Luther Memorial Church 2011 Year in Review
Luther Memorial Church 1021 University Avenue Madison, Wisconsin 53715 608.258.3160
Senior Pastor The Rev. Franklin Wilson Associate Pastor The Rev. Brad Pohlman Music Director Bruce Bengtson Church Administrator Kim O’Leary Mission Resource Coordinator Suelyn Swiggum Program Assistant Anne Ehlers Communications Corodinator Robin Wagner Custodian Dan Zerger Preschool Director Suzanne DuChateau Preschool Administrator Sandra Briesath
Table of Contents Senior Pastor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Looking Back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Congregation Council President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Worship, Music & Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Outreach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Stewardship & Resource Development ������������������������������ 8 Faith Formation & Growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Congregational Life & Renewal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Facilities & Renovation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Administration & Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Personnel & Staff Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Columbarium Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Luther Memorial Preschool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Committee Rosters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Senior Pastor The Rev. Franklin Wilson
“... we have been given a gift when and where we did not expect to receive one.”
Memorial Church smack in the middle of the University of Wisconsin! For me, however, the picture is splendid not because of the game’s final score, but because the photograph captures much of the moment’s drama—utter surprise amid an outcome that is yet unknown.
Did you see the stunning photograph jumping out from the front page of the Wisconsin State Journal section B on Tuesday, January 3? Taken with four minutes remaining in the 2012 Rose Bowl, the photo captures the moment when the Oregon sideline suddenly recognized that a Wisconsin player had lost the ball following a pass reception at the Oregon 27-yard line: coach, players, assistants, and an official all stare and point in utter amazement at the gift—the football lies idle and unclaimed on the field of play—just waiting for someone—anyone—to recover it and win the day.
Oddly enough, the picture makes me think of the church, and not least of the Christmas Gospel, as told by St. Luke. One supposes that those who participated in world events concurrent with the birth of Jesus would have expected the Gift to arrive in Rome or, at the very least, in Jerusalem. In the photo, Jerusalem and Rome lie somewhere near the Wisconsin and Oregon players on the ground where the play occurred. But, in graphic point of fact, the Gift lies elsewhere—in Bethlehem!—where alien shepherds (people from Oregon!) all point in stunned amazement. I feel this way about Luther Memorial Church: others may point to Rome or Canterbury, New York or Chicago, but in point of fact the Gift is here, in an out-of-the-way place, at 1021 University Avenue, where we least expect it. If at all possible, I would want the 2011 Year in Review to work like that photograph—to show us that we
Given the game’s outcome, this may be a dangerous reference for a fifth-generation Oregonian to make when beginning an annual report at Luther 1
have been given a gift when and where we did not expect to receive one.
Center and the Luther Memorial Preschool, give strong indication of the congregation’s enduring vitality.
Christ Jesus is, of course, that gift. But, as St. Luke’s narrative makes plain, the Gift arrives in a local situation, among common people, in ordinary ways. The accompanying stories tell of mission trips (Appalachia and Kenya among them), hospitality (The Road Home) and generosity to strangers (homeless veterans and families in transition), building renovations (interior nave walls and exterior west roofs), baptismal instruction (confirmation, Sunday school, visiting theologians), heartwarming reunions (former Pastor Harvey and Ruth Ann Peters), culinary community (the cookbook!), music (liturgical and otherwise) sufficient to make the angels swoon, and a neighborhood development process challenging enough to keep us awake all night (on more occasions than I can recall). In short, the past year at Luther Memorial Church has been replete with the sort of dynamic energy displayed on page 1, section B, of the Wisconsin State Journal on Tuesday, January 3. And, if 2011 is any indication, time to come will bring more of the same.
·· The congregation’s devotion to the future:
I believe the process leading to the St. Francis development next door has been vital to clarifying Luther Memorial Church’s commitment to ecumenical ministry and mission in this campus setting. In the past year, our congregation has pulled together and given public witness to the vitality of Christian ministry in this university community. Even though current ecumenical relations with our neighbors have been challenged, the future will almost certainly require greater cooperation between Lutherans, Episcopalians, and others as we work together to serve the university community in common witness to our one Lord, one Baptism, and one Faith. I am hopeful that the energies generated around the St. Francis project will serve Luther Memorial and the whole church, as together we seek to serve the student community in which we are placed.
·· The congregation’s generosity: Luther Memorial
Church’s generosity continues to surprise and inspire me. The collaborative work begun five years ago in the Second Century Initiative, combined with the renewal of the Luther Memorial Foundation, and the ongoing work of the Stewardship and Resource Development group give strong indication that we will continue to leave a legacy to this community enabling the congregation to thrive and serve long into the future. To this end, I invite and encourage the congregation—really, every member and friend of the parish—to engage in estate planning, to include Luther Memorial Church through the LM Foundation in estate plans—that we might all continue to grow in generous living.
