Aoraki by Lukas Mayrl
straight cuts on terminals
dots are squared
Mountain vertical stress
overshoot on baseline for round letters
DTL Nobel Sjoerd Hendrik de Roos, 1929 Amsterdam
overshoot on x height for round letters
very low or almost no contrast
ascender line cap line mean line
base line descender line
letters like e, a, g have additional 30° cuts
Nobel DTL is a geometric sans-serif typeface designed by Hollands first typedesigner Sjoerd Henrik de Roos. Using the historical type specimen by de Roos, Andrea Fuchs and Fred Smeijers created DTL Nobel for the Dutch Type Library in the years 1990-93.
abcd efghijk lmnop qrstu vwxyz
[ 50pt ]
0 5
1 6
2 7
3 4 8 9
[ 20pt ]
3 4
8 9
375 4
.,:;!?"“”«»`´ @_&#™©§%* +-•÷=~<> /\(){}[] €$
à ò è
ä ö ü
outline of the sourcefont DTL Nobel
sceleton of the sourcefont DTL Nobel
apply brushes & cut off edges
add own made serifs
expanded & final letter
10° 33% 9pt
brushes for straight lines and skewed lines in both directions. used on:
38° 36% 9pt
34°34% 7.2pt
brush for straight lines with an 34°angle to apply it also on the skew lines on lowercase letters. brush for skewed lines from bottom right to top left.
25°38% 7pt
used on:
3° 37% 8pt
10° 33% 9pt
30°34% 7.2pt
brush for round shapes on uppercase letters used on:
B P R, C D G U O Q
brushes for round forms on lowercase letters, thin and thik part that give an elegant shape used on:
25°38% 7pt
36°40% 8pt
brush for the uppercase S, for the lowercase s it is the same brush with a lower pt size.
The legend of Aoraki
[ 24pt / 25pt ]
Aoraki is not just the highest Mountain in New Zealand, sacred and a very important and fundamental pillar in the old circle of the Maoriculture - the nativ New Zealanders.
[ 14pt / 16pt ]
According to Maori legend, Aoraki was a young boy who, along with his three brothers, were the sons of Rakinui, the Sky Father. On their voyage around the Papatuanuku, the Earth Mother, their canoe became stranded on a reef and tilted. Aoraki and his brothers climbed onto the top side of their canoe. However, the south wind froze them and turned them to stone. Their canoe became the Te Waka o Aoraki, the South Island. Aoraki, the tallest, became the highest peak, and his brothers created the Ka Tiritiri o te Moana, the Southern Alps. The Ngai Tahu, the main iwi (tribe) of New Zealands southern region, consider Aoraki as the most sacred of the ancestors that they had descended from. Aoraki brings the iwi with its sense of community and purpose, and remains the physical form of Aoraki and the link between the worlds of the supernatural and nature. The park is a harsh land of ice and rock. Glaciers cover 40% of it. There are 19 peaks over 3,000 metres including New Zealands highest mountain, Aoraki/Mount Cook (3754mt). The park is also part of Te Waipounamu - South Westland World Heritage Area in recognition of its outstanding natural values. The glaciers that have helped shape the parks landscape include five major valley systems: Godley, Murchison, Tasman, Hooker and Mueller. The Tasman Glacier, New Zealands largest and longest glacier, is clearly visible from the main highway at the entrance of the park. Its 27 km long, up to three km wide and 101 sq km. Although covered with rock material in its lower reaches, the ice of the Tasman is about 600 metres deep near the Hochstetter Icefall.
[ 10pt / 12pt ]
A gnarled, twisted pohutukawa on the windswept cliff top at Cape Reinga, the northern tip of New Zealand, has become of great significance to many New Zealanders. For Maori this small, venerated pohutukawa is known as the place of leaping. It is from here that the spirits of the dead begin their journey to their traditional homeland of Hawaiki. From this point the spirits leap off the headland and climb down the roots of the 800-year-old tree, descending into the underworld on [ 18pt / 21pt ] their return journey.
[ 8pt / 10pt ]
A gnarled, twisted pohutukawa on the windswept cliff top at Cape Reinga, the northern tip of New Zealand, has become of great significance to many New Zealanders. For Maori this small, venerated pohutukawa is known as the place of leaping. It is from here that the spirits of the dead begin their journey to their traditional homeland of Hawaiki. From this point the spirits leap off the headland and climb down the roots of the 800-year-old tree, descending into the underworld on their return journey.
[ 60pt ]
[ 48pt ]
[ 36pt ]
[ 30pt ]
[ 24pt ]
[ 18pt ]
[ 14pt ]
[ 12pt ]
[ 10pt ]
[ 8pt ]
New Z
[ 60pt ]
[ 48pt ]
[ 36pt ]
[ 30pt ]
[ 24pt]
[ 18pt ]
[ 14pt ]
[ 12pt ]
[ 10pt ]
[ 8pt ]
[ 150pt ]
overshoot on the x height of round shapes
31° angled crossbar
round shaped points
bracketed serif as main serif
special type of serif for e and c
high contrast and special top-serif
half of main serif
cap - height
x - height
ascender line and cap line
mean line
base line descender line
long, open loop
diagonal stress of round letters 35 degrees
Custom serif: its an half bracketed special version of the main serif. One side is pointed and this serif was inspired by the form of crampons and iceaxes. used on:
Main serif: its an bracketed serif, one side is longer than the other like the north and south vally of Mt. Aoraki. It appears mirrored, rotated and cutted to have a certain flow in the typeface. It is cutted with an angulation of 73° on both sides - like the climbingparts of Mt. Aoraki. used on:
ACEFGHIJKLMNPRSTUVWXYZ bcdfghijkmnpqrstuvwxyz
used on:
Icescrew serif: inspired by the form of an icescrew, the own made serif was applied to the letters e and c. The I represents the thread-part and in combination they build the word Ice.
used on: c e
Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki
ki i Ti Tik
Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki
i Tik
i Tiki Tik Tik i T i k i
Tik i T i ki
i Tik
i Tik
i Tik
i Tik
i Tik
i T ik
i T ik
iT i k i
oe coe
These letters share the same counter size
These letters share the same type of roundness
tf j
These letters share the same type of bowl
These letters share the same stem
These letters share the same type of join
These letters share the same inclination of the strokes
independent letters
These letters share the same stem and structure
These letters share the same counter size
These letters share the same stem and form
These letters share the same bowl
These letters share the same structure
These letters share the same inclination of the strokes
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ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok
Faculty of Design and Art Free University of Bolzano - Bozen WUP 2020/21 Typeface designed by Lukas Mayrl Prof. Antonino Benincasa Andreas Trenker Emilio Grazzi Font created with Illustrator & Fontself