LTH facts

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F a c u l t y o f E n g i n e e r i n g LT H L U N D U N I V E R S I T Y / S W E D E N W W W. LT H . S E



knowledge & tradition


lund + øresund


helsingborg & øresund


lth for education


technology for existence




m a s t e r ’s p r o g r a m m e s i n e n g i n e e r i n g


other programmes


t h r e e - y e a r b a c h e l o r ’s p r o g r a m m e s


i n t e r n a t i o n a l m a s t e r ’s p r o g r a m m e s


international exchange




E x p e r i e n c e LT H T h e F a c u l t y o f E n g i n e e r i n g , LT H has chosen to focus on education and research in areas c r u c i a l f o r t h e s u s t a i n a b l e d e v e l o p m e n t o f s o c i e t y.


Lund University founded 1666 路 8 faculties 4 0 , 0 0 0 s t u d e n t s 路 2 , 3 0 0 d o c t o r a l s t u d e n t s 路 6 , 0 0 0 e m p l o y e e s w w w. l u . s

faculties T h e F a c u l t y o f E n g i n e e r i n g , LT H The Faculty of Science The Faculty of Law The Faculty of Economics & Social Sciences The Faculty of Medicine The Faculty of Humanities and Theology The Malm枚 Academy of Performing Arts Lund University School of Economics and Management

knowledge & tradition: Lund has been a centre of learning since Sküne was reclaimed from the Danes, over 300 years ago. Today, Lund University is one of the largest in Scandinavia. Its eight faculties provide courses and pursue research in almost all conceivable subjects: theology, the humanities, economics, medicine, science and engineering, as well as law, the social sciences, art, music and the theatre. A number of the University’s activities are located in the neighbouring towns of MalmÜ and Helsingborg. Lund is characterised by academic traditions,

intellectual discussion and a mentality referred to as the spirit of Lund: humour, scepticism and irony. The student community contributes through carnivals, burlesques, debates, balls and concerts. Over the years, academic life has become more extrovert. Today, all the faculties of the University are involved in cooperation with industry and commerce, and society as a whole. Students and professionals are represented on the board of each faculty. Knowledge is spread through popular scientific events and journalism. Some courses given by the University are intended specifically for the continuous development of professionals. Research is becoming increasingly more multidisciplinary and international in character.


1 0 7 , 0 0 0 · L u n d : S w e d e n ’s 1 2 t h l a r g e s t c i t y · 1 5 % o f i t s i n h a b i t a n t s w e r e b o r n in other counties · 136 different nationalities are represented in its population w w w. l u n d . s e


Öresund Region: 1.16 million Swedes and 2.4 million Danes · Population of Lund:

important companies Te t r a P a k Sony Ericsson AB ST Ericsson Alfa Laval AB AstraZeneca AB Gambro Axis

lund + øresund: Lund has its origin in the early Middle Ages, when the Danish king of the time, Knut II, started construction of the cathedral, and the city is thus one of Sweden’s oldest. Many of Lund’s Medieval streets remain today, giving the city its special atmosphere. Even more important for the atmosphere of the city are its students, who provide a lively contribution to both city life and public entertainment. Modern-day Lund would be inconceivable without the University. Thanks to the Øresund bridge, uniting Sweden and Denmark across the Sound, contact with Denmark is increasing. Wonderful Copenhagen is less than an hour away, while Malmö on the Swedish side is even closer. More and more foreign

languages can be heard on the streets of Lund, not least as a result of the University’s many exchange programmes with countries throughout the world. Within the Øresund Region itself, no less than 11 universities, with a total of 150,000 students and 14,000 scientists, collaborate within the Øresund University. Lund is in the Swedish province of Skåne, traditionally regarded as the granary of the country. Many of the companies in the area have their roots in agriculture, but these are now being joined by others in areas such as biotechnology, information technology, medical technology and telecommunications, to name but a few. Within the Ideon Science Park, many good ideas are developed from research findings into commercial products.


i n d u s t r y, t r a d e a n d c o m m e rc e , a n d t o u r i s m . T h e p o r t o f H e l s i n g b o r g i s o n e o f S w e d e n ’s l a r g e s t ,


