Anstee & Ware brand guidelines

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ANSTEE & WARE brand guidelines

Copyright © 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16

Anstee & Ware Brand Guidelines

What are the elements that make up our brand identity? The words you choose. The font types and sizes you use. The colours, graphics, and imagery you communicate with. The way you use the Anstee & Ware logo. These are the key building blocks that help tell the Anstee & Ware story and shape people’s perception of Anstee & Ware.

Copyright Š 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16



Graphic Elements


OUR BRAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Colour Palette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-12

EMAIL SIGNATURE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

LOGOTYPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

TYPOGRAPHY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

LETTERHEAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-22

Logo specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

HOW TO USE THE COMPANY NAME. . . . . . . . . . . 14

COMPLIMENTS SLIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

LOGO VARIATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

IMAGERY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-16

BUSINESS CARD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

LOGO USAGE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

POWERPOINT PRESENTATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 DESKTOP WALLPAPER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 SIGNAGE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-28 VEHICLE LIVERY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 BRANDED APPAREL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-33 MARKETING LITERATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-35 EXHIBITION & EVENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Copyright © 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16


Brand identity

Copyright Š 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16


Our brand Our brand is really about two things: our personality

• Use the Anstee & Ware brand consistently and in-line

and appearance. Therefore, it is fundamental that the

with our guidelines (inconsistency leads to confusion

company is instantly recognisable and communicates

and weakens the brand)

clearly at all times; this is achieved through a strong and consistent visual identity – whether you are producing a

• Use the Anstee & Ware brand as often as you can

brochure or a new business card, an exhibition stand or

The brand guidelines will be a living document with

a presentation.

information and sections added and updated as our

Our guidelines have been designed to facilitate simple and concise implementation of our brand identity across all areas of our communication media but also allowing for a great deal of creativity and diversity. This is achieved through a series of simple core visual elements, such as

brand and its application develops. Whilst we have covered many applications of our brand we cannot anticipate every possible situation, nor spell out every instance where an application may be deemed inappropriate.

colour and imagery, that can combined in various ways

If you find yourself in a situation that is not outlined in

as these guidelines demonstrate.

this guide or if you have any questions, please feel free to

There are only really two golden rules when it comes to


the Anstee & Ware – A Parsons Peebles Company brand; first, it must be used consistently; second, it must be used frequently. In simple terms, the more often we use it, the more readily people will recognise it, accept it and understand it.

Copyright © 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16


Logotype Our logo is the most visible element of our identity


- a universal signature across all Anstee & Ware communications. It’s a guarantee of quality that unites our products and services. The Anstee & Ware logotype has been specially created to be unique to us. To maintain the logo’s integrity, always use the original artwork supplied and adhere to the following guidelines when using the logo type. We use the same version in print, on screen, and on the


side of our buildings. It’s simple and easy to understand. No glossy reflections, no flashy graphic effects. Our logo is a bold, simple, graphic statement. It signifies a touchpoint, and a connection. Our templates guide will give you more instruction on how to use this shape in many different formats and applications.

Copyright © 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16


Logo specifications The Anstee & Ware logotype has been specially created

Logo size

to be unique to us. To maintain the logo’s integrity,

The Anstee & Ware logo can be scaled to a variety of

always use the original artworks supplied and adhere to

sizes. However, at extremely small sizes, the readability

the following guidelines when using the logo type:

of the logo becomes compromised. To ensure that the

COLOUR Wherever possible, our logo should be reproduced in

logo is always legible, it shouldn’t be produced smaller than 25mm. There is no maximum production size.

the primary color. Clear space To maintain visual clarity and to provide maximum impact, the logo must never appear to be linked to or crowded by copy or graphic elements. The minimum


clear space must never differ proportionally from the diagram demonstrated on this page. As a guide always leave a clear space equal width of the “A” in “ANSTEE” around the logotype. This area should be kept clear of any graphic elements (including obstructive elements of a photographic background).

