دليل ال�صحة واجلمال
GUIDE 27th October to 6th November-2010
18.50 DHS.
22 DHS.
مل400*2 �شامبو هيد &�شولدر Head & Shoulder Shampoo 2 x 400ml
مل400*2 �شامبو بانتني Pantene Shampoo 2 x 400ml
r o f s k c a P r Hai ypes T r i a H t n Differe
9.95 DHS.
e will provid hair packs le n e p e m sh si a e of som also add Regular use ded protection and ee r. the much-n to your hai
air Normal dher, add to it two table
e la pow i.e. the yok cup of am ne full egg o th d Take half a o an o il sm o a castor d make into spoons of gg white an d the scalp, leave on e e th as ll as we e hair an pooing. pply on th before sham s mixture. A te u in m 30 for about n For wome
20.45 DHS.
مل400*2 �شامبو هريبل ا�سن�سز Herbal Essences Shampoo 2 x 400ml
Dry hairof a conditioner is a
air, use with dry h times. must at all
r normal hair pack fo se -u ea d n -a e -prepar th) and mak e k An easy-to a cup of (Fullers Ear yo e th d half s of oil an n o o hair: Take sp re le ti b n ee ith two ta well on th mixture w is mixture ur th o ly h p p an A f . al of an egg about h r fo n o e scalp, leav oo well. and shamp C By VLC
مل200+مل400 �شامبو فراكت�س Fructis Shampoo 400ml + 200ml
14.95 DHS.
مل400*2 �شامبو دابور فاتيكا Dabur Vatika Shampoo 2 x 400ml
24 Mercedes Benz -C200 for just Dhs 50*
Oily hair
11.95 DHS.
Those having oily hair will need to shampoo their hair very often and hence should make sure that even the mild shampoo used is diluted further. For the last rinse, using white vinegar mixed with water in equal proportions also helps to reduce the oiliness. Oiling hair often also should be avoided.
مل125+مل259*2 زيت �شعر دابور فاتيكا Dabur Vatika Hair Oil 2 x 250ml + 125ml
Make a mixture out of one cup of henna powder to which one tablespoon of lime juice has been added and mix into it the white of an egg. If the egg smell puts you off, use curd instead of the white of an egg. Apply this mixture to the hair, leave on for approximately half an hour and then shampoo. A point to note is that this pack will not colour your hair despite the dying quality of henna being an ingredient. Using a conditioner: A point to be remembered is not to use the conditioner on the roots and the scalp but only along the hair shaft. By VLCC
17.20 DHS.
جرام175*2 كرمي �شعر هيمااليا مل200 �شامبو+ Himalaya Hair Cream 2 x 175gm + Shampoo 200ml
