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massing model

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swiss tenon

swiss tenon

The translation to form is relatively linear. The parameter set outlined in the preceding research is leveraged to create a form congruent with the program. The massing begins with two equal cubes that are split similarly to the puzzle cube. The origin of dissasembled pieces is easily discernable, allowing for dynamic shifting and rotation as deemed necessary. The curves generated from the fabrication process of the early models and prototype are integrated at interior corners of dissasembled pieces of the massing. This creates a clear and direct throughline from the research to its’ architectural realization. Similar to the exterior form, the interior will follow the same organizational logic and set of parameters. The building will be in and of itself a puzzle cube, using subtraction and dynamic assemblies to meet programatic requirements.


South Elevation: 1/64” = 1’-0”

North Elevation: 1/64” = 1’-0”

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