Portfolio Luke Phillips
Hello My name is Luke Phillips and I am currently completing a Bachelor of Design (Industrial Design)(Honours). I began this course to follow my passion for making and drawing things. Over the last four years at RMIT University I have been constantly developing and refining my knowledge and understanding of design. Today, my goal is to make beautifully aesthetic products that not only communicate with the people around them but also provide function to those who use them. Combining materials and processes in innovative and creative ways to produce outcomes that stray from conventional design parameters.
Luke Phillips Rapid Prototyping
Rapid Sketching Photoshop
Design by Making
CAD SolidWorks
Rhino & Grasshopper
Problem Solving Additive Manufacturing
Graphic Design
Model Making
Cord Wrapper-Uppera Cybercraft explores alternative ways to aesthetically unify manufacturing processes such as woodturning and additive manufacturing. The result of which targets the growing niche craft market of Melbourne Victoria.
Designed to slip into pockets, this earphone cord roller consists of lathed Oregon and two 3D printed inserts that snap together. Capitalizing
on the process of additive manufacturing, there are embedded slip systems inside each part to allow for adjustment between each half.
Developing a connection between user and product is of most importance when designing. Packaging is a great way to create this
emotional attachment by enhancing the overall experience for the user.
Re-Usable Cling Wrap
This project looks at food waste systems and problems. After extensive research I explored solutions for household food wastage. This product provides a more convenient and functional alternative to cling wrap in both household and enviromental systems.
This project looks at food waste systems and problems. After extensive research I explored solutions for household food wastage. This product provides a more convenient and functional alternative to cling wrap in both household and enviromental systems.
Design The product consists of a moulded sheet of silicone that wraps over the opening of the container and a plastic clip to hold each point together. The sheet is designed to have maximum tension points with minimal clipping points.
Wooden Hourglass
feel while also limiting the communication of the amount of time left. This allows the user to focus on the constant stream of sand falling. A Within a busy lifestyle it metaphor to take a can become easy for break from the continustress to take over. This ous deadlines of time design aims to combat we put on ourselves stress levels by enhanc- under. ing the experience of taking a break. The use of wood gives a natural
How It Works
Development Manufacturing an hourglass out of wood was an interesting and rewarding process. The characteristics juxtaposed to that of glass or plastic act in a completely different manner. Various tests, tweaking systems and forms to allow sand to flow accordingly took place over several weeks. The finished result included a 3D printed part that held sand in the chamber un till the glass was flipped.
ABS Plastic (3D Printed) Oregon Wood (Lathed) Glass (Cut from a Vase)
3D Printed Clock This project involved developing a product using additive manufacturing processes in conjunction with OEM components.
The face width, color combinations, patterns and pattern density of this clock are fully customizable for each user. This allows users communication and personalization with their purchase.
The Clock
Using standard wall clock OEM components, this clock is completely 3D printed. As a substitute for glass a completely customizable face was generated using Rhino Grasshopper. This allows users to have creative influence over their own clock at the point of purchase.
e t u in M ur o H
Recent Activity Over the last few months I have been busy developing my Honours project and various other smaller projects. Although they are not yet finished, I am excited of what is to come.
Light Concept
Combining technology with craftmanship (in this case 3D printing with woodturning). The plastic shell acts as a cage for the crafted piece of wood. Encapsulating it through the printing process.
Honours Supervised by David Flynn from Willow Ware I am developing a backpack for final year project. This is a very brief overview of the project. You can find more detail on my tumblr account: lukephillipsdesign.tumblr.com
Moondarra Overview
This project aims to develop a backpack that is variable in use through its ability to expand and contract in size and volume. Key aspects of the design are ergonomics and the effect loads have on the human body, aesthetics, target market and usability over several contexts.
Taking a hands on approach to the design, I am exploring several ways of transforming form quickly and efficiently. These include origami structures and other folding techniques inspired by the likes of ‘Flux Chair’ and cardboard furniture.
Recently a head writter from the popular web community ‘Carryology’ asked me to write a guest post for their page. This will be up in a week or so. It describes the projects projected presence within the current bag market and how it aims to disrupt how we perceive a backpack.
Thankyou E: phillipsluke50@gmail.com P: 0448942754 T: lukephillipsdesign.tumblr.com A: 23 Parkville Avenue Parkville 3051