Helsingborg has 127,000 inhabitants, and constitutes the ninth l a r g e s t m u n i c i p a l i t y i n t h e c o u n t r y. T h e l a r g e s t i n d u s t r i e s re p re s e n t e d a re l o g i s t i c s , t h e f o o d a n d o n e o f t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t i n E u ro p e . w w w. h e l s i n g b o r g . s e

important companies The IKEA Group McNeil AB ICA Sverige AB PEAB Kemira Kemi

helsingborg & øresund: Helsingborg has undergone many changes since its first settlers arrived over a thousand years ago. Concepts such as communication, shipping, trade and industry originally set the tone of the city, and it has continued to develop in these areas. However, during last decade three other phenomena have brought Helsingborg into the limelight: the housing exhibition ”h99”, The Henry Dunker Culture Centre, and last, but by no means least, LTH’s Campus in Helsingborg.

Students in Helsingborg have everything within easy reach. Denmark is literally just a Danish pastry away, that’s all you’ll have time to eat on the short ferry trip over to Zealand. The commuter train will take you southwards to Lund in just over 30 minutes, then on to Malmö and, on the other side of the Øresund bridge, Copenhagen. But why should anyone want to leave Helsingborg, described as the Pearl of the Sound, when it can offer a wide and exciting range of culture, entertainment, sport and leisure activities? Helsingborg is no provincial town, but a real metropolis where the tempo is high. The Helsingborg Campus is a pleasure to behold and the atmosphere is, as you would expect, exciting. This is where you can study LTH’s Bachelor’s programmes in engineering, for example.


p r o g r a m m e s ( 3 y e a r s ) · 1 0 I n t e r n a t i o n a l M a s t e r ’s p r o g r a m m e s ( 2 y e a r s ) 480 foreign exchange students


8,000 students · 640 postgraduates · 15 Engineering p r o g r a m m e s ( 5 y e a r s l e a d i n g t o a n M S c ) · 5 B a c h e l o r ’s w w w. l t h . s e

gender statistics 3 0 % o f t h e s t u d e n t s s t u d y i n g t h e 5 - y e a r M a s t e r ’s p r o g r a m m e s i n e n g i n e e r i n g are women, but the proportion varies with the programme. Of the students studying first-cycle programmes, 21% are women.

lth for education: Lund has had an institute of technology for almost 50 years – LTH – which is now part of Lund University, constituting its Faculty of Engineering. LTH has about 8,000 students in various first-cycle (BSc) programmes in engineering, and integrated (first-cycle + second-cycle) 5-year programmes (MSc) in engineering, as well as in fire protection engineering, architecture and industrial design. Among the MSc programmes in engineering are the classical subjects: engineering physics, civil engineering, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, mechanical engineering and surveying, as well as new subjects such as engineering nanoscience, engineering mathematics, information and com-

munications engineering, industrial management & engineering, environmental engineering, biotechnology, mechanical engineering with industrial design, and risk management. We also have a number of (2-year) Master’s programmes in biotechnology, industrial design, food technology and nutrition, nanoscience, photonics, sustainable urban design, system on chip, water resources, wireless communication and fire safety engineering. LTH also has about 640 doctoral students whose goal is to obtain a doctoral degree after 4 years’ study. The 3-year Bachelor’s programmes are given at the Campus in Helsingborg. Students can choose between computer engineering, electronics & automation and civil engineering specialising in architecture, railway construction or traffic. A foundation year in engineering is also available, as is a 2-year vocational course in food engineering. Students may also take single-subject courses at LTH.


339 · The Swedish Research Council, 125 · FORMAS, 31 · The Foundation for S t r a t e g i c R e s e a r c h , S S F, 5 5 6 · T h e E U , 7 8 · T h e S w e d i s h E n e r g y A g e n c y , 5 6 · T h e Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems, Vinnova, 67

w w w. l t h . s e


Important sources of financing (2009) million SEK: The Swedish Government,

research statistics 157 professors 18 departments 75 divisions

technology for existence: In order for society to be able to adapt to a long-term sustainable economy, significant technological breakthroughs will be required. The issue of climate change will be the subject of our attention for many years to come. The question of energy must be solved through solar and wind power, consumption must be more environmentally friendly, our houses must be more intelligent, our production systems and effluents must be cleaner, and we must develop alternative fuels for transportation. These are the challenges currently occupying LTH’s scientists. Such problems require multidisciplinary approaches to develop new, more sensitive methods of measurement. Work in these areas should also be more international, and focus on global problems. LTH has many multidisciplinary centres of high international standard. Communication is another keyword at LTH; from physical logistics, i.e. the transportation of

