3 minute read
ARC: Brothers and sisters in Christ
By Kirk Rautio
“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: if either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10).
This spring, I was blessed with the opportunity to travel south to visit a congregation of brothers and sisters for a few days. I will never forget our time together. I was able to share about the Association Retreat Center and even more about the opportunities God gives us every day to minister to others. Being with a group of likeminded Christians who are invested in their community and doing everything they can to make an impact encouraged me greatly.
God planned other gospel encounters for my visit. I had a conversation with a local business owner where I could feel the Spirit at work. Even having my flight canceled was a blessing because I was able to attend an in-home Bible study that was nothing less than God-centered. This candid assembly of believers was focused on God and God alone. Through our shared faith, we are brothers and sisters. Love, community, accountability, gentleness, and a fierce steadfast hope in Christ filled every encounter I had.
As I have reflected on this trip, I’ve started taking a personal inventory of those in my life who I would consider fiercely hopeful brothers and sisters in Christ. These are the ones who hold me accountable, who uphold me in prayer, and who I know I can call on when needed or fight alongside should they need me. The family of God is a treasure. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 tells us that companions makes us stronger. They also provide a constant source of reproof. If we are blessed with loving brothers and sisters, we need to hold on to them, fight for them, and most of all remember that it is God who makes that relationship possible.
As we all enter our busy summer schedules, remember that those who hold your feet to the fire are the ones who help you draw near to the throne of God. Take time to encourage one another, to learn with one another, and to be together around God’s Word. Additionally, take time to pass it on—build new groups together, share with one another, and uphold one another. This is our calling, to go and be a brother or sister to someone. In time, you will discover that they are yours as well.
Rautio is the executive director of the Association Retreat Center, near Osceola, Wis.