I reiterated complaints against the mogul Facebook
Ver https://issuu.com/luisalbertopitasantos9/docs/clamo_ayuda_social_para_terminar_mi_2d85e79bf6c43b
I, Luis Pita Santos, Director of MIS TRUTHS, I reiterate my complaints against
The facebook tycoon, Mr. Marcus Elliot Zuckerberg. By their abusive crimes, embezzlers, recidivists retaliators and my academic boycott-juristicHeuristic-scientific activism, made on behalf of the company MYTRUTHS. To consummate the unjust off my account on facebook, again on July 17, 2016; without notice and without explaining any alleged motive. SIGNED: Professor Luis Alberto Pita Santos, in Miami on July 18, 2016. FOUNDER: Director and Owner of MISVERDADES (small business) GRADUATE UNIVERSITY: History of Political Economy and requalified. CITIZENSHIP: Cuban, Spanish and American soon. SACRED: The research, creative, educational and defending the rights activity and human freedoms endorsed by the United Nations. FOUNDER AND HISTORICAL PRESIDENT: From the Association of Defense of Political Rights and the People's Democratic Alliance (ADEPOs) in Cuba. Society Helps Cubans (SAC) in Spain. PUNISHED: arbitrarily by sinarcs-oligarchs estates (the one-party of Cuba and the bipartisan US) including mogul facebook, Mark Elliot Zuckerberg; cahoots with his accomplices authoritarian, servile and mercenary classes. Especially those belonging to all government and judicial jurisdictions of the State of Texas, the Fifth Circuit Court, the Secretary of the Supreme Court and other federal rulers. SUFFERING: crime, gangster discriminatory and hatred; arbitrary, lawless and retaliator. Including harassment, libel, slander, false accusations, theft of documents, kidnapping, torture (physical and psychiatric); denial of medical care, attempted murder and banishment. In the USA. I have violated a total of 19 human rights with a recurrence of 740 specific crimes, for nearly a decade. 1
DAMAGE: huge large part of my family, MISVERDADES, the neighbors and underdogs Cuba, USA and any other country that I work to defend; also it me be weakened and at risk of being killed on some pretext by the assassins of such super powerful mafias, hyper-poly-criminals, abusive, corrupt and unpunished yet. DEMANDS: a) Sued the aforementioned mafia Texas and federal trial in 38 cases demanding compensation for a total of $ 318.000.000.00 (eighteen million three hundred dollars; amount will double in the next demand No 41). b) My defendants, against sued me whit two crimes. To impose two kidnappings in prison, with various tortures and many injuries. Such crimes, after my huge complaints and protests, and expelled sobreseyeron felons judges; who they were sent and betrayed by prosecutors of cases. A traditional lawlessness practiced in the US usurper because of the duality of government-judiciary in all jurisdictions. See annexed to this publication, my most recent and relevant to the aforementioned criminal collusion sinarc-oligarch-hierarch evidence. CURRENT STATUS: For four years I have been the victim of unemployment, poverty, homelessness and compelled to ostracism, vagrancy and the urgent transfer from Houston Texas to Miami, Florida to save my life and find shelter. Making a bold and historic bike ride of 1500 miles for 28 days. Housed: for a year and four months in Partnership CHAPMAN: 1550 North Miami Avenue, Miami, FL 33136. Phone 305.329.3002. Address: 1629 NW. RVER RD APT 504 North Miami, FL 33125-2638 PHONE: No. 1 + (281) 704-3105. EMAIL: mvlaps@gmail.com POSTED: By ISSUU, facebook, Google +, Twitter, Lin-Kedin. In addition, forwarded by a group of more than 6,000 Google email recipients.
Masters, sinarcas, moguls or imperialist (now former monopolist monarchs and oligarchs) have always been responsible for all social crises in the world. All contribute and for the good of all the establishment of a new political and economic world order without monopolists masters; where prevails the exercise of all human rights on Earth. As today in his fourteen fairer nations: Canada, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom, Estonia, Portugal, France, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia.