Lutheran High St. Charles Strategic Plan 2015

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Lutheran High School of St. Charles County Strategic Plan

Submi&ed to the Board of Directors May 2015

Mission Statement Empowered by the gospel of Jesus Christ, Lutheran High School nurtures spiritual, academic and personal growth equipping its students for lives of Chris?an service.


We value quality Chris?an educa?on. We value faithfulness to God’s Word and the Lutheran Confessions. We value excellence for all areas of school life. We value developing and modeling Chris?an character.

We value a caring and nurturing community. We value servant leadership in service for others. We value establishing and fostering respecEul rela?onships. We value an environment of innova?on and discovery.

A Framework for Strategic Planning

Since 1982, God has blessed the ministry of Lutheran High School. The school, in turn, has been a great blessing to many young people and their families, its employees and volunteers, its community, and the Church. As LHS commences this 33rd school year, we con?nue to be commiMed to our mission of providing top quality, Christ-­‐centered educa?on. This updated document celebrates the past and present strengths of the "Cougar Family.” At the same ?me, it strives to provide a vision for the school's future. Drawing from its rich tradi?ons of the past, LHS experienced an unprecedented period of growth over the years. The current economic recession and shiTing demographic trends challenge our schools in s?mula?ng and troubling ways. LHS must plan carefully and crea?vely to build upon its reputa?on as an ins?tu?on of excellence. Strategic planning is a journey, not a des?na?on. This document provides a philosophical founda?on and mul?-­‐year projec?ons that we believe will guide LHS to even greater service and stability. Be cau?oned, however, that this plan is not intended to be an all-­‐encompassing, inflexible blueprint for the coming years.

Lutheran High School’s Strategic Plan is a living document-­‐-­‐to be divided and distributed as an annual "game plan" to the individuals and groups responsible for implementa?on; to be implemented, debated, altered, or rejected; to be reviewed on an annual basis for accountability; to be amended as new condi?ons arise; to be updated annually to maintain a fresh planning horizon. Many people were involved with this process. Along the way, input was received from the Delegates, Board of Directors, Standing CommiMees, Department Chairpersons, faculty, parents, students and other cons?tuents. We are pleased to present this plan as the next step in an on-­‐going process to develop the ministry at Lutheran High School to its greatest poten?al. May God con?nue to bless our plans to His glory! In His Service, Dr. Craig Ernstmeyer Head of School

Vision Statement

We envision utilizing God’s blessings in partnership with our families, congregations and community, to be a dynamic leader in academic excellence and Christian service.

Cri$cal Target 1: Lutheran High School will enroll 400 students by June 2019. Cri$cal Target 2: The average ACT score of Lutheran High School’s class of 2019 will be 26. Cri$cal Target 3: Lutheran High School will update the funding model to ensure a cost manageable by the Associa?on by June 2019. Cri$cal Target 4: Lutheran High School will improve the campus to provide an innova?ve environment by June 2019.

Student Enrollment Plan The Head of School and Director of Enrollment developed this plan. The Director will oversee its implementa?on. The overall strategic plan goal is to enroll 400 students to Lutheran High School by the 2018-­‐2019 school year.

Student Enrollment 2014-­‐2015 School Year Accomplishments Enrolled a total of 304 students in 2014-­‐2015. Prospec?ve students were iden?fied u?lizing enrollment lists from our Lutheran feeder schools and Associa?on Church membership lists, sibling data and a database of past student shadows, Open House aMendees, and community contacts. Offered two Open Houses and one Parent Registra?on/ Informa?on Session. Hosted Future Freshman Day for 8th grade students. The Director of Enrollment visited each Associa?on Congrega?on’s Confirma?on class before October 2014. Cul?vated rela?onships with prospec?ve families through on-­‐ campus events, including Future Cougar Nights, a drama ma?nee for middle school-­‐aged students, a Robo?cs Open House, St. Nick Night, and Summer Camps. An administrator and/or current LHS students visited each Associa?on school at least four ?mes throughout the school year through personal classroom visits, lunches with grade school students, chapel messages, Back to School Nights, etc.

2015-­‐2016 Goals Develop an “Enrollment Calendar” outlining what, where, when and how ac?vi?es and announcements are communicated with our Associa?on, prospec?ve families, alumni and community to help appropriately ?me announcements, mailings, events, etc.

