Contents 1. Fashion 1.1 Fashion in the USA 1.2 Paris Fashion Week 1.3 Interview with Joanna Krupa 2. Food 2.1 Recipe boeuf Bourguignon 2.2 La nourriture américaine 2.3 How the French see the American food 2.4 Pomeranian Cuisine 2.5 Potato dumplings 3. Hobbies 3.1 Questionnaire „Free time” 3.2 Mon hobby 4. Jokes 4.1 Something funny 4.2 Kev Adams 4.3 Luckz Bear poo 4.4 Americaine Paige et Americaine Arin
5. Movies 5.1 Acteurs 5.2 Adaptions of films 5.3 Test 6. Music 6.1 Aerosmith 6.2 Rising Stars 6.3 Music genres 7. Sports 7.1 Famous sportsmen 7.2 Chris and Nick’s favourite sports 7.3 Sport by Nikita 7.4 Sport by Benjamin 7.5 QUEL EST MEILLEUR? 8. Video games 8.1 Interview with a gamer 8.2 Les jeux vidéo aux Etats-Unis 8.3 Sport video games in France 8.4 Call of Duty 8.5 Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
1.1 Fashion in the USA Angola High School avait un événement très excitant samedi dernier: notre bal d’automne semi-formel! C’est une excellente occasion de s’habiller bien et passer un bon moment avec les amis. Pour le bal, les élèves portent des tenues formelles, mais pas trop élégant, d’où le nom <<semiformel.>> Nous allons vous présenter des styles différents qu’on pourrait porter à cet événement, en commençant par les femmes. Les styles varient de personne à personne mais il y a une chose que chaque fille a en commun: une robe courte. Vous pouvez voir des styles de volants à paillettes aux robes, aux jupes pleines ou minces quand vous entrez au bal, tout est permis! Les cheveux bouclés sont de rigueur et parfois même épinglé en haut. Voici un exemple de ce qui peut porter une fille à la semi-formelle de bal: C’est Aubrey et Christian!
Quant aux garçons, tout ce qu’ils ont vraiment besoin de s’inquiéter c’est que si leurs cravate correspondent à la robe de partenaire. Cravate peuvent être audacieux. Parallèlement à cela, un pantalon noir et une chemise blanche, ou colorée, est convenable. Voici un exemple de ce que les
garçons peuvent porter au bal semi-formel: Câ&#x20AC;&#x2122;est Mary et Izaiah!
1.2 Paris Fashion Week Nous éspérons que vous avez apprécié notre rapport sur la mode dans les Etats-Unis! Au revoir! xoxo Aubrey et Mary
I/What is it for ? The fashion week is an exhibit for the press, buyers, and customers of fashionable world collections. This is the moment for show new trends, clothes .
II/What you should know. In September and October, collections are presented for next spring and in FebruaryMarch collections are presented for the next winter The 4 big cities of haute couture are Paris, London, New-York, and Milan.
Roll-out of the show : 1) models walk on the runway
2) the designer choose incongruous places
(Channel in a plane)
3) the show are always late 4) finish with a wedding dress
III/Who is present in the fashion week ? 25 September: Anthony Vaccarello 26 September: Dries Van Noten 27 September: Balenciaga , Carven , Balmain , Lanvin . 28 September: Christian Dior , Isabel Marant ,
Sonia Rykiel , Vanessa Bruno .
29 September: Jean-Paul Gaultier , Vivienne Westwood 30 September: Kenzo , Celine , Hermes , Givenchy . 1 October: Stella Mcartney , Giambattista Valli , ChloĂŠ , Saint laurent . 2 October: Chanel , Jean Charles de Castelbajac , Valentino , Paul and Joe , Alexander Mcqueen 4
October: Louis Vuitton , Miu Miu , Elie Saab.
1.3 Interview with Joanna Krupa
Interview with Joanna Krupa : When I go to the new place , I want show to other people , I’m not only pretty ,but clever too and no one can’t say nothing bad about me . - This everything say American’s top model Joanna Krupa . Interview conducted by Klaudia and Ola .
What do you think about Polish girls? In the Unitet States everyone do anything to be noticed. Here the girls are much more modest. They do come up sweet goldsmithing. liked them easily because they are like frightened cats.
you do not need to be expert on fashion to notice that a lot of girls who come to audition for the "top model" does not meet the basic criteria. might be better to tell them right away that it does not knock on that door? but I would not know how to do that. Each of these girls has a dream. I can not go a word crossed out.
Are you also started from a dream?
My path was very gard and long. I’m not very hight and many very agencies locked the door In my face, but I never doubted in fact , as child I knew that a want it to be on camera I started with ballet then was modeling.
How did you do this? I worked hard for it together with his manageress of Los Angeles, she always motivated me watched over me and believed in me. When I had enough she said get there act together it will be good and it was. Long time ago I would have given it all on. If it does not.
So Joanna is not only a beautiful face but also a beautiful heart but you just do not see. What do you do when people perceive you stereotypically ? How do I go somewhere I immediately start talking fast trying to show the association that I’m not only pretty but also fun and that can at me “go” for a reason.
1.4 La mode en France La mode en France cherche l'élégance et la féminité bien que sans oublier une attitude correcte. C´est ça la différence avec la mode américaine, qui est plus neutre. Vêtements comme des pulls de cachemire, des jupes de cuir, des chaussures à talons hauts de cuir et des fuseaux sont les plus demandés pour les jeunes en France. Le style classique actuel a des réminiscences de la royauté et de la noblesse françaises, c'est pour ça qu' on devrait choisir les vêtements les plus raffinés et avec la meilleure qualité.
Les marques les plus connues sont Adidas, Puma et Nike pour les styles sportifs et Louis Vuitton, Jean_Paul Gautier, Dior et Channel pour les styles sophistiqués. Comme il n´y a pas de vêtements régionaux, la mode n´est pas la même à la
campagne que dans la ville.
L´icône de beauté masculin est Baptiste Giabiconi et pour les femmes la référence de la mode est Miss France.
Estrella Rodríguez y Nieves Valdivia
1.1 Recipe boeuf Bourguignon BOEUF BOURGIGNON
Preparation :10 min Roasting :6min For this recipe we can need (for 6 people): take 800 g of Bourgignon beef then take 100 g of bacon cube -50 g of butter or 3 soup spoon of oil - 2/3 liter of red wine - 2 bulb - garlic - 2 soup spoon of floor - salt, pepper - 250 g of mushroom of Paris Preparation : In a casserole dish, fry the meet and bacon cube in the oil or the butter. add cut bulbs in little piece . add mushroom . dust of floor. Shake. brown a little moment . moister with the red wine that to cover with meet . Salt and pepper. Add the garlic . shut the saucepan. Cook gently 60 min from the rotation of the valve .
2.2 La nourriture américaine
La nourriture américaine Pas tous des Américains sont gros ! Nous mangeons beaucoup de variétés différentes de nourriture avec nutritions important. Le plus important est que les familles Américains mangent à la maison et pas aux restaurants comme McDonalds ou Taco Bell. C’est une plus grande différence si tu manges aux restaurants fast-food ou à la maison avec la famille. Les Américains aiment manger ce qu’on cultive au jardin. Nous cultivons beaucoup de mais et d’haricots en Indiana. Beaucoup d’Américains ont des jardins potagers et cultivent des tomates, des carottes et des haricots verts. Pour vous montrer que nous mangeons beaucoup de repas différents, nous allons te parler des repas typiques petit déjeuner, le déjeuner et le dîner. Un petit-déjeuner typique pour les Américains est des fruits avec du yaourt ou des céréales avec du lait. Pour déjeuner nous mangeons à l’école des sandwiches, des spaghettis avec sauce tomate ou pas pizza. Le dîner eu famille est différent. Cela dépend si notre mère veut cuire. On mange beaucoup de viande. Mais aussi des légumes, par exemple les haricots verts ou les pommes de terre.
2.3 How the French see the American food
How the French see American food
We think American cuisine is defined by a mixing of different countries food because American's population is made up of immigrants. On the other hand, the fast food is famous in worldwide (Mc Donald is present everywhere) and its origin is the USA. We are going to talk about Americanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s food stereotype : In France, the most people's opinion, Americans eat a lot and it's not healthy. We don't think that all Americans are fat but we think in America a lot of people are fat. Here a typical American meal according to the French : For breakfast, we think Americans eat eggs, bacon and drink orange juice. For lunch, the most popular in France think Americans eat in fast food or eat hamburger, chip but we don't think at all Americans eat legumes or fruits. For diner, we think Americans eat chicken with potatoes and for dessert a
chocolate cake, for instance. We think this stereotype is very present because the fast food is very famous, come to USA and suggest to Americans are fat and often eat fast food. Furthermore, a lot of research shows that the obesity is a very big problem in USA. That accentuates this stereotype.
2.4 Pomeranian Cuisine
Pomeranian Cuisine
Cuisine is associated with the sea, and all that so we can gain from it. A characteristic feature of the Pomeranian are fish dishes, prepared in different ways. Moreover, here is dominated mushrooms and potatoes. In fact, dishes with potatoes and meat, generously topped with thick sauce, clearly associated with Pomeranian hospitality.
Meat Jelly Recipe Preparation: Wash the meat and put the whole pot. Add washed greens. Pour about 750 ml of water. Lightly sprinkle with salt and freshly ground pepper. Boil the broth for a light fire for about an hour. Then we strain the stock carefully (eg gauze) and add to the gelatin. Leave it to cool. Cut the carrots into slices brew. Peel the meat from the bones and cut into small pieces. In the meantime, boil hard boiled eggs, cool down and cut into slices. Then arrange the little meat, carrots, eggs, peas, corn in bowls. Pour a little set brew. Arrange another layer and pour the brew. Leave it in the fridge until the jelly is frozen.
