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Thi si sanexper i mentonhow spaceswer eputi ngi antel evat ed pods.Thef or mi sanabst r act shapedevel opedf r om t hemovementanddi spl acementofpeopl e i nTer engganuwhi chevent ual l y havet hesamer esembl anceof mol t ent embagai nsi dei t ’ smoul d.

Thepodf r om bel ow El ev at i on

ThepodFr om i nsi deshowi ngt he hei ghtofsubj ectgi vi mgenour mous vi st a.

Thepod’ sseeml essi nt er i orpr ovi de spaci ousvi sualf orpeopl ei nsi de.

PH.OPENGALLERY Thi si sani ndi v i dual pr oj ec tonmak i ngandout doorgal l er y.The pr opos edmat er i al i sPr ec as tc ur v el i ni erc onc r et et ohav ev i s ual dy ami candac tasas c ul pt ur ei fnotus ed.

Theabov epi cs howst heChai r t abl eswor khar moni ous l yt oget her

THECHAI RTABLE Theaqual ands c apec hai ri sav er ymar i nei s h l ookt ohav eanas ex ual f ur ni t ur et oenv i r onmentr el at i ons hi p.Themar bl eemphas i z et he i mageani sabl et obeputt oget heri ngr oups andal s of unc t i onal al one.Thi sc hai ral s o av oi dss oc i al andawk war dnes sf ors t r anger s

BUTTERFLYFAN Thebut t er f l yf anpr ovi desever al doubl ecur vef anbl adesandgi vi ng maxi mum ori ncr easedamountof ai r .Duet oi t ’ si ncr easedf l apsi ze, evenonsl owspeed,i twi l lgi ve cool ert hannor malf anai r .

THEALI ENNEST TheAl i ennesti sandi nst al l at i on t hati sahundr edper centi nt er connect i ngpl anes.Thewhol ei nst al l at i onwasamodul ari nst al l at i on whi chr emi ni scer i ppl esofwat er , or gani cf or m andt henever endi ng gr owt hofnat ur e.Thest r uct ur e al l owscont i nualexpansi onandcan mul t i pl yl i kecel l s.


HI GHRI SEMODULATI ON Thef ac adei saf emi ni nec ur v epr omott he beaut es qev i s ual ofanewhi ghr i s ef or m. Hav i ngar eal l yor gani cf ac adet ur nt hepat hwayofl oadt r ans f er i ngandhav er eal l ys eeml es sef f ec tt oav er yol dgeomet r y


Thi si sas t udyont hes ubs t r ac t i onofc er t ai ngeomet r yonac er t ai nt y peofs ur f ac e.Thes t adi um pr omot esaes t het i c ,s hel t er ,andv i s ual i dent i t y


Thev es s el i sadual s pac es t r uc t ur ewhi c hhav e ani nnerhabi t abl ewal l .Thev es s el bec amea pl y v es s el whi c hc anbeus edf ormul t i pl es howc as e.


TI MBERPROJECT MEDUSAi sapr oj ectt oenhancet heur ban i mageandonwat erci r cul at i on.MEDUSAi sa br i dgepavi l i onwi t hasnakeski nl i kef acade whi chhel pst hei nt er i orr econci l ewi t ht heext er i or .Thehol i st i cf acadei sf ul ll ami nat edt i mber suppor t edbyt i mberspacef r ami ng. Theski nwoul di mi t at et hef l oor i ngdependon t hecur vat ur eander ect i onoft hef l oor .

MEDUSA’ ss i l l huet t eont opoft hes uns etf l ar el eav i ngav er y aes t het i cs hape. Ri ghtper s pec t i v eoft heex t er i or .

Thewhol es t r uc t ur ei ss uppor t edbyt r i angul ars t i l t sont opofac onc r et ef oot i ngt o r educ ec ont ac twi t hwat erhenc ehav i ng l onger l as t i ngt i mber .

Lef tRender edl ef tal ev at i ooft he3dmodel l i ng.

Thet opv i ewi squi t emer gi ngwi t ht he wat err i ppl esandt heor gani cf or m addi ng api ec eofnat ur et oani s ol at edar e.

TopTheel evat i on Lef tShowi ngt her el at i onoft heext er i orandi nt er i or .

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