Then and Now The 1920’s Edition By: Merlin Ruiz, Luma Makawi, Tayshauna McGee, and Jordan Forbes
Table of Contents Editorial…………………………………………………….……..Page 3 Advertisment……………………………………………………...Page 4 Bye-Bye GG’s, Hello Vamps……………………………………..Page 5 Advertisment……………………………………………………...Page 6 Evolution in the 20’s…………………………………… ……Pages 7-8 Political Cartoon……………………………………………….....Page 9 Advertisement………………………………………….…….….Page 10 Women’s Fashion…………………………………………….….Page 11 Clothing Advertisement……………………………………...….Page 12 Cultural Values of Cities……………………………...…………Page 13 Book Advertisement…………………………..………………...Page 14 Bibliographies…………………………….......……....…….Pages 15-18 Advertisement……….…………………………………………..Page 19
A New Era for Modernism By: Jordan Forbes, Merlin Ruiz, Tayshauna McGee and Luma Makawi This is a beginning to a new era.
A problem with shorter skirts is that women are
Tradition is the “old way” of doing things or the
showing more skin and some members of the
commonly accepted way of doing things.
American Society don't like that. Women can
Modernism is a new style of art, culture, music
also drink liquor in public and carry cigarette
and thought that is starting to break tradition.
cases. Fashion is helping women express their
Women are now able to apply for jobs and vote.
true identity.
Society has now accepted women's fashion and
The Scopes trial is a great example of the
public use of alcohol. Schools are now debating
clash between modernism and traditionalism.
whether or not they should teach evolution.
During the trial modernist and traditionalist
Modernism has changed life as as we know it,
fought to see which would prevail. Modernist
for the better of course.
think evolution should be taught in schools.
A woman's freedom and independence is
While traditionalist want creationism taught in
everything. This idea is supported by modernism
school. Following the trial people realized that
in the 1920’s. Before the prohibition women
the trial was about something greater than
were allowed/expected to wear clothes that
whether or not schools could teach evolution.
covered their body to the best of their ability.
The overall question was whether the Scopes
They soon realized that all of those extra clothes
trial was constitutional or not.
were unnecessary and they wanted to do more
The 1920’s are years of improvement in
with their life. After the prohibition women
society. Modernism has now been accepted as a
obtained freedom and the impossible became
way of life. Women are able to do things that
possible. It was not just black and white any
they only dreamed of doing. Schools are now
more, there are now grey areas too.
teaching new concepts that are not only accepted
Women’s new fashion has created new
by religions, but against them too. Modernism is
styles. Women now have “bobbed hair” because
in effect and it will be interesting to see where
it helps them move freely. They are also not
we go from here.
wearing long dresses and they no longer have to worry about their legs getting tangled in the dress while they are dancing.
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Bye-Bye GG’s, Hello Vamps By: Tayshauna McGee Bye-Bye Gibson Girls! Hello to our
After the prohibition women have gained
American Women to have the power expression,
freedom and independence. For example Women
and the freedom to vote!
started getting jobs: Beauty, business advertising,
For the Gibson Girls every rule is to be obeyed,
and more in the medical business. And because
skin covered to the best of your ability. For
of that the life expectancy went from 50 years
example, your ankles are covered, hair is pinned
old to about 60 years.
up off the shoulders ,you have a ton of
This new generation is deeply needed! Its is
underclothes long stockers and all! Smoking
expressing our Independence and our Freedom.
definitely is socially unacceptable and putting
Us women now realize that the long neck dress
makeup on your face.
and an ankle covered dress is totally un-needed!
Before the prohibition women had to follow what
Having the right to vote really allows us to
was labeled as socially correct. The way women
express what we need and want in our lives.
had to raise her family was a very big thing, they were to stay home and take care of the children. Some of these stay at home moms didn’t have the option of getting an abortion.
League of Female Voters!
Evolution in the 20’s By: Luma Makawi We are witnessing progressive changes in
established in Tennessee in May 21, 1925. After
the United States, and education should be in the
the trial by a couple years Arkansas, and
forefront of this progressive revolution. In the
Mississippi enacted the butler act. James Edwin
past (before the 1920’s) creationism was taught
Crowther states, “Not a few question the ability
in schools and churches. No one questioned
of the church to solve the problems of the new
creationism until the 1920’s when word got out
era.” If the religion is as strong as Crowther says
about the teaching of evolution in schools.
then the idea of evolution won't pose any danger
Scopes broke the law by teaching evolution to
to traditionalist.
his class in Tennessee. During the trial people
Charles Robert Darwin was a naturalist
realized that the conflict between
and a geolistist who bestowed the science of
modernist/evolutionist and
evolution and the theory itself. The theory of
traditionalist/creationist was more than whether
evolution is that different kinds of living
or not evolution should be taught in school, it
organisms have developed from earlier forms. In
became something greater than that. That is why
this case, humans are somewhat descended from
evolution should be taught in American schools.
apes or monkey like animals.