Copyright © 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16


Logo variations The Anstee & Ware logo should be reproduced in the two colour version (black with dark red) wherever possible. White is the most effective background colour for the logo to be displayed on as it provides a clean and crisp contrast for the logo’s colour and elements. If colour reproduction of the logo is not available or is not a viable option, the logo should be reproduced as all

1. Preferred colour logo

4. Preferred logo on colour background

2. Black and white logo

5. Preferred logo on light image

3. White reversed logo

6. Preferred logo on dark image

black where used on a light background or as all white where used on a dark background. Examples are shown on the right of this page. If the logo is to be displayed on a photographic image, the image behind should either be light enough for the colour version of the logo or dark enough to provide contrast for the white reversed-out logo. If you require a copy of the logo, or require guidance with its application, please contact

Copyright Š 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16


Logo usage The incorrect use of the Anstee & Ware logo compromises its effectiveness and integrity. The examples shown on the right are not comprehensive but show a small sample of possible misuses of the logo. In order to maintain the consistent reproduction of the logo, please do not alter, add to or recreate the logo in any form other than the original version.

Don’t stretch the logo out of its original proportions

Don’t change the colour of the logo

Don’t rearrange elements of the logo

Don’t add any effects to the logo

The approved versions of the logo are available through where advice can be given on its application. In the case of branded apparel (see page 32), the AW image may be used without the Anstee & Ware text. Should you wish to use the AW image in another set of circumstances, please email Any artwork produced should be sent to marketing for approval prior to implementation.

A Parsons Peebles Company Don’t tilt the logo Copyright © 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16

Don’t typeset the name in another font 9

Graphic elements

Copyright © 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16


Colour palette Colour is a crucial element of our brand identity. We use a colour palette to avoid getting different versions of the same colour and to gain consistency across our


Dark Red


applications. Core colours Our colour palette consists of our core colours Anstee & Ware dark red and black which can be seen in our logo. The dark red colour can be used for headings, to display dominant graphics and introductory pages such as document covers or PowerPoint presentations.


1807 C Black C


100M, 100Y, 25K



190R, 0G, 0B

0R, 0G, 0B




RAL 3031


Tonal colours Gradations of the 2 core colours can be used for box outs, tables, call out quotes, using the percentage/ colour breakdowns on the right. Colour



Dark Grey


705 C

7541 C

Cool Grey 7C

424 C


10M, 10Y, 3K





246R, 225G, 215B

231R, 231G, 232B

147R, 149G, 152B

109R, 110G, 113B









RAL 9001

Copyright Š 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16

Light Grey


Colour palette Our extended colour palette Our secondary colours have been chosen to complement the corporate core colours for use in our



Warm Yellow


marketing material. Secondary colour schemes are to be used on inner pages of documents, PowerPoint presentations and graphs etc. However, do not use too many colours within one document, as this could be garish and confusing for the user.


7459 C

123 C

454 C


75C, 25M, 25Y, 25K

20M, 100Y

20Y, 20K


56R, 153G, 177B

255R, 203G, 8B

212R, 208G, 179B







RAL 5024

If any guidance is required on the use of colours for any application then seek guidance from

Copyright Š 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16


Typography Typography is an important aspect of our brand identity. Our typographic style contributes to our distinctive aesthetic. Typography should always look great, but first and foremost it’s a functional tool, use it to communicate, not decorate. The Anstee & Ware typeface is Myriad Pro. It should be used for all print communications and for rendered text on the Web. For text in email, PowerPoint presentations, Word documents and live text on the Web, the default font is Calibri. Use organised layouts with considered compositions and few variations of weight. Create a clear information hierarchy - three sizes of type is a good rule of thumb. Where possible, avoid the use of italics and underlining of text. Leaving some areas of a layout with clear white (referred to as negative space) can increase the impact of the message, and make things easier to read. If used sparingly, accent colours can be used to highlight areas of information.

