Infowood Technologies 1992 enterprise V8 - 3D Kitchen Design

Page 1

Table of Contents Before you start ___________________________________________________ 4 The kitchen ________________________________________________________________________ 4 System requirements ________________________________________________________________ 5 How to install 1992 Enterprise ________________________________________________________ 5

Floorplan designing _______________________________________________ 14 Starting the program _______________________________________________________________ 14 Creating new project _______________________________________________________________ 15 Catalog and model selection _________________________________________________________ 16 Catalog selection _________________________________________________________________________ 17 Model selection ___________________________________________________________________________ 18

Designing walls ___________________________________________________________________ 20 Save the project ___________________________________________________________________ 22 Summary _________________________________________________________________________ 22

Annex 1 – Model edit ______________________________________________ 23 Edit the model ZEBRANO 008 ________________________________________________________ 23 Edit the model MDF MATT LACQUER BIANCO ARTICO __________________________________ 28

Architectural items placement ______________________________________ 33 Door/Window placement ____________________________________________________________ 33 Delete/Undo_______________________________________________________________________ 36 Summary _________________________________________________________________________ 37

Cabinets placement _______________________________________________ 38 Tall units placement ________________________________________________________________ 38 Base units placement_______________________________________________________________ 42 Placement of the rest base units _____________________________________________________ 45 Wall units placement _______________________________________________________________ 53 Vertical translation and alignment ____________________________________________________ 58 Draw custom surface _______________________________________________________________ 63 Summary _________________________________________________________________________ 68

Splashback ______________________________________________________ 69 Splashback placement ______________________________________________________________ 69 Summary _________________________________________________________________________ 72

Perspective ______________________________________________________ 73 How you get a perspective __________________________________________________________ 73 Insert tiles and ceil _________________________________________________________________ 75 Decorative and accessories placement ________________________________________________ 77 Summary _________________________________________________________________________ 84

Animation _______________________________________________________ 85 2

Fit the perspective _________________________________________________________________ 85 Zoom/Rotate/Translate the perspective _______________________________________________________ 85

Texture groups ____________________________________________________________________ 88 Change the model _________________________________________________________________________ 88 Change textures on walls and worktop _______________________________________________________ 90 Change texture in wall units by applying to selected item ________________________________________ 90

Special effects ____________________________________________________________________ 92 Antialiasing ______________________________________________________________________________ 92

Summary _________________________________________________________________________ 93

Printing _________________________________________________________ 94 Floorplan printing __________________________________________________________________ 94 Perspective printing ________________________________________________________________ 96 Image combination on the same page ________________________________________________ 100 Display settings __________________________________________________________________ 102 Save floorplan and perspective as image _____________________________________________ 103 Save page (as image) ______________________________________________________________ 103 Save individual image (as image) ____________________________________________________ 104 Summary ________________________________________________________________________ 104

Lights__________________________________________________________ 105 Insert lights on floorplan ___________________________________________________________ 105 Change the parameters of point lights from the “Lights manager� ________________________ 107 Lights management _______________________________________________________________ 108 Set the Special effects _____________________________________________________________ 112 Print while all the special effects are enabled __________________________________________ 114 Summary ________________________________________________________________________ 117

Reports ________________________________________________________ 118 Project info ______________________________________________________________________ 118 Summary ________________________________________________________________________ 124


Before you start This tutorial shows you how to design a kitchen with the designing software 1992 Enterprise, how to customize the final appearance and to print, how to take costing and ordering reports.

The radical of the 1992 Enterprise is the simplicity and the easiness of using it. We hope that this first "tour" of the program helps you learn and explore 1992 Enterprise version 8.

The kitchen This is the kitchen design you will create in this tutorial.


Install 1992 Enterprise System requirements The installation of 1992 has completely changed in version 8 of the program. Before installation begins, you must be sure that there is the necessary space on your hard disk. The space required ranges from 3GB to 4GB, as you can see in the table below:

If there isn't this space, don't start the installation. Free firstly your hard disk, check that your PC corresponds to the minimum requirements of "1992" and then begin the installation

* Required: The program requires the use of OpenGL 3 The program is 32-bit application

How to install 1992 Enterprise The program usually consists of 1 or 2 CDs. On CD1 there is always the main installation of "1992" and the basic catalogs, while CD2 contains the other catalogs depending on the version you purchased. You start installation always with CD1. The CD of "1992" starts automatically when you insert it in the CD-ROM. If this doesn't happen, you must follow the steps below: • Close any programs you have open. • Double click on the icon "My computer" located on the desktop. • Select the CD-ROM drive (e.g. Drive CD (D:)) • Double-click the file "setup.exe" or "setup".

If you have followed all these steps correctly, it will be appeared the window below:


 At first you select the language of installation, pressing the activated icon.

 After few seconds, it will be appeared the window below:


 This shows the settings of your computer. Read labels carefully, and then click Next

 Read carefully the terms of the usage license and click I agree (If you choose "I do not agree" the installation will stop). Click Next. A new window appears.


 In this window displayed some last warning before installation is complete. Click Next.

 In this window you can see, where to install the program. It is better to leave the path as it is by default. If you are an experienced user select the button and choose another path for the installation.  Click Install and you will see a new window like this:


 The process of copying files will take a few seconds.  If you finish this procedure, you must wait until you see the following window


 In this window there are two frames. The upper one includes all the catalogs that will be installed and the lower the tile's catalogs that will be installed (if your version includes tile's catalogs). As you see the application of installation selects, by default, all catalogs. If you don't want to import one of those catalogs, you must uncheck the check box Select all, and click over the check boxes of the catalogs that you want to import.

 It is recommended to click on button changes.

without further adjustments and

 We must inform you that the procedure of catalogs installation is time-consuming, and you should not do other operations with your PC during this procedure.  After the catalogs installation is completed, you will see the screen below, and you will wait (without doing anything else) until procedure will be completed.

 Then you will see the window


 Finally, see the following window

 The installation is complete. You can click Exit and finish the installation. Note: Some PC must be restarted to run the "1992" correctly. In the window that appears select OK to restart your system.

 When the computer restarts, place in the CD-ROM the second installation CD.  Will appears the installation suite


 Choose the button Install main catalogs

 Will appear the window with the available catalogs


 As you see the application of installation selects, by default, all catalogs. If you don't want to import one of those catalogs, you must uncheck the check box Select all, and click over the check boxes of the catalogs that you want to import.  Click Import checked catalogs

 When the catalogs installation is complete, will appears the Installation suite, where you click Exit.


Floorplan designing Starting the program

After starting the program from the desktop icon will probably see the following dialog box:

or from the Start command button of Windows you

 You have to check three (3) times the button Next before you will be able to close the dialog box. Note: if you have already registered your product this dialog box will not appear.

