Empire US Restores My Medical Assistance I appreciate and welcome the rule of US motivated by humanitariedad (few likely) or prevent (very likely) I found international scandal restored fundamental human right to give me medical services (clinical and pharmaceutical). After having such private health service during the last seven months of this year; and yet my hard-working, persevering, and formal actions taken in five processes requests for financial aid to pay for such medical expenses. Whose specific and detailed evidence can be verified in the following publications. Follow US Empire Trying Murder Me http://es.calameo.com/read/0038321707e0a66230da0 http://issuu.com/luisalbertopitasantos9/docs/follow_us_empire_trying_murder_me
I Ask for Political Asylum in MĂŠxico http://es.calameo.com/read/00337991744821e2fac41 http://issuu.com/luisalbertopitasantos9/docs/i_ask_for_political_asylum_in_m__xi
My Misery is in US Worse than My Kidnapping in Cuba http://es.calameo.com/read/00337991756435f9cbe3e http://issuu.com/luisalbertopitasantos9/docs/my_misery_is_in_us_worse_than_my_ki
I Denounce to HCHD For Instigating Document Falsify http://es.calameo.com/read/0033799178476f79f7982 http://issuu.com/luisalbertopitasantos9/docs/i_denounce_to_hchd_for_instigating_
I'll Sue the Super Monopoly Google http://es.calameo.com/books/0033799175839e418f89d http://issuu.com/luisalbertopitasantos9/docs/i_ll_sue_the_super_monopoly_google
I Need and I Ask My Medicines To Survive http://es.calameo.com/books/003379917cb8c7ba1d423 http://issuu.com/luisalbertopitasantos9/docs/i_need_and_i_ask_my_medicines_to_su
Instill Terror US Empire to My Loved Ones http://es.calameo.com/read/00337991729b2896f85d5 http://issuu.com/luisalbertopitasantos/docs/instill_terror_us_empire_to_my_love
Imperialism discriminate me by MYTRUTHS.
With three homelands and without master. Signed by LuĂs Alberto Pita Santos In Houston, September 25, 2014 University Professor of History and Political Economy. Scientific, heuristic, director and entrepreneur of MYTRUTHS Contender for the Nobel Prize for Literature. Historical President of ADEPOs (Defense Association of Political Rights and People's Democratic Alliance). Cuban, Spanish national and a permanent resident of the United States. Dedicated to academic heuristic pro-science activism and defense of human rights and freedoms underwritten by the
United Nations. Retaliado with kidnapping, torture and banishment by the imperialists discriminators Cuba. Retaliado in USA by a discriminator Sinarch-Oligarch-Hierarch mafia who has violated human rights with a 19 multi recidivism more 730 times over eight years; too damaging to my family, and my being MYTRUTHS; weakening me and risking to be killed under any pretext. 5455 Timber Creek Place Drive. Apt 101 Houston, Texas 77084 Mobile Phone No: 281 704 3105 mvlaps@gmail.com, misverdades@gmail.com, misverdades6@gmail.com, lapsmisverdades@gmail.com, pitamisverdades@gmail.com, misverdades4@yahoo.com https://sites.google.com/site/misverdades5/ http://mipagina.univision.com/luisalbertopitasantos https://plus.google.com/u/0/114712837140416663517/posts Google+ https://plus.google.com/1147128371404166635. Scribd www.scribd.com/lsantos_825477 Facebook www.facebook.com/luis.a.santos.98 http://www.calameo.com/subscriptions/3395041 https://issuu.com/home/publications Published on Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, Blogger, Google+, Yahoo, CalamĂŠo and ISSUU. Also sent to more 5,000 recipients of emails. Let's help create a new world order and optimal, the priority of human rights are endorsed by the United Nations, opposed to monarchs or oligarchs empires and their discrimination. The imperialist monopolies, first the US, are principal guilty of causing the social ills of the world today "I will persist my activity pro Reforms, Education and Protection of Human Rights; opposed to the super masters parasites oligarchs, conspirators with the leaders abusers, corrupt and impunity of Cuba, the US and any international institution. Although such perpetrators continue their retaliations more damage to my being, my family and MYTRUTHS, and more suffering, without ruling out my murder. LAPS