Evaluated the new admission process that was implemented during the 2013/2014 academic year.

Establish an admissions database and track contacts.

Added a Fall Open House to the recruitment calendar.

Maintain Admissions link on website.

Hosted elementary and middle school events on campus, including athle?c tournaments, scholar bowl compe??ons, a spelling bee and fine arts fes?val.

Explore tracking soTware for poten?al families.

The Director of Enrollment reached out to students in the St. Charles County community by aMending and sponsoring non-­‐ Lutheran school related ac?vi?es such as benefits, auc?ons, runs, and fundraisers.

Project and monitor future student enrollment for the next five years.

Develop a Specialized Enrollment Outreach plan.

Enroll 60% of our Associa?on school students. Enroll addi?onal students (community, LASE, interna?onal) to reach the goal of 100 freshman students. Define and communicate the enrollment process to faculty and staff. Evaluate and measure response rate (enrollment of prospec?ve students) to all enrollment ini?a?ves.

Academics Plan The Head of School and Principal developed this plan. The Principal will be responsible for the plan’s implementa?on. Our overall strategic plan goal is that Lutheran High School’s Class of 2019 will score an average of 26 on the ACT.

Academics 2014-­‐2015 School Year Accomplishments Revised and updated the curriculum by iden?fying standards and indicators, developing scope and sequence, and crea?ng a review cycle for the curriculum of each content area. Examined and revised the 4x4 Intensive Block schedule to maximize student learning, enhance school climate, and provide for greater variety in spiritual life experiences. Examined and prac?ced professional development policies regarding con?nuing educa?on tui?on, teacher cer?fica?on, and professional memberships. Included Supervision of Instruc0on in the Opera?ons Manual detailing the assessment of faculty. Iden?fied and evaluated guidance services for students. Designed an assessment tool and performed an evalua?on of all administrators.

2015-­‐2016 Goals Implement a new curriculum review cycle.

Designed in-­‐service opportuni?es to equip teachers with tools to help meet all students’ needs.

Examine, evaluate and redefine spiritual life experiences including philosophy, purpose, and structure, and provide more frequent exposure to these experiences.

Reviewed all classified staff areas of responsibility and communicated those responsibili?es with each staff member.

Complete the crisis management plan and conduct more frequent drills.

Formalized procedures for calling, hiring, and dismissing faculty and staff and included it in the Opera?ons Manual.

Create a plan for the introduc?on of academies for 2016-­‐2017.

Created a formalized budge?ng process to include ?meline, submission and review procedures.

Develop a formal PrimeTime program for students in grades 9 and 10.

Faculty par?cipated in a book study of Teach Like a Pirate.

Thirty-­‐six new members were inducted to Na?onal Honor Society. Over 50% of sophomores, juniors and seniors are members of NHS. The Class of 2014 scored an average of 25.1 on the ACT. Five new dual-­‐credit courses were added to the curriculum, bringing the total number of dual-­‐credit offerings to 12 courses or 43 hours.

Student Services Plan The Head of School, Principal and Director of Student Services developed this plan. The Director of Student Services will be responsible for the plan’s implementa?on.

2014-­‐2015 School Year Accomplishments Implemented a “Student of the Month” program to recognize students from each class who exemplify service in academics, athle?cs, ac?vi?es, and community. Con?nued the Academic Watch List and Homework Hotel. Reviewed and revised all Ministry Descrip?ons for all Student Services personnel.

2015-­‐2016 Goals Iden?fy poten?al areas of improvement for Student Services. Expand and enhance Student Services offerings. Develop programs to improve interpersonal skills and character development of students. Create a formalized acceptance program for interna?onal students. Review at least two other School Informa?on Systems and compare to PowerSchool.

Campus and Equipment Plan The Director of Ac?vi?es, Head of Maintenance, Principal and Head of School developed this plan. The Director of Ac?vi?es will be responsible for most of the plan’s implementa?on. The overall strategic plan goal in this area is that LHS will improve the campus to provide an innova?ve environment by June 2019.

