Obeytouch products

All type of touch screens and touch displays solution, providing to more than 100 countries.

About Obey Co Limited
Since 2007, Obeytec is one of most professional LCD Display and Touch screen factory in China. Obey have Over 1000 different drawings of touch screens and touch monitors. Touch screen is only product we involved over decade, included Resistive Touch/Infrared Touch/SAW touch/ Capacitive Touch.

Touch Monitors

Touch Monitors, SAW Touch Monitor, Infrared Touch Monitors, Capacitive touch monitors, Infrared Touch Monitors.
Touch Screens

Touch Screens, SAW Touch Screens, Infrared Touch Screens, Capacitive touch Screens, Infrared Touch Screens.

+86 134 8064 0976 Phone Number Contact Us Reach out to us for inquiries or comments. Sandy@obeycrop.com Email Address www.obtouch.com Website
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