10 DHS.
�صبغة ال�شعر كارنيل Garnier Colour Naturals
29 DHS.
�صبغة ال�شعر لوريل اك�سيالن�س Loreal Excellence Hair Colour
10 DHS.
ملون ال�شعر ويال ماك�س Wella Koleston Maxi
24 Mercedes Benz -C200 for just Dhs 50*
10 DHS.
11.50 DHS.
جرام175*4 �صابون كامي Camay Soap 4 x 175gm
3+9جرام75 �صابون امربيال ليذر Imperial Leather Soap 75gm 9 + 3
12.50 DHS.
15 DHS.
1+5 جرام175 �صابون فا Fa Soap 175gm 5 +1
عر�ض+ جرام125*6 �صابون بريز Pears Soap 6 x 125gm + Offer
1+2 جرام100 �صابون يارديل Yardley Soap 100gm 2+1
1+5 جرام175 �صابون لوك�س Lux Soap 175gm 5+1
23.20 DHS.
1+5 جرام135 �صابون دوف Dove Soap 135gm 5+1
24 Mercedes Benz -C200 for just Dhs 50*
مل للواحد250 جل حمام لوك�س Lux Shower Gel 250ml per pc
14.75 DHS.
مل250*2 �صابون �سائل فا Fa Liquid Hand Soap 2 x 250ml
Basic Skin Care
per dream if you take pro n is not so much of a anced diet, Bal se. Healthy and supple ski rci exe and t attention to your die ly precautions and pay be a part of your dai sun and wind should m fro g tin and y tec tor pro nda hydration and n care that are ma four basic steps to ski skin. regimen. Here are the nt a naturally glowing wa you if nt, ou any acc r skin type. you to cannot be skipped on ing ord acc ts use the produc It is important that you the steps too: ention to the order of att pay to e hav You
مل250*2 جل حمام فا Fa Shower Gel 2 x 250ml
in 1. Cleansing The Sk problems. acnes and other skin id avo to ial ent ess h a clean wit off e Cleansing is quite wip and using a mild face wash such as dirt s tie uri Wash your skin often imp any of important to get rid e washcloth. It is quite t your skin can breath going to sleep so tha ore bef t it p tha keu e ma sur ke and particles st twice a day but ma e mild cleanser at lea Us ht. nig and at ly ion per tat pro es not cause skin irri rinses away easily, do ural oils too. do not wash away nat 2.Toning The Skin nants in removing any rem skin further and help the e rates ans cle hyd s, ly on she t Toners no but also cools, nouri that may have left behind res po n ski any up se of particles that you clo tightens up skin and It n. ski r be you st up mu ns and freshe the face. Toners while deep cleansing may have opened up off skin. es dri ol oh alc as e alcohol fre
19.90 DHS.
مل250 عبوة+مل250*2 ديتول لغ�سل اليدين Dettol Hand Wash 2 x 250ml + Refill 250ml
in 3. Exfoliating The Sk and eliminate n, rejuvenate the skin ski the m fro ls cel d faces after sur t tha n ski Exfoliants remove dea r m the face. The younge fro les ink ts usually wr duc and pro s fine line and glowing. These looks more beautiful id the avo do but s ces pro exfoliation naturally ds to quicken up the aci y rox much hyd is a t bet tha or too have alpha the new skin as they tend to damage s. est dig it t ones that are granular tha mature layer more sensitive than the e Skin 4. Moisturizing Th to keep it and proper nutrients ion n also needs hydrat screen sun um ctr spe adLike our body, our ski bro d moisturizer and a goo a h to balwit n it ski at tre the healthy. So, am daily that helps 15 daily and night cre ght. rni ove it to ed urr with more than SPF occ age that might have dam any es tor res ance and
12.20 DHS.
مل300*2 �ساذل غ�سول اليدين امربيال Imperial Leather Hand Wash 2 x 300ml
46.90 DHS.
19.50 DHS.
غ�سول+مل150 مق�شر للتنظيف Clearasil Scrub 150ml + Perfect Wash
1+2 ، 25 قطع قطنية جون�سون عدد Johnsons Facial Wipes 25’s 2+1
5.75 DHS.
Montagne Jeunesse Skin/Face Care Pack per pc
24 Mercedes Benz -C200 for just Dhs 50*
8.50 DHS.
�شفرات جليت فينو�س بريزر Gillette Venus Breeze Razor
قطع قطنية للمكياج قطعة80*3 Tippys Makeup Pads 3 x 80’s
23.90 DHS.
10+20 �شمع فيت عدد Veet Wax Strip 20’s + 10’s Free
20 DHS.
1+1 جرام25 كرمي �شول لت�شققات القدم Scholl Cracked Heal Cream 25gm 1+1
45 DHS.
7.75 DHS.
26.75 DHS.
قطعة200*3 �أعواد قطنية للتنظيف Tippys Cotton Buds 3 x 200’s
مل25 كرمي+مربد لتنعيم القدم Scholl Smoothing File + Crack Heal Cream 25ml
بخاخ لرائحة احلذاء+بخاخ �شول لرائحة القدم Scholl Odour Control Foot Spray 150ml + Shoe Spray 150ml