3.1 Questionnaire „Free time”
3.2 Mon Hobby Mon hobby ? J’aime tricoter ! Il y a un club au lycée pour ceux qui savent et d’autres qui veulent apprendre à tricoter ou crocheter pendant les 20 minutes de temps libre tous les jeudi matins. Nous faisons des écharpes, tuques, mitaines, serre-têtes, ceintures en laine et polyester.
Voilà mon costume tricoté pour Halloween, un « brain slug » du programme de Futurama ! Et, un collier vampire à la Twilight, en crochet….
4.1 Something funny What is funny? „Funny” is a Word, always use to describe something that makes people Laugh. Great Philosopher from Greece, Antonius has used this word first time, (“funnius” from Latin) when he saw his own feet in the mirror. It was hairy and had a wavy shape, so he started to laugh… Then he realized that this is his own body part, then laugh stopped and he become most serious philosopher in the world. He wanted people to call him Antonius A.K.A. “One Leg Anto”. Why? He amputated his leg. Nobody took him serious as he wanted, and they started to call him by his own invention, word “funnius”. When England beat Greece in 90 year AD, British army took him as a captive, he had to work In a colony to survive, for a very long time (about 10 years). People laughed from him because he had very hairy hands and ears, and only one leg. People couldn't describe things that were making them laugh, so they were calling these things "It's like Funnius, who has hairy hands and ears, and only one leg." which was too long to use, so they changed it to quite long word: funny. Nowadays people are tired of using this, also too long word because of laziness and laziness, and also because of wild hungry monkeys which are dissapointing them, so they often say just: "Fu.", a bit rarely only dot ("."). Example of conversation - Joe, could You bring me some dry clothes? I peed into my pants. - ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... Of course not. You look so funny, that I can't stand and i feel like i will pee on my pants! Oh I Did it...There is something more than pees. POO POWER! Could You bring me some dry clothes? - Of course not... Im not F. - You are . . THE END I hope that this article will inspire You to do clever things in Your life. Cheers!
4.2 Kev Adams
Kev Adams Presentation of the artist : Kevin Smadja is the real name of Kev Adams. He is a famous French humorist ! He was born the first July 1991 in Paris. His father and his mother work in economics and real-estate.
Career of the artist: He began as an actor in 2000 and he began writing his sketch with his friends. In 2009 he passed literature baccalaureate. Since 2009 he has played his One Man Show which is “The Young Man Show” and in 2012 he has played “Test.. Voilà, voilà !”. He played in a French program called « On n'demande qu'à en rire », this program is a lot of little sketch
for show new humorist, he passed twenty- three times. Since 2011 he has been an actor in a series â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sodaâ&#x20AC;?. He has got a website, if you want to have a look: !
4.3 Lucky Bear poo
4.4 Americaine Paige et Americaine Arin
L’humour à la télé (USA)
Beaucoup d’émissions américaines , vous avez en France. Les émissions les plus populaires maintenant sont South Park, Modern Family, Saturday Night Live et the Office. The Office est une comédie d’Angleterre et refaite aux États-unis. Nous avons refait l’émission avec des acteurs américains. Saturday Night Live est une émission de parodies avec beaucoup de publicité. Modern Family est disponible en France et est très populaire avec des adolescents. Il est plus populaire avec les adultes en Amérique. South Park est un dessin animé avec l’humour grossier. Beaucoup d’emissions ont d’humour grossier en Amérique.
5.1 Acteurs Article: Les 5 meilleurs acteurs américains Comme Les 5 meilleurs acteurs dans les films américains. J’ai choisi les acteurs parce qu'ils sont les meilleurs acteurs en vie. Les acteurs que j’ai choisi sont Tom Hanks, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Denzel Washington, et George Clooney. Parce qu’ils sont mes acteurs préférés. Mon acteur préféré est Johnny Depp parce qu’il est beau et parce qu'il est un très bon acteur et portraitiste.
Tom hanks: Tom Hanks est acteur, réalisateur et producteur de cinéma américain. Ses films ont de grands succès. Il a il a reçu un Oscar pour “Forrest Gump”. C’est l'acteur le plus prolifique de l'histoire du cinéma. Il est très énergétique dans son films et un bon portraitiste.
Brad Pitt: Brad Pitt est un bon acteur parce qu’il est dans des films divers.
Johnny Depp: Johnny Depp est un bon acteur. Il est versatile et unique. Il fait des interprĂŠtations de personnes excentriques et des personnes rĂŠel.
Denzel Washington: Denzel Washington est grave et fort. C’est un bonne portraitiste. I est acteur et réalisateur. Il a reçu un Oscar pour “glory”. Il est acteur afro- américain.
George Clooney: George Clooney est acteur, réalisateur, scénariste et producteur. Il a des films comme “the descendants, in the air, good night and good luck, syriana, O’brother, et Ocean's Eleven ”. il a reçu un golden globe pour” the descendants”.