goods by trucks on the roads, to digital communication on electronic highways, as well as the development of smaller chips for computers. Improving traffic safety is also important, as a million people are killed each year on the roads worldwide. It is a matter of using the resources of life for the benefit of life. Medicine, water treatment and food production, for example, can be developed through knowledge on microorganisms, genes and chemical and biological processes. The development of tomorrow’s functional foods and pharmaceuticals requires a combination of knowledge from many areas within LTH.


m e t h o d s t h a t c a n b e u s e d i n a l l a re a s o f a p p l i c a t i o n . w w w. l t h . s e


1 4 % o f LT H ’s p r o f e s s o r s a r e w o m e n . R e s e a r c h a t LT H i s d i r e c t e d mainly towards scientific rejuvenation, certain areas of application and

examples of areas of research Nano Science Laser Physics Aerosol Sciences Automatic Control Combustion Biofuels Immunotechnology Functional Food Biotechnology Mobile Communication

research: Most of the research at LTH is conducted in collaboration with industry, especially the food industry, and society as a whole. Today, external financing accounts for about two-thirds of the total financing of research at LTH. Research at LTH is continuing to develop well. It is of considerable advantage that we are part of Lund University, with its strong research environments where multi-disciplinary collaboration is increasing. LTH has been awarded several prestigious research grants for both young and established researchers, despite stiff competition from the recently established European Research Coun-

cil. Funding from the EU constitutes an important source of external financing of research at LTH. The Research and Innovation Bill presented by the Swedish Government at the end of 2008 included substantial funding for research in the areas of engineering, medicine, life sciences and climate studies. Research groups at LTH are active in several of these areas, and have received grants in areas such as nanoscience, IT and mobile communications, e-science and production engineering.



M a s t e r ´ s P ro g r a m m e s i n E n g i n e e r i n g ( 5 y e a r s )

LTH offers 15 Master’s programmes in engineering, as well as The China Profile which is open to students studying Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Information and Communications Engineering. The specialisation in Technology Management is open to both engineering and economics students. LTH also has programmes in Architecture, Industrial Design and Fire Protection Engineering.

Biotechnology involves using new achievements in biochemistry as well as traditional methods such as fermentation. The subjects of chemistry and biology, especially at the cellular and microscopic level, form the basis of the programme, together with knowledge on various processes. The programme has four new areas of specialisation: bioprocesses, molecular biotechnology, food and pharmaceuticals.

water and the environment, mathematics and building economics. Computer Science is the programme for those who want to create systems and applications in computing and programming. During their third year of studies, students can specialise in areas of application such as software, images and graphics or communication systems.

Chemical Engineering deals with the use of chemicals in a sustainable society. Students not only take courses in organic, physical and analytical chemistry, but also others designed to provide knowledge in chemical engineering and processes. There are three areas of specialisation: process design, pharmaceuticals and materials.

Environmental Engineering was created to educate students so that they can help solve important environmental problems, through sound knowledge and the ability to communicate with natural scientists on engineering, and with engineers on natural science. In the final stages of the programme, students focus on a specific area, such as energy systems or water resources.

Civil Engineering is one of the classic engineering subjects, while still being of great importance in today’s society, where both buildings and infrastructure must be efficient in terms of resources and operation. This is a many-facetted programme including construction engineering, plant design,

Electrical Engineering utilizes the branch of physics dealing in with electricity, in other words, everything from the conductive pattern in your computer processor, to the generation and use of electricity. Some of the rapidly developing areas at the moment include nano-components,