29 DHS.
طقم طالء �شفاه ايديتورز Editors Picks Lip Make Up Set
29 DHS.
طقم طالء العيون ايديتورز Editors Picks Eye Make Up Set
less e g a r o f s t trien u n l a i t n e s wing o Es l l o f e h t e ud beauty incl urish help to no in oily fish plexion. d n m u co fo r s u fatty acid ness to yo ft so d und an • Essential ro ster week G and add lu times each e tty fa re your skin e th t re as th aood at le e of omeg rc u so t So eat seaf n e an excelle in health. flaxseeds ar ote good sk m ro p l soft skin. h ic . acids, wh for beautifu al ti n se es gh, dry skin A is sult in rou re • Vitamin n ca , ge in n ts, ora is vitam A lack of th of dark orange (carro li, spinach) o ty cc n le ro p (b e n d u Incl d dark gree an ) min A. go ta vi an in papaya, m h are high ic h w f o d aids in l al wrinkles an vegetablesps to fight in the el h le C ro in a • Vitam also plays It . n io at erries, black rm its, strawb collagen fo rces. Citrus fru . ss l good sou ce al ro e p healing as peppers ar i, ch w su ki , E as in av rich in Vitam d sunflower currants, gu s ed se d ts an pkin an • Include nu onds, pum scles, alnuts, alm w , g facial mu ts in nu gg el sa nt haz ve re p to acks cation. seeds as sn e skin lubri meat and provid ts pulses, lean o s, sp n ai e gr ag le o h of that w d ri B from n and get • Vitamin lls formatio ce in sk aids in new seeds and t look. , pumpkin es ls u p washed ou , ickly sh to heal qu nd in shellfi your skin • Zinc fou s p el h s al n cere whole grai ions. me t skin infect il and sesa oil, olive o and preven ed r se fo ax fl rs uding turize • Oils, incl ternal mois serve as in . oil can also skin to keep it rinkle-free hydration smooth, w tial for skin n body to se e es th is p r and hel • Water ea cl & le ast p , sup Drink at le moist, soft and toxins. e with s te es as th w se f get rid o ; intersper ly ai d er at fw le and 8 glasses o citrus, app , including , especially es ic ju fruit juices le so vegetab al ; le p p ea pin lery ato and ce By carrot, tom
14.95 DHS.
6 طالء ال�شفاه �سي بي عدد CP Trendies Lipstick 6pc
25 DHS.
9.90 DHS.
10 طالء الأظافر �سينا عدد Synaa Nail Polish 10pc
طقم مكياج �سي بي للواحدة CP Trendies Make Up Kit per pc
24 Mercedes Benz -C200 for just Dhs 50*
90 DHS.
20 DHS.
طقم مكياج روزا بيل Rosa Bella Make Up Set 558
طقم مكياج روزا بيل Rosa Bella Make Up Set 552
50 DHS.
85 DHS.
طقم مكياج روزا بيل Rosa Bella Make Up Set 568
طقم مكياج روزا بيل Rosa Bella Make Up Set 8630
30 DHS.
45 DHS.
طقم مكياج روزا بيل Rosa Bella Make Up Set C-41
طقم مكياج روزا بيل Rosa Bella Make Up Set C-1
39.50 DHS.
GUIDE 42.95 DHS.
مل50 كرمي ليل+كرمي نهار وايت بريفكت من لوريال Loreal White Perfect Day Cream 50gm + Night Cream 50gm
كرمي النهار نيفيا فيزاج مل50 كرمي ليل+ Nivea Visage Q10 Day Cream + Night Cream 50ml
32.50 DHS.
مل50 كرمي عالج ليلي للإ�شراقة من بوندز Ponds Flawless White Cream 50gm
23 DHS.
غ�سول+2*مل50كرمي تفتيح الب�شرة من �أوليه Olay Cream Asstd. 2 x 50ml + Face Wash 100ml
10.95 DHS.
مل15 �سائل لتفتيح �أ�سفل العيون من جارنري Garnier Skin Natural Light Eye Roll On 15ml