5.2 Adaptions of films
King's next book developed by Frank Darabont, director of "The Shawshank Redemption". Also in this case, Mr. Darabont will not disappoint. Together with Confederate novels and developed a scenario. It came out perfectly: D This time, the hero is a guard on death row prison Cold Mountain, Paul Edgecomb. He was involved in the supervision of killers waiting for the last walk "The Green Mile" - a corridor with the floor covered with green linoleum, which led to the room with the electric chair. Edgecomb years passed the mile with a number of convicts. But I never met anyone like John Coffey, a giant black convicted of the murder of nine year old sisters. Coffey has enough strength to kill somebody, but the delicate nature of a contrast to his appearance. Moreover, this huge man desperately afraid of the dark, a supernatural gift. Edgecomb begins to ask themselves whether Coffey really is guilty of the death of the girls. Touching, emotional and good acting, especially from Tom Hanks, Michael Clarke Duncan (John Coffey), Doug Hutchison (Percy Wetmore) and Sam Rockwell (Wild Bill).
I'll tell you one thing: being an idiot is not a box of chocolates. The first sentence of Forrest Gump Winston Groom impressed me!The form of "idiot" is the quintessence of the story and repeated consistently throughout the novel, but for the first time really surprising and precipitated with readership routine. Later, unfortunately, a bit weary. And so, in short, the entire book can be described. The first chapter of fun and surprises, the second reading of momentum, and then intentionally primitive and naive start to tire and get bored. Adhering to the primitive structure of sentences and purposeful repetition of linguistic error is equally novel, making the narrative becomes a reliable and consistent, and spoils the fun annoying the reader with repetitions and przyciÄ&#x2122;ĹźkÄ&#x2026; form. I have the impression that the translator stared a little at times, weaving a story that did not match the determination of simple language, which is written. Also, some "simplified" form longer words seem awkward (eg autos - bus), but it is rather intuitively sensed discomfort, not an error and does not affect the reception of the book itself. The combination of her based on the film is the publisher will in fact increase sales, but it is not beneficial for the same novel. The reader familiar with the work of Robert Zemeckis necessarily expect brilliant position. Meanwhile, the prototype is not, unfortunately, the innocent charm and freshness, as the movie with Tom Hanks in the lead role. You can not accuse Groomowi he wrote thing bad to read, because
once you get used to the form of the story book "swallowed" quickly and easily, but also without enthusiasm and emotion that you watch the movie. Comparisons are, in the case of contact with the book after seeing the movie, inevitable. Sam publisher deliberately used the popularity of the film adaptation of putting on the cover photo of Tom Hanks on the bench that serves such an important role in the cinematic image. She's not in the book - the hero is not looking for an excuse here to tell his amazing story. Not only are both different Forresty Gumpy. The events described in the book are far more fantastic and improbable than the movie, though, we admit, it's hard to imagine. In my opinion, the filmmakers did right by changing the content, because that's what describes the Groom, sometimes longer have to be endowed with an incredible story of Fortune's favor fool, and it becomes a distasteful astonishment. You can find some at the groom also some neat and pleasant flavor that has not been transferred to the screen, but overall the balance comes out strongly in favor of the film adaptation.
5.3 Test
6.1 Aerosmith
Aerosmith Blake Trusty et Ciaran McGloughlin Aerosmith est un groupe américaine rock, formé en 1971. C’est une partie de notre culture dans beaucoup de manières. Les musiciens du groupe, continuent à voyager et à jouer leur musique. Leur chanteur principal, Steven Tyler, est un juge sur la feuilleton populaire, <<American Idol>>. Nous voud donnerons une petite histoire du groupe et décrire ce qui donne à leur musique ses qualités uniques. Quand le groupe s’est formé, ils étaient signés à Columbia Records, et ils ont fait 4 albums dans leur premiers 5 ans. Tristement, bien qu’ils aient beaucoup de chanson, deux membres ont commencé à se disputer avec les autres. Cela avec des problèmes de dépendance à la drogue, a provoqué ces 2 membres à partir. Ces gars étaient remplacés, mais ils rejoindraient le groupe plus tard. Aerosmith a continué avec sa musique sans aucun problème. Par le fin non officiel de leur carrière, ils avaient gagné 4 prix <<Grammy>>, et ils étaient incorporés dans le Hall of Fame du rock. Ils ont des qualités uniques qui les ont permis d’être aussi populaires. Ce sont le solo vocal at l’usage irrégulier de la guitare basse. La voix de Steven Tyler est exceptionelle, et il la presente dans beaucoup de ses chansons. Il peut chanter avec la guitare dans des sections, à cause de sa voix. La guitare basse, jouée par Tom Hamilton, accentue la musique des autres. Tom utilise des sons de fréquence plus levée, qu’on peut remarquer plus facilement. Voilà un peu d’information d’un groupe important à la musique américaine. Nous espérons que vous avez appris un peu plus sur un groupe innovateur dans l’histoire de la musique.
