The US Empire, the Most Harmful and Hated the World In the Organization of United Nations, The Organization of American States, The European Union, the African Union and the Asian Union
Introit. Logic Emanantistic (cause) and Ecbatic (effect) of Empire. Concept Empire. I Accuse the U.S. Imperialism and Defend this Great Nation Conclusions.
I- Introit. After more than three decades of hard and dedicated gnoselogical and sociological work in Cuba, Spain and U.S. to achieve MY TRUTHS (unpublished penta lodge scientific-heuristicacademic-juristic) I discovered and explained that any physical or mental entity can be classified multimode. Eg: be the psyches or minds classified into two classes: the true and the absurd. Social groups: the perpetrators, exploiters and profiteers imperialists regard, workers exploited and impoverished victims. In this article I intend to demonstrate and educate my readers that it is possible to subdivide the concept humanity into two classes or taxa, considering and estimating paths contrary series (individual and collective) mental and physical characteristics. Premises which are (cause and effect) General explaining the natural and spiritual entity of both, without pretending estereotiparlas except as an absolute rule and the probable exceptions in each of them. II- Logic Emanantistic (cause) and Ecbatic (effect) of Empire.
There are two kinds of humans (as a person and as a society) at any age and nation, resulting in many characteristics or inverse profiles: roughly right and good, or more or less absurd, lying and bad. Consequently, for the best display of this accusatory statement considered appropriate to classify (no stereotypes ) to humans in two estates, valuing at least twenty-five contrasting qualities: the successful and not successful. Highlighting (a priori) the worst , imperialism imperialists. Treated in Tome IV of MYTRUTHS entitled Imperiology that abstract theme here today. # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
The correct about humans are:
The Wrong about humans are:
Gifted one more massive cerebral cingulate cortex. Apogetic with two prosperous and evolutionary progress. Discoverers of evidence. Recapacitators thinkers. Argumentative logic and heuristics. Semantic diagnosticians. Abnegation and courageous. Liberal reform, pro human rights law. Friendlies, loyal and loving. Obedient. Reverent respectful and honorable. Formal. Better educated. Exploited. Useful workers producing goods and services. Altruistic or generous. Compassionate. Cases of human rights. Committed. Sociable, community allies. Decent and honorable. Forgiving and merciful. Plaintiffs and competitors. Defenders. Contributors of prosperity and overall social welfare.
Incorporating greater brain tonsillar mass. Tardic lagged delayed and extended. Escamonics and skeptics. Lucubrators, dogmatic or credulous thinkers. Catechetical metempsychosis and fetichist. Metaphorical semantic. Phobic timorous or terrorists. Conservatives discriminatory laws. Selfish, arrogant and conceited. Obsecuents. Animadversion, slanderers and saboteurs. Severe. Less educated. Exploitative. Pests scammers and hoarding riches. Amos or imperialists. Abusive. Corrupt discriminators (felons and thieves). Compelidores . Mobsters, clandestine and liars. Offenders (gangster and / or discriminators). Inquisitorial and repressive. Retaliators andviolents (sadists and murderers ) . Attackers. Irrogadores poverty and social crisis.