9.45 DHS.
مل100 كرمي فريريفر Fairever Cream 100gm
24 Mercedes Benz -C200 for just Dhs 50*
20 DHS.
12 DHS.
2*جرام250 بودرة يارديل Yardley Talc 2 x 250gm
جرام250*2 بودرة ان�شنتور Enchanteur Talc 2 x 250gm
14.75 DHS.
مل150 ديو بخاخ+جرام250 بودرة اجنل�ش بليزر English Blazer Talc 250gm + Deo 150ml
15.95 DHS.
17.95 DHS.
1+2 مل150 نيفبا كرمي Nivea Cream 150ml 2+1
2*مل200 نيفبا منعم Nivea Soft 200ml Twin Pack
Diet for healthy skin Dry, rough skin – possible disturbed water balance due to EFA deficiency, poor intake of water or lack of Vitamin A. Diet should be low in saturated fat, high in essential fatty acids (from flax, sunflower and pumpkin seeds). Drink at lest 1 L of water a day and eat plenty of water rich foods such as fruits and vegetables especially yellow/ orange/ red ones which are high in B carotene. Alcohol and stimulants such as coffee and tea should be limited. Oily skin- excess fat in the diet, and stress increase sebum production. Diet low in fat but sufficient essential oils from seeds, low in alcohol, sugar and stimulants is beneficial.
Acne occurs due to increased oil secretions and blockage of oil duct/gland in the skin. Factors that lead to acne are age, stress,Vitamin A and zinc deficiency. To help prevent breakouts, cut down on refined & processed foods and eat a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, nuts and wheat germ. Clear skin is the direct result of what you eat and is also an accurate reflection of your state of health. If you want to look good and feel great, invest in the long-term benefits of food that makes a real difference from top to toe.
مل125+مل400 نيفيا لو�شن للج�سم Nivea Body Lotion 400ml + 125ml
مل250*2 لو�شن ان�شنتور Enchanteur Body Lotion 2 x 250ml
12.75 DHS.
مل400 لو�شن للج�سم هيمياليا Himalaya Body Lotion 400ml
24 DHS.
مل400*2 مرطب جرجينز Jergens Lotion 2 x 400ml
24 Mercedes Benz -C200 for just Dhs 50*
12.75 DHS.
22.45 DHS.
17.95 DHS.
1+2 مل200 بخاخ ديو نيفيا Nivea Deo Spray 200ml 2+1
مل150 *2 ديو فا Fa Deo 2 x 150ml
1+2 مل50 ديو رول نيفيا Nivea Deo Roll On 50ml 2+1
38.20 DHS.
11.75 DHS.
مل200*2 ديو+مل100 عطر �سابيل Sapil Chichi 100 ml + Deo 2x200 ml
14.75 DHS.
مل50*2 ديو فا رول Fa Roll On 2 x 50ml
1+2 مل200 ديو يا�سمني رويال Royal Jasmine Deo 200 ml 2+1
52.95 DHS.
1+2 مل236 بخاخ اجل�سم فانتزيز Body Fantasies Body Mist 236 ml 2+1
18.20 DHS.
1+مل150 بخاخ اجل�سم يارديل Yardley Body Spray 150ml 2+1
20 DHS.
مل100 عطر �شاريل Charlie EDT 100 ml
12.25 DHS.
طالء �شفاة+مل200 كرمي الب�شرة نيفيا Nivea Body Angel Star Souffle 200ml + Labello
24 Mercedes Benz -C200 for just Dhs 50*
10.20 DHS.
9.75 DHS.
1+1 فر�شاة �أ�سنان �أورال Oral B Advantage Tooth Brush 1+1
2 فر�شاة �أ�سنان تري�شا فوكو�س عدد Trissa Tooth Brush Focus Twin Pack
1+1 فر�شاة �أ�سنان �أورال فيجن Oral B Vision Tooth Brush 1+1
Here are some steps t en you can take to prev dental problems.
es a gularly, at least two tim day. lem. prone to dental prob are d 2. Diabetic patients an tes be dia n betwee There is an association glucose levels carefully. your tooth decay. Manage licad to the certain comp lea n ca it , se wi Other im to e du lose strength tions.Your teeth may eat to le ab un be ll ion.You wi cu paired blood circulat oc r. m diseases may also solid food. Severe gu e su and bone tis Infection of the gum y. is another possibilit
1. Brush your teeth re
rtant. checkups are impo 3. Regular dental le is ru is r than cure. Th Prevention is bette ta t ke care. If you do no applicable to dental ffer from
su properly, you may care of your teeth cay de h ch as toot dental problems su and gum disease.
