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What have Te Awhioraki been up to?

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Wild Weather

Wild Weather

Welcome back to term 2!

It’s been an exciting start to the year for Te Awhioraki. We have enjoyed meeting all of you freshers at our events and we look forward to seeing more of you around campus.


The year started with orientation week and it was good to see everyone in high spirits, with over 200 of you coming to the whare during goose chase. We held our first event off-campus event, which was at the Grouse and Codebreakers in town. Big shout out to Liv’s group who cleaned up, beating every other team by 10 minutes.

In term two, things to look out for are waiata practice every Wednesday at 1pm, culture workshops and off-campus events. They will be advertised via our socials and uni email, so make sure to follow us on Instagram. In addition, our welfare fund is available and can be applied for on our website along with our TA merch.

As it gets colder and assignments and exams come closer, please remember we are here to support and help in any way we can. So, drop into the whare and have a korero. There’s always Kai and people around to catch up with.

Ngā mihi, Te Awhioraki Exec

Respectfully Lincoln

Learn more about consent by attending a Respectfully Lincoln first-year student workshop Gain knowledge on how to engage in safe and respectful relationships, understanding consent and preventing harmful sexual behaviour. All Respectfully Lincoln workshops are co-designed with tauira (students) and presented by trained student facilitators. If you haven’t attended a workshop yet, we’ll be contacting all eligible students to sign up soon.

To find out more, contact Alex Michel-Smith, Safer Communities Programme Advisor at experience@lincoln.ac.nz

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