M a s t e r ´ s P ro g r a m m e s i n E n g i n e e r i n g ( 5 y e a r s )

communication systems, computer engineering, environmental engineering and biomedical engineering. Graduates from this programme will be able to make significant contributions to society. Engineering Mathematics provides sound knowledge in applied mathematics, as well as in other technical and scientific applications. Students can specialise in various areas such as computation and simulation, biological modelling, business & economics, software systems, environment–risk–climate and signals and systems. Engineering Nanoscience is LTH’s newest 5-yearprogramme, and is unique in Sweden. It concerns the study and manipulation of material on the atomic level, and learning to design specific functions, often based on quantum physics. Tools on the nanoscale are required in biology and medicine, in chemical catalysis and in the electronics industry.

in today’s, and tomorrow’s, advanced products, services and applications. Examples of the content of the programme are internet technology, the man–machine interaction, network programming, data security and mobile systems together with their applications. Mechanical Engineering is one of the classic engineering disciplines, including environmental aspects and industrial economics, and provides industry with highly qualified engineers. The programme covers not only mechanical design and engineering machinery, but also general problem solving, which is necessary for successful production strategies in worldwide competition. Mechanical Engineering with Industrial Design is a programme that combines engineering and science with a considerable number of design-related courses of various kinds.

Engineering Physics combines advanced mathematics and physics with engineering applications, and includes programming and quantum physics, as well as subjects such as sustainable development and measurement techniques. Graduates from this programme are general problem-solvers with a very broad choice of careers, in both industry and academic research. Areas of specialisation in the programme include financial mathematics, environmental and energy systems, and nanophysics.

Risk Management is an engineering programme unique to LTH. It is open to students who have studied three years of the Fire Protection Engineering programme at LTH, or another engineering programme in the Nordic countries that is equivalent to the Engineering programmes at LTH. Basic engineering skills are complemented with economics and statistical safety analysis, law, health and environmental studies, “man–technology–organisation” and matters related to insurance.

Industrial Management and Engineering combines classical engineering skills with economics. The programme includes production management, logistics, financing and risk management, investments, marketing and product development.

Surveying is based on wide themes and sizable projects. Real-estate legislation, economics and environmental studies are combined with more technical subjects, the main one being cartography. The main areas of specialisation are real-estate economics, real-estate law and geomatics.

Information and Communications Engineering is clearly directed towards computer communication and telecommunication, both of which are essential


M a s t e r ´ s P ro g r a m m e s i n E n g i n e e r i n g ( 5 y e a r s )

The China Profile allows students to study the Chinese language and culture together with engineering. At least one term is spent at a leading Chinese university, and students can apply for summer placements in China. The Chine Profile is open to students studying Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Information and Communications Engineering.

Technology Management is a joint specialist programme that can be taken by engineering students and economics students wishing to complete their degrees by integrating engineering, economics and management. The aim of the programme is to provide society with qualified graduates who can meet the needs of versatility and creativity in industry.

O t h e r P ro g r a m m e s Architecture has been offered at LTH since its foundation. The programme is artistic and academic, and provides comprehensive training in processing and designing spatial and theoretical issues. A great deal of the work is practical and includes drawing and building models. Theoretical studies including lectures, seminars, and examinations run parallel with the practical work; students read, write, calculate, discuss and reflect. Industrial Design means taking part in the whole manufacturing process, from concept to the final product. The external appearance is a consequence of the function and context of the product. This places demands on knowledge and awareness in many different fields. Industrial

designers should also be able to recognise cultural and technical changes in society and incorporate them into their work without delay. Stronger relations between aesthetic, technical, industrial and economic aspects have become necessary. Fire Protection Engineering is also unique to LTH. It is the only higher education programme in Sweden that provides qualifications in the fire and rescue services, and is world-leading in its class. Basic engineering is combined with subjects such as combustion chemistry, risk assessment and studies of the working environment. During their first summer placement students literally experience baptism by fire. Students may continue their studies to obtain a Master’s degree in Risk Management, or take a one-year continuation course at Revinge College, just outside Lund.


T h r e e - y e a r B a c h e l o r ’s P r o g r a m m e s i n E n g i n e e r i n g

At the Campus in Helsingborg, students can study a number of 3-year programmes leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science. All the programmes are concluded with a project, often carried out in industry, and sometimes abroad.

