Become a co-founder or part of the team!
PROJECT 1: Web portal for automobile trading. And the first project phase is: • • •
To implement of our designed automobile trading and auctioning platform To release the harmonized spare parts and accessories web-shop Platform to link customers/dealers/importers through extensive utilization of Social media --<Mobile>-- Web to maximize visibility
MARKET/CUSTOMER NEED Automobile trading, trading assurance and security. (Details internal business niche) [Personalized] Reliable and localized automobile auctioning platform Social media enriched, modern easy to use, dynamic and appealing user interface MAJOR COMPETITORS
KEY MEMBERS Irik Henry Mosilily
Design & Product Planning (Creative)
Fabo Moreno
Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
Others Marko Lepola
User Experience Design and testing
Tino Kiviharju (Haltu Oy.)
Backend Technical Support (Server side)
Full-scale web development !May – June ! Launch Service first release in June Launch service in English-> Finnish -> Russian -> Swedish (2) Market goals ! Leading automobile trading network in the Baltics
WHAT WE NEED FROM THE START UP COMMUNITY. (1) Additional Web Developers,
Specification to fit into for front and backend development HTML5, CSS5 and JavaScript, Django [Python], Mezzanine (CMS) o Python on the basis o Django as platform o Mezzanine to manage content o Static content served by nginx (2) Content Developers (3) Marketing personals
with understanding of Branding Communication Customer marketing o B2B marketing o Business initiation with major importers, dealers, etc. (4) Legal Assistance
IRIK@SEAD.FI +358 40 962 9797
We are a team of three, soon to be officially a startup, building solutions for real communication and information sharing needs. We offer you a great opportunity to join our team either For a study assignment or as Co-Founder We are looking for a talented, entrepreneurially minded person either for an interesting and challenging study assignment (4-6 months piloting case) or to join our team as a co-founder to take over the responsibility of development and maintenance of technology solutions. Our first solution is targeted to early education to support kindergartens and parents and is developed in close cooperation with both parties. If you are • passionate about technology with hands-on experience in coding for different platforms, • familiar with more than one software development methodology, • hard working with entrepreneurial attitude and familiar with startup environment, • in the end of your studies with some work experience and • ready to change the world with simple and easy solutions we are looking forward to hear from you! Interested and want to know more? Please be in contact with Taina Mikkola, +358 40 536 1834 or
InvestorEye is an unique IT startup aiming for making a difference in the world of individual investor. We, team of two, have been validating the market and business case and developing features needed in the Product. We are now seeking a technically savvy co-founder who could take part in this fantastic journey we are about to start. It could be you if you:
Are entrepreneurial Are good with the Code Get along with different people Understand also non-technical aspects in investing Can have fun while working 24/7
We are eager to hear from you!
Should you have questions or if you are interested to hear more please call Antti/ 050-3426429 Laura/040-5776464.
DreamCase Factory We are a team of people simply passionate about what we do. A business management grad with an affinity for arts, two programmers fond of building systems and learning new tools and a design aficianado interested in web, industrial and interior design. For our idea the key to success is that each of us does something what he or she just likes to do in general.
Our mission is virtue for all creative talents. Not just posting and tagging, but developing, supporting, making interests and talents matter, and turning joy and passion into real-life opportunities. We want a comfortable place for people to have a chance to share their interests and to call it their home. We are a startup dedicated to make an impact. We want to offer classical and non-classical hobbies in a shell of a modern website with gamification, plus bonuses from partners representing goods associated with our web content. We aim for an intuitive interface, educational games for authors and readers alike. We want to cover and create for all hobbies like novels, music, games, galleries, comics, standup comedy, plus different craftworks from enthusiasts we would be in touch with. Our website would feature free articles, premium content subscription fees, advertising, partners' discounts and our own online store. Artistic web content plus online shop for works made by the team and any invited authors. There are multiple hobby-oriented websites scattered across the internet. They mostly focus only on one particular area. Online hubs encompassing a wide range of interests do exist, but those don't present a very a comfortable environment for creativity and community support. There is a lack of an entity to significantly encourage young semiprofessionals to be outspoken and become more practical. In addition to making our site interesting for readers, we want our site to be most comfortable for authors, so that they can improve themselves.
The closest competitors are websites like and But such entities are similar to us only in content themes. Our goal, apart from producing engaging content, is to offer a fun environment, online games, direct support and encouragement, and events and community. The website is supposed to be primarily in English. Our only limit is to concentrate more on traditional hobbies and interests. We want to revive attention for fine arts and other great
directions. We want to opens more opportunities. The intention is to go global, and to add-up knowledge fields and interests layer by layer. Our aim is to entice youth organizations, art clubs and various creative unions to cooperate with us, so that we can provide best services and best communication channels for the users. After this summer we see ourselves with a finished website and a launched company. We also expect to generate enough attention among Finnish startup-related organizations to obtain a large number of contacts and connections to establish partnerships with affiliated companies. This summer should help us gather a wider range of talents ready to create meaningful web content and goods. In one year we want to obtain an audience of one million readers. It is plausible to say that after pre-selling customers via web content we would be ready to launch our own online store. Practical creations, artworks and craftworks are not only the focus of our business, but also are the focus for our future online store. There will be fewer souvenirs, but more items for everyday use and/or food for thoughts like books, discount subscriptions for educational sites, and other intellectual materials.