 Left click the button 1992 Pro for Windows



Creating new project When you start the program there are three possible situations that can appear. Choose one of them according to the appearance of the program main window. If this is the first time that you are running the program then the following dialog-box will appear.

 Be sure that the New project radio button is chosen (if not left-click on it) and then left-click the OK button or press Enter of the keyboard. Program will create a new project.  If you were already running the program and had created a new project, saved it and exited the program with the project open, this dialog will not appear but the program will immediately open the last opened project. In this case close the open project.

 You can do this by left-clicking on the lower x button in the upper right angle of the program window or from the main menu. Left-click submenu Project and then left-click the submenu item Close project.


 To create a new project left-click on the New project button from the submenu Project in main menu.

or left-click on New project submenu item

 If in the previous run you did the same as above but the file of the last used project doesn't exist anymore on your computer the program will open without showing the above dialog and without opening any project. Create a new project in the same way as in situation 2.

Catalog and model selection After you select New project will appear the Parameters manager window.

Appears selected the Catalogs in general tab.


Catalog selection Left click the button Catalog selection

You must select the catalog "kitchen", so you can make the design of the kitchen. The catalog "KITCHEN FURNITURE" includes a library with all units and accessories.

 Select the catalog “KITCHEN FURNITURE”. Note: You can choose more than one catalog at the same time, even all the catalogs.  Select also the catalog “DECORATION”.  Click OK


Model selection  The window Models selection appears.

 Select the model ZEBRANO 008 from category P.V.C. DOORS of kitchen by clicking on the left list of available models.  Left click the button with the right arrow next to the frame Basic model.  Click OK.


The window Parameters manager appears again and in frame Catalogs & Models, appears the selected catalog and the basic model for each one.

 Click OK.

Note: It is not necessary to select from the beginning, the model you use for your kitchen. You can easily change the model whenever you want.


Designing walls After the selection of the command New project the cursor of the mouse changes to a pencil. With the first left clicking, the first wall is appeared and a new control panel on the left. Begin your first left click from down left and move clockwise (in the same direction is automatically numbered and identified, in ascending order e.g. Wall 1, Wall 2, Wall 3 etc). If you move the mouse you will see varied dimensions of the wall. Note: You must always draw your walls clockwise. At the frame Wall dimensions in field “Length” write 3000 mm (as in the photo below) and press Enter.

Your first wall, of 3 meters, is ready  In order to design the second wall, in field Length write 1200 mm and press Enter.

 Change the direction of the next wall drawing, by pressing the arrow pointing upwards in the Wall angle area. In this area you fill in the settings of the angle of the wall. (You can change the direction of a wall drawing and the corresponding arrows on the keyboard)

 In field Length write 1800 mm and press Enter.

 For the next two walls (Wall 4 and Wall 5), keep the default angle (90 ) and in the field Length write 7000 mm and 5000 mm respectively. o

 Once the walls are connected the drawing is completed. While designing the last wall (Wall 6) to the left, right click and by doing that we can adjust the placement of the wall in whatever angle we wish. Then make a left click inside the first marker wall and the connection is automatically done. The angles are calculated automatically.


 To disable the wall extension press the Escape (ESC) on your keyboard or click the pencil icon on the right bar

with the icons. The walls of the kitchen are ready now.


Save the project After drawing the walls, you must save the project.  Select the command Save as… from the menu Project.

 Write the name of the project in field “File name” and click Save:

Summary You can now:     

Begin a new Project. Select the catalog or the catalogs that you want to use for the designing of your project. Select the basic model of units (the texture) that you will use. Design the walls of your project. Save the project. 22

Annex 1 – Model edit For the requirements of this manual we have made some modifications to two of the models in the catalog "KITCHEN FURNITURE". If you want to have the same effect as that of the manual should make these changes.

Edit the model ZEBRANO 008  From the menu “Managers” select “Models manager”  You will see the following window

 Select the category “Carcase”.  In the list with the available textures, click the arrow pointing upwards.  Find and select the picture “CAR C8-ZEBRANO 008.bmp”

 Click “Save changes” 23

 Select the category “Wall tiles”.  In the list with the available textures, click the arrow pointing downward.  Find and select the picture “GLASS-YELLOW.bmp”

 Click “Save changes”  Select the category “Floor tiles”  In the list with the available textures, click the “C” (Caution! the keyboard to be turned in english). Displays the first picture name beginning with “C”  Now click the arrow pointing downward.  Find and select the picture “CAR C8-LIGHT OAK.bmp”

 Click “Save changes”


 Select the category “Frames”  In the list with the available textures, find and select the picture “CAR C1-07 WENGE.bmp”

 Click “Save changes”  Select the category “Entrance door”.  In the list with the available textures find and select the picture “CAR C1-07 WENGE.bmp”

 Click “Save changes”


 Select the tab ZEBRANO 008.

 In the frames: Door knob and Drawer knob, in the fields Code write 52 (is the big knob’s code)

 Select “Save changes”

 Then click “Save model”.


 Opens the following window.  In the list with the available files, find and select the model: ZEBRANO 008.TEX.

 Click Save.  It will appear the window Save model. When asked to replace the file you select Yes

 Finally, click the button “Apply”


Edit the model MDF MATT LACQUER BIANCO ARTICO  Click the button “Load model”

 In the window “Load model” that appears, find and select the file “MDF MATT LACQUER BIANCO ARTICO.TEX”

 Click “Open”  Select the category “Door”.


 In the area Material details click the white frame next to “Diffuse”

 The window “Colors” appears

 Window appears where you can edit the color.  In the fields “R”, “G” και “B” write “255“, “255” and “106” respectively, as shown the picture below

 Click “OK”


 In the area Material details click the white frame next to “Ambient”

 Window appears where you can edit the color.  In the fields “R”, “G” και “B” write “255“, “255” and “106” respectively, as shown the picture below

 Πατήστε το OK  In the area Material details click the white frame next to “Specular”

 Window appears where you can edit the color.  In the fields “R”, “G” και “B” write “255“, “255” and “106” respectively, as shown the picture below

 Click OK 30

 Now click the button “Save changes”

 Select the category “Carcase”.  In the list with the available textures, click the arrow pointing downward.  Find and select the picture “CAR C8-ZEBRANO 008.bmp”

 Click “Save changes”

 Then click “Save model”.


 Opens the following window.  In the list with the available files, find and select the model: MDF MATT LACQUER BIANCO ARTICO.TEX.

 Click Save.  It will appear the window Save model. When asked to replace the file you select Yes

 Finally, click the button “Cancel” in the models manager window


Architectural items placement Door/Window placement DOOR PLACEMENT Will you place a door to the kitchen that you design:  From the menu Placement select Items...

or click the button Items

on the toolbar on the right edge of the program window. The dialog Items open.