Myriad Pro Light ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@£%? Myriad Pro Light Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@£%? Myriad Pro Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@£%? Myriad Pro Semibold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@£%? Myriad Pro Semibold Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@£%? Myriad Pro Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@£%?

Calibri Light ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@£%? Calibri Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@£%? Calibri Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@£%? Calibri Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@£%? Calibri Bold Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@£%? For use in all Word, PowerPoint, e-mail or other MS office applications

For use in all print communication marketing material and rendered text on the web

Copyright © 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16


How to use the company name Using the correct name for our company, like using the

Anstee & Ware – A Parsons Peebles Company

correct logo, is crucial to building our brand identity.

Anstee & Ware

When referring to the brand identity of the company in

Anstee & Ware – A Parsons Peebles Group Company

the marketplace we will be known as ‘Anstee & Ware -

Anstee and Ware

A Parsons Peebles Company’, however just ‘Anstee &

anstee and ware

Ware’ after the first mention is also acceptable.


A&W or AW

✘ (unless as an abbreviation in internal documents)

Always include the space between the name ‘Anstee’ and ‘Ware’, apart from when required for e-mail or web addresses. The name ‘Anstee’ should appear with capital

The examples above show acceptable and unacceptable renderings our company name.

A and ‘Ware’ with capital W and remaining letterings in lower case.

Copyright © 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16


Imagery Our photographic library contains a variety of images for use on all Anstee & Ware communications, please contact for access to high quality imagery. Product imagery Product imagery when presented in marketing material should use a preferred image of the product or 3-D rendering on a white background. This allows the product to be displayed with a visually striking appearance. Don’t add any drop shadows or other effects to cutouts.

Copyright Š 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16


Imagery Industry imagery Where applicable, imagery should be a mixture of people and equipment. Photography should be relevant to the industries featured in each piece of marketing material, it should be presented well with photography which is both clean and fresh. Professional photographs or CAD generated images only should be used. At no point should clip-art be used in any company materials. Location/people imagery We aim to use clear, bold and refreshing imagery and reflects our brand personality.

Copyright Š 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16


Application of the brand

Copyright © 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16

Email signature To strengthen our brand identity across the group, it is important to ensure consistency within employee email signatures. As such, signatures should be set out as

Name Job Title

follows: Name Calibri Bold, 9pt type size; colour black Job title Calibri Regular, 9pt type size; colour black Logo 132px wide

Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, Post Code t: +44 (0)xxxx xxxxxx m: +44 (0)xxxx xxxxxx e: Anstee & Ware Ltd, Registered in England no 00477097. Registered Office: St. Georges Industrial Estate, St. Andrews Road, Avonmouth, Bristol, BS11 9HS, UK

Address, telephone, email and website Calibri Regular, 9pt type size; colour black, red

The contents of this e-mail are confidential to the intended recipient at the e-mail address to which it has been addressed. It may not be disclosed to or used by any other than this addressee, nor may it be copied in any way without our consent. If received in error, please contact ANSTEE & WARE on +44 (0)1179 820081 quoting the name of the sender and the addressee and delete it from your system. Please note that neither ANSTEE & WARE nor the sender accepts any responsibility for viruses and it is your responsibility to scan the e-mail and any attachments.

Promotional content When adding promotional content such as an upcoming events etc. to be placed under contact detail

Mobile phones

Legal copy

When replying to an email using a mobile phone, please

Calibri Regular, 7pt type size; colour black

lay out your contact details as follows:

Background colours, designs, clip-art or animations should not be used in your email signature.

