Reserv-/slitdelar till Rogue EMP 210 PRO / EM 180

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0448138001 GB 20240119 Validfor:Serialnumber:HG325YY-, HA324YY-XXXXXX
Rogue EMP 210 PRO Rogue EM 180 Sparepartslist

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Maintenanceandrepairworkshouldbeperformedbyanexperiencedperson,andelectricalworkonly byatrainedelectrician.Useonlyrecommendedspareparts.


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Orderingno. Denomination Note 0700301092 RogueEMP210PRO Weldingpowersource 0700301091 RogueEM180 Weldingpowersource
TABLEOFCONTENTS 0448138001 -3- ©ESABAB2024 1 SPAREPARTS 4 1.1 Housingmodule .......................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Connectionparts......................................................................................................... 6 1.3 UserinterfaceRogueEMP210PRO.......................................................................... 9 1.4 UserinterfaceRogueEM180 10 1.5 Spoolhubassembly 11

1.1 Housingmodule


1 SPAREPARTS 0448138001 -4- ©ESABAB2024
Item Qty Orderingno. Denomination Notes C 1 1 0558102972 Doorpanel Rogue(nolabel) 2 2 Connectingbracket Front/rear 3 1 Connectingbracket Liftinghandle 4 1 0558111142 Rearpanel EM/EMP/ET 5 2 0558111143 Front/rearhandle EM/EMP 6 8 0558102968 Panheadscrew M4×12,T-20,black 7 1 0558102983 Cover RogueEM/EMP(nolabel) 8 21 Panheadscrew M5×25,T-25,black 9 1 0464670007 Handle Withoutcovers 10 6 Panheadscrew M5×25,t_25,black 11 2 0558102999 Cover Screwblindhole 12 1 0558102935 Base RogueEM/EMP(nolabel) 13 1 Centerbaffle RogueEM/EMP 14 1 0558111140 Frontpanel EM/EMP 15 1 0558111154 Mainsmountpanel EM/EMP/ET 16 2 Centerbafflebracket RogueEM/EMP 17 2 0558111148 Accesspanelcover Front/rear,EM/EMP/ET 18 2 0558111144 Topcoverhandle EM/EMP/ET 19 17 Panheadscrew M4×8,T-20,black 20 2 0558111151 Doorhinge EM/EMP 21 1 0558111152 Doorlatch EM/EMP 22 1 0558111149 IPlouverpanel EM/EMP 23 1 Weldoutputcover 24 1 Bulkheadaccescover 25 1 0558111115 Sidelabel Rogue 26 1 0558111099 Doorpar.chartlabel RogueEMP210Pro 0558111105 RogueEM180 27 1 0558111114 Sidelabel ESAB 28 1 Ratinglabel 29 1 Generalprecautionary label CSA,RogueEM180 30 1 Lowerreargaslabel 180/210CE


0448138001 -5- ©ESABAB2024
Item Qty Orderingno. Denomination Notes C 31 1 Upperrearmainslabel 120/230V,(Rotary)CE/UKCA 32 1 Lowerfrontremotepolarity label

1.2 Connectionparts


1 SPAREPARTS 0448138001 -6- ©ESABAB2024
Item Qty Orderingno. Denomination Notes C 1 1 0464674013 Rotaryswitch 1T/1P,20 A/690 V 2QF1 2 1 0464674011 Mainscable 3×2.5 mm2×3.8 m,SOOW, 250 V,16 Aplug 3 1 Fanshroud 4 2 Primary/secondary insulator 5 1 0558102938 MaincontrolinverterPCBA 15AP1 6 1 0558102949 PFCPCBA 17AP1 7 1 Powerblockmounting support 8 1 Insulatingmounting support 9 1 PFCinductor 10 1 0558102952 RectifierPCBA 20AP1 11 2 0558102978 OKCconnector Female,withinsulator, 50 mm2 12 1 0558102976 Cablestrainrelief connector EG-13.5 13 1 0558102975 Triggerwithharness receptacle 8-pin 14 1 0464674002 Cablestrainrelief connector EG-16 15 1 Female-maletrachealjoint fitting 90o 16 0558102944 Gasfitting Snapfit 17 1 0558102971 Fanwithleads RogueEMP210PRO 15EV1 0558102946 RogueEM180 18 1 0558102959 Ribboncable 8P×150 mm,Connection: 15AP1CN503to13AP1 CN102 19 4 Panheadscrew M3×8,T-10,black 20 4 Hexnut M3 21 1 0558102958 Gasvalveleadset 22 1 0558102963 Negativeweldcable 5 AWG/16 mm2,190 mm 23 1 0558102955 Positiveweldcable 5 AWG/16 mm2,280 mm, Rogue EMP 210 PRO 0558102940 5 AWG/16 mm2,280 mm, Rogue EM 180 24 1 0558102973 FilterremotePCBA 21AP1 25 1 0558102977 Gasvalve 24 V DC,0.8 MPa(116 psi)