 In the Catalogs.. list-box double click on Common items or left click on sign “+” to the left on it. Common items will expand into the list of items.  Left click on the Doors item. In the Items list-box you will see the list of all doors available in the catalog.  In the Items list-box left click on the door that you are seeing in the photo below -Door with inox stripes 01 (inner) R-, and left click on the button Placement.

 Move the cursor near the Wall 1, where you will place the door and left click (you must click near the wall and not over the wall).  Define, always in millimeters, the exact distance of the door from the right or the left corner of the wall. Here, you must write on the frame “Left”, 900 mm.


 Click OK.

WINDOW PLACEMENT  In the Catalogs.. list-box left click on the Windows item. In the Items list-box you will see the list of all windows available in the catalog.  Click the window “Simple window 3 doors”

Click the button Edit in order to define the dimensions of window. Apart from other dimensions should be set the alignment of the window (Note: the alignment of the window is defined from its upper surface).

 Click on the button Placement and left click near the wall 4. 34

 In the area Item margins, in the field Right write 800 mm and press OK or Enter.

Your floorplan, right now, is like that:

Click the Save icon



Delete/Undo DELETE When you have placed an item in a wrong place you can easily delete it or replace it. All you have to do is:  Pass the cursor over the item that you want to delete. The item identified and displayed in a frame color (blue by default, another color if you change it).  Right click and select Delete.

Another way to delete an item is the follow:  Pass the cursor over the item that you want to delete. The item identified and displayed in a frame color (blue by default, another color if you change it). At the left, you can see a panel with the image and the parameters of the item (dimensions etc).


 Move the cursor to the left side of the screen. On the toolbar that there is below the Panorama of the floorplan

click the button Delete

Note: The two ways of deleting an item refer to floorplan, perspective and elevation.

UNDO When you complete a procedure (e.g deleting, movement, copy of items) but you realize that you haven’t done it correctly, you can use the button Undo. The program will automatically return to its previous status of the project during a move. You can continue to undo movements, one at a time until you reach the status of your project at the last save.

 Click the button Undo

from the toolbar at the right.

The button Undo you can use it either on floorplan, on perspective or on elevation. You can also undo a set of actions in one step.  From the Layers manager window, select the tab Actions.

 Then select the action in which you want to return and press the button Go to bookmark. This way you can undo all the actions until the selected one. The actions are not affected anymore, if you save the project.

Note: The two ways of Undo refer to floorplan, perspective and elevation.

Summary You can now:    

Place doors on walls Place windows on walls Delete items Undo actions


Cabinets placement Tall units placement All the units that you will place from now on, you will select them from the command “Items...” of the menu Placement, or from the Items button

which is in the toolbar, at the right of your working area.

You will place firstly the tall units that there are on the walls 2 and 3.  Select the command “Items” and left click on the “+” at the left of group “Units” (every time you see a group or a subgroup which has at the right a box with a cross (+), it means that there are subgroups. Left click on the “+”, the group or the subgroup Opens and see the items that include that group. With left click again, Closes the group or the subgroup).

 Select, from subgroup “Tall Units”, the category “Tall Units H.207 Final” and then from the category “Final + Door” the item “TF 20033 L” and press the button Placement.

 Move your mouse pointer near wall 2, between the wall and discontinuous lines, and left click.  In the field “Left” write 270 mm, so the item is placed, on distance 270mm from the start of wall. Left click the button OK. 38

TALL OVEN PLACEMENT Left click on cross next to the group “Appliances”.

 Left click on cross of subgroup “Tall Hobs”  “Oven Tall Units H.207” and left click on “TO 21060 L”.

 To change the face of oven, left click the button Links this cabinet).

 Press the button Delete

(here there are all the compatible ovens for

and left click on cross next to “Ovens 60 (720)”


 Left click on code “OV 07060” and press the button Add . Note: When the button “Links” is activated for an item, it means that this item is attached with some other items which are not always necessary to place with.

 Click the button OK

. Now you can see that the new oven “OV 07060” has been placed in unit.

 Press the button Placement and place it on wall 2, next to final unit. As you can see the new unit cannot be placed over the refrigerator, because the oven stops by default next to the refrigerator. Note 1: If you have placed the oven in a wrong way, You can pass the cursor over it and press left click. The item begins to move Note 2: You can replace the item easily, either the wall or freely in the island, clicking the button “Lock F9” or the button “F9” on the keyboard. Every time you “approach” the item to a wall, the direction is changed in order to be placed correctly in this wall.

Left click again on cross next to the group “Units”.  Select from subgroup “Tall Units”, the category “Tall Units H.207 Final” and then from category “Final + Door” the item “TF 26056 R” and press the button Placement.


 Move the mouse pointer anywhere on floorplan (except the space between the walls and their discontinuous lines) and press left click. The item moves freely. Then left click the point on the corner of the walls 2 and 3.

REFRIGERATOR PLACEMENT Left click on cross of group “Appliances”.

 Left click on cross of subgroup “Refrigerators”  “Refrigerator Tall Unit H.207” and left click on item “TR 02060 R”. Press the button Placement.


 Move the mouse pointer near wall 3, between the wall and discontinuous lines. Press left click and move the mouse until the refrigerator to “touch” the corner unit.

Base units placement  Left click again on cross at the left of group “Units”.

 Select from the subgroup “Corner Base Units”, the category “Corner Rectangular Units H.72 Door” and then the code “CB 02120”. Press the button Placement and place the unit next to refrigerator, on the corner of the walls 3 and 4.


From the subgroup “Base Units” select the category “Base Units H.72 Door” and then the code “BD 02015 L”. Left click Placement and place the item between the wall 4 and discontinuous lines.

From the subgroup “Base Units” select the category “Base Units H.72 Curved” and then from the category “Depth 56” the code “BC 02090”. In this unit will place the hot plates.


Left click the button Attachments Furniture”

(here, there are all the attachments for all units of catalog “Kitchen

 Left click on cross of the category “Hobs”.

 Select the category Hobs 590x510 and then the code HB 09058. Click the button Add OK

and then


 Select Placement and place the unit between the wall 4 and discontinuous lines.  Place another unit from the subgroup “Base Units”. Select the category “Base units H.72 Door” and then the code “BD 02015 R”. Press Placement and place the unit between the wall 4 and discontinuous lines, right from the curved Select again the category “Units” and then “Corner Base Units”. From category “Corner Rectangular Units H.72 Door” select the code “CB 04090” and press the button Placement.

Move the mouse pointer anywhere on floorplan (except the space between the walls and their discontinuous lines) and press left click. The item moves freely. Then left click near wall 4, next to the item placed last. 44

 Save the project by clicking the icon Your floorplan must be as below:

Placement of the rest base units  Left click on cross of group “Appliances”. Left click on cross of subgroup “Sink Units”  “Sink Base Units H.72 Door” and left click the code “BS 01090”.