Campus and Equipment 2014-­‐2015 School Year Accomplishments Installed new sound system in gym, replaced the bleachers and scorers’ table, repainted columns, and refinished the gym floor. Installed energy efficient ballasts and bulbs in hallway lights and replaced hallway ceiling ?les. Patched, sealed, and restriped parking lot and removed damaged trees and shrubs. Repainted and remodeled main office with granite countertops and new cabinets. Replaced cabinet doors in main lobby and repaired lobby sea?ng.

2015-­‐2016 Goals

Replaced counter tops in Science Lab 300.

Replace Commons tables and chairs.

Repaired broken blinds and painted classrooms as needed.

Add new whiteboards in two classrooms.

Added security monitor to office.

Replace science classroom stools. Establish a Building CommiMee to meet with consultants and develop a comprehensive campus expansion/repurposing plan that will: •  set short and long term goals •  address the needs of an aging facility and prepare for growth in programs and student popula?on •  set a ?metable and specific objec?ves to be met which may include new parking lot overlay and striping; new landscaping; a reconfigura?on of space; and classroom, office, and commons restroom remodeling. •  focus on upgrades to improve campus “curb appeal.” Develop a plan for annual facility inspec?ons. Install addi?onal fencing along stadium walk. Complete the remodeling of the main office. Remodel main lobby tables, doors, and sea?ng. Drop ceiling in room 201 and repaint room.

Technology Plan The Head of School, Principal, Director of Technology and the Technology CommiMee developed this plan. The Director will be responsible for the plan’s implementa?on.

2014-­‐2015 School Year Accomplishments Replaced 23 laptop computers for full-­‐?me teachers. Doubled Internet bandwidth to 100 MB. Installed a new Apple TV in each classroom. Implemented eBackpack, a cloud-­‐based learning management system, in all classes. Created school gmail accounts for all staff and students. Contracted to outsource E-­‐Rate filings. Evaluated the need for mul?ple computer labs. Revised the Technology Use Agreement for all users.

2015-­‐2016 Goals Explore the use of free web-­‐based storage that may be needed beyond the use of eBackpack. Develop a 3-­‐4 year replacement plan for all devices. Explore ongoing educa?on of Digital Ci?zenship with our students. Explore replacement of the telephone system.

Activities Plan The Head of School and the Director of Ac?vi?es developed this plan. The Director will be responsible for the plan’s implementa?on. The key goal in the area of ac?vi?es is to develop an exemplary extracurricular program in which the well-­‐rounded development of the student is cul?vated.

Activities 2014-­‐2015 School Year Accomplishments All 22 programs aMained MSHSAA “Outstanding” status for team GPA. Developed and outlined procedures for stadium, gym, and plant rental. Developed mentoring program for new coaches, mentors, and leaders. Implemented an all-­‐inclusive par?cipa?on fee structure for all athle?c programs. Reviewed and revised s?pend schedule of all extracurricular posi?ons. Developed comprehensive plan for marke?ng the ac?vi?es program through social media. Renovated baseball and soTball fields dugouts and backstops. Revised the Future Cougar Night program. Improved the formal assessment and developed the informal assessment models of coaches. Con?nued partnership with Signature Medical to subsidize Athle?c Training costs.

2015-­‐2016 Goals Develop a Booster Club. Develop a comprehensive program and procedures for feeder teams in our Associa?on schools. Implement a fee structure for all non-­‐athle?c ac?vi?es. Evaluate the need to increase the weekly hours of the Ac?vi?es Assistant to 30. Assess current transporta?on needs (rent versus own).

Development Plan The Head of School developed this plan. The Head of School will oversee its implementa?on.

Development 2014-­‐2015 School Year Accomplishments Annual Fund Third source funds totaled $185,142. 2014 Trivia Night net income = $11,196. 2014 Appeal and Unrestricted giTs = $29,295 (up 6% from 2013). 2015 Sapphire Affair net income = $81,620 (up 1% from 2013). 2015 Jog-­‐A-­‐Thon net income = $13,800 (down 14% from 2013). 2015 Golf Classic net income = $10, 952 (up 31% from 2013). Addi?onal giTs: $100,000 for gym bleachers and $10,000 for art room tables and stools. Development Con?nued rela?onship building through events, personal contacts, and communica?ons. Assessed new opportuni?es for small group gatherings and networking events both locally and regionally. Implemented Exceed program to track moves management and donor informa?on.

