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There's no question we have many more fertility and conception options available today. Couples who could not conceive twenty five years ago need not worry now. This same technology allows couples to chose their baby's gender, but at a very high financial cost. Simply put, gender selection using a clinic isn't cheap, and the higher the alleged success rate, the more you'll pay. However, if you can afford to have a clinic biopsy your viable embryos and then implant the desired sex (PGD / ICF), then yes, you can definitely chose. The cost of this can be well over $10,000 (approximately $3,000-$5,000 for the biopsy methods plus the fertilization costs). However, in today's economy, few couples can afford or justify such a high cost. Most couples need this money to raise the child, not merely conceive it. So, this article will focus on all natural methods you can complete at home to choose your baby's gender. To do that, in the simplest terms, you'll need to be able to: Know Exactly When You Ovulate: To conceive the sex of your choice, you'll need to conceive either before (for a girl) or during (for a boy) ovulation. This is because X (girl) sperm are much more hardy than their male counterparts and can survive for much longer. There are many ways to chart ovulation, but there is very little room for error, so it's important you chose an extremely reliable method. Have A PH Conducive To Your Desired Gender: Simply put, to stack the odds in your favor, you'll need a vaginal and body PH that is friendly to the sperm or your desired sex and more hostile to the sperm you'd prefer not to encourage this time out. There are a couple of ways to do this. One is by avoiding or consuming certain foods and another is by douching with specific solutions based on which gender you're trying to conceive. Clinics can charge up to $450 for these douching solutions, but with careful planning, you can have the same results at home on your own. Complete The Correct Positioning: Intercourse positioning is probably the most widely discussed gender selection variable, but it is only one small piece of the puzzle. For optimal natural gender determination, you need to deposit sperm further away from the cervix (shallow penetration) for a girl and closer (deeper penetration) for a boy. This is the easiest variable to control, but it alone is not enough because you could still have a hostile PH and / or be conceiving on the wrong day. To get the results you want, all three variables need to be firmly in place, but this is easily achieved with a bit of planning.
Gender Selection Resources is a website that offers tips, information, how to's, and a resource for the $450 clinic douche recipe for couples wanting to practice natural gender selection.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sandy_Dean
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