III- Concept Empire. The concept of Empire is synonymous denotative with Imperiology, Synarchic, Herilar, Amos, Sir, Magnature, Dominicate, Dominate, Prevalence, Dominability, Emperation and Predomination. Define the treaty of empires or imperialism imperialist . Composed of super criminal factions the most organized of a (state, federal and international) territory in a given period (gangster and discriminators). Typified by their strategies and systematic bands of plotting with political and judicial criminal tactics. Older abusers and corrupt (traitors and thieves). Dedicated to execute the submission of all or most of the population, through the conservation of obsolete and unjust laws and violent extremists retalidoras repressions (cruel and homicidal) fulfilled by the inquisitorial institutions and esbirras. Facilitating the over exploitation of the working class (including small and medium enterprises) to swindle a large proportion or increasing rate of profits and the wealth they create and produce. Monopolized by the super parasitic oligarchs, par excellence, the monopolist consortia. Resulting violated many humans, such as the deserved wages, free enterprise and competition and other economic benefits regulated and agreed by the International Labour Rights. Leading to
multiple problems and other ills, such as the imbalance between supply and demand, price inflation, poverty, destitution and insolvency to cover subsistence and survival of many people. Forced to endure the hardships of nutrients, health, housing, zero, limited or poor education and recreation, increased the lucubrations of dogmas or psychiatric and/or mystical beliefs, or terrorist phobic stress, depression and other pathologies. Common criminals, exerted by isolated individuals or integrating cartels: small and medium enterprises clandestine (not just in drugs, prostitution and games) unjustly banned, repressed and attacked in and out of a country, and suffer many other sequels inherent in macro social crises this lends the oligarchic-imperialist sector. The imperialists, sinarcas, supreme masters and criminals discriminators have been tragic to the maximum throughout world history antagonists. Primitive sinarcas or emperors were the ancient kings, the kings of kings and their descendants dynasties. Were monarchs (despots, tyrants or dictators) who held by all political powers (legislative-executive) and veredictics (legal-judicial); abusing his subjects into submission, humiliate, enslave and parasitize the. So some writers and artists created monotheistic mythological magical characters ( only gods ) attributing such super powers or absolute monarchs hegemonic sovereignty: the tyranny of the peoples of many nations, kings and kings called omniscient or plenipotentes qualified, among other epithets proforstics, monomanitics and malicious . Also the imperialists of yore, kings and kings of kings (Pharaohs, Alexandrians, Caesars, Sultans, Czars, Kaisers, Mikado, Caliphs, Emirs, etc.) Needed and they liked that mythologized and deify. Method paranormal encouraged her mercenary military and legal organizations achieve extreme bondage of all the people, to perpetuate the reign lifetime discriminatory, despotic, corrupt and parasitic semi lords of emperors "gods." However, large and small classic empires of royalty and its leaders complicit mercenaries happened during ancient times and the Middle Ages, succumbed in all cases, provided that overreach their discriminatory violations systems and consequent social crisis prejudice community of its citizens and neighboring nations. Being defeated by perennial dignity dissent and defensive rebellion of his subjects once enslaved and pillaged for millennia, centuries or decades. Notorious examples of these end well corresponded, chronologically, the empires of Egypt (Old, Middle and New), the Old Babylonian Empire, the Empire Assyrian, the New Babylonian Empire , the Medo or Scythian Empire, the Persian Empire, Macedonian Empire, the Roman Empire, the Empire of the Rising Sun , the Eastern Empire, the Greek Empire , the Byzantine Empire, the Ottoman Empire, Western Empire, the Holy Roman Empire , the Latin Empire, the Empire of Germany, Spanish Empire, the Napoleonic Empire and the Empire of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. In the contemporary age empires came offenders Republican style, and disguised with euphemistic sofismatic polysemy (Nazism, Fascism, Communism, Sovietism, CastrismCommunism, Socialism of the XXI century, Tea Party, etc.). The majority were defeated by their people victims, thanks to a persistent and strong dissent and liberating rebellion. It remains to remove a few , including imperialism led by Castro, pretty weak and libertarian transition, and U.S. imperialism, now the giant, fatal and damaging of all continents. IV- I Accuse the U.S. Oligarchic Empire Monopoly.