2015-­‐2016 Goals Annual Fund Raise $191,500 dollars for the Annual Fund (including Thrivent and company matching and Memorials). •  Trivia Night goal: $8,000 •  Annual Appeal and Unrestricted giTs goal: $32,000 •  Sapphire Affair goal: $75,000 •  Golf Classic goal: $10,000 •  Jog-­‐A-­‐Thon goal: $18,000 Development Develop a year-­‐long third source plan of events. Hire a Director of Annual GiTs. Build rela?onships and track donor movement through events, personal contacts, and communica?ons. Track 50 donors with leadership giT poten?al through discovery, cul?va?on and ask visits. Provide opportuni?es for students to thank donors. Integrate Exceed to a higher level to track third source ac?vity.

Communications Plan The Head of School and Communica?ons Coordinator developed this plan. The Coordinator will be responsible for the plan’s implementa?on.

2014-­‐2015 School Year Accomplishments Visited each of the nine Associa?on churches and six Associa?on schools. Developed a clearly ar?culated “elevator” speech to answer “Why Lutheran High?” U?lized e-­‐communica?ons as oTen as possible to save ?me and energy and reduce expenses.

2015-­‐2016 Goals Generate an annual report in August 2015. Develop brand standards for communica?ons. Complete annual church visits. Support event sponsorship opportuni?es within the community for both Lutheran & non-­‐ Lutheran schools. Increase amount of LHS news published in local newspapers. Build alumni support and ac?vity. U?lize volunteers to increase correct contact informa?on of alumni, alumni families, and past donors. Increase communica?on via Facebook.

Financial Management Plan The Head of School developed this plan and will oversee its implementa?on. The overall strategic plan goal in this area is that LHS will update the funding model to ensure a cost manageable by the Associa?on by June 2019.

2014-­‐2015 School Year Accomplishments Completed an Accountant’s Compila?on Report for the 2013-­‐2014 fiscal year. Completed year two of the funding model with Associa?on churches.

2015-­‐2016 Goals Complete an Accountant’s Compila?on Report for the 2014-­‐2015 fiscal year. Complete year three of the funding model with Associa?on churches.

Reviewed tui?on and fees policies and procedures.

Review employee compensa?on package, including insurance, tui?on assistance, etc.

Reviewed insurance policy and renewed a 3-­‐year contract through Lang Insurance.

Explore investment opportuni?es in keeping with Board policies.

Budgeted for eight fewer students than projected.

Develop a comprehensive accoun?ng manual that includes procedures for greater internal control.

Reviewed and updated old and obsolete accounts. Transi?oned to using QuickBooks accoun?ng soTware. Board approved an opera?ng fund reserve policy and procedure. Inves?gated and set up procedures for 2015-­‐2016 online tui?on payments through FACTS.

Governance Plan The following plan deals with the governance of Lutheran High School. Development and implementa?on of this plan is the responsibility of Board of Directors President and the Head of School.

2014-­‐2015 School Year Accomplishments Board policies passed: 3.3.8; 3.3.9; By-­‐Law VII-­‐i,ii, Excess Revenue over Expenditures, four Cri?cal Targets by June 2019 Board policies reviewed and revised:;; 2.4;; 2.4.2;;;; Developed a year-­‐long plan to review policies in the area of governance processes, board-­‐management delega?ons, execu?ve limita?ons and ends policies. Implemented the Carver Governance model. Approved 2014-­‐2015 goals for Dr. Ernstmeyer. Developed an evalua?on tool for the Head of School that fully integrates the job descrip?on.

2015-­‐2016 Goals The Board will develop a systemic review process for their adherence to policies. The Board will develop a systemic process to evaluate the effec?veness of the school. Board policies to review include governance processes, Board-­‐Management delega?ons, execu?ve limita?ons, Ends policies. Other Board ac?ons to include: 2015-­‐2016 goals for Dr. Ernstmeyer Directors up for 2016: Chapel of the Cross, Child of God, Zion •  Explore use of various commiMees in correla?on with the cri?cal targets of June 2019 •  Develop a year-­‐long mee?ng and visitor plan •  Complete a formal evalua?on of the Head of School •  •

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