Copyright Š 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16

Name Job title, Anstee & Ware t: +44 (0)xxxx xxxxxx m: +44 (0)xxxx xxxxxx e:


Letterhead Anstee & Ware letterhead Size All countries except USA: A4 (210mm x 297mm) USA: 8.5” X 11”

Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Maximising your equipment availability 24hrs a day

Paper stock Printed onto 120gsm laser approved stock Margin Margins set at 10mm top and bottom; 20mm left and right Logo Positioned in top right corner Strapline Calibri Bold, 14pt/12pt type size; prints red/black Address, telephone, email and website Calibri Regular/Bold, 8pt type size; prints red/black Registered address Calibri Regular, 7pt type size; prints black

Anstee & Ware - Bristol St. Georges Industrial Estate, St. Andrews Road, Avonmouth, Bristol, BS11 9HS e: t: +44 (0) 1179 820 081 f: +44 (0) 1179 823 501

Copyright © 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16

Registered in England No: 477097 VAT No: 862 4091 27 Registered Office: Anstee & Ware Limited, St. Georges Industrial Estate, St. Andrews Road, Avonmouth, Bristol, BS11 9HS


Letterhead Anstee & Ware letterhead alternative Strapline alternatives for Bristol business divisions. Refer to head office for full specs.

Compressed Air Solutions Sales, service and installation

Industrial Power Distribution Transmissions, bearings and parts

Copyright Š 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16


Letterhead Location specific letterhead footer address layouts.

Anstee & Ware – South Wales Foreshore Road Cardiff, CF10 4DF e: t: +44 (0) 2920 481 831 f: +44 (0) 2920 496 592

Anstee & Ware - Gloucestershire Bondsmill Estate, Bristol Road, Stonehouse Gloucestershire, GL10 3RF e: t: +44 (0) 1453 826 433 f: +44 (0) 1453 827 653

Refer to head office for full specs.

Anstee & Ware - Midlands Willow Road, Trent Lane Industrial Estate Castle Donnington, Derbyshire, DE74 2NP e: t: +44 (0) 1332 850 346 f: +44 (0) 1332 850 686

Anstee & Ware - Cornwall Electrical Repair Shop, Drinnick Yard St Austell, Cornwall, PL26 7YH e: t: +44 (0) 1726 828 987 f: +44 (0) 1726 828 780

Anstee & Ware - London Unit 2, Invicta Centre, Alfred’s Way, Barking, Essex, IG11 0BA e: t: +44 (0) 20 8591 9957

Anstee & Ware - Wiltshire Thornhill Industrial Estate, Stratton St. Margaret, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 4TA e: t: +44 (0) 1793 832828 f: +44 (0) 1793 831955

Anstee & Ware letterhead Addresses

Note: The registered office for all addresses is the Bristol address. Please ensure you are using the latest templates for all stationery. In due course these will be located centrally on a branding portal for ease of download.

Copyright © 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16


Letterhead Anstee & WARE letterhead TEXT Style The example letter using the Microsoft Word letter template found in the branding pack. As a guide the content text typeface should be Calibri Regular, 10pt type size with 12pt leading. Please ensure you are using the latest templates for all stationery. In due course these will be located centrally on a branding portal for ease of download.

Name Address line 1 Address line 2 Address line 3 Address line 4 1 January 2016 Dear Name,

Re: Subject header

Body of text to be Calibri font typeface 10pt. Remember correct letter format: In most situations Dear John or Dear Mr Smith with go with Yours sincerely. Dear Sir/Madam would go with Yours faithfully.

Yours sincerely,

Copyright Š 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16


Compliments slip Anstee & Ware COMPLIMENTS SLIP Size

With compliments

All countries except USA: 210mm x 99mm Paper stock Printed onto 120gsm laser approved stock Margin Margins set at 10mm top and bottom; 20mm left and right Logo 50mm wide positioned in top right corner

Anstee & Ware - Bristol St. Georges Industrial Estate, St. Andrews Road, Avonmouth, Bristol, BS11 9HS e: t: +44 (0) 1179 820 081 f: +44 (0) 1179 823 501

Address, telephone, email and website Calibri Regular, 9pt type size; prints black Email and telephone Calibri Regular, 9pt type size; prints red and black as shown Website

Please ensure you are using the latest templates for all stationery. In due course these will be located centrally on a branding portal for ease of download.

