Who, Luis Alberto Pita Santos (LAPS) Cuban citizen, nationalized Spanish and aspiring American citizenship. University graduate of Professor of History and requalified in Political Economy. Author and writer of MY TRUTHS. Scientific-heuristic-academic-juridical pentalogy that pretend a Nobel Prize for Literature. Verify details commented in the following publication: https://issuu.com/luisalbertopitasantos9/docs/clamo_ayuda_social_para_terminar_mi_2d85e79bf6c43b Founder, director and owner of MYTRUTHS (small business) Mailing Address: 1629 NW NORTH RIVER RD APT 504 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33125-2638 Address of physical residence: CHAPMAN partnership. Empowering the Homelless. 1550 North Miami Avenue, Miami, FL 33136. Mobile Phone No: 1 (281) 704-3105 Email address: mvlaps@gmail.com Plaintiff against the aforementioned US imperialism. For 19 human rights violations counted a multimatch of 813 specific crimes for a decade. Verify detailed comments on: 2nd Complaint of Justice to the Prosecutor's Office and to the Court of the United States, Southern District of Florida. Https://issuu.com/luisalbertopitasantos9/docs/2___reclamo_de_justicia_a_fiscal__a? e=12871957/30000297 Again I proceed to denounce the US imperialist state and its main accomplices, the bipartisan observer and mercenary authorities of all jurisdictions (precintal, county, state and federal) who for a decade continue their series of 19 discrimes or violations of human rights, With a multi-recidivism of 813 specific crimes, to the detriment of my family, MYTRUTHS (ruined small company), my being and other victims subjected, impoverished and unprotected that I collaborate to defend, for my condition of activist of the human rights, Consecrated, persevering and reckless. Consuming such masters and their conniving lackeffects, their most recent concrete crime against humanity (No. 813) typified as retaliatory prevarication; Concerning unfairly depriving me of my right to obtain US citizenship by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS). Whose process began on September 9, 2015, I was denied on August 18, 2016 and notified me on December 7, 2016. Boycotting once again the opportunity to get my Social Security benefits (with relevance, Retirement for Disabled, The medical insurance plan ¨medicare¨ and the help to rent a low-cost housing). By prolonging for about five years my status of misery, my helplessness, my degradation of quality of life, the aggravation of the penalties to my family and to my person; Consequently my gradual martyrdom and murder. Punishing me severely for my activism contumacious for human rights, as opposed to its maximum discriminator: the imperialist-monopolist class of the United States.
Signed by Luis Alberto Pita Santos. In Miami, Florida on December 12, 2016
Los amos, sinarcas, magnates o imperialistas (otrora monarcas y ahora oligarcas monopolistas) siempre han sido los culpables de todas las crisis sociales en el mundo. Aportemos todos y para el bien de todos, el establecimiento de un nuevo orden mundial político-económico, sin amos monopolistas; donde prevalezca el ejercicio de todos los derechos humanos en la Tierra y la igualdad de todos los ciudadanos ante la ley. Como ocurre hoy en sus catorce naciones más justas: Canadá, Islandia, Noruega, Finlandia, Suecia, Reino Unido, Estonia, Portugal, Francia, Bélgica, Alemania, Dinamarca, Suiza, Austria y Eslovenia. Persistiré mi actividad pro reformas, educación y protección de los derechos humanos; opuesto a los súper parásitos amos oligarcas, complotados con los jerarcas abusadores, corruptos e impunes de Cuba, EEUU y de cualquier institución internacional. Aunque tales victimarios prosigan sus retaliaciones con más daños a mi ser, a mi familia y a MISVERDADES; y más sufrimientos, sin descartar mi asesinato.
Verificar resumen de las evidencias en el siguiente artículo: https://centinela66.com/2012/04/29/los-verdaderos-duenos-del-mundo-quien-nos-maneja-ynos-enfrenta-a-crisis-y-guerras/