child prodigy who asks cease deportations. Verify evidence

Barack Obama and John Boehner both are lords super organized criminal mafia federal and international pro-imperialism and discriminismo monopolismo. Republicans and Democrats disguised as rivals; because they are no paradoxes, no antagonism between republic and democracy are simple additions of any real political action. Nor is the struggle between the rational powers maximum legislative leaders and executives respects and considers whether the will and convenience of the majority of Americans. But Boehner and Obama have always behaved like the biggest offenders (not gangsters, not common) but discriminating sub servile and mercenary parasites of supreme constituents, more giant greedy masters of mankind.

Obama and Boehner are the biggest part in their prevalent-avarients bribers, offenders


against humanity and mega Mogollon. Who commission them to transmit their submissive armies of soldiers, policemen, bureaucrats and preachers enforce series agora and pro-imperialist ordinances. Strategies, tactics and despotic practices nep贸ticas, perfidious (cynical and evil), thugs (Sison and extortion), repressive, cruel, murderers and invaders of other peoples. To preserve the traditional criminal by the discriminators, permitted, protected, hidden and exempted.

Boehner, Obama and his associates hold leadership poor job evaluation that are not based on incentives and collectivist principles projimistas or socialist. Neither the macro social type: World Cup, internationalist, nationalist, racist, etc. Neither the social micro mode: gremialistas, bandidistas or partisan; exclusive of the aspirations of large crowds of workers and relatives of both parties and non-partisan. Because these perverts, and many others before it, have given primacy to the benefits or privileges of the oligarchs-sinarcas in all his campaigns for many years. That is, to please the selfish ambitions of individuals and dozens of relatives (authorized thieves). The largest multi millionaires exploiters and profiteers of our planet and history. Including the most famous, William Henry Gates III, better known Bill Gate; who despite their admirable and plausible history of triumphs as inventor, director of Microsoft and philanthropist director of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, remains the world's richest man, ripping part of the proceeds to many millions of workers and employers.

Obama, Boehner and his fellow also imposed on the vast majority of people (opportunistic, cowardly and mediocre) is the largest and complote worst empire on earth. No matter whether protesters, accusing some or all other foreign imperialists (including Cuba) hundreds of times less relevant and dangerous than US. Bribed and / or intimidated by blackmail to deprive them of their jobs or other rights and/or personal perks, family and institutional, but participate in its many discriminatory wrongdoing. Proving just what, most of the time, with absolute silence regarding such victimizers evidence against humanity. Suffice exemplify the amazing and shocking story of 19 human rights violations, multi backslidden 704 times by specific offenses for over eight years. Accomplished with immense misery and damage to my family, MYTRUTHS and I. verify exegesis of evidence: 3- Claim IACHR I Resarza $254 Million Boehner, Obama (as well as all imperialist and pro-imperialist) and their respective nominees communicators (in different ways) also continue using traditional stratagems to mislead the public with disclosures and pedantic perdularias mixtificadores kits. To wit: A. The cause of the "war on drugs" during the last half century is false. The true reason of the military and police invasiveness of the US territories of Latin America (backed by armed forces of their servile allies in such neighboring countries) and mangoneada imposed by Sinarcaoligarch-hierarch mafia US is to maintain and expand monopolization and economy of narcotics and other goods in US its predominant influence on the rest of America. With the only strategy, tactics and effect of preventing free enterprise (production-distribution-exchange-consumption) and their competition small, medium and large owners, compelled to exercise cartelization. To promote the conservation and expansion of the system operator, conman and hoarder of US monopolies. B. The epitetada "humanitarian crisis" between the borders of Mexico and USA is false. Why is not a philanthropic Unfortunately (altruistic, munificent, generous, etc.). It's a great