For more information please contact: Aarne Pyulze, +358443323888,
DreamCase Factory, website looks
Nasim is looking for a co-founder! Job Recruiting (Co-Founder) Programmer, Helsinki / Lappeenranta We are looking for one creative programmer who can work in a team and individually with instructions. This project is a completely new mobile application which is a little bit challenging, but interesting at the same time. There is a big market for our service and if you want to make history you should join us. We require: high level skills as a programmer team spirit creativity open mind We provide: challenges that are achievable positive and energetic working environment experiences maybe some money If interested, contact us with a free form CV: Etsimme osakkaita / yhteistyökumppaneita liiketoiminnan ja sivujen tehostamiseen sekä kasvattamiseen. Kalustettujen asuntojen vuokraus yleistyy Suomessa ja maailmalla. Ihmiset vuokraavat asuntoja hyvien vuokrahintojen takia. esim. pitemmän loman ajaksi yms. Myös yrityksiltä tullut palaute on ollut rohkaisevaa, keikkamajoitukseen liittyen. Tarvittava osaaminen: - Koodaustaito ym. ohjelmointi tuotteen räätälöimiseksi - Muotoilija ym. sivujen kaunistaminen - Liiketoimintaosaamista - Myynti ja markkinointiosaamista - KV osaaminen / kokemus olisi toivottavaa, (ainakin myöhemmässä vaiheessa).
Verkostoliiketoimintamalli - konepajateollisuuteen Kun liiketoimintaverkostot luodaan tavoitteellisesti, niitä kutsutaan strategisiksi verkostoiksi. Ne voidaan edelleen jakaa vertikaalisiksi toimitusketjuverkoiksi tai horisontaalisiksi verkostoiksi, jolloin verkostolla on yhteisiä markkinointi-, osto- tai vientitoimintoja. Strategisten verkostojen osaalueeksi voidaan lukea myös institutionaaliset verkostot, jotka ovat valtion tai kuntien luomia yhteistoiminnallisia elimiä, joiden tavoitteena voi olla alueellisen yritystoiminnan tai viennin edistäminen. (Klint & Sjöberg, 2003). Verkostoitumisella haetaan monenlaista hyötyä tehokkuuden parantamisesta mittakaavaetuihin ja osaamisen kehittämiseen. Erityisesti verkostoitumista käytetään, jotta yritys voisi keskittyä omaan ydinosaamiseensa ja voidakseen jakaa riskejä ja kustannuksia. Verkostoitumista voidaan käyttää hyväksi myös yrityksen liiketoiminnan kasvattamiseen, koska mikroyrityksissä yksin on harvoin siihen riittävästi resursseja. Erityisesti tarvitaan strategisen kyvykkyyden, johtamistaitojen, erikoistumisen, kokemuksen ja taloudellisen osaamisen lisäksi panostusta markkinointiin ja innovointiin. (Torres, 2001). Verkotuttaessa ensimmäisenä tehtävänä olisi potentiaalisten kumppanien löytäminen. Vuorovaikutuskanavat kahden yrityksen välillä ovat aluksi havaintoja: ilmoituksia, mainoksia, messukontakteja tai vierailuja internetsivuilla. Aikaansaatujen neuvottelujen kautta ne johtavat yhteistyösopimuksiin, jotka voivat realisoitua verkostoyhteistyön alkamiseen. Alla kuvataan eri tapoja kontaktien hankkimiseksi. (Escher, 2005). LIIKEIDEA: Verkostoveturi olemassa olevan konepajaverkoston kapasiteetin ja verkoston omien tuotteiden myynnin, markkinoinnin, kansainvälistymisen sekä liikkeenjohdon tueksi. Verkoston nykyinen liikevaihto yhteensä noin 10 M€. (Myyntiprovikka?). Liiketoimintaa varten on tutkittu kattavasti erilaisia verkostoliiketoiminnan teorioita, joiden pohjalta liiketoiminnan suunnittelu, valmistelu ja toteuttaminen hoituu ammattimaisesti ja parasta tulevaisuutta tavoitelle. AIKATAULU: Valmisteluvaihe, (paperilla suunnittelu ja ideointi), syksyyn 2014 asti. T&K -vaihe, (verkoston myyntiä ja markkinointia varten ym.), 6 - 12 kk. Liiketoiminnan lanseeraus, tavoitteena syksy 2015 Kasvusuunnitelma on olemassa TARVITTAVIA SKILSSEJÄ: Verkkosivusuunnittelu, -muotoilu, (mahd. WordPress). Tuotannonohjaus, -ohjelmiston suunnittelu / toteutus. (Vähän koodarin taitoja?) Myynti & Markkinointi, sitä voi aina olla lisää, (erityisesti netin yli tapahtuva). Liikkeenjohdonkonsultointia, (asiakasyritysten toiminnan kehittäminen)
:: Lillukka Design Company :: :: We are designing inventive solutions to generate value for our clients. By reconsidering space that people use on a daily basis we offer the best approaches for each place. We work in various styles and techniques to make space cozy and easy for our customers. Getting kindly feedback from clients we decided to upscale our activity that’s why we need people to join the project! :: This is not another IT-project with intangible technology even though we don’t mind to find a way bringing it into our company This is a real product that makes people happier every day of their life. You can check out our portfolio here:
We are searching for a person who already have contacts in Finnish market and could find approach to new customers in B2B, B2C, B2G fields. Preferable skills: Finnish language, analytic skills, copyrighting. The person we searching for should be communicative, easy-going, businesslike, responsible and resultoriented.
Let us know, if you are looking for a co-founder or teammates! Contact Markus Laukkanen via