Click the button Links Furniture”).

(here, there are all the links for sink units (width 900mm) of catalog “Kitchen

 Left click on cross of the category “Sinks”. From Corrian Sinks, select the code “SK 27080 R”. Press the button Add OK

and then the button


You will see the sink unit with the sink on it.

 Left click the button Placement


 Move the mouse pointer anywhere on floorplan (except the space between the walls and their discontinuous lines) and press left click. The item moves freely.  Left, in Item angle area, select the arrow pointing left, to change the direction of the item.


 Left click on the corner of corner unit, as on the picture below.

 Left click on cross of the group “Units” and open the subgroup “Corner Base Units”.  Select “Corner Rectangular Units H.72 Door”.  Select the code “CB 06170”.

 Press the button Edit to change the height of item.  In the Dimensions tab, in the field Height write 600 mm.


 Press Placement


 Move the mouse pointer anywhere on floorplan (except the space between the walls and their discontinuous lines) and press left click. The item moves freely.  Left, in Item angle area, select the arrow pointing left, to change the direction of the item.

 Left click the marker of sink unit.

 From the items of group “Units”  “Base Units” select the category “Base Units H.72 Final”  “Final + Door”. 48

 Left click the code “BF 14056 L” as on the picture below.

 Press the button Edit to change the height of item.  In the Dimensions tab, in the field Height write 600 mm.

 Press Placement


 Move the mouse pointer anywhere on floorplan (except the space between the walls and their discontinuous lines) and press left click. The item moves freely.  Choose to change the peak of translation of the item. From the horizontal toolbar select the arrow next to the

button (Active horizontal snap)

and then the option “Back and Right”


 Left click on the marker of the island item.

 Finally, choose to place investments (end doors) in the back of the sink and corner unit.  From the group “Units”  “Base Units” select “End Doors H.72”.  From Items area, left click on cross of the group “Door” and then select the code “ED 02045”.  Press Placement  Move the mouse pointer anywhere on floorplan (except the space between the walls and their discontinuous lines) and press left click. The item moves freely.  Left, in Item angle area, select the arrow pointing right, to change the direction of the item.

 Left click on the right marker of the corner unit, as shown on the picture below.

 Same way you place the rest investments.  On the Items window select Cancel Note: If you have configured the parameters for one door, you can copy and place the others. 50


Select the door placed, passing the cursor over it. The door is shown with a colored border and at the left shows their image.


Then right click on the selected item and select Copy


Right click on floorplan (not near any wall) select Paste


Place the door in the back of corner unit.


Right click again, select Paste. Place the doors in the back of the sink unit.

Now you have placed all the base units of your project, and your floorplan must be as below:


 Save the project by clicking the icon



Wall units placement  Left click on cross of the group “Units”. Left click on cross of the subgroup “Corner Wall Units”  “Corner Rectangular Wall Units H.72” and select the code “CW 18060”.

 Press Placement and left click between discontinuous lines near the corner of walls 3 and 4. Left click on cross of the subgroup “Wall Units”  “Wall Units H.72 Final”  “Final + Door” and select the code “WF 26060 L”.

 Press Placement and left click between discontinuous lines and wall 3.  Close the Items window by clicking Cancel Sometimes the placing of the wall units is easier in the elevation rather than the floorplan, because being high, in the elevation we have a better understanding of their position. We will place wall units on the wall 4 after we appear the elevation.

 Left click the minimize button .  Displays the 3D picture of the project. 53

 On the horizontal toolbar displays the following icons

 Select the 4 icon (Elevation) to display the elevation of your project.  Firstly, displays the top elevation. th

 From the Panorama of the floorplan (the floorplan window that appears on the top left part of the screen) select the wall 4 by left clicking.


 Displays the Elevation of the Wall 4  Press the button Control (Ctrl) on your keyboard and hold it.  Having the mouse pointer into the picture, press the right button and drag it up. This will focus on (zoom-in) on your picture (by dragging down you zoom-out).  Then, holding the button Control (Ctrl) and having the mouse pointer into the picture press the left button of your mouse and drag it to the left.  You should see the following picture.

Press the button Items from the right toolbar, select the subgroup “Wall Units”, then the category “Wall Units H.72Door”. From the Items select “Door” and finally the code “WD 07025 R”.

 Place the item on 4 wall, next to the corner wall unit. th


 From the same category select the item “WD 07050 L”

 Place the item on the wall 4.

 From the subgroup “Wall Units”, select the category “Metalic Hoods”. From the items select “Hoods W.90” and then the code “MH 06032” 56

 Press the “Edit” button

to change the hood’s height. In the field Height write 720 mm.

 Place the item.


Note: The top of the hood is not aligned with the top of the other wall units. The alignment is easy because there are markers to all items and walls to assist placement.

Vertical translation and alignment To align an item, you must do the following:  After placing the hood and while it moves horizontally on the wall, press the right click on your mouse. The translation turns to vertical. In this case there are the alignment axes for the vertical translation.  From the horizontal toolbar select the icon Active vertical snap

and press the arrow.

 The available alignment axes are the following: Plinth down: down from the plinth, on the base of the unit Box down: between the plinth and the unit Center: passing through the center of the item Box up: between the unit and the worktop Worktop up: up from the worktop, the up side of the unit In case of items that haven’t worktop and plinth (e.g.wall units), the options Plinth down and Box down refers to the axis on the base of unit. Also, the options Box up and Worktop up refers to the up side of the item.  Select Box up


 The alignment axis now moved on the upper surface of the hood  Left click one of the markers on the upper surface of the adjacent units. The alignment is complete.

Note: If you fail the vertical movement directly by right-clicking, place the hood close to the other wall units, rightclick on it and select Vertical translation. The next steps are the same as those described above.  From the subgroup “Wall Units” select the category “Wall Units H.72 Door”. From the items select “Door” and finally the code “WD 07060 R”.


 Place the item next to the hood. From the subgroup “Wall Units” select the category “Wall Units H.72 Final”. From the items select “Final + Door” and then select the code “WF 21033 R”.

 Place the item on the wall 4, next to the previews wall unit.

 Now show the floorplan of your project, by clicking the minimize button


 Finally, from the subgroup “Wall Units” select the category “Boards - Shelves”. From the items select “Boards” and then the code “BR 01000”.


 Press the Placement button.  Will show the Edit window. In the Dimensions tab, in the fields Width and Depth write 900 mm and 320 mm respectively.

 Press OK and place the item.  Move the mouse pointer anywhere on floorplan (except the space between the walls and their discontinuous lines) and press left click. The item moves freely.  Left, in Item margins area, in the field Up write 2170 mm and press Enter to submit the new alignment of the board.