migration crisis. This truth explained by the desperate and forced migration of thousands of injured and suffered babies, infants, children, pubes and adolescents. People riding alone or accompanied by their mothers, from Central America and facing too many dangers during the journey. Fleeing the terrible insecurity of all livelihood and seeking refuge in US. But nobody in this historic exodus of Hispanics, also victims of imperialism and monopoly of U.S., do not come to massacre and plunder the Americans as did the ancestors of the American white Anglo detriment of native Amerindians of North America distresses; and expand the break shot and shrapnel for its coarse regions. Instead come to greatly contribute to the process of termination of US imperialism and the establishment of all human rights for the sake of our great cosmopolitan nation. C. Also called ambiguous Castroists imperialist tropes: "October Crisis" to the crisis of nuclear missiles in 1962 that involved schemes allies Cuba and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and the power of his opponent US "Special Period" of the general crisis suffered by the people of Cuba after the disintegration of the USSR and the fall of the Berlin Wall C. Also called ambiguous Castroists imperialist tropes: D. The Independence Day of the US is another fallacy. Which occurred on July 4, 1776, held every year, specifically meant proclaimed liberation of the British Empire of a group of rebels Creoles conservatives subjugation of Amerindians and kidnapped blacks in Africa and meaning today reminiscent of imperialism started offender 99% of U.S. citizens subject. Verify the evidence: CONCLUSIONS. Imperialism, the highest degree in the US, is the world's most guilty of discriminism = danism (nosism and traumism) + pathism (disgustism and melancolism) + fatalism victimism + infortunism + dogmatism (psiquiatrism and mysticism) + fauvism or terrorism + conservatism + servilism + abusism + felonism + corruptism (cynicism and nefarism) + thievism (estafism and piratism) + oligopolism (monopolism and cartelism) + watism + pauperism (deudism and ruinism) + misantropism (anatemism and enemicisism) + monipodism + tabuism (secretism and dolism) + represionism + gangsterism + infernalism + prisonism (torturism and homicism political-judicial) + violentism (sadism and bullying) + invasionism (oplism and bombism). Empires discriminators mayestรกticos classic type (monarchical and dynastic) and theocratic belong to the Ancient History and Medieval. After World War II type monopolistic empires began to disappear with the disintegration of the empires of Japan, Italy, Germany, the misnamed Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and other related discriminators imperial systems.

Barack Obama is the new protagonist of Manifest Destiny, the mythical-dogmatic version of the imperialist and totalitarian discriminators US bipartisanship. Verify evidence:


The criminal system discriminating monopolist U.S. empire has begun to weaken and destroy without phobic prejudices or hate campaigns or retaliation, or violence, or war. But for the proper, efficient and tenacious popular legitimate and peaceful dissent. In the same way that has been achieved extinguish almost completely totalitarian, one-party totalitarian and imperialist system; "socialist" or "communist." self-styled There are 198 registered protest optional methods to help all human this miraculous event. Verify the evidence: It is pertinent to point out two other relevant: The popular vote to elect loving and respectful of the dignity and human freedom leaders sponsored by the United Nations. Organising workers to advocate and defend labor rights agreed by the ILO. No people or leader of America should succumb to blackmail or bribery of US imperialists. Let's follow the example of our Redeemer American heroes; including:

Bernardo O'Higgins, José de San Martín, Antonio José de Sucre, José Gervasio Artigas, Mauricio José Troche, Francisco Javier Mariátegui, José Joaquín de Olmedo, Francisco de Paula Santander, Simón Bolívar, José Bonifacio de Andrada e Silva Jose Agustin Arango, Lareynaga Miguel, Pedro Molina, Juan Mora Fernández, Dionisio Herrera, Manuel Aguilar, Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, José Martí, Thomas Jefferson, Reginald Aubrey Fessenden. Ate. With Patrias and Without Amo.

Signed by Luís Alberto Pita Santos In Houston, July 05, 2014 University Professor of History and Political Economy. Scientific, heuristic, director and entrepreneur of MYTRUTHS Contender for the Nobel Prize for Literature. Historical President of ADEPOs (Defense Association of Political Rights and People's Democratic Alliance). Cuban, Spanish national and a permanent resident of the United States. Dedicated to academic heuristic pro-science activism and defense of human rights and freedoms underwritten by the

United Nations. Retaliado with kidnapping, torture and banishment by the imperialists discriminators Cuba. Retaliado in USA by a discriminator Sinarch-Oligarch-Hierarch mafia who has violated human rights with a 19 multi recidivism more 702 times over eight years; too damaging to my family, and my being MYTRUTHS; weakening me and risking to be killed under any pretext.


5455 Timber Creek Place Drive. Apt 101 Houston, Texas 77084 Mobile Phone No: 281 704 3105,,,,, Google+ Scribd Facebook Published on Twitter, Linkedin, Google+ and Also sent to near 5,000 recipients of emails. Let's help create a new world order and optimal, the priority of human rights are endorsed by the United Nations, opposed to monarchs or oligarchs empires and their discrimination. The imperialist monopolies, first the US, are principal guilty of causing the social ills of the world today "I will persist my activity pro Reforms, Education and Protection of Human Rights; opposed to the super masters parasites oligarchs, conspirators with the leaders abusers, corrupt and impunity of Cuba, the US and any international institution. Although such perpetrators continue their retaliations more damage to my being, my family and MYTRUTHS, and more suffering, without ruling out my murder. LAPS


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