6.25 DHS.
12.95 DHS.
10 DHS.
1+3 مل125 معجون �أ�سنان كري�ست Crest Tooth Paste 125ml 3+1
2*مل120 معجون �أ�سنان �سيجنال Signal Tooth Paste 120ml Twin Pack
مل250 غ�سول الفم لي�سرتين Listerine Mouthwash 250ml
GUIDE 10.95 DHS.
11.45 DHS.
4.90 DHS.
ما�سك للوجه من دافن�شي Davinci Men’s Face Pack per pc
مل200 جل حالقة نيفيا Gillette Series Shaving Gel 200ml مل100*2 كرمي حالقة نيفيا Nivea Shaving Cream 2 x 100ml
7.75 DHS.
12.90 DHS.
مل300 فوم للحالقة �سوبر ماك�س Supermax Shaving Foam 300ml
4+4 �أموا�س حالقة �سوبر مك�س Supermax Ultimate Black Razor 4 + 4
43.50 DHS.
19.50 DHS.
23.25 DHS.
مكنة حالقة جليت فيوجن Gillette Fusion Manual Razor 2up
4 �شفرات حالقة جليت فيوجن عدد Gillette Fusion Manual Blade 4’s
3+10 �أموا�س حالقة جليت بل�س Gillette Blue II Plus 10’s + 3’s
24 Mercedes Benz -C200 for just Dhs 50*
19.90 DHS.
2*مل150 ديو بالي بوي Playboy Deo 150ml Twin Pack
29.90 DHS.
2*مل200 ديو بروت Brut Deo 200ml Twin Pack
مل200 ديو+مل100 عطر بروت Brut EDT 100ml + Deo 200ml
28 DHS.
47 DHS.
مل100 عطر بروت مل200 بخاخ ج�سم+ Brut EDT Plexi 100ml + Body Spray 200ml
مل150 ديو+مل100 عطر دينام Denim EDT 100ml + Deo 150ml
34 DHS.
مل150 ديو+مل100 عطر �أديدا�س Adidas EDT 100ml + Deo 150ml
34 DHS.
مل100 عطر للحالقة+مل100 عطر �أديدا�س Adidas EDT 100ml + After Shave 100ml
36.90 DHS.
مل150 ديو+مل100 عطر بالي بوي Playboy EDT 100ml + Deo 150ml
239 DHS.
درا ان�ش20 جة ريا�ضية ’’ 20 cle cy Bi Sports
259 DHS.
دراجة �سهلة الطي cle Easy Folding Bicy
249 DHS.
درا ان�ش24 جة ريا�ضية ’’ 24 Sports Bicycle
279 DHS.
درا ان�ش16 جة ريا�ضية ’’ Sports Bicycle 16
درا ان�ش24 جة ريا�ضية ’’ 24 cle cy Sports Bi
24 Mercedes Benz -C200 for just Dhs 50*
10 DHS.
�ضاغط طبي للقدم Sunex Magnetic Ankle Support
12 DHS.
10 DHS.
�ضاغط طبي للركبة �سنيك�س Sunex Magnetic Knee Support
18 DHS.
حزام للظهر �سنيك�س Sunex Back Support
�ضاغط طبي للكوع �سنيك�س Sunex Magnetic Elbow Support
28 DHS.
35 DHS.
جهاز قفز Rambo Jump Rope 0706
قفازات ل�صالة اجلم Cardio Fitness Gym Gloves
مل0،6 �سجادة لتمارين اليوغا Yoga Mat 0.6mm
155 DHS.
18 DHS.
جهاز لتقوية ال�ساعد Cardio Fitness Hand Grip Striped
كيلو2 �أثقال لتقوية الذراعني Dumbbell 2kg
كيلو15 �أثقال للتمارين الريا�ضية Adjustable Dumbbell Set 15kg Rubber Coated
كيلو50 �أثقال مطاطية للتمارين Barbell Rubber Coated 50kg
جهاز ظغط Push Up Bar Metal
فر�شة متار�سن ريا�ضية Sit Up Bench IRSB06
24 Mercedes Benz -C200 for just Dhs 50*
جهاز م�شي Electric Treadmill 2HP JBM4155
جهاز م�شي كهربائي Electric Treadmill 2.25HP
1349 جهاز متارين كهربائي Elliptical Trainer