 Finally, place the board manually where is the hood.


Appears again the 3D by clicking the minimize button The elevation of the wall 4 should be such as below:

 Save your project by clicking the icon



Draw custom surface  One of the abilities of 1992 Enterprise is to draw and place solid items, other than the items that exist in the library of the program. You can draw those solids using the command “Draw surface”.

 Display the floorplan of the project by clicking the minimize button

 Click the button Draw surface

from the right toolbar.

 In the Edit window, in the Dimensions tab, write the dimensions of the new item such as below.

 In the Specification tab, should give the specifications of the item. You must specify on all surfaces of the item (Down / Side, Up) the type of texture:


 Select “Top surface”  Click the option “Texture”.

 Left click on the arrow button of “Texture” and click, from the pop up menu, the type “Worktop”

Now the top surface of solid will have worktop texture.

 Repeat the same steps for the other surfaces  Finally, in the area Options, tick the option “Frame” to show only the outline of the item and you can easily change its shape.

 Click OK. The item is placed.  Then left click on the floorplan, at the point indicated below, to translate there the item. (Consider two imaginary lines that are joined at the point where the placement will be, as shown to the picture below.)


 Move the mouse pointer to the control panel at the left. In the area Change select: Shape. Now you can modify the shape and give it any form.

You can add markers to the item and also move the existing ones in it. Left click on the upper horizontal side of the item to create a new marker, which you will translate precisely to the inside marker of the unit

 Left click the bottom horizontal side of the item, to create another new marker, which you will tanslate approximately on the imaginary line with the union of the two units, as shown to the picture below.


 Left click on the left vertical side of the item to create a new marker, which you will translate exactly at the height of the units, as shown to the picture below.

 Select the upper left corner of the custom item and translate it to the point that connects the two units.

 Left click the diagonal that has created, to create a new marker approximately in the center of the line.

 Then “catch” this marker and translate it downwards to create a right angle. Press left click.


 Press the Control (Ctrl) button on your keyboard. While holding, left click the following corners of the item: the bottom left, the bottom right and the inner right, as shown to the picture below.

 By this way the corners turns to curves.

 You have the possibility to adjust the curvature, translating the markers that exists out of the curve

 Finaly, press OK and palce the cuctom item anywhere on floorplan (except the space between the walls and their discontinuous lines) and press left click. The item moves freely.


 From the horizontal toolbar press the arrow next to the icon “Active horizontal snap” “Center”

and then select:

 While the item moves, pass the cursor over the units of the island and place it there, as shown to the picture below, by left clicking.

 Save the project by left clicking the icon


Summary You can now:    

Place units on the walls of floor plan Place units on elevation Align the units on elevation Draw custom surfaces


Splashback Splashback placement We can place splashback, top and bottom moldings in the project either in the floorplan or in the 3D (perspective or elevation). We have opened the floorplan.  Click the menu Placement and select Splashback.

 Will see the floorplan where are activated only the Base and the Tall units.

 Click the menu Placement and select Items or click the icon

from the right toolbar.

 Will show the Splashback window. Select the category Splashback and from the Items area select the code “BL 01000”

 Press the Placement button.

 All the units displayed with colored striping. 69

 On the left, in Item Alignment area select “860” which is the height where place the splashback, the height of the worktop.

 After that, will appear the markers on the base units, in the point which are joined with the walls…

 Left click the marker that shown in the following picture. The placement has been started. 70

 Left click the marker on the corner of the walls 3 and 4.

 Left click the corner of the second corner base unit.

Press the Esc (Escape) button on your keyboard to finish the placement of the splashback on the base units of the walls 3 and 4. You should see the below picture.


 Left click on the menu Placement and click the “Splashback” to turn back on the floorplan.

Note: By the same way you can place the top and bottom moldings on the wall units and tall ones.

 Save your project by left clicking the icon


Summary You can now:  Place splashback over base units of your project. 72

Perspective Note: Make the wall 6 transparent to easily appear the perspective.  On the floorplan’s window, pass the cursor over the wall 6. The wall is identified.  Control panel (on the left), displays all the parameters of the wall.  In the Options area, tick the choice Invisible wall and press OK.

 The wall 6 exists but it is transparent and you can see easily the inside of your project.  The picture of your floorplan is like this…

How you get a perspective

 Left click the minimize button  The 3D picture is appeared.

 From the horizontal toolbar of the perspective

 Select the first (Perspective)  You get the perspective from the outside of the wall 4.


 From the Panorama of the floorplan select the wall 4 to get the perspective.

 Now you have to see the following picture.

Note: If the perspective you got is not exactly what you want to see, then you can change, translate or rotate the camera, as we will see the next chapter.


Insert tiles and ceil INSERT TILES In this sub-chapter you will learn how you can place tiles on floor and walls of your project.  You are still in perspective working area.  Pass the cursor over any wall, e.g. the wall 4. The wall is identified.  On the left, on the Options area, tick the choice Show tiles and press OK

 Tiles have been placed along the whole wall 4.  From the list-box under the Panorama of the floorplan select Wall 3.

 On the left, on the Options area, tick the choice Show tiles and press OK

 Tiles have been placed along the whole wall 3.  To place tiles on the floor, from the list-box under the Panorama of the floorplan, select Island 1.

 On the left, on the Options area, tick the choice Show tiles and press OK Note: If you want to directly place tiles in all the walls and the floor of your project, on the Options area (on the left) check Show tiles. Check also the choice Everywhere and click OK. Now tiles are shown on all walls and on the floor


 As you can see on perspective, tiles have been placed along the whole wall 4. You can change this and make tiles stop at the end of last base unit of this wall.  Pass the cursor over the wall 4. The wall is identified and on the left appears all its parameters.  On the left, in Tiles dimensions area, in the field Width, write 3300 mm (as is the length of the units on this wall) and click OK.

 In the field Height write 350 mm (the height of tiles from the worktop) and check the choice Everywhere. Click OK.

 In this way changes the height of tiles on the walls where you have placed.

INSERT CEIL If you want to place ceil in a room or in all the rooms of your project, you must do the following:  Pass the cursor over any wall of your project.  On the left, in Options area, check the choice Show ceiling and press OK.

 The ceiling has appeared. Now, you should see the following image:


Decorative and accessories placement In this sub-chapter you will learn how you can place accessories and decorative in your projects. You will also learn how you can use more than one catalog in the same project.

Accessories placement Show the floorplan of your project  From the menu Placement, select Items. Left click on cross of catalog “KITCHEN FURNITURE” and left click on cross of group “Units”

 Select the sub-group “General Kitchen Equipment” and then the category “Holder Tubes + Gadgets. From the Items select “Holder Tubes” and then the item “HG 01150”. Press the Placement button.