Before the 1920’s creationism was the
Modernist believe that evolution should
main belief in society of how humans were
be taught in American schools. Since there is
created. The term creationism means that God
science behind evolution the government should
himself created the world and every living
not interfere with children's education. “Science
organism on it. Christian fundamentalist or
treats a young man's mind as though it were
traditionalist believe that Darwin's Theory of
really important”, stated Reverend Harry
Evolution conflicts with the “truth” of the bible.
Emerson Fosdick. Reverend Fosdick is saying
They also believe that the theory is wrong and
that Christianity already has predetermined
possibly dangerous to the religion. In fact the
conclusions and does not challenge a young
Christian fundamentalist, in Tennessee, believed
mans brain. So if a young person had to choose
in this so strongly that the Butler Act was
between getting fed opinions and venturing or
created. The Butler Act is a law that made
looking for answers, the obvious choice would
teaching evolution illegal. The law was
be looking for answers.
Some modernist do not want to extinguish
Darrow replied, “Scopes is not on trial,
creationism, they thought both evolutionism and
civilization is!” That is when people realized that
creationism could coexist.
this trial is not just about teaching evolution or
The Scopes trial is a trial that is held in
not. It is about whether the beliefs of any church
Dayton, Tennessee. It was held for John Thomas
dominate public education. If state law could
Scopes, a substitute science teacher who taught
override federal law that protected individual
students evolution (which was illegal). The
rights. What will happen when science and
Scopes trial brought a lot of attention to the
religion disagree, or if Scopes was protected by
south. News reporters, and monkey dressed up in
the first amendment (freedom of speech).
clothes crowded the entrance of the courtroom.
Now that we have seen what the Scopes
At the end of the eight day trial, Scopes was
trial was really about, there should be no doubt
found guilty because he knowingly and
about allowing evolution to be taught in
willinglybroke the law. John’s fine was one
American schools. Again, education should be
hundred dollars.
the forefront of this clash between modernism
Towards the end of the trial, Clarence
and traditionalism.
Darrow (John Scopes’ lawyer) called on William Jennings Bryan (fundamentalist on the Scopes trial) to be a witness. Darrow asked, “Do you claim that everything in the bible should be literally interpreted?” Bryan replied, “I believe everything in the Bible should be accepted as it is given there.” Then Darrow asked Bryan about how the Earth was created in six days, from the stars of the sky to the soil on the underground. Bryan interrupted, “I don't think it means necessarily twenty four hour days. Creation might have continued for millions of years” In that moment Clarence Darrow just tricked William Bryan into admitting that he does not take the Bible for it’s literal truth (word for word). During the trial Bryan dramatically said, “If evolution wins, Christianity goes!”
Theory of Evolution
Women’s Fashion By: Merlin Ruiz With changes in fashion, it seems like
These short skirts make dancing easier
women are coming outside of their shell and they
and the long dresses don't longer have to drag on
are expressing themselves by voting, embracing
the floor. Loosed- body tops are now allowed and
new adventures, and they are wearing new types of
it makes it easier to breathe. Outside the home,
clothing when they are outside of their home.
women want to look like movie stars. They pluck
On August 18, 1920 the 19th Amendment
their eyebrows, redraw them in dark pencil, add
was ratified and allowed American women to vote.
thick black eyeliner, and put on lipstick. Some
After that, opportunities were opened. Women can
even dye their hair. Women also wear
now work in offices as secretaries, typists, or file
pointed-toe shoes with heels and silk stockings.
clerks. Other women prefer to work on family
They like to carry metal cigarette cases and drink
farms or textile mills. New technologies just came
liquor in public. They no longer have to have a
out and they are for the women that stay at home to
spiffy appearance when they go outside.
keep the house clean and to take of the children.
Women want to express their feelings,
The washing machine, electric stove, refrigerator,
and fashion is one way of doing it. It makes life
and the vacuum saves a lot of time when they are
easier for them inside and outside of their home.
They no longer need to worry about legs getting
One way that women are embracing new
tangled in long dresses. It also makes it easier to
adventures is by getting the new type of hairstyles
do chores at home. The new women's fashion is
and clothing. Women can cut their hair shorter so it
not a threat to American values.
makes it easier for them to move around. Also short skirts are popular right now. There is lower leg exposure and it is has causing panic among some of the members of American Society.
Cultural Values of Cities By: Jordan Forbes Urbanization is growing huge right now. This means our rural towns are becoming more
Farming is also a big problem with the
like a city. Many people are wondering “Are
new cities growing so fast. Farmers have no
cultural values of cites good for America?� There
control on marketplace and this is making it
are good and bad things about the new big
really hard on the farmers. Farming started
changes in urbanization.
becoming really dull to the young rural
The middle class suburban is an example
generation, they left farms for the attractions in
of something that is somewhat bad. Since cities
the big cities, such as jazz music. There is also a
are growing, housing has to also. But only the
lot of new modern technology being created and
middle classmen that have secure jobs can afford
used, such as tractors and trucks. These became
for these houses in the suburbs. Since this is
very overused.
happening, middle classmen are asking for
Even though a few of these cultural
construction on things that are not needed, such
values are problematic, I definitely see good
as golf courses and country clubs.
things starting to happen with urbanization,
Many big changes are happening during
things that might help us in the future.
this time. The size and number of cities are getting a lot bigger which means that everything else has to get bigger. Schools, hospitals, and restaurants are growing with the cities. Something that is beginning to grow the most are factories, since cities rely on them so much.