1 SPAREPARTS 0448138001 -7- ©ESABAB2024
Item Qty Orderingno. Denomination Notes C 26 2 0558102979 Female-maletrachealjoint fitting 27 1 0558102950 WirefeedcontrolPCBA 28 1 Airbaffle 29 1 0558102966 MainPCBAinsulator 30 1 0558102965 EMCinsulator 31 1 Groundingbusbar 32 1 0558102957 Polarityreversingcable Male,50 mm2 , Rogue EMP 210 0558102942 Male,50 mm2,Rogue EM 180 33 1 0558102937 Primary/EMCfilter interconnectPCBA 2AP1 34 1 0558102939 SynergicselectionPCBA RogueEM180 1AP2 35 1 0558102960 Ribboncable 5P×300 mm,connection: 15AP1to17AP1,
0558102945 5P×300 mm,connection: 15AP1to17AP1, Rogue EM 180 36 2 0558102969 Countersunkscrew M4×8,Phillips,black
Rogue EMP 210 PRO
1 SPAREPARTS 0448138001 -8- ©ESABAB2024


1 SPAREPARTS 0448138001 -9- ©ESABAB2024
1.3 UserinterfaceRogueEMP210PRO
Item Qty Orderingno. Denomination Notes C 1 1 0558102948 TFTControlpanelPCBA 1AP1 2 1 0558111156 MountpanelUI EM/EMPPRO 3 2 0464672003 Pushbuttoncover Rubber 4 1 0464672004 Controlknob 5 1 0558102953 Push-buttonencoder controlPCBA 1AP2 6 2 Panheadscrew M5×25,T-25,black 7 1 0558102961 Ribboncable 8 1 0558102962 Ribboncable 9 1 0558102960 Ribboncable 5P×300 mm,connection: 1AP2CN3to21AP1CN2 10 1 0558111134 Userinterfacelabel RogueEMP210PRO 11 1 Frontencoderlabel 12 1 Label RogueEMP210PRO


1 SPAREPARTS 0448138001 -10- ©ESABAB2024
1.4 UserinterfaceRogueEM180
Item Qty Orderingno. Denomination Notes C 1 1 0558102936 UIcontrolPCBA EM180 1AP1 2 1 0558111155 MountpanelUI EM/EMPPRO 3 2 0464672003 Pushbuttoncover Rubber 4 1 0464672004 Controlknob 5 1 0558102986 EncodercontrolPCBA 1AP2 6 2 Panheadscrew M5×25,T-25,black 7 1 0558102961 Ribboncable 8 1 0558102991 Ribboncable 9 1 0558102960 Ribboncable 5P×300 mm,connection: 1AP2CN3to21AP1CN2 10 1 0558102959 Ribboncable 8P×150mmConnection: 1AP1to1AP2 11 1 0558111133 Userinterfacelabel RogueEM180 12 1 Frontencoderlabel 13 1 Label RogueEM180

1.5 Spoolhubassembly


1 SPAREPARTS 0448138001 -11- ©ESABAB2024
Item Qty Orderingno. Denomination Notes C 1 1 0558103001 Spoolhubassembly 2 1 0558102981 Wiredrivegearbox Withmotoranddrive 3 1 0558102934 Drivestandsupport EM/EMP,CE 4 2 Panheadscrew M6×20,#2Phillips,black 5 2 Lockingnut M6 1AP2 6 6 Panheadscrew M5×12,T25,black 7 1 0558102943 Torchconnector Euro 8 1 0558102933 InchPurgemomentary rockerswitch 2P/2Twithleads, Rogue EMP 210 PRO 13XS1 0558102994 2P/2Twithleads, Rogue EM 180 10 1 0558102964 Wiredriveharness 11 1 Synergicpanellabel EM180,CE 12 1 Jog/purgecautionlabel
1 SPAREPARTS 0448138001 -12- ©ESABAB2024
1 SPAREPARTS 0448138001 -13- ©ESABAB2024



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