3 minute read

Patient Story Kelly Perhach


Lupus Warrior Kelly Perhach

My lupus journey started when I discovered bruises all over my legs which were painful and I couldn’t explain how they got there, as well as severe weight loss. I went to the doctor they did some blood work and determined that in fact, I had something going on. I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in September 2019.

On my bad days (there are more of them than good days) I can barely walk and am not motivated to do anything. I have deep depression that makes me lash out for no reason. I have days where I must hold on to everything to walk because I’m in so much pain. Consistent headaches, swelling, bruising, and weight gain are my new normal. I had to cut back or give up some of the foods I love. These are some of the issues I have. God gave me this for a reason and I will fight this every step of the way, as he is guiding me through it.

Months later I discovered I had bumps all over my body. My rheumatologist sent me to see the dermatologist and after many appointments, biopsies, and two different doctors they determined not only did I have SLE, but I also had bullous lupus, which is a rare skin disease. The bumps are painful and itchy. Since then, my skin has cleared up, but I do have scars. If they come back, I’m supposed to call the dermatologist immediately.

I spent months crying and hiding away from the world. It didn’t matter what anyone said to me, I felt like I was doomed, a lost cause, and a burden. I lost a lot of family members and friends over it because they were scared to be around me and didn’t understand. Since then, I’ve made it a priority to educate as many people as I can about this horrible, cruel disease.

Don’t let me fool you, I had no idea what lupus was before my diagnosis. I spent countless hours reading on the internet. Then I came across the Lupus Foundation of America, Greater Ohio Chapter. They have many tools and resources available. Through their support, I was blessed to do the walk, raise money to find a cure, and spread awareness in Ohio. Now, I have tremendous support from my family, friends, and the Lupus Foundation. Without them I wouldn’t be the person I am today; you all know who you are, and I want to say thank you! Three years doesn’t seem to be a lot of time, but to me, it’s a struggle every day, I just don’t show it. My mission in life is to see my grandbaby grow up, inform others about this disease, and help find a cure.

I will leave you with this...

“Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and twice as beautiful as you’ve ever imagined” - Dr. Seuss

“My mission in life is to see my grandbaby grow up, inform others about this disease, and help find a cure...”

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