6.2 Rising Stars
RISING STARS Today , we're introducing you to the future of Rnb : The Weeknd and Frank Ocean. Christopher Breaux aka Frank Ocean , is 24 years old and already a lot of music experience . He left his hometown of New Orleans when he was 18 to seek fame in Los Angeles . It worked : he started writing songs for the biggest artists in music industry : Kanye West, BeyoncĂŠ, Brandy, Pharell â&#x20AC;Ś But his musical skills were too big for him to stay in the shadows . In 2011 , he released a mixtape : Nostalgia/Ultra, which was critically acclaimed . In 2012 , he released his first album : Channel Orange and did his coming-out through his Tumblr . That bold move and the quality of his album was praised by critics and the public . But Frank Ocean is not the only one who has talent.
The Weeknd is also become a big figure in the Rnb . The Weeknd,whose real name is Abel Tesfaye , was born in 1990 in Toronto , from an Ehiopian father and a Jewish mother . He released three mixtapes : House Of Balloons , Thursday and Echoes Of Silence. He hasn't released an album yet but his sweet and sultry voice already gave him recognition from the music industry and several magazines : Rolling Stone , The Source , XXL … John Norris of Mtv even called him « the best musical talent since Michael Jackson » He's first album his scheduled to be released in November . It will be a remastered version of the three mixtapes that he already released.
We love Frank Ocean & The Weeknd and we're sure that they will do big in the future . Watch out for them ! Virginie's favorite songs of the Weeknd : v=o9PuAm7d0PA <--- Wicked Games
<---- Rolling
Stone Virginie's favorite songs of Frank Ocean : v=xOmMcYZNNM0 <--- American Wedding
<---- Swim Good
Monique's favorite songs of The Weeknd : <---- House Of Balloons/Glass Table Girls
<---- High For This
Monique's favorite songs of Frank Ocean : <--- Novacane
<--- Pyramids
Tell us what you listen to !
We wondered what the type of music that people listen in our class is . We got several types , as you can see : Rap
Indian songs
French variety
Dancehall Techno
Don't listen to music
We listen to different kind of music , but mainly listen to Rap & Rnb . Here's our favorite songs at the moment : Virginie's :
Ryan Leslie x Ups & Downs Alicia Keys - Brand New Me Kendrick Lamar x Real Ne-Yo x Mad Beyoncé x Halo
Monique's : Perrion,Myth Sizer,Jae Millz x Everything ASAP Rocky - Fuckin' Problem ft. Drake, 2 Chainz & Kendrick Lamar
Kanye West x I Don't Like ft. Pusha T, Chief Keef, Jadakiss & Big Sean (Explicit) Elle Varner x I Don't Care Aaliyah x More Than A Woman
Hope you listen to and like to the songs ! Xoxo
6.3 Music genres Music - The Art of Sound organization structure in time. One of the types of art that affects the human psyche. We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know when exactly music was born, but it was calculated that about 80,000 years ago and that since then music is a with man always and everywhere. It is understood that the music was born out of rhythm.
Soul and gospel music are the two styles associated with American blacks, are very similar. They carry the same emotional charge, based on a similar stylistic elements, and even works with the same contractors. The difference lies in the ideology-gospel expresses the love of God, the soul - purely human desire. The roots lie in the two styles known since the mid-eighteenth century, adopting Christianity, African slaves also took songs Catholic and Protestant churches - hymns and psalms - and adapted them to their own, African musical traditions. Examples are soul music performers in Poland is Sistars and Kasia Wilk.
Heavy metal, death metal is a style characterized by loud heavy sound design eccentric performers, aggressive behavior at concerts, (smashing guitars) - This is a relatively young music, it comes from rock music in the 60's and 70's. Name appeared earlier in the Burroughs novel "Naked Lunch" in 1959. Examples are metal music performers in Poland Behemoth (death metal) and Turbo (Heavy metal).
Disco, techno, dance, house, disco polo - genres of popular music designed for dancing in discos. Each of these directions has a different origin, different sound, is directed to various recipients. It combines rhythm - both disco and techno or disco and dance music is fast. There are three types of interpretation of music, dance, relaxation kitsch and consumer electronics applications. Polish techno performers in Poland are Kalvi and Remi and East Clubbers and Gospel Disco Polo - Bayer Full, Bracia Figo Fagot, Boys.
Pop music - At the beginning of the XX century roc&roll's artists recording songs started developing a new character of the popular music which means more crazy. In that way they had answered on people's expectations and what they were looking for on music market- that means attractive, easy to listen to, melodic songs. Pop music determines almost every kind , style and trend of the music. Pop is all about instrumental sounds, rhythm and not so complicated performs. Those points are the most recognising in pop music but also in jazz, rock and even in European folk music. It's hard to find a second kind of that specific and popular music which is known all around the world. Modern pop has shown up after Second World War. It was formed by folk songs... . Examples are metal music performers in Poland is Virgin (Doda) and Edyta GĂłrniak.
Kasia Wilk
Kalwi and Remi
East Clubbers
Bracia Figo Fagot
Edyta Gรณrniak
Doda (Virgin)
The Polish group listen to the following genres of music. 19 people attended the poll. Each person could choose more than one person.