 Move the mouse pointer anywhere on floorplan (except the space between the walls and their discontinuous lines) and press left click. The item moves freely. Then, left click on wall 4, at the point shown the picture bellow.


 From the same category, on Items select “Accessories” and then the item “HG 12040”. Press the Placement button.

 Move the mouse pointer anywhere on floorplan (except the space between the walls and their discontinuous lines) and press left click. The item moves freely. Then, left click on wall 4, at the point shown the picture bellow.


DECORATIVE ITEMS PLACEMENT Note: You can check or un-check catalogs during the designing of your project (not only at starting).  From the menu Managers select Parameters manager

 Then click Catalog selection

 Select the catalog DECORATION (if you haven’t already selected it at the start of the project)

 Click the OK  Window Models selection appears automatically. Move your mouse to Catalogs frame and select DECORATION from the catalogs list


 Click on model OAK WENGE and press button with arrow which corresponds to Basic model frame.


 Click OK. While you have opened the floorplan of your project..

 Click the button Items

from the right toolbar.

 Click on cross of catalog DECORATION.  Click on cross of group “Decoration”, then click on cross of sub-group “Kitchen” and select the category “Vases”. Finally, from Items select the “Vase 6”


 Press the “Edit” button island worktop).

and change the alignment of the vase at 740 mm (as the height of the

 Press Placement.  Move the mouse pointer anywhere on floorplan (except the space between the walls and their discontinuous lines) and press left click. The item moves freely. Then, left click on island items, at the point shown the picture bellow.

 Show the elevation of wall 4 and zoom in the last wall units that you have placed.  From the catalog “DECORATIVE” select the group “Common” and the sub-group “Plants”. Open the category “Plants” and select the item “Plant 12”.


 Place it by left clicking over the wall unit “WD 07060 R”.  Then, right-click immediately, to turn on vertical translation. The plant appears above the wall units.  From the horizontal toolbar select the button “Active vertical snap” “Plinth down”

. Press the arrow and then select

 Left clicking the upper marker of Board (as shown the picture below), to align the plant there.


 Show the floorplan.  From the catalog “DECORATIVE” select the group “Decorative” and the sub-group “Kitchen”. Open the category “Bottles” and select the item “Bottles”.

 Press Placement.  Move the mouse pointer anywhere on floorplan (except the space between the walls and their discontinuous lines) and press left click. The item moves freely.  On the left, in Item angle area, press the arrow pointing right to change the direction of item.

 Then, left click on the corner of the walls 3 and 4, at the point shown in the picture ...

 Place some more decoration items, anywhere you want.

Save the project by left clicking the icon



Summary You can now:     

Take a perspective Insert tiles on floor and walls. Insert ceil. Use more than one catalog in same project. Place decoration items and accessories on elevation or on floor plan.


Animation Fit the perspective Zoom/Rotate/Translate the perspective  Take the same perspective, as you did it in previous chapter.

 From the toolbar, press the arrow that exists in Camera home button


 There are the following options:

 Select Camera translation. Note: You can select the same choice by pressing F2 on your keyboard.  From the Panorama of the floorplan, “catch” the camera marker by left clicking and translate the mouse up and left.

 You must see the following picture.


Note: There is a second way you can translate the camera. After selecting Camera translation, press the Control (Ctrl) button on your keyboard and hold it. Having the mouse pointer into the picture but not over an item (the cursor should be like a lens), press and hold the right click. Translate the mouse upwards. So, focus on (zoom-in) the picture. By holding the Control (Ctrl) on your keyboard, click now the left click on your mouse and translate to the left. You should see a picture like the above.  Save this camera position in order to easily appear, in the next sub-chapters.  Click the arrow next to icon

 Select “Add new camera”

 In the window that appears write a name for the camera and click OK

 From the toolbar, click the arrow next to icon “Camera home”  Select Camera rotation (focal point).



Note: You can select the same choice by pressing F3 on your keyboard.  From the Panorama of the floorplan, “catch” the corner camera marker by left clicking and translate the mouse to the right. Then “catch” the other camera marker and translate them downwards near the units, as the following pictures.

 You should see the picture below.

Note: You can rotate the camera by a second way. After selecting Camera rotation (focal point), press the Control (Ctrl) button on your keyboard and hold it. Having the mouse pointer into the picture but not over an item (the cursor should be like a lens), press and hold the right click. Translate the mouse to the right. So, rotate the picture horizontally. By holding the Control (Ctrl) button on your keyboard, click now the right click on your mouse and translate downwards. So you zoom-out picture. 87

You can alternate the type of movement (from rotation to translation and reversely) until you get the picture you want. You should see a picture like the above. Caution! If you can not translate or rotate the camera, check whether the translations are locked. On the

horizontal toolbar will display the icon To unlock the movement left click this icon.


 Save this camera position in order to easily appear, in the next sub-chapters.  Click the arrow next to icon

 Select “Add new camera”

 In the window that appears write a name for the camera and click OK

Texture groups Change the model If you haven't selected the right model from the beginning, you can change it from “Model pallet”.  You have opened the same perspective, as you did it in previous chapter.  From the horizontal toolbar, select the icon Model pallet

 Move your mouse over the available catalogs and select “KITCHEN FURNITURE”

 From the available categories select “Model”

Note: To make faster and easier the model search, when you know the supplier or the model category, you can display only specific models.


 Click the icon Database creation

 Will appear the supplier database. From Available suppliers area, select COLLECTION 08 and from Available categories area: MDF MAT LACQUER and PVC.

 Click OK.  Will appear now only the models of specific categories of COLLECTION 08. Caution! The other models are NOT REMOVED, just not displayed in this selection. Also, the supplier selection will be made only for the category Model but not for any other texture category (e.g. worktop, wall etc.).

Note: You can display bigger or smaller the pictures of the available models and therefore appear less or more pictures in each row.  Right click in the pictures  Appears the Texture pallet window.  In the field Columns number write 6 and press OK.

The pictures of the models appear bigger.  From the list with the available models, select “ZEBRANO 008”

As you see the selection of a model changes automatically all the textures of your project. 89

Change textures on walls and worktop Change texture on walls  Select the texture group “Wall”

and select the texture “WLL G_02”.

Change the color on all walls automatically.

Change texture on worktop  Select the texture group “Worktop”

and select the texture “WORKTOP 078”.

 As you see this selection automatically changes the whole worktop and not each piece separately. It also automatically changes the texture of worktop’s front side (worktop finish) and the texture of the worktop that design with draw surface.

Change texture in wall units by applying to selected item  When you want to change some texture separately e.g. the door of an item only, you disable the command “Apply to all”.  In this project you use the command “Apply to all” to change the texture in all wall units.