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Bibliography Tayshauna McGee Works Cited Kallen, Stuart A. The Roaring Twenties. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven, 2002. Print. U.S.A. 1920s. Vol.6. Danbury, CT: Grolier, 2005. Print. Yancey, Diane. Life during the Roaring Twenties. San Diego, CA: Lucent, 2002. Print.
Bibliography Luma Makawi Works Cited 1920s Ad For Rouge. Digital image. Vintage Dancers. Copyright Vintage Dancer 2016, n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2016. <http://vintagedancer.com/1920s/makeup-starts-the-cosmetics-industry/>. Beech-Nut Marmalade. Digital image. Vintage Ad Browser. © by Their Original Company or Artist., n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2016. <http://www.vintageadbrowser.com/food-ads-1920s>. Coca-cola Ad "Here’s Coke... Digital image. Vintage Ad Browser. © by Their Original Company or Artist., n.d. Web. 26 Oct. 2016. <http://www.vintageadbrowser.com/coke-ads-1940s>. Crowther, James Edwin. "The Wayfarer." N.p.: n.p., 1919. Print. Fosdick, Harry Emerson. "The Fundamentalist-Modernist Divided." Sermon. First Presbyterian Church, New York City. 24 Oct. 2016. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. Hart, Diane, and Bert Bower. History Alive!: Pursuing American Ideals. Palo Alto, CA: Teachers' Curriculum Institute, 2008. Print. King Radio Ad. Digital image. Vintage Ad Browser. © by Their Original Company or Artist., n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2016. <http://www.vintageadbrowser.com/electronics-ads-1920s/23>. Lindop, Edmund, and Margaret J. Goldstein. America in the 1920s. Minneapolis, MN: Twenty-First Century, 2010. Print. Marine-Street, Natalie. Lucky Cigarette's Ad. Digital image. The Clayman Institute for Gender Research. Stanford University, 26 Apr. 2012. Web. 26 Oct. 2016. <http://gender.stanford.edu/news/2012/stanford-researchers%E2%80%99-cigarette-ad-collection-reveals-how-big-tobacc o-targets-women-and>. Moses, Jered Wasburn. "Why Do Fundamentalist Christians Not Want Evolution to Be Taught in Schools?" Quora. N.p., 07 Apr. 2015. Web. 21 Oct. 2016. <https://www.quora.com/Why-do-fundamentalist-Christians-not-want-evolution-to-be-taught-in-schools>. "Scopes Trial." U.S.A. 1920s. Ed. Rachel Bean, Mark Fletcher, and Henry Russell. 1st ed. Vol. 5. Danbury, CT: Grolier, 2005. 139-43. Print. Zyglis, Adam. Evolving Catholicism. Digital image. Truthdig Main News. © 2016 Truthdig, LLC, 01 Nov. 2014. Web. 26 Oct. 2016. <http://www.truthdig.com/cartoon/item/evolving_catholicism_20141101>.
Bibliography Merlin Ruiz Works Cited Blouse. N.d. Vintage Dancer. Web. 28 Oct. 2016. <http://vintagedancer.com/1920s/blouses-of-the-1920s/>. Handbag. N.d. Vintage Dancer. Web. 26 Oct. 2016. <http://vintagedancer.com/1920s/1920s-handbags/. Hart, Diane, and Bert Bower. History Alive!: Pursuing American Ideals. Rancho Cordova, CA: Teachers' Curriculum Institute, 2013. 316+. Print. Jewelry. N.d. Pinterest. Web. 26 Oct. 2016. <https://www.pinterest.com/pin/97742254385691080/>. Pendergast, Tom, and Sara Pendergast. U.X.L. American Decades: 1920-1929. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Cengage Learning, 2003. 59-60. Print. Pietrusza, David. The Roaring Twenties. San Diego, CA: Lucent, 1998. 59-60. Print. Stockings. N.d. Vintage Dancer. Web. 26 Oct. 2016. <http://vintagedancer.com/1920s/the-various-styles-of-1920s-stockings/>.
Bibliography Jordan Forbes Work Cited Baughman, Judith S. American Decades: 1920-1929. New York: Gale Research, 1996. Print. Daily News. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2016. Hughes, Langston. "The Weary Blues." Goodreads. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Oct. 2016. U.S.A. Twenties. Danbury, CT: Grolier, 2005. Print. The Weary Blues. Digital image. Poets. IndieBound, n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2016.
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