Calibri Regular, 9pt type size; prints red

Copyright Š 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16


business card Parsons Peebles business card Business cards should be laid out as per the images to the right. There should be no apostrophe in either “St Georges” or “St Andrews”. Whether you wish to include the fax number is entirely optional. Size All countries: 85mm x 55mm Margin Margins set at 6mm

Name Title

St. Georges Industrial Estate, St. Andrews Road Avonmouth, Bristol, BS11 9HS t: +44 (0) 1179 820081 f: +44 (0) 1179 823501 m: +44 (0) xxxx xxxxxx e:

1. Front


30mm wide positioned in top left corner Name Calibri Bold, 12pt type size; prints black Job title

The Parsons Peebles Group provides total electromechanical solutions across motors, pumps, gearboxes, compressors, replacement windings and more. We offer new equipment, site & workshop services and parts to fully support our global customer base.

Calibri Bold, 8pt type size; prints black Address, telephone and email Calibri Regular, 7.5pt type size; prints black Website Calibri Bold, 7.5pt type size; prints dark red

Copyright © 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16

2. Reverse


PowerPoint presentation Title

<Sec%on Heading>

<Slide Title>

Caliba Regular, 40pt type size; prints red

Text should use the Calibri (Body) font and not below font size 12 to ensure your audience can see the text effecQvely:

Sub Head Caliba Regular, 18pt type size; prints black


Body Text Calibri Regular and not below font size 12 to ensure your audience can see the text effectively


•  Text colour and bullet point colours should remain as shown in this template •  Use slide transiQons and animaQons with restraint •  Use animaQon only to add emphasis to key points or to pace the delivery of complex informaQon •  The preferred approach for transiQons is to use fade through black (1.5 secs) on the Qtle slide and secQon slides only •  Keep graphics and diagrams simple and unclu[ered wherever possible •  If pasQng in slides from legacy presentaQons please ensure brand guidelines are maintained



© Anstee & Ware Ltd, 2015

• Use slide transitions and animations with restraint • Use animation only to add emphasis to key points or to

1. Cover slide

2. Content slide <Sec%on Heading>

<Slide Title>

pace the delivery of complex information • The preferred approach for transitions is to use fade through black (1.5 secs) on the title slide and section slides only


•  Tables should wherever possible be produced in colours (main and secondary) included in the brand guidelines as shown in the example right

• Keep graphics and diagrams simple and uncluttered wherever possible

Title Bold

Title Bold

Regular text

Regular text

Regular text

Regular text

Regular text

Regular text

Regular text

Regular text

Regular text

Regular text

Footer bold if required

Footer bold if required

Please ensure you are using the lastest PPT slide template for your presentation. In due course this be centrally located on a branding portal for ease of

©Anstee Anstee Ware, 2015 © & W& are Ltd, 2015

3. Splitter slide


4. Content slide with table


Copyright © 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16


Desktop wallpaper All Anstee & Ware laptops and PCs should use the following image as the desktop wallpaper. Rather than have a whole bunch of different sizes for each of our wallpapers, we have them broken down into the four most common aspect ratios for computers. It is important to get the right aspect ratio for your monitor so that the image won’t need to be stretched or warped to fit properly. To find out which aspect ratio you need, simply find out your screen resolution (which, on Windows machines, can be found on the Control Panel under Display) and find it on the list below. • 800 x 600 : 4:3

• 1024 x 768 : 4:3

• 1280 x 800 : 16:10

• 1280 x 1024 : 5:4

• 1366 x 768 : 16:9

• 1400 x 1050 : 4:3

• 1440 x 900 : 16:10

• 1600 x 900 : 16:9

• 1600 x 1200 : 4:3

• 1680 x 1050 : 16:10

• 1920 x 1080 : 16:9

• 1920 x 1200 : 16:10

• 2560 x 1440 : 16:9

• 2560 x 1600 : 16:10

• 2560 x 2048 : 5:4

(Once downloaded, to set desktop background rightclick the image, and then click Set as background)