 Left click the icon “Apply to all”

 Select the texture group "Model"

(this button should NOT be pressed after that choice).


Note: Each time you select the texture group “Model”, activated all the supplier entries. To make faster and easier the model search, click again the icon Database creation

Displays the database of all registered suppliers. From Available suppliers area, select COLLECTION 08 and from Available categories area select MDF MATT LACQUER


Press OK Now displays only the models from specific category of COLLECTION 08.  Find the texture “MDF MATT LACQUER BIANCO ARTICO”

 Holding the left button on your mouse drag and drop on wall unit “WF 21033 R”. You will see the following picture.

Do the same procedure for all wall units.


 Select the texture group "Knobs"

and find the knob “KNOB 048”

 Holding the left button on your mouse drag and drop on curved unit “BC 02090”.

Activate the icon “Apply to all”


 From the horizontal toolbar, select the icon

to disable the appearance of available textures.

Special effects Antialiasing

 On the toolbar of 3D window, there is the button “Antialiasing” .  Left click this button.  The picture will display with enabled the Antialiasing, a different and more orderly redeployment of pixels. All the sides and the corners of the items are now smoother.

The picture you will see after the textures changing and the Antialiasing should be as below.


Summary You can now:     

Fit your perspective on screen, by rotating, translating and zooming it. Change the model of your project. Change other textures of your project Apply a different texture to the selected item, by drag and drop. Use special effects to improve realism.


Printing Floorplan printing After the completion of the kitchen design, you can print the floor plan. This is a very simple procedure which consists of the following steps:  Display the floorplan of your project, by clicking the minimization button

 From the right toolbar, press the icon Print

 Will open the Print preview window.

 If you want to change the scale of the floor plan, you must open the list on the frame clicking the arrow and select one of the other scales with a left click.



 If you select “Other”, will appear the following window. In the field Scale write the number of your scale and press OK.

 You can configure what appears on the picture you print. On the horizontal toolbar, press the button “Image options”

 If you want to print the fllorplan without decorative items and splashback, on Show area, uncheck the fields “Splashback” and “Decorative”. Then click OK.

 You are ready now to print. Left click the button “Page setup”  The “Print Setup” window appears.



 Select your printer and after checking the orientation (usually print having set the orientation as Landscape) press the OK button.  Now click the Print button  When the printing is finished, left click the button “Exit”

to return to the floorplan.

Perspective printing Display the perspective by clicking the minimization button

 Choose to display the image of one of the saved camera positions. Press the arrow next to the icon

 From the saved camera positions select “PERSPECTIVE - ROTATION”  Displays directly the image of the perspective, as you have saved earlier.  From the right toolbar, press the Print button

 Will open the Print preview window.

 On the left side of screen, displays pictures that are available for printing. The floorplan picture and the saved positions of the camera (3D).  In the large part of the screen displays the page that will be printed. By default displays the picture of the floorplan. 96

Note: You can add new pages, delete or translate images into a page and configure by this way your prints.

 Left click the image of the floorplan that exists on printing page, and then press the button image.    

to delete the

The printing page is empty. Double left clicking the image “PERSPECTIVE - ROTATION” A thumbnail image added in the printing page. You can manually increase or decrease the dimensions of the image into the page.

 Pass the cursor over the right vertical side of the image. When the cursor turns to double arrow press the left button on your mouse and hold it.  Translate the mouse to the right, until the red outline of the image to reach the lower limit of the page. Release the mouse button.

 The printing page have modulated as below:


 You can configure exactly what you want to show on the image that you print. Press the button “Image options”

 The “Print parameters” window appears. In the Antialiasing area, check “Activate Antialiasing” and press OK.

 The Antialiasing is applied to the image. All the edges and the corners of the items and walls are now smoother.


 From the horizontal toolbar select “Insert new page”  A new blank page added below the original. From the right toolbar, adjust the image to display the blank page.  From the images that appears on the left, select the image “PERSPECTIVE - TRANSLATION” and drag and drop into the blank page.

 From the horizontal toolbar press the button “Fit to page”  The perspective image covers the entire page.

Note: if after you have made all the above steps images are not cover the whole of the page, it is possible that your VGA card is not compatible (see the requirements on page 5 of this manual)  Now you are ready to print. Left click the button “Page setup”

 Will appear the “Print setup” window.


 Select your printer and after checking the orientation (usually print having set the orientation as Landscape) press the OK button.  Now click the Print button  Will print the selected page. Note: To print the other pages you have to preview, select the page you want and press the Print button

Image combination on the same page  From the horizontal toolbar select “Insert new page”  A new blank page added below the last ane. From the right toolbar, adjust the image to display the blank page.  From the images that appears on the left, select the image “PERSPECTIVE - ROTATION” and drag and drop into the blank page.  Do the same for the picture “PERSPECTIVE - TRANSLATION”  Into the page there are now two pictures.

 Pass the cursor over the first picture (“PERSPECTIVE - ROTATION”). Appears as a “hand”. 100

 Press the left button on your mouse to “catch” and translate the picture into the page.  Translate them on the upper left corner of the page.

 Now you will manually increase the dimension of each image into the page.  Pass the cursor over the right vertical side of the image. When the cursor turns to double arrow press the left button on your mouse and hold it.  Translate the mouse to the right, until the red outline of the image to reach the middle of the page. Release the mouse button.  Translate and change the dimensions for the second picture (“PERSPECTIVE - TRANSLATION”).  If you do everything right you should see an image like this

Note: You can combine more than two images on a page by following the steps we saw above.


Display settings On the last page of print preview, select the image “PERSPECTIVE - ROTATION” (upper left).

 On the horizontal toolbar, press the button “Image options”

 If you want to print the fllorplan without decorative on Show area, uncheck the field “Decorative”.  In the Antialiasing field check “Activate Antialiasing”

 Press OK  The Antialiasing is applied to the image. All the edges and the corners of the items and walls are now smoother. Also, do not display the decorative.  By the same way, hide the decorative for the picture “PERSPECTIVE - TRANSLATION” (down right). The last page of Print preview will modulated as below


Save floorplan and perspective as image You can save as image, either an entire page as it will be printed (e.g. a page where you have combined the image of the floorplan and the perspective, the logo and some comments), or individual pictures of floorplan or perspective.

Save page (as image)  If you want to save an entire page of Print preview as image, left click the button  Will appear the Save image window

 From the “Save in:” field, select the folder where you want to save your images and then write the name of image in the field “File name”.  You have the possibility to select between three formats for save the image. In the Save as type: area, open the list and select “JPEG Image File (*.jpg)”

 Press Save  Will display the window where you set the image resolution (the higher resolution, the larger image you save). By clicking the option Keep aspect ratio, the image does not deform when you change its dimensions.

 Press OK. The image has saved.