Hip Hop
All kinds of music
Anna's favorite songs :
Die Antwoord - Babys On Fire ( v=BXx7LZdrqHE)
Slayer - bloodline ( GrubSon - Na szczycie ( Happysad - Zanim pójdę ( Florence + The Machine - Girl With One Eye ( Marilyn Manson - This Is The New Shit ( v=4kQMDSw3Aqo)
System Of A Down – Aerials (
Klaudia's favorite songs :
P!nk – Try (
One Direction - Live While We're Young ( v=AbPED9bisSc)
Nickelback - Trying Not To Love You (
Rihanna – Diamonds (
7.1 Famous sportsmen
Cassius Marcellus Clay Muhammad ali wa born with the name Cassius Marcellus Clay on January 17, 1942, in Kentucky. In the 1904s, things weren't easy for black people in Kentucky. Black people went to dofferent shops from white people, and black children went to different schools from white children. At school Cassius was more interested in sports than books. He was very good at boxing an became the Kentucky boxing champion sic times before he left school. After school, Cassius went to New York to learn to box professionally. His boxing was diffrent. He moved quickly on his feet, and people loved that. In 1960, he went to the Olymphic Games in Rome with the American team and he won a gold medal. His greatest win came in 1964 when he became the World Heavyweight Champion. Soon after, Cassius became a Muslim and changed his name to Muhammad Ali. He wanted America to be a better country for black people. The 1960s was a time when many Americans went off to the Vietnam War. Muhammad Ali thought the war in Vietnam was bad things, so in 1967, when they asked him to go, he said 'no'. Many important people in Americawere angry about this and Ali left the world of professional boxing for five years. Then he came back and became World Heavyweight Champion again for a second and third time. Muhammad ali was exiticing to watch. He was a great boxer and always felt he could win â&#x20AC;&#x201C; and he usually did! He often said, 'I am the greatest!'. In 1982, Muhammad Ali stopped boxing because he was very ill. In 1996, when he opened the Olympic Games in Atlanta,
many people watching him on television were happy to see this famous sports hero from the past again. :)
7.3 Sport by Nikita
Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. Every country have a national team. Personally I like this sport but it's not my favorite sport. My favorite soccer team is Olympique Lyonnais and my favorite national team is Russia. In our class, we have 3 soccer players : Diamil, Bruno, and Florian. Soccer (football in Europe) is the most popular French sport and polish sport I think. This sport was created in 1863 in England.
The FIFA (Football International Federation Association) World Cup is the second most popular competition behind the Olympic Games. Last World Cup was won by Spain in 2010 and the next will take place in Brazil in 2014. Brazil won this cup 5 times, Italy 4 times, Germany 3 times, Argentina and Uruguay twice and France, England ans Spain once.
Spain is a very strong team and she is actually first at the FIFA World Ranking. She won the last 2 UEFA Euro (European Championship of Football) who took place in Poland and Ukraine this year and in Austria ans Switzerland in 2008. this team have a squad of very good players who play, for the majority, in clubs like Real Madrid or FC Barcelona (Casillas, Iniesta, Ramos, Xavi Hernandez, ...)
France is also a good team but last years she is not as strong as in the 90's and the 2000's. She is now at the 18th place of the FIFA World Ranking.
Poland is a small outsider : She is at the 54th place of the FIFA World Ranking.
USA are also a small outsider : they are at the 27th place of the FIFA World Ranking.
By Nikita.
7.4 Sport by Benjamin
Basket-Ball Basket-ball was created in 1881 by James Naismith ( a Canadian sport teacher ) . The Basketball Spread quickly because graduates of the Y.M.C.A traveled a lot . The game attracted people by the speed, skill and brute strength required . It was after the second war that basket-ball is universaly regnized .
Important Date The fist B.A.A games was played in 1946 . the N.B.A created . 1951 . The est win against the West is at first all star games . 1957 Georges Yardley (Pistons) became the firste a player to score 2,000 points in a season . 1992 The first dream team won the gold medla at the barcelona olympic games with an average margin of 44points over his opponents . Magic and Larry Bird retire shortly after . 1993 Jordan Retirement .
N.B.A Best players Michael Jordan : (Chicago bulls ) 5 rewards Lebron James (Miami heats) 3 rewards Kobee Bryant (Lakers) 2rewards
CHRIS: Je préfèré le tennis. Je joue pour mon lycée. C’est mon meilleur sport. C’est ce que je joue avec mes amis. Aux États-Unis, le tennis n’est pas populaire. Mon équipe a gagné aux competitions semi-régionales et régionales dans mon état et nous sommes la meillure équipe de mon école. Aux États-Unis le tennis gagne lentement en popularité. Le tennis est le meilleur sport du monde. Le tennis est meilleur que le baseball. NICK: J’adore jouer au baseball. J’ai joué depuis l’age de cinq ans. Aux États-Unis, le baseball est plus populaire que le tennis, pace qu’il a été inventé ici. Baseball a été inventé a Cooperstown, New York. J’ai joué à Cooperstown avec un groupe de garcons de douze ans. Il y avait cent trois équipes. L’année dernière comme recrue, j’ai joué pour l’equipe du lycée de baseball.