1689 جهاز م�شي كهربائي Electric Treadmill
1399 Dhs.5
1449 جهاز متارين وم�شي Treadmill W/ Twister Massager 2HP G2000B
دراجة كهربائية ثابتة للتمارين الريا�ضية Proteus Exercise Bike Cameo V5
جهاز م�شي كهربائي TA Sports Electric Treadmill OMA112A 1.5HP
كيلو30 فر�شة متارين مع جهاز رفع �أثقال Weight Bench with 30kg Barbell Set
دراجة متارين ريا�ضية ثابتة Magnetic Bike Al401l
779 دراجة متارين ثابتة Proteus Elliptical Bike
945 جهاز رفع اثقال ومتارين Leader Personal Trainer
699 جهاز متارين كهربائي Elliptical Trainer El701-VO
24 Mercedes Benz -C200 for just Dhs 50*
19 DHS.
تي �شريت ن�سائي �أريزو Arezzo Ladies T-Shirt S/S Asstd.
19 DHS.
بنطلون ن�ساءي برمودا Ladies 3/4 Leggings Asstd. per pc
بنطلون متارين ن�سائي Ladies Track Pant Asstd. per pc
29 DHS.
بنطلون متارين رجايل Urban Mens Track Pant Asstd.
32 DHS.
بدلة ريا�ضية رجايل Mens Track Suit Asstd.
20 DHS.
بدلة ريا�ضية ن�سائي Ladies Track Suit Asstd.
44 DHS.
49 DHS.
حذاء ريا�ضي ن�سائي Addnice Ladies Sports Shoes �أحذية ريا�ضية متنوعة للرجال للواحد Astonic Sport Mens Sports Shoes Asstd. per pair
10 DHS.
جوارب رجايل Mens Sports Socks 1x2/1x3 Asstd. per pair
جوارب ن�سائي Ladies Sports Socks Asstd. per pair
خبز تو�ست �صحي للكي�س
Healthy Bread Loaf per pkt.
1.50 DHS.
6 خبز بورجر �أ�سمر عدد
Wholemeal Burger Bun 6’s
4.25 DHS.
6 مافنز باحلبوب عدد
Whole Grain Muffin 6’s
3.75 DHS.
قطع5 كيك خايل من ال�سكر عدد
Sugar Free Cake Slice 5’s
كيك لوف �أ�سمر للحبة
Bran Loaf Cake per pc
4.25 DHS.
خبز تو�ست لل�سندوي�شات للكي�س
Granary Sandwich Bread per pkt.
24 Mercedes Benz -C200 for just Dhs 50*
14.25 DHS.
12.45 DHS.
12.75 DHS.
جرام30+جرام375 كيلوك�س اخلا�ص Kelloggs Special K 375gm + Red Berries 30gm
1+2 ب�سكويت دايج�ستف اليت Mcvities Digestive Light 250gm 2 + 1
فنجان+100 �شاي �أخ�ضر ليبتون عدد Lipton Green Tea Bags 100’s + Mug
9.45 DHS.
9.95 DHS.
12 ب�سكويت نيت�شر فايل عدد Nature Valley Granola Bars 12’s
2*جرام500 �شوفان كويكر Quaker Oats Pack 500gm 2’s
17.50 DHS.
12.50 DHS.
جبنة دهن املراعي جرام910 قليلة الكلي�سرتول Almarai Jar Cheese Low Cholesterol 910gm
5.50 DHS.
حليب فيتا للطاقة مل300*4 Vitamilk Energy 4 x 300ml
2*مل500 حليب �صويا ع�ضوي Provamel Organic Soya Milk Red 500ml 2’s
9.45 DHS.
6 قليل الكلي�سرتول عدد+ 3 بي�ض �صحة اوميجا Saha Omega3+ Low Cholesterol White Eggs 6’s
2* جرام350 ملح لو �سالت Lo Salt Iodised 350gm 2’s
2*جرام350 �شابورة للرجيم امريكانا Americana Fresh Diet Rusk Asstd. 350gm 2’s
Purchase limit may apply. Promotion valid from 27th October to 6th November 2010 or until stocks last.