Save individual image (as image)  If you want to save a single image, from those contained in print preview pages, select the image by left clicking and then press the button “Save image”

 Will display the Save image window.  Follow the same steps as the sub-chapter “Save page (as image)”

 When the printing or the image saving is finished, left click the button “Exit”

to return to the floorplan.

Summary You can now:        

Print a floorplan. Print a perspective. Change the scale of floorplan. Print one image per page. Print a page with combination of two or more images. Adjust the display of images you print. Save a page as image. Save individual images as image.


Lights Insert lights on floorplan With 1992 Enterprise you can place lights in the project so as to have a more realistic result. Lights can be placed only in floorplan and not in perspective or elevation.  If there is perspective or elevation open, should be back in floorplan.  From the right toolbar select the “lamp”  The mouse pointer turns to “lamp”. Left click on the point where you can place the light source (e.g. in space that you see the cross (as in photo below)).

 From the new pop up menu select “Point light”

 You will place another point light.  Left click on space that you see the cross on the picture below. 105

 From the new pop up menu select “Point light”

 On the right toolbar, press the “lamp” button or the escape (ESC) button on your keyboard, to disable the lights.  Left click the Save button



Change the parameters of point lights from the “Lights manager”  From the menu Managers select Lights manager  In the window that appears, you will make some adjustments to the Point lights (most changes can be made from the window of Image trace. Here we only set the distance of light from the floor).  To “Point light #1” write in the field “Y” 2000mm to change the height from the floor into 2m.

Press the Apply button

Change the height to the 2


point light. In Description area, open the list and select “Point light #2”


 Press the OK button


Lights management

 On the horizontal toolbar, press the button “Image trace”


 The picture is very bright. You will make some changes in the intensity of lights from “Lights manager”.

 Left click the button Lights

. Will appear the following window.


 In the Description area, open the list and select Point light #1

 In the Options area are checked: “The lights is on” and “The light cast shadows”.

 In the Brightness of light (distance dependable) area, in the field C drag the slider to the left, as in the following picture, to regulate the brightness of light.

 In Colors area Ambient: is the color applied to the item from the scattered light.

Diffuse: is the color applied to the item by direct incidence of light.

Specular: is the color applied to the item from its sheen. Note: The items color after the activation of a light is a combination of colors of the source and the item.


Click the frame Ambient. Will appear the Colors window

In R, G, and B fields write: 212.

R: Red G: Green B: Blue

 Press OK.  In the same way we regulate the color for the selection Diffuse. In the fields R, G and B write 226.  Press OK.  Finally, in the same way we regulate the color for the selection Specular. In the fields R, G and B write 233  Press OK.  In the “Lights manager” window press Apply.

 You will make these settings for the “Point light #2”  In the Description area, open the list and select Point light #2 110

 In the Options area are checked: “The lights is on” and “The light cast shadows”.

 In Colors area

Click the frame Ambient. The Colors window will appear. In R, G and B fields write 255 (White).

 Press OK.  In the same way we regulate the color for the selection Diffuse. In the fields R, G and B write 233 and press OK.  Finally, in the same way we regulate the color for the selection Specular. In the fields R, G and B write 233  Press OK.  In the Brightness of light (distance dependable) area, in the field C drag the slider approximately one quarter of the distance, as in the following picture, to regulate the brightness of light.


 Left click the OK button

of the “Lights manager” window and wait to see the changes.

 Will display the following image:

Set the Special effects 

From the right toolbar, press the button “Options”

Will display the “Display parameters” window.

In all sections, move the sliders to the right (as shown below), emphasizing on quality of outcome, namely the quality of the final image.



In the frame Reflections (Emphasis & Intension), in the fields Floor and Wall write 20% and 15% respectively, about the reflection intension of each surface.

In the frame Activate will activate the following: Antialiasing: to display the image after the application of Antialiasing, Reflections: to display the reflections on the floor and the wall tiles Shadows: to display the shadows of the items

 Press

and wait to see the picture with the settings.


Print while all the special effects are enabled Now you have put all the lights and seen Photorealism result, you can print again the project from “Image trace“.

 Left click the button “Print” .  Will display the “Print preview” window


 On the left side of screen, displays the picture that is available for printing. This is the picture that results from Image trace. The same picture appears in the page that will be printed.  You can edit the image size or change its position within the page and modulate thus the final printing image


 Press the button “Page setup”

 Press OK and then the button “Print”

to set the Printing parameters.

to print the selected page. 116

 You can save the page or only the image, insert comments on page, send it via e-mail or display the logo, as in the chapter “Printing”.  Finally press “Exit”

 Left click the Save button

to close the Print preview window.


This the final result that you must take

Summary You can now:     

Place lights on your project Change the lights parameters Manage the lights Set the special effects Print your project while all the special effects are enabled


Reports Project info The 1992 Enterprise allows you to print reports for costing and ordering of your project.  You can open the floorplan, the perspective or the elevation.  From the menu Reports select “Project info”

 Display the “Project info” window in “General” tab

 In the fields “Company”, “Customer” and “Salesman” you can write the data you want.

 Click the icon

next to the choice “Company”. 118

 Displays the window “Company”

 From the horizontal toolbar

 Press the symbol to add a new record.  Fill in your company’s data.

 Press the symbol

to register the record.

 Then press the button “Exit” to close the window.  Now press the arrow next to choice “Company” to open the list and select the data of the company you register.


Note: You will follow the same steps to register data for the customers and the salesmen.  On the right, in Project status area, select “Offer” and in “Way of payment” select “Cash”

 Select the “Details” tab. In this list displays all the items you place on your project and are selected to displays in reports.

 Displays the code and the description of each item, the quantity, the unit price as recorded at the catalog and the value based on the total amount (Note: the item’s prices are indicative).  At the bottom right pane, displays the Net value and the Total value of all items


 You have checked the field

 Fill in the fields with the additional costs and the discount, as below.

 The Total value have now changed.

 Select the “Print” tab.


 In the Printing type area select “Offer report”, then check the choice “Pack identical codes” to display in one record all the same items. Finally, in the Orientation select “Vertical”

 Press the button “Print preview”

 Will display the first page of the report

 With the arrows shown on the horizontal toolbar you can scroll throught the pages of the report.

 Press the right pointing arrow


 Will display the second page of the report (the last for this project)

 At the end of the page displays the Final price for the items of project, taking credit for the extra charges and discounts.  Press the button “Printer setup”

to set the printing settings.

 Select your Printer and press OK


 Now press the button “Print”

to start the printing.

 When the printing completed press the button Project info window.

to return on the “Print” tab. Press OK to close the

Summary You can now:  Record data of the Company, the Customer and the Salesman, which will appear on prints.  Print the Offer report of your project.  Make choices about printing of report page.


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