Japan 2022

Assemble at the airport for your flight to Japan.
Classical Kyoto
Walk along “Sannenzaka” a typical Japanese souvenir street that you may spot Geisha walking around the street.
Kiyomizu Temple: One of the most celebrated temples in Japan and listed in the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Enjoy the beautiful view of cherry blossoms in spring and maple leaves in autumn.
During ancient time, Mie supplied the Japanese Emperors with fine local delicacies. Mie also rich in beautiful sceneries and historic culture that we still can see today.
Iga-ryu Ninja Village: Enjoy Igaryu Ninja show which shown ninja’s unique skills and techniques. Take part in ninja experience: [Dress up like a ninja, discover ninja skills, experience ninja throwing stars & take a ninja train ride.]
Nabana no Sato: Enjoy a stroll through the grounds bursting with seasonal flowers and shrubbery. The green house, “Begonia garden” has a large display of potted Begonia plants all year-round.
Misugi Onsen: A perfect place to end your day by soaking inthe natural hot spring at the resort.
Fuji Hakone National Park
Breathtaking and majestic scenery in Mt Fuji area. Branded Factory Outlet: One of the largest & famous factory outlets for branded items on sale.
Oshino Hakkai: Eight crystal clear ponds formed by snow melted from Mt. Fuji that seep through and filtered in ground for long years. Traditional Onsen Ryoukan: Overnight at classical Japanese resort and enjoy the hot springs here!
Asakusa Kannon Temple: Oldest Buddhist temple in Tokyo and one of its most significant.
Drive past Diet (Parliament) Building and Imperial Palace, home of the Emperor and Empress surrounded by high stone slab.
Ginza: Recognised as one of the most luxurious shopping districts in the entire world. Enjoy your shopping here!
Shinjuku: Tokyo’s bustling commercial area packed with great selection of shops, eateries, and entertainment.
Proceed to airport for your flight home with unforgettable memories.
Eat good, feel good.
G ood tim es com e a nd g o ,
b u t t hese m e mori es w e sha r e wi ll las t for eve r .
I hope you h av e ma de i t ho m e s a fely a fte r ou r e x plo ra t i o n of the Golde n R oute of Ja p an .
I t i s d i ff i cult fo r m e to p i c k a h i ghl i ght, bu t I lo v ed e v e r y m o m e n t of how m y t a ste bud s s av o rin g loc a l del i c a c i es .
I a lso r e a lly e nj oyed w a tch in g the n e w f ri e n dsh i ps de v elop a s you sh ar ed in c r e a t in g n ew m e m o ri es of t ra vel in g togethe r . T h an k you a ll fo r you r w arm th, kin d n ess an d se n s e of hu m o r .
T he r e ar e man y m e m o ri es I w i ll k eep w i th m e of ou r s ix d a ys togethe r , th a t I w i ll loo k b a c k o n in t im e an d r ec a ll the fu n an d l a ughte r w e sh ar ed wh i le be in g a w a y f r o m ho m e, man y o f us fo r the f ir st t im e in o v e r two ye ar s .
Wi th B est Wi shes , C ara L ee T ou r M ana ge r , P hotoboo k T ou r Sd n . B hd .