Civil Engineering specialising in Architecture aims to provide students with knowledge in construction techniques, aesthetics and the environment. Teaching is firmly established in working life. Civil Engineering specialising in Railway Construction is a unique programme in northern Europe, and is given in collaboration with the Railway Training Centre in Ängelholm, where some teaching takes place. Civil Engineering specialising in Traffic is a programme carried out in collaboration with the 5-year Master’s programme in Civil Engineering in Lund. Apart from engineering subjects, students

learn about the way in which the transport sector works in society. Computer Engineering is concerned with computer systems, both software and hardware, as well as the interfaces with the environment in which the system is to operate. The programme gives a broad theoretical foundation in the subject, and is carried out in close collaboration with various companies. Electronics and Automation gives students broad knowledge in electric power generation, electrical engineering, automation and computer technology, all of which are in great demand in industry.


O t h e r p ro g r a m m e s The Foundation year and Foundation semester in Engineering prepare students who do not have the necessary background or requirements for admission to engineering programmes at LTH.

Food Technology is a 2-year programme for those who have experience of the food industry, and who want to develop and deepen their knowledge.

International Master’s Programmes (2 years) Biotechnology offers international students courses focussed on modern methods in biotechnology, where LTH has world-leading researchers. Fire Safety Engineering has been developed in cooperation between Ghent University, the University of Edinburgh and Lund University. The first semester, covering basic topics in fire safety engineering, is taught in Ghent and Edinburgh. All students spend the second semester in Lund, with emphasis on enclosure enclosed fires and human behaviour. The third semester is taught in Ghent (’general FSE’) and Edinburgh (where the focus is on structural engineering in the context of FSE). The fourth semester is devoted to a Master’s thesis, hosted by one or more of the three institutes. Food Technology and Nutrition aims to meet the needs of graduate engineers intending to work as professionals in government authorities and the agro-industrial sector at an advanced level, thanks to advanced theoretical studies, given in a practical technological context. In Industrial Design students will be focusing on one of three areas: living & behaviour, form & structure or man & nature. The curriculum will consist of individual industrial design projects, workshops and theoretical core subjects. After graduation, students will be well prepared to meet the design challenges that the global society is facing, in whatever capacity they choose to work, as a designer, entrepreneur, design coordinator or researcher, in the public or private sectors, in a team or as an individual.

Nanoscience has its scientific foundation in the physical description of nanoscale phenomena, but students can choose to specialise in various areas, for instance nanoelectronics or materials chemistry, depending on their background and interests. Photonics offers students the opportunity to study in the three major areas of photonics: engineering (the generation and manipulation of light), communication (the transport of information by optical and microwave techniques) and diagnostics (the utilization of light in industry, health care, etc.). Sustainable Urban Design deals with the design of the urban environment on various levels, from the detailed design of townscapes to strategic planning on a regional scale. Attractiveness, long-term quality and sustainability are prioritized urban goals. System on Chip prepares students to meet the global career challenges involved in integrating wireless and wired communication electronics, utilizing the next generation of microelectronics and system-on-chip design. Water Resources is a broad programme that covers the most important scientific and technical aspects of water resources. Students will have the opportunity to specialize in fields in which LTH has world-leading expertise. Wireless Communication provides international students with an education that prepares them for global challenges in the development of the wireless future.

The student in focus Student succes

The Breakthrough

New students at LTH are automatically enrolled in a project called Student Success. On their very first day, the expectations and needs of new students are surveyed, the students are divided into small groups and assigned a mentor, who is one of the more experienced students. Help is thus available to those who need it in getting started with their university studies. Students receive about 30 hours of teaching each week.

This is a project aimed at improving the quality of teaching and increasing the interest of teachers in pedagogics. Teachers having attained a high level of competence are elected into LTH’s Pedagogical Academy and their task is to disseminate their knowledge to other teachers at LTH.