I reiterate my indictment, guilty of the horrible and abominable and nefarious criminal history oligarchic rule of the U.S. monopoly who have had many hundreds of millions of Americans victims impoverished workers and their families and other people subject to this oligopolistic Synarchism with quirky intensity over the past five decades. Since president by the Republican Party Richard Nixon Milhours felt compelled to negotiate an armistice with North Vietnam triumphant. Starting another offensive war against foreign drug companies to favor U.S. monopolies of this business, leading the huge social catastrophes that have been grieving the community of Mexico, and much of Central America and South America. Imperialist crimes against humanity and social disasters that summarize in the following specific gangster and discriminatory acts, violators of human rights endorsed Magna Charter of the United Nations and protected by the Organization of the Unit Nations. 1. Embed this U.S. Empire a small group of oligarchs sinarcas-discriminators, especially monopoly super explotative, swindlers and parasites. Among current members whose main stand ten of the most important U.S. billionaires and the world. Identified and published by Forbes Magazine: 1. Bill Gates (66 billion dollars), 2. Warren Buffett ($ 46 billion), 3. Larry Ellison (41 billion dollars), 4. Charles Koch (31 billion dollars), 5. David Koch (31 billion dollars), 6. Christy Walton (27.9 billion dollars), 7. Jim Walton (26.8 billion dollars), 8. Alice Walton (26.3 billion dollars), 9. S. Robson Walton (26.1 billion dollars), 10. Michael Bloomberg (25 billion dollars). Verify details of the evidence: % C3 % B3- to - the - millionaires - in - eeuu_61121 get - to- the - president /
2. Complementing this ultra imperialist-monopoly mafia a huge gang of criminals discriminatory, abusive and corrupt held accountable to the highest federal and state authorities: leaders (congress- governmental) and jurisprudentes, including the Supreme Court. 3. Complete this extraordinary mafia many other participants of numerous mercenary institutions (public and private), especially prosecutors, police and paramilitary forces, spies, repressive and invasive, such as the Department or Ministry of Justice and/or Fisca General and/or Attorney General the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI ), U.S. Marshals Service, the Law Enforcement Administration Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA ), the Bureau of Alcohol , Snuff , Firearms and Explosives (ATF ) and the National Security Agency (NSA ). 4. Highlight will be the most prominent bribed accomplices of that empire, the ultra conservative pro-imperialist and discriminatory laws of the general public: a) John Boelhner, Speaker of the House of Representatives of the U.S. Congress. Verify details of the evidence the Supreme - Court - of -USA- and - the - Public - Opinion- world
b) John Glover Roberts Jr., president of the Supreme Court of U.S., along with four other conservative justices of discriminatory laws of human rights advocated by the United Nations to ensure the perpetual concealment and impunity of the imperialist and pro-imperialist U.S. c) Barak Obama, president of the U.S. Government, having shown a cowardly, complacent and acquiescent imperialist and pro-imperialist behavior referrals discriminators. Maybe
avoiding not to condemn an attack, similar to those implemented by errands assassins and paid for earlier supreme masters (the worst enemies of human rights in the U.S. and worldwide) to exterminate other relevant liberal reformers, as the paradigmatic heroes and martyrs John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King. 5. Add to the list of U.S. imperialism pro conniventes some foreign authorities , showing cowardice , opportunism and sycophancy. Particularly most of the presidents of countries like Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and other egemonizados and bossed around by arrogant masters North. They are complicit in the damage too many misfortunes and suffering peoples. Martyred by unfair international political secular ingerencistas, discriminatory, aggressive and invasive to the detriment of neighboring territories and their fellow citizens. Without accepting these backward countries and impoverished by the bad influence of U.S. imperialism and its own native masters, continue trying to survive by mitigating their miserable lives and defending their right to exercise and enjoy the freedom of enterprise and legitimate competition. Sinarca always attacked by the mob-hierarch Northern league with sovereign subject timorous South. Irrogando the worst and most outrageous social debacles in the Americas and the world. This contrasts with the attitude of other Latin American authorities, among which worth mentioning the positive, courageous and honorable campaign president of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos to achieve a peace agreement with FARC, including the legalization and regulation of coca cultivation and Verify drug details of the evidence:
6. Promote pro-imperialist authorities continuing proliferation and development of monopolies, reincidentemente violating U.S. antitrust law or Sherman Antitrust Act, published on July 2, 1890 and free competition. Verify details of the evidence:
7. Divide the U.S. 1% of super killers parasites and parasitized 99, impoverished and too many calamities suffered by victims and damages. Verify evidence:
8. Perpetuating the abuser and corrupt system of power (congressmen, governors, judges, prosecutors, police and lawyers Rabbula) prevarications, scams and other crimes and gangster discriminators hoarders magnates and their accomplices mercenary authorities to the detriment of the class national and international working. Perpetuating the traditional methods of concealment and impunity that they mystify and confuse the therapeutic concept immunity. Verify details of the evidence: (Heading 14)
9. Legalized in 38 U.S. states condemning political-judicial murder. Mal called death penalty. Verify details of the evidence: y,_%C2%A1%C2%A1Murderers!!.pdf
10. Being deprived of social insurance for adequate health care for the vast majority of Americans. Even boycotting reform health insurance promoted by the Obama administration, which is now law. Verify the details of the evidence: 904419
11. Depriving Americans of the right to die without allowing euthanasia without suffering agony. Only legalized in the state of Oregon. While it is legitimate for pets throughout the U.S. territory. Verify the sizes of the evidence:
12. Mistreatment of undocumented immigrants, especially Hispanics (with excessive hatred and violence against Mexicans). The most discriminated social sector, miserable, pathetic sacrificed. Denying for many years, their deserved work permits and residence, while the plague, confiscate, imprison, torture, deport, away from their families or murder. Impede John Boelhner, most pro-imperialist USA and discriminatory authority, the House of Representatives vote crucial in all probability the immigration reform bill that wants and needs the American nation . Verify details of the evidence in
13. Depriving Americans genetically homosexual, bisexual and transgender identity to enjoy civil rights possessed by heterosexuals. Whose marriages were recently legalized in ten U.S. states. Staying illegal in 36 states and their remains unconstitutional in the federal jurisdiction. View: 14. Reduce adequate subsidized food to needy insolvent and announce more cuts this essential primary human right that harms nearly 50 million hungry Americans. Figure with a tendency to rise in the coming years. Check details of the evidence :
15. Increase the number of homeless Americans. Verify the evidence:
16. Deny various types of subsidized medical aid to the poor and indigent . Including the best therapies for psychiatric cases. Result that "Americans have worse health than people in other rich countries ... usually die sooner and also suffer a greater number of diseases, although its per capita spending on health is greater "
As reported AFP January 10, 2013 . And in the U.S. there are: More violent deaths compared to other developed nations. Six violent deaths per 100 thousand inhabitants. More deaths of young people . More calories . More vehicular accidents due to alcohol consumption . More drug related deaths , infant mortality and AIDS . As they revealed two research institutions in major U.S. health care.
17. Deprive many Americans of their right to obtain a subsidized public education, who wish to improve their knowledge and skills. Verify the evidence in the following article "Asia wins
18. Do more to encourage investment of resources to the detriment of indoctrination educamiento. That: a) The catechetical indoctrination instilled faith or belief that all entities (physical and psychic, including discrimination of the imperialists and their accomplices are determined by
a magic will (divine or demonic) for the saints and prayers. No religion teaches that all prejudices are myths or legends created by philologists and artists throughout history. ignorance and falsehood that promotes continuity of tradition among offenders dilemmatic adversaries, operators and hoarders of wealth defrauded victims exploited regarding, cheated and miserable. b) Conversely, the educamiento facilitates teaching and learning scientific knowledge true and logical intelligence of cause and effect of any immanence, including the interrelationship between the aforementioned operators offenders, scammers and hoarders of wealth to infect and harm their exploited victims shortchanged and unhappy. Check details of the evidence: Leaders - of - Education Higher - World