To request a copy of this image, please email address with

Copyright © 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16


Signage There are a wide variety of building types, building

Exterior signage

Facility entrance / directional signage

surfaces, building locations and surrounding environments that greatly influence how to display the Anstee & Ware logo. When preparing new signs the following guidelines provide the basics regarding specifics of the logo type and placement.

a clean, unpatterned background with a high level of

When no other information is present, the logotype is

contrast. The two colour logo (black with red) should be

to be centred on the sign and must follow the standard

used when wherever possible.

logo exclusion area guidelines.

The logo is to be used horizontally only and never in a

Goods In




The Anstee & Ware logo should always be placed over

vertical or slanted format. The Anstee & Ware logo must be set in a horizontal rectangle as opposed to a square.

Signage can be either free-standing or placed directly on a building. The logotype is to be centred on the sign and must follow the standard logo exclusion area guidelines.

Copyright Š 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16


Signage When used on buildings that are dark, the white reversed logo should be used. Raised 3D letterforms can be applied on large format signage. For additional information, please contact Any artwork produced should be sent to marketing for approval prior to implementation.

Copyright Š 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16


VEHICLE LIVERY The fleet of vehicles used by Anstee & Ware are white and the logo should be applied as suggested to the front and sides and where applicable on rear so that all sides of the vehicle are branded. The Anstee & Ware logo should always be placed over ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL ENGINEERS

a clear space on the side accompanied by telephone number in black print and website in red print. 2 colour logo should be used for all vehicle livery. For additional information, please contact Any artwork produced should be sent to marketing for approval prior to implementation. For additional ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL ENGINEERS

vehicle types artwork is available to ensure consistency of branding across our entire fleet.

Copyright © 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16 ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL ENGINEERS


Branded apparel The logo should be placed on the left chest pocket area

White Shirt

Black & Red polo shirt

Black jacket

and be at least 1” high. The shirt and Anstee & Ware logo combination must follow the guidelines outlined in the ‘brand identity’ section. The Anstee & Ware logo should always be placed over a clean, unpatterned background with a high level of contrast. For additional information, please contact

Copyright © 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16


Branded apparel Overalls Dark grey or similar. Red tone as close as possible to that used in the red of our logo Pantone 1807 C. Joseph Bloggs

Name badge in bold black with font similar to logo font Calibri and be set against a white background. Heat-sealed patches on white background for back of overall.

1. Front

Copyright Š 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16

2. Reverse


Branded apparel Hi-Vis overalls

Copyright Š 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16

safety jacket

safety vest


Branded apparel safety helmet

Copyright Š 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16

work bag


Marketing literature Anstee & Ware marketing materials include company brochures, product brochures, case studies, flyers and corporate materials. Every piece of material produced must look like part of the same suite and have a recognisable identity. The following pages provide a basic overview for Parsons Peebles marketing literature. Image to follow

Image to follow

Company brochures The company brochure is to present capability to local markets. Photography choice for the front cover should portray Anstee & Ware people in action and be set against a white background. Print specification - full colour, cover 350gsm silk paper, inner pages 200gsm silk paper.

Copyright Š 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16

1. Cover

2. Spread


Marketing literature Case studies / Leaflets Case studies and leaflets provide an opportunity for Anstee & Ware to showcase their skills and capabilities rather than to talk just about products. Print specification - full colour, double sided page, 350gsm silk paper.

Image to follow

1. Case Study

Copyright Š 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16

Image to follow

2. Leaflet


Exhibition and events Example exhibition graphic display layout

Image to follow

Copyright Š 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16


Promotional material Example promotional material items

+44 (0)1179 820081

Copyright Š 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16


Copyright © 2016 Parsons Peebles. Revised 01.03.16


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