rom youth, Bible camp has been an important part of my life and my husband, Paul’s, life, as well. Following God’s call to be church-planting missionaries in Brazil, we enthusiastically incorporated into our ministry the tradition of planning camps for children and teens during the summer and winter vacation periods. For the first seven years of our ministry, we coordinated trips to a Bible camp 300 miles away in Campo Mourão, making every effort to help youths experience God’s presence in a different setting, away from the distractions of everyday life. We dreamed of one day having a camp closer to home. In July 1991, Paul eyed an advertisement for a farm for sale 17 miles outside of Curitiba. The following day we took a leisurely drive away from the busy city to a rural area with rolling hills and small farms. The property was picturesque and the view spectacular. We enjoyed taking a look at the little prefab cabin and small caretaker’s cabin before touring the “eyesore” on the property—a large brick rabbit barn 160 feet by 30 feet. As the real estate agent tried to take attention away from the ugly barn, we were already imagining how the building could easily be transformed into a retreat center with dorms at each end and a chapel and 6 THE LU THERAN AMBASSADOR
dining hall in the middle. There was plenty of space for ball fields and woods galore for hiking on the 21-acre property. What a find! We only had one problem—no money. That afternoon, in an encounter with the owners of the place, we received an unbelievable offer to trade our home in the city for their property in the country. By the end of the day, we were proud owners of a beautiful farm, and our life was changed forever. Only God can orchestrate circumstances in such perfect precision. We moved to the farm in January 1992 and donated half of the property with the big rabbit barn to form a non-profit organization named the ARCA. That first year we witnessed the outpouring of miraculous provisions for transforming the rabbit barn into a camp building. Donations and volunteers appeared regularly to prepare the camp building in time for a Free Lutheran Youth Convention in September 1992, when 200 people gathered to praise God for His faithfulness in making a dream come true. Unforgettable! One of the first volunteers was Joel, a recent convert to Christ, who came to help prepare the camp for the first retreat. He grew in his faith as he worked with Paul day