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Supporting responsible economic growth and job creation
As the engaged owner of three international healthcare companies and a direct investor in 21 biotech companies, the Lundbeck Foundation has a significant responsibility to drive sustainable economic growth, job creation and to be a good employer, that can ensure a good working environment for its employees.
As part of its engaged ownership, the Foundation contributes to SDG 8 through 8.1 (GDP growth) and 8.5 (Decent work for all men and women) as primary sub-targets.
Consolidated figures for the Lundbeck Foundation Group
Revenue (DKKm) 35,403
Revenue growth 2020-2021 (%) 6%
Number of employees (FTEs) 28,842
GROWING BUSINESSES AND GROWING PEOPLE Through its majority ownership of Lundbeck, ALK and Falck, the Foundation shares a responsibility for more than 40,000 full- and part-time employees, corresponding to more than 28,000 full-time equivalents (FTEs). The Foundation is proud to see its subsidiaries demonstrating a strong focus on people development and care for their employees.
In 2021, all subsidiaries were committed to delivering on their commercial objectives while maintaining a consistent focus on people as part of their business leadership models. All three companies have solid HR-organisations with a voice on the respective leadership teams, and all three companies conduct annual employee engagement surveys, measuring employee wellbeing and satisfaction, and reporting on key people indicators in their annual reports.
Regarding economic growth, both ALK and Falck showed significant revenue growth of 12% and 23%, respectively. Lundbeck saw a decline in revenue of 8% due to the erosion of sales of Northera®, however, 2021 saw continued solid growth from its strategic brands. Lundbeck is therefore on an important and challenging journey, which requires new approaches to innovation. It is therefore positive that, in 2021, the company started to see the impact of its new strategy and transformed approach to research and development (R&D), positioning the company well for renewed growth in the future. CREATING A MEANINGFUL WORKPLACE The Lundbeck Foundation acknowledges that its most direct people impact is on the employees directly employed by the Foundation. The Foundation’s employees are its most important asset, and it is – especially for a purpose-driven organisation such as the Foundation – critical to foster a healthy and meaningful working environment. Hence, having grown the organisation in recent years, the Foundation carried out its first employment engagement survey in 2020 and established this as a recurring process to be carried out every two years.
Employee engagement score:
Overall satisfaction and motivation
In 2021, the 2020 engagement survey was followed up by a workplace assessment, reviewing both the physical and psychological aspects of working at the Foundation. Both surveys showed a good level of employee job satisfaction, motivation and loyalty, with high scores compared to external benchmarks. The surveys also showed aspects of the working environment which require further attention, and the Foundation strengthened the internal HR focus in 2021, supporting the Foundation’s small, but highly specialised and diverse organisation.