6th claim of justice

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6th CLAIM OF JUSTICE To the Office of the Prosecutor and to the Court of the United States, Southern District of Florida. Miami: U.S. Attorney's Office 99 N.E. 4th Street Miami, Fl. 33132 <Sarah-Schall@usdoj.gov>. Phone: (305) 961-9377 <Annette.lima@usdoj.gov>. Phone: (305) 961-9174 Complaints of citizens: <USAFLS-CitizenComplete @ usdoj.gov> <USAFLS-CITIZENCOMPLAIN@mx-jdew.usdoj.gov> <Donzella.Walton@usdoj.gov>, With copy to: <AskDOJ@usdoj.gov>, <411Assist@dms.myflorida>, <vmallette@miamidade.gov>, <mayor@ci.miami.fl.us>, <ilebron@chapmanpartnership.org>

I, Luis Alberto Pita Santos (LAPS) Born on April 9, 1947, in the municipality Marianao, province of Havana City, Cuba. Cuban citizen, naturalized Spanish and in process to obtain US citizenship. University graduate of Professor of History and requalified in Political Economy. Founder and Historical President of ADEPOS: Association for the Defense of Political Rights (ADDEPO) and Popular Democratic Alliance (ADEPO). CoPresident of the Cuban Democratic Concertation based in Cuba. Founder and President of the Cuban Aid Society (SAC) and Former President of the Union of Cubans of Europe (UCE), both based in Madrid; Among other leadership positions and activism in many Cuban organizations that defend human rights. Kidnapped and tortured In Cuba and the USA for his activism for the defense of human rights Author of MY TRUTHS (pentalogy). Cuyo Tomo Primero, entitled ORISMOLOGY and published on the Internet, seeks a Nobel Prize in Literature. Verify the detailed explanation in the following publication: Https://issuu.com/luisalbertopitasantos9/docs/clamo_yuda_social_para_terminar_mi_2d85e79bf6c43b Founder, director and owner of MYTRUTHS (small business). Mailing Address: 1629 NW NORTH RIVER RD APT 504 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33125-2638 Physical residence address: CHAPMAN partnership. Empowering the Homelless. 1550 North Miami Avenue, Miami, FL 33136. Mobile Phone: +1 (281) 704-3105 Email: mvlaps@gmail.com

I reiterate for the fifth time my request for admission of a VS claim. 59 discriminatory, abusive, corrupt, and retaliatory criminals (eight synarcas-monopolists-bribers and forty-nine subordinate and bribed hierarchs from all US jurisdictions). Members of the two upper classes of delinquents. For being the culprits during a decade of violating 19 human rights, with a repeated recidivism of 813 concrete crimes against humanity; Including the permanent attempt to assassinate me under any pretext. Very much damaging my family, my being, MYTRUTHS and many people discriminated, impoverished, miserable and helpless that I helped protect because of my status as an activist dedicated to the defense of human rights. Requiring me to return all the rights that have taken me and indemnify me with 776 million dollars. Much of it is donated to charitable institutions, especially to assist the homeless in Miami and other humanitarian ends. Verify detailed comments in the following publications:

DEMANDO COMPLOT SINARCA-OLIGARCA-JERARCA EN USA https://issuu.com/luisalbertopitasantos9/docs/demando_complot_sinarca-oligarca-je +++++++++++++

I SUE COMPLOT SYNARCH-OLIGARCH-HIERARCH IN USA https://issuu.com/luisalbertopitasantos9/docs/i_sue_complot_sinarch-oligarch-hier

I CLAN JUSTICE FOR MY BEING AND MY TRUTHS Https://issuu.com/luisalbertopitasantos9/docs/clamo_a_la_unesco/2?e=12871957/30000297

I DENOUNCED US SINARQUISM FOR NEW DISCRIMINATION Https://issuu.com/home/docs/denuncio_al_sinarquismo_de_usa_por_/edit/links I must point out that my alleged collusion of 59 discriminatory victims, members of the Texas and Federal districts, has not been able to fulfill its purpose of annihilating me; And I am still alive, thanks to the welcome and protection given me by the State of Florida. Especially for the generous help received from numerous medical and charitable institutions in Miami and Hialeah; With relevance granted by CHAPMAN partnership. Empowering the Homelless.

Atte. Luis Alberto Pita Santos. In Miami, on March 2, 2017. I HAVE THREE COUNTRIES AND I OPEN TO ALL MASTER. The masters, synarchs, magnates or imperialists (once monarchs and now monopoly oligarchs) have always been to blame for all the social crises in the world. Let us all contribute and for the good of all, the establishment of a new political-economic world order, without monopolist masters; Where the exercise of all human rights on Earth prevails and the equality of all citizens before the law. As it is today in its fourteen most just nations: Canada, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom, Estonia, Portugal, France, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. I will continue my work for reforms, education and protection of human rights; As opposed to the super parasite oligarchs masters, plotted against the abusive, corrupt and impunity hierarchies of Cuba, the US and any international institution. Although such perpetrators continue their retaliations with more damage to my being, my family and MYTRUTHS; And more suffering, without ruling out my murder.

Check summary of the evidence and arguments in the following article: Https://centinela66.com/2012/04/29/los-verdaderos-duenos-del-mundo-quien-nos-maneja-y-nos-enfrenta-a-crisis-y-guerras/

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