International Exchange International Exchange In the late 1970s LTH began to offer its students the possibility to study abroad during part of their studies. At first only a few exchange programmes with European countries were open to them, but today they can choose to go almost anywhere in the world. Student exchange expanded rapidly during the 1990s, mainly due to the introduction of the European exchange programme ERASMUS. Also the signing of new bilateral exchange agreements with universities in other parts of the world led to an increasing number of incoming foreign students at LTH. Today almost 500 students from different parts of the world attend courses given at LTH. Swedish students usually spend their fourth year at

another university, but dissertation work or practical training abroad is also popular. The most recent development is the possibility to obtain a double degree, one from LTH and one from a university in another European country, which is offered to the students through the T.I.M.E. network. International network T.I.M.E Magalhaes/SMILE NORDTEK


organisation: LTH is part of Lund University, and constitutes its Faculty of Engineering. Teaching and research are carried out by its departments, and postgraduate education is pursued in all areas. Undergraduate education is organised according to programmes, which are controlled by programme boards. Single-subject courses are also given, as are commissioned courses. All decision-making bodies and working committees include student representatives, as well as representatives of the teaching staff. The LTH Board and undergraduate programme boards also include professional representatives from outside LTH. Representatives from employees’ organisations have the right to be present and to take part in discussions at LTH Board meetings. The total number of employees is currently 1,400, of which almost 550 are teaching staff. LTH has 18 departments with 75 divisions, the School of Engineering at Campus Helsingborg,

and the Swedish Commercial Pilot’s College, and multidisciplinary centres. Student services are located in one of the buildings on campus, where study advisors, programme planners and student counsellors are always available to help students. The LTH Study Centre offers libraries and plenty of room to study, as well as an information desk where students can obtain prospectuses, brochures and other information about LTH, and various application forms and certificates. You can find more information on what we have to offer at LTH on our web site:

Departments Architecture and Built Environment Automatic Control Building and Environmental Technology Centre for Mathematical Sciences Chemical Engineering Chemistry Computer Science Construction Sciences Food Technology, Engineering and Nutrition Design Sciences

Electrical Measurements and Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Electrical and Information Technology Energy Sciences Immunotechnology Industrial Management and Logistics Mechanical Engineering Physics Technology and Society

Research Centres and Consortia R e s e a rc h c e n t re s w i t h i n LT H o r w h i c h a re c o n n e c t e d w i t h LT H AFC Antidiabetic Food Centre CAST - Consortium for Aerosol Science and Technology at Lund University CECOST – Centre for Combustion Science and Technology Cemec – centre for electro-magnetic energy conversion CITS – Centre for Information Technology in Construction and Facility Management

LUNARC – Centre for Scientific and Technical Computing at Lund University LLC– Lund Laser Centre LUCRAM – Lund University Centre for Risk Analysis and Management Metalund – Centre for Medicine and Technology for working Life and Society

CMT– Centre for Membrane Technology

Mobile Heights

The Moisture Research Centre

Nanometer Consortium


National Centre for Education in Physics

GTC – Consortium Gas Turbine Center

NGIL- Next Generation Innovative Logistics

CoCoS – Controlling Complex Engineering Systems

NRC – Neuronano Research Center

Competence Centre Combustion Processes

Pharmaceuticals in Lund

Create Health

PCC– Personal Communication and Computing

Functional Food Science Centre

PIC-LU Process Industrial Centre at Lund university

GIS Centre

PieP – Product Innovation Engineering programme

HAREC – Disability and Rehabilitation Research Centre

Polymer Centre

LUCC – Lund Centre for Studies of Carbon Cycle and

Re-Flex (Flexible Reality Centre)

Climate Interaction LUMLC – Lund University Medical Laser Centre Lumi – Lund University Research Program in Medical Informatics

The Swedish University of Building engineering Sciences SCIBLU - Swegene Centre for Integrative Biology at Lund University Swedish Hybrid Vehicle Centre

Research Portals

The Energy Portal The Sea Portal The Communication Technology Portal The Food and Pharma Production Portal

Lund Alliance for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (LABIB) The Software Portal The Innovation Portal


LTH has been part of Lund University ersity since 1961. The University was founded ed in 1666, and today has about 40,000 students udents and 6,000 teachers. With eight faculties, a large number of research centres and specialised institutes, Lund University is one of the largest establishments for research and higher education in Scandinavia.

B e r g s t r ö m & C o . A B ( w w w. b c o . s e ) · t r a n s l a t i o n H e l e n e S h e p p a r d · p h o t o s A W i k i n g , M B e r g s t r ö m , K R u o n a , B u l l s P r e s s · p r i n t e d b y L e n a n d e r s , 3 7 9 7 0 , K a l m a r 2 0 1 0

w w w . l t h . s e

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