8.3 Sport video games in France
If you sometimes play sport video games, you must know every year two software, KONAMI and EA (Electronics Arts), put on sale two very famous and very bought all over world football games. Their name are PES ( Pro Evolution Soccer) by KONAMI and Fifa by EA
Recently the thirteenth edition of these games are left with a lot of novelty. Fifa 13 of EA was left in France the 14 th of September 2012 and PES the 20th of the same month. the calls ball, the most effective defenders and controls are novelties of Fifa.
In PES we can find the Brazilian championship, a training levels and other novelties
News celebrations are unlocked in FIFA 13 and PES 13.... Try the football game ;)
8.4 Call of Duty
Les jeux vidéos populaires sont très violents et aussi aventureux. Aux États Unis jeux vidéos sont très populaires. Ils sont joués sur Playstation 3 et Xbox 360 et le Wii. Le Playstation 3 est de Sony, le Xbox 360 est de Microsoft, et le de Wii est Nintendo. Le Playstation 3 et le Xbox360 sont plus populaires que le Wii. Le Wii est le plus populaire des trois pour les jeunes enfants. Pour example un jeu vidéo populaire est Skyrim ou Call of Duty. Skyrim et Call of Duty sont populaires pour les enfants plus âgés. Le Skyrim est récent et sanglant. Le but de Skyrim est la quête et monter de niveaux votre personage de jeu vidéo. Call of Duty est un jeu video de tir. Le but est de tirer sur votres ennemis avec une arme à feu. Aussi un but de Call of Duty est d’obtenir le meilleur score final. Nous préférons le Playstation 3, c’est superb! Aussi nous préférons le Call of Duty, c’est difficile et aussi amusant.
8.5 Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 CALL OF DUTY: BLACK OPS 2 Multijoueur C'est un jeu vidéo de tirs en vue subjective distribué par Activision. En mode multijoueur les développeurs et créateurs du jeu ont apporté beaucoup d'innovations comme le mini-tank dont les joueurs cette fois décident de prendre le contrôle au lieu d'être obligés à suivre simplement le jeu tel quel. Comme aussi, une nouvelle arme qui se lance contre les ennemis, le couteau balistique, et qui s'y plante. Les graphiques n'ont pas changé, mais ont un peu plus de résolution au niveau des couleurs.
Mode Campagne Il existe deux types de missions :
Celle avec Alex Mason, le héros du premier jeu, ce qui nous conduira à l'histoire des années 80 qui nous montre des scènes méconnues et sombres de la Guerre Froide.
Et d'autres missions avec son fils David. L'avenir est très incertain et sombre parce que les États-Unis sont sur le point d'entrer en guerre ouverte avec la Chine et aussi un mystérieux activiste cherche à provoquer une révolution mondiale.
Le moteur graphique a vieilli, donc le résultat est très inégal parce qu'il ne peut pas y avoir des textures ou des effets avec de bonnes résolutions alors que les autres niveaux sont très réussis. Après l'on s'étonne de découvrir un environnement un peu plus grand de l'habituel qui permet différents points de vue. On peut même trouver quelques niveaux de bonification occultes comme par exemple utiliser un camouflage futuriste, engager les services d'un avion non piloté ou de récupérer à certains moments les armes les plus exotiques comme l'épée ou les trappes de loup. Quelques missions contre l'adversaire AI sont catastrophiques, dues au manque d'alliés d'intelligents, qui sont les uns les plus stupides que les autres.
HUD et la musique de fond sont suffisantes pour inscrire une mission dans son temps, mais ce sont surtout les armes celles qui font la différence. En définitive cette nouvelle version du jeu n'apporte que de bonnes sensations mais elle conserve aussi quelques défauts de l'édition antérieure.
Mode zombie: La manière zombi est idéale pour se détendre après un mauvais jeu en ligne. Nous pouvons voir à nouveau apparaître une carte comme "Kino der toten". Cette carte a lieu dans un décor négligé, car il a été créé par un étudiant de sciences. Il y a aussi une autre carte: le Pentagone, où il est possible de recréer des personnages politiques de la Guerre Froide. Mais cela n'est pas tout, il y a une nouvelle manière de zombi, "zombies crawler" avec des monstres effrayants qui en explosant lancent du gaz. Il existent aussi les cartes "Dead Ops Arcade" et le "Silverback Cósmica" qui sont similaires à celui de la fin de la partie. La manière transit permet de passer d'un point à l'autre en autobus, ce mode est très amusant pour jouer entre amis.
Reina et Ana Ruiz.
8.5 The Witcher Review The Witcher Entered the video game market that its slow but springy step. No one is surprised, because everyone has long been waiting for him. But when it came, the voices faded around and motionless faces in anticipation. "The Witcher" caused among the players the same feel as Geralt of Rivia in wyzimskiej inn "At Fox". The graphics in "The Witcher" - maps, models, animations, characters, movies Tomasz Baginski, Paul BĹ&#x201A;aszczak music climate and Adam Shell and beautiful interface, there is nothing to dwell excessively. Suffice it to say that these elements are at the highest level. Playing for several hours in "The Witcher" I have not found any graphical similarities between "The Witcher" and any other role-playing game. "The Witcher" is a completely original creation. We find here, of course, all the elements of classic role-playing game, except perhaps the team. The Witcher travels and fights usually the same, and if it is a "comrade in arms" is usually crutch rather than a full-fledged ally. Geralt, which we find at the beginning of the game in the ruined Kaer Morhen is not in accordance with the rules of genre, a fully developed character. Does not know anything, anything Witcher profession can not remember, there is not even a decent steel sword, the silver does not even mention Along with gaining experience points, mainly as killed monsters and niesympatycznych people, Geralt gets talents for which he develops the qualities and skills necessary for his extraordinary profession. And there are quite a few. At the beginning of the three styles of sword steel (for men) and three silver (monsters) - a fast, strong and group (designed to fight more than one opponent). Then five magical characters, and the whole very complex alchemy, namely the production of firecrackers, oil-poison sword, and most of this set, thirty-two Witcher potions. Used for making potions of the six basic ingredients contained in plants, minerals, and substances derived from slaughtered monsters (such as poison lurid eye or brain frightener Drowner). This in itself requires them to obtain the knowledge, that you have to spend gained in fighting talents and hard-earned orens, tymerskÄ&#x2026; currency. Producing elixirs and develop character can be in a meditative state in which the witcher can only sink into the burning fire (is untouchable at this time). Meditation is yet another amazing feature - thanks to the player in control of the time, since he can choose how long Geralt is in a trance. If, for example, we are going to hunt for Drowner appearing at night, instead of hobble the day after locations, we usadziÄ&#x2021; Witcher squatting, click the "north" and after a while we find ourselves filled with dark monsters, and after completing the task to repeat this maneuver and five seconds wait for the dawn. Very helpful solution. Well, tell someone, you really are cool ideas, but is revealing enough to distinguish "The Witcher" from dozens of other role-playing game, produced every year? In fact, it would be too little. But there is something that distinguishes "The Witcher" from any other game. This is the world created by Andrzej Sapkowski, a faithfully committed by a team led by
Michael Madej. And it's not far from here is how much is virtual Wyzima towers, but a pessimistic message of Sapkowski's prose. The Witcher is a product aimed at adult players. Not only because of the obscene content, but most of all the choices, which compels. In the other role-playing game is usually so that we know when taking a decision on which side shall we say yes - light or dark - is telling. In "The Witcher" is completely different. Not only that the consequences of our decisions, which can lead us to one of the three endings, will be announced in the future, it has almost none of them can not be classified as "good" or "bad". Sapkowski's world we inhabit for nearly villains, differing from one another only to the degree of depravity. The idea to populate a larger space this type of community is probably more fantasy than creating "kuroliszka" (ie chicken crossing the basilisk). But you have to admit that it creates enormous opportunities fiction scenario creators wink every now and then to the players, placing in Temeria completely different characters from fairy tales and making them speak sentences known to us from very different contexts. We will hear the story of Alfred gnome Nablu what it came up with an explosive, the phrase "what do you know about kuroliszkach", you will find a magic stone "windy wanderer" or encounter a detective by the name of Maarloeve. Sometimes, too, unfortunately, the references are very current, as "almost makes a big difference," or ... "f*** old man". These structures can and funny, but I have a feeling that "The Witcher" is considered to be a great game for a few years, when the above sayings few people will remember. But there is one thing that bothers me much more. Lines box, by the way very well and wittily written, perfectly reflecting the nature of the dialogue with Sapkowski, is topped with a large amount of profanity.
"The Witcher" is (and here you have to start by Numbers): surely the best game in the history of Poland, one of the best role-playing game in the history of the genre and the best role-playing game in 2007. Why? For newcomers to CD Projekt Red, as opposed to (almost) all other developers to understand that the game should have a professional script and tell a story. And this, with all due respect, is not able to create a team effort, even the best specialists in lighting effects animation.
Authors Group from Poland
Magdalena Pappelbaum
Natalia Budzińska
Marta Stelmaszuk
Marta Kałużna
Klaudia Lech
Karol Jiratko
Marek Banaczyk
Rafał Bujno
Robert Kuchta
Aleksandra Chylińska
Klaudia Jałmużna
Aleksandra Kwiatkowska
Katarzyna Gałecka
Adam Hirsch
Paweł Biernacki
Anna Grygorowicz
Group from France
Benjamin B
Marie Beatrice
Group from USA
Mary Hill
Chris Calvelage
Nick Chao
Blake Trusty
Ciaran McGloughlin
Eileen Celik
Mackenzie Simmons
Aubrey Hunt
Arin Atkinson
Jimmy Gould
Lee Hiler
Paige McClanahan
Laura Perez