Of all those things and events referenced in the last paragraph, I would especially draw your attention to the following:
·· The congregation’s devotion to our mission:
Situated in the midst of a great university and surrounded by all that that means, Luther Memorial Church continues to embrace our mission to be the church, the assembly of believers around Word and Sacrament, sent out to serve our neighbors (students, faculty, staff) in daily life, not only here in Madison, but throughout the world. To that end, I am thrilled that two of our members (Leland Albright and Susan Ferson) are serving as medical missionaries in Kijabe, Kenya; and some of our students (including Linde Sundell, Laurel Ohm, and Carrie Hendricks) are involved in mission work in Central America. Also, significant numbers of our youth and adults continue to serve each summer in Appalachia, and scores of our members remain devoted to The Road Home ministry of hospitality throughout the year and, not least, Christmas Gifts for Transitional Families. These things, combined with our ministries through the Lutheran Campus
In short, we—you and I and all the saints—are in the picture: the Gift is among us!
The Reverend Franklin A. Wilson Senior Pastor 2
Looking back Walt Miner
The past year at Luther Memorial Church helps us to remember that what matters most is usually not novelty. It is knowing that in all circumstances of every day we may find occasions to grow, to deepen, to pray, to love our Lord and each other, to help our neighbors in need, to maintain what is good and repair or build up what is not. Our Lord makes all things new— including us.
by a visiting choir from Luther College, or, coming soon, St. Olaf College. The youth mission trip for home repair in Appalachia (and events to raise money for it) was likewise a fresh instance of a familiar event. Men’s and women’s retreat weekends and other fellowship events were stimulating. A $400,000 project to repair the church roof, gutter and heat tapes was completed. A $42,000 budget deficit was reduced by steady giving in a difficult economy to approximately $15,000. A few activities really are new: In August the church sponsored not only training in CPR, but added training in the use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), and placed an AED unit in the concourse area near the church office, fortunately not required so far for any real emergency. An extensive and beautiful Luther Memorial Cookbook of favorite recipes was published.
Yet even familiar activities can wear a new coat: church publications in 2011 began to show more color, fresh designs, and new purposes; theological presentations helped us to grow thoughtful as in previous years, one led by the Archbishop of Canterbury (on closed circuit TV), and another with Dr. Maria Erling at our fall congregational banquet. But a Sunday sermon can also suddenly illuminate some corner of our life. And there are milestones— the hosting of homeless families four weeks a year (which Luther Memorial helped establish) began its second decade. Some mission expenditures show a new face as representatives of recipient groups tell their stories. Some appeal to timely needs, such as backpacks of winter clothes for veterans. The continuing musical feast of freshly new (and freshly ancient) worship music from Luther Memorial’s choirs and instrumental ensembles is augmented
Perhaps no activity in the year gave a fuller sense of Luther Memorial’s continuity over time than an event at Oakwood Village retirement community in October, when visiting guests former Pastor Harvey Peters and his wife Ruth Ann engaged in warm and eager conversation with about 40 of our older members, moderated by current pastors Wilson and Pohlman, The Rev. Dr. Maria about the massive reconstruction Erling was the of the undercroft and other parts featured speaker at the 2011 fall of the church carried out under congregational Pastor Peters’ leadership in the banquet. 1990s. 3
The defining concern of the year, however, was a bursting into public view of a Former Senior Pastor deep anxiety Harvey Peters and his wife Ruth Ann that had been growing in quiet conversations among members and congregational leaders for more than a year, a fear that the future health and maybe even continued existence of Luther Memorial would be threatened by profound changes in its immediate neighborhood. The great wonder is that after enormous efforts to avoid it, and very limited success, that threat seems to have been— what? Not removed, nor resolved, nor even exactly accepted, but simply noted as members returned to the work and privilege of being the church, here, where we have been planted. The challenge became public when the Episcopal Church formally requested city permission to move the older part of its small student center building, St. Francis House, to within a few feet of the courtyard on University Avenue and to use the rest of its quarter of the city block for a large student housing unit, perhaps as high as 14 stories, rather like the two-year-old Grand Central Apartments already towering above Luther Memorial across Conklin Place. The threat to Luther Memorial members’ access and ambiance, the obscuring of its view, the dimming of its stained glass, and a dimming of its sense of warm presence seemed, and still seems, very great.
Through the summer Luther Memorial opposed the project with courteous but intense efforts. More than 100 members attended lengthy meetings of city governing bodies, opposing its crowding of the neighborhood and asking that the application be denied. Members, staff, and neighbors wrote letters to the city. The expenses for legal and architectural advice, site studies, staff time and other costs were large—and unbudgeted. The membership was anxiously hopeful and strongly united, with virtually no dissent. In September, a plan was approved for the second large student housing construction within five years to overshadow the church, this new one reduced from 14 to 8 stories, yet bulked out so as to house a similar number of students. Green space and all large trees will be lost. Construction is expected to begin in early 2012, to be ready for students in the fall of 2013. And yet ... Where one might have expected discouragement, gloom, maybe some anger, even reduced atThe 2011 Luther tendance and Memorial cokbook participation, almost none of these have been apparent. Coming problems simply join the long list of problems posed by a growing city over a century: horse-fouled muddy streets, street cars, the automobile, sewage-fouled lakes, the widening of University Avenue, emergency 4
“ ... members returned to the work and privilege of being the church, here, where we have been planted.”
sirens just beyond often-open church doors, the day-and-night whoosh of huge air-conditioning machinery atop the nearby Chemistry Building. All along, the church has simply gone on being the church, adjusting to needs and opportunities as they appear. And still we pray: O Lord, almighty and everlasting God, You have brought us in safety to this new day: preserve us with your mighty power, that we may not fall into sin, nor be overcome in adversity: and in all we do, direct us to the fulfilling of your purpose; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen
(Left) Summer repair project, (top right) the Appalachia Service Project in Kentucky, (bottom right) the Luther Memorial tour group in Germany.
Congregation Council President Al Larson Going into 2011 I had no idea as to what the year would bring. The crocuses were barely out of the ground, we had a deficit annual budget, we had concern for the roof and gutters on the west side of the church and the east side had the looming prospect of a 12-story high rise that would blot out the sun and potentially change LM forever. We were literally surrounded! That’s when I was truly amazed at the power of the congregation and their fierce dedication to the life, ministry and future of Luther Memorial Church. In my spare time, I enjoyed hauling cots up the stairs for The Road Home, working on a Habitat for Humanity house, and taking a trip to Kentucky with Appalachia Service Project as a way to live the faith through service. I invite you to join me in some sweat equity—I’ll show the way; you provide the sweat!
On a typical Sunday, an estimated total of 70 volunteers of all ages are involved in making worship happen at Luther Memorial.
Worship, Music & Arts The Worship & Music Committee is made up of members of the congregation who are interested in the use of the arts in the worship experience. The committee typically has representatives from Luther Memorial's choir, sacristan, usher, worship assistant and instrumentalist groups, as well as a council liaison, staff members and others from the congregation. The committee:
·· makes recommendations on service times, music and settings. ·· oversees the musical library and instruments, including the organs. ·· oversees other items used by sacristans and worship assistants. ·· makes recommendation for festivals and other special services. ·· coordinates concerts and other special events. The Arts Group advises the committee regarding paraments, vestments, liturgical artwork and other artistic elements. In 2011, the group assisted the Facilities & Renovation Committee with the nave wall restoration project. The committee is thankful for volunteers who help create a welcoming atmosphere during services and special events. We look forward to kicking off 2012 by hosting the opening night of the St. Olaf Choir’s 100th anniversary tour on January 28.
(Top left) Volunteers for Christmas Gifts for Transitional Families, (top right) Linde Sundell speaks with Mary Powell and Deb Raasch about her medical mission trip to Honduras, (bottom) the 2011 Appalachia Service Project crew poses for a short before heading to Kentucky.
Outreach Luther Memorial is a congregation that serves. Members of this congregation gave generously to local homeless veterans by donating shoes, coats, backpacks and toiletries along with hope and dignity throughout the year. Four times this year, 60+ individuals were part of a well-oiled machine that provided housing, food, entertainment and safety to the homeless families that stay under our roof. Nine youth and nine adults learned what it is to “... accept people right where they are, just the way they are,” as they helped people in Appalachia. In December, 30 families in need received Christmas gifts and basic supplies from the generous souls of this church. A banquet and care packages during exams were provided to university students each semester. And there’s more! The people of Luther Memorial do so many things—deliver Meals on Wheels, feed the hungry, help with Habitat for Humanity, and work at orphanages and hospitals worldwide. Thank you! Outreach indeed!
Steve Erstad is joined in the narthex on Reformation Sunday by (left to right) Pastors Pohlman, Wilson and former Senior Pastor Harvey Peters.
Stewardship & Resource Development Luther Memorial is a congregation that gives with joy and thanksgiving. Here are a few comments from members during this year’s fall pledge appeal. I pledge my support to Luther Memorial church because: “God gives abundantly to me and Luther Memorial boldly proclaims the gospel through its ministries.” “It’s the faithful thing to do.” “The church, and this church in particular, is one of the few places that seriously asks the question: ‘What the hell is going on here?’” “LM is a significant part of my life as it has been for 73 years.” “The opportunity LM gives me to give back.