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Restart Recap
As the mist lifted just in time for RESTART; the first Monday back of term, another fog set in. A haze of smoke machines and vape clouds, mixed with coloured lazer lights, made for a refurbished ‘Orange Setting’. Welcome back term two and for some of you, your first LUSA gig! With doof heard as far as Springston, the obligatory ‘Wagon Wheel’ being played, and one guy falling off the roof, we knew student life was back and the woes of the infamous ‘spicy cough’ was left behind the couch. The Butcher set the night up with positive vibes, then the Rollestxn Ave boys came in hot and went full noise during their set and we loved it! The beautiful PONZ was stoked to be back behind the decks and mic again and having a big party with you all! Then to round off the night, the lads from SUUNE had heaps of fresh drum and bass to play. It looks like lockdown has turned all these up-in-comers into heavyweights! Until the next one!
Lincoln University Mountain Biking Club (LUBE) aims to bring together like-minded people keen to head out on weekends and evenings for a bike.
It helps to connect everyone across varying year groups with people of similar skill sets, and a chance to meet new people. Everyone is welcome to join in for a good time.
The Club goes on regular day and overnight trips, along with the potential for weekly rides.
First trip overnight trip is looking to be Queens Birthday Weekend, heading up to Craigieburn.
If your keen to join, hit us up on the below contact details.
Club email - mountain.bikingclub@lincoln.ac.nz
Lincoln University MTB members 2022
• Megan Maslin (Vice-Chairwomen) • Emma Blom (Treasurer)
• Kate Braidwood (Secretary) • Becky Rickard (Social Media)
• Josh Jones (General Rep) • Rachel Crawford (General Rep)
E V E R Y M O N D A Y 2 . 3 0 - 5 P M L U G Y M S P O R T S H A L L
A N Y Q U E R I E S ? C O N T A C T I N T E R N A T I O N A L C U L T U R A L . S O C I E T Y @ L I N C O L N . A C . N Z
Written by Cheyanne Candy
Twelve inexperienced but keen apple pickers at the break of dawn headed down to Temuka on Saturday the 2nd of April.
Some turned up in finer form than others and we will all happily agree what was said on the trip will stay on the trip. After arriving and having an induction, we were then kitted out with our picking baskets and sent away to pick our wee hearts out. Eleven out of the twelve were solely dedicated to the cause, however, Noah ate more apples than he picked and spent more time walking up and down the rows looking for a yarn than he did up the ladders! However, this did not slow the team down and we managed to get through more trees than they had planned for us.
Complimentary pizza for lunch meant we had to change plans for tea, but the team was hungry, and this went down a treat! After a final big push, we managed to fill two more unexpected crates then we called it a day.
In total twenty-nine crates were filled, including the help of other volunteers. After a stop-off for Subway for tea and a long drive back for poor Fergus (who had to stop more times than necessary for the toilet), the real fun begun!
I would just like to say on the Club’s behalf a big thank you to everybody that help organise the trip, the students that gave up a Saturday to pick apples whether they were a part of Handy Landy’s or not, and the orchard for allowing us to come and help. We have also made a good sum of money for the club which we can’t wait to use!
As a first-year, this was a very cool first trip to go on, and to have the opportunity to get to know a good bunch of people. The banter was great and the bonus was we were helping someone in need. I would highly recommend people try and jump on board with our next adventure!