19. Coerce the theoretical freedom of expression in U.S. congressmen, governors, lawyers, journalists, businessmen, actors and other public and private professionals complainants express truths or discriminatory crimes against humanity accomplished by imperialist and pro-imperialist. Almost all inhibited to proceed with boldness, honesty and honor righteous; fearing and avoiding being punished by losing their positions and privileges retaliation by their immediate superiors , subordinates or superiors magnates sinarcas-oligarchs. Forgetting that "Truth is not to say it to cover it up" as José Julián Martí Pérez sentenced, the main
Cuban National Hero . 20. Corrupting large national agencies radial, printed, televised and online journalism, cowed by the threat of losing their jobs pleasant, if not continue to work to silence and discriminatory impunizar the gigantic crime of the imperialists and their lackeys bribed hierarchs. Diverting the attention of a large poor groups, more interested in acquiring daily celebrity gossip Farandulera or fantasists of psychopathic hierofánicos imaginations and prejudices. Who also presented with sensationalist, alarmist and melodramatic emphasis small acts of common crime that are compelled, increasingly, the impoverished troubled. Desperate to find alternative means of survival for themselves and their families, to alleviate their growing hardships and calamities, victims of the imperialists. Therefore, communicators and disseminators of news stories and unscientific, anti-dialectical, and anti-juridical antipedagógicas accurate corroborating the famous aphorism of Marco Tulio Cicerón "The
truth is corrupted with lies as much with silence" 21. Violating specific legal rights of the workers stranded by the strategy and tactics of keeping all jurisdictions excessive activity of inquisitorial control and adjuvants spies and henchmen. In addition, the usual usurpation of duality, triplicity and judicial branches of government and to facilitate discriminatory activity captivating, felona, latrocinia, punitive, efractic and war to dominate unhappy subaltern classes. Verbigracia Heric Holder, hyper criminal U.S. Minister of Justice, Attorney General, Procurator General, and Chief of paramilitary mercenary and warmongering organizations: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), U.S. Marshals Service, Law Enforcement Administration Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA ) and Bureau of Alcohol, Snuff , Firearms and Explosives (ATF). My second main defendant , until now hidden and unpunished by president Barak Obama, my first defendant. Verify details of evidence presented in:
22. Spying on almost everyone, including U.S. allies, as revealed by Joseph Edward Snowden, a very intelligent young American, bold, fearless, honest and righteous. Old technology consultant, reporting and employee of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
Who decided to sue the National Security Agency (NSA ) since June 2013, because of increased espionage history. Whose evidence contained in documents concerning several programs ranked top-secret NSA, including the surveillance program PRISM. All the newspapers reported by The Guardian, The Washington Post and other news agencies. Verify the evidence:
23. Squander too many public funds (federal and state) to consummate the discriminatory and repressive programs of human rights commissioned by the imperialists to numerous institutions and bribed accomplices: FBI, U.S. Marshals Service, DEA, ATF and NSA. U.S. making the most repressive of all country. Existing 730 prisoners per 100,000 inhabitants, ie, 2.3 million prisoners. Just over 4% of the global population, 25% of the world's prisoners; quadrupled in the last 15 years numbers. Verify the evidence:
24. Depriving the American working class and agreed benefits established by the International Labour Organization (ILO); estimating human right is violated in the U.S. That their authorities have not ratified 70 ILO Conventions updated. To obey and comply will cheat and parasitic oligarchs and their imperialist bosses other multi millionaire tycoons. verify details of the evidence:
25. Require you to the oppressed people, cheated and impoverished U.S. to make more sacrifices paying higher external debt of the world. Instead of forcing monopolists sinarcas are the ones who pay. Also indemnify the majority of people who have sacrificed and harmed by the conman super larceny and countless other abuses; subsidizing much of the costs of nutritional support, health, household and school. Vedrify detail of this evidence in:
26. Continue robbing the poor and working class rights to legal and judicial equality systematically violated in all districts of U.S. Verify the evidence:
27. Keep oligarchs and their imperialist powers conspirators legislators, executive and judicial purpose and behavior of the prime ministers, with equal pro-imperialist policies, designate and infiltrate in the Supreme Court of U.S. discriminatory four conservative judges in criminal law (also, a Permanent Secretary hyper discriminator, abusive and corrupt, appointed William Suter, another of my 68 defendants concealed and unpunished to this day). To protect U.S. imperialism with such anti liberal laws or violate the rights humamos endorsed by the United Nations, the Organization of American States , European Union, African Union and the Asian Union . Verify details of the evidence:
28. Reject the pro-imperialist U.S. authorities (as imperialist exclusive member of the Organization of American States) legitimate jurisdiction of the Court of Human Rights. Avoiding perpetuity be tried and convicted for his many violations that hurt the U.S. and other nations of America. Verify details of the evidence : 29. Creating sinarcas U.S. and its leaders mercenary accomplices American Commission on
Human Rights to serve as authorizing office affairs of the other members of the OAS. Violating the sovereign and self-determination rights of the continental organization and each of its member nations, including the U.S. Having result of its victims betrayed and damaged. Verify the evidence in the following quote: "I warn the IACHR and its crime bosses that if in the next two weeks (and it took seven days) do not report me to fulfill their duty to protect me and settle justly my case, I shall accuse and sue before the Court of Justice of the European Union. Moreover accuse , I require and I will protest opposite the general system for violations imposed on U.S. and Latin America, imposed by the discriminators congressmen, government , courts and communicators servilistas and mercenaries of the biggest super parasites the world, the U.S. monopolies." Paragraph from my statement on
30. Keep extremist and uncontrolled sale of firearms among civilians to preserve the perks of the owners of the companies that produce , distribute and sell. Not of interest to the thousands of dead killed, massacred and genocidados U.S. and other countries in America and the world, nor sympathize with the great suffering of their loved ones. Verify details of the evidence:
31. Depriving States enjoy freedom and exercise their right to participate in the most diverse forms of business or recreational gambling and betting . With erroneous and fraudulent argument that cause addiction. Because all human activities are feasible irrogar some obsessive paranoia. But any of the many cases (including compulsive gambling ) is not logical or lawful conceptuarlas as crimes or offenses. These are diseases that must be addressed and resolved with professional psychiatric treatment , not harassment, judgments and punishments. Verify the evidence: 32. Remove the enjoyment Americans to exercise their right and freedom to make the profession of prostitution in all its ways paraphilic (exceptos those involving minors with adults). Legalized and normalized only in the States of Rhode Island , California and Nevada, the first in the world that legalized male prostitution. With the absurd and deceitful that means the sale and purchase of human body explanation. For only sold and bodies are bought, the effort and the souls of humans in the slave economy system . However, under capitalism or free enterprise and competition, all types of workers or professionals ( without exception ) voluntarily participate in a commercial leasing process. In which there are two contractuantes entities: the seller or landlord who takes a job at a certain time and paid for it a salary or equivalent in goods , while the buyer or tenant who receives a product or service invests or pays the agreed price to enjoy the value of use or consumption of sexual services. Verify the evidence: 33. Hide the growing rational, necessary and useful service worthy of legalized prostitution and regularized by hypocritical euphemism "chaperones" exercised by thousands of Americans (as well as other sex workers servers all progressive countries in the world) with university and college choice, motivated by pleasure and wage required to bear the costs of their education, the highest in the world. Verify the evidence:
34. Vedat, harass, suppress and attack U.S. small and medium businesses (non-monopoly) narcotics at all stages: production, distribution, trade and consumption. Being legal in 18 states trade and consumption of marijuana for medicinal purposes. Allowing two of them, Colorado and Washington a year ago , its use pleasant. While many more States aim to achieve this long-standing human right. Verify the evidence arguments in 31:
35. Irrogar by perennial anti-juridical, persecution, criminal, violent and invasive discrimination (antagonistic to the rights and freedoms of legalization and standardization of small and medium enterprises and their competitions) increasing recidivism serious common crimes. Perpetrated within and outside the U.S. by individuals or roughly organized in cartels groups, dedicated to kidnapping, extortion, bribery, the pederastias, torture, murders, massacres, money laundering, smuggling and national many goods and international influences. Usually narcotics, arms and human slaves and forced into prostitution or other work . Being victims (usually young, teen, pubes, children, infants and toddlers) expropriated of their profits or super-exploited, with few or no benefits neither. Check evidence
36. Convert U.S. police the most cowardly, abusive, corrupt, repressive, cruel, murderous, warmongering, terrorist and unpunished in developed countries. Verify details of the evidence:
37. Perpetrating imperialist monopolists of Wal-Mart Store Inc. and the owners of two other giant companies: Evergreen Alliance Golf Limited, LP and Providence Place Apartments, Inc. bribing the 15 cuts all U.S. jurisdictions, including the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights and consummate complotarlos: a) The permanent boycott of my legitimate vigilante win 34 complaints (two penalties and 32 civilians) in which I have asked and I will continue suing offenders discriminators 68, guilty of 18 human rights violators , with more than 600 specific offenses almost all multi recidivist recidivists) for nearly eight years. Verify details of the evidence: the European -Union b) Deprive me of all federal and state social assistance (except $ 155.00 to buy food) almost become a homeless a second time, unable to solve my goods to ensure subsistence and survival, to weaken rapidly and consummate my likely murder. Verify details of the evidence:
38. Being guilty imperialist system of the United States (despite his fame and fanfare to stay as a senior military world power, technology and the richest absolute mode) is the worst dealer or fraudulent thief of national assets and the major cause impoverishment of the American people and therefore the worst social crisis in its history, also affecting the current globalized world. Verify some evidence: CONCLUSIONS: All empires are bad and pass through three stages: initiation, growth and decline until extinguished. The American empire, with racial preponderance of Anglo-Saxon type, began when the United Kingdom of Great Britain invaded North America and established the famous Thirteen Colonies in 1607. Then development with its expansion to the west and south, capturing a vast territory, most seized from the indigenous Amerindians, and the ruthless exploitation of millions of slaves (legalized in fifteen states) trafficked from Africa and their offspring during the XVIII and IXX
centuries. Its decline began with the recognition of the civil rights of Latin Americans and African Americans. Relevant social liberal victory that helped leaders John F. heroic Kennedy and Martin Luther King, assassinated for opposing the imperialist aggressors and defend the human rights of their victims. U.S. Imperialism end happily when the vast majority of Americans choose enough liberal reformist politicians. No matter whether the Democratic Party or the Republican or both, as the Democratic-Republican Party of the United States (PDREU) founded in 1792 by Thomas Jefferson. Unrated party symbols: they are red, blue, or all colors of the rainbow elephant, donkey or all animals, the left, right, center or the 32 points that make up the directional wind rose. The important thing is that our leaders respect all human rights and make you satisfied. Many are confident that almost all of the American people and the world in general with progressive activists by human rights institutions continue contributing to better efficiency in establishing the human rights system in the U.S., promoting and protecting the welfare of all people and the pools other nations. Modern super-imperialist and pro-monopoly inquisition USA were unable to condemn the torture of the bonfire to end my tenacious defender and disclosure of MYTRUTHS my demands. Although I have been tortured in many ways and make me little lacking street homeless for the second time , and induce aggravation of my numerous conditions, including my great stress and repeated cerebrovascular accidents kill to get. But I repeat my oath that I will continue my peaceful scientific-heuristicacademic-juristic work to date. Verify some details of this evidence:
40. The US empire constantly sabotaged MISVERDADES (micro company dedicated to scientific work, heuristic, academic and jurĂstico) to avoid my public applicant campaign and cover up their discriminatory crime and impunity, as well as those of their lackeys mercenary accomplices, abusive, corrupt, repressive and violent. Condemning the director and activist, myself, to destitution and the gradual murder. Depriving remunerative work and all social assistance of the State of Texas and federal ($ 155.00 monthly except for food). As the protection of my mother and other family members who have saved me, to pay for the maintenance of my survival since last June. In addition there have been numerous cyber attacks that have destroyed the operating system of my computer. And worse, have plotted twice to Mark Zuckerberg, owner of Facebook (the world's largest social network) to block my freedom of expression and participation in it, deleting or stealing more than 90 % of the information and informative history that had archived in it. Verify a summary exegesis. y
CONCLUSIONS: All empires are bad and pass through three stages: initiation, growth and decline until extinguished. The American empire, with racial preponderance of Anglo-Saxon type, began when the United Kingdom of Great Britain invaded North America and established the famous Thirteen Colonies in 1607. Then development with its expansion to the west and south, capturing a vast territory, most seized from the
indigenous Amerindians, and the ruthless exploitation of millions of slaves (legalized in fifteen states) trafficked from Africa and their offspring during the XVIII and IXX centuries. Its decline began with the recognition of the civil rights of Latino Americans and African Americans. Relevant social liberal victory that helped John F. Kennedy heroic leaders and Martin Luther King, assassinated for opposing the imperialist aggressors and defend the human rights of their victims. US Imperialism end happily when the vast majority of Americans choose enough liberal reformist politicians. No matter whether the Democratic Party or the Republican or both, as the Democratic-Republican Party of the United States (PDREU) founded in 1792 by Thomas Jefferson. Unrated party symbols: they are red, blue, or all colors of the rainbow elephant, donkey or all animals, the left, right , center or the 32 points that make up the directional wind rose. The important thing is that our leaders respect all human rights and make you satisfied. Many are confident that almost all of the American people and the world in general with progressive activists by human rights institutions continue contributing to better efficiency in establishing the human rights system in the US, promoting and protecting the welfare of all people and pools other nations. Modern super pro-imperialist and monopoly inquisition USA were unable to condemn the torture of the bonfire to end my tenacious defender MISVERDADES and disclosure of my demands. Although I have been tortured in many ways and make me little lacking street homeless for the second time , and induce aggravation of my numerous conditions, including my great stress and repeated cerebrovascular accidents kill to get. But I repeat my oath that I will continue my peaceful scientific-heuristicacademic-juristic work to date. Verify some details of this evidence:
Signed by Luis Alberto Pita Santos In Houston, January 24, 2014 Ready for my campaign against the UN headquarters, if not kill me before.
University Professor of History and Political Economy. Scientific, heuristic and director entrepreneur of MYTRUTHS. Candidate for Nobel Literature Prize. History President of the ADEPOs (Association the Defense of Political Rights and People's Democratic Alliance) Kidnapped and tortured in Cuba and the USA for my activism pro rights and freedoms underwritten by the UN. Cuban exile, a Spanish citizen and permanent resident of the United States. 5455 Timber Creek Place Drive. Apt 101 Houston, Texas 77084 Mobile Phone No: 281 704 3105,,,,, Google+ Scribd Facebook Published on Scribd, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Google+. Also sent to more 5,000 recipients of emails.
"I will persist my activity pro Reforms, Education and Protection of Human Rights; opposed to the super masters parasites oligarchs, conspirators with the leaders abusers, corrupt and impunity of Cuba, the U.S. and any international institution. Although such perpetrators continue their retaliations more damage to my being, my family and MYTRUTHS, and more suffering, without ruling out my murder. "All prejudices originate damages. Prejudices, dogmas or beliefs of such psychiatric and / or mystics are the sole causes of aberrations, phobias, hatred and discrimination, crimes of the worst kind. Psychiatric beliefs dominate the systems such tyrants and corrupt communist, fascist, Nazi, etc. Religious beliefs prevailing in the more or less democratic systems between groups pro powerful oligarchs, elitist, bullies, mobsters and corrupt. Both conservatives organized criminals are obsolete legalities restricting and / or override human rights and freedoms, especially with repressive methods, violent and warmongering. Irroging in much of the world billions of victims for too many violations and damages. " LAPS.