What will we learn? 1) Different kinds of Egyptian tombs. 2) The origin of these buildings and structure. 3) The purpose for which these tombs were built. 4) New historical and artistic vocabulary.
Belief in the afterlife made the Pharaohs and members of the upper classes would build large tombs to protect the rest of the deceased. The poorest social groups, were mummified and buried in large pits or under the desert sand. The Mastaba: The mastaba tombs are so named because they resemble the benches outside shops in the markets. Mastaba is an Arabic word. Are flatroofed, rectangular pyramids. They normally were used for the burial of important people. The mastaba tombs beside the Pyramids were laid out on a grid, providing laneways for acces to the tombs.
Rita Willaert (Sakkara, de trappiramide en de ommuring) https://flic.kr/p/hdxez
Each mastaba tomb had at least one shaft burial. The mummy cases were lowered into the shaft and burial. The mummies in their mummy cases were lowered into the shaft and grave goods were placed around them. Then the shaft was filled with stones to prevent looting and vandalism. The tombs also had other functions in addition to burial. The tombs also had a chapel that was accessed from the outside. These were often decorated. Offerings to the spirit of the deceased were left by their descendants.
The Pyramids: Are the largest funerary monuments on earth. A pyramid is a structure or monument, usually with a quadrilateral base, which rises to a triangular point. Although largely associated exclusively with Egypt, the pyramid shape was first used in ancient Mesopotamia in the mudbrick structures known as ziggurats, and continued to be used by the Greeks and Romans. Inside a pyramid there were different rooms, one of them was the death chamber where they deposited the dead mummy and its funerary dowry. The biggest and most well known of these were the Keops, KefrĂŠn and Micerino Pharaohs, which were located in Giza.
Gloria_euyoque Giza Pyramids (Cairo, Egypt) https://flic.kr/p/4i5GoQ
The pyramid was a royal tomb and considered the place of ascent for the spirit of the deceased pharaoh. From the top point of the pyramid, it was thought, the soul would travel to the after-life of the Field of Reeds and, if it so chose, could easily return to earth.
The Hypogeum: Empire again fear looting and theft caused prefer pharaohs were buried in underground tombs, which are large underground burial chambers excavated and beautifully decorated luxury. The most interesting group is located in the Valley of the Kings, near Tebas. Highlights Tutankhamun, which was found intact in 1922.
Zolakoma Tomb of Ramses the 4th, Valley of the Kings https://flic.kr/p/5g4bt8
VIDEO ACTIVITY: Let’s see the following video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lotbZQ55SgU Homework: Write 5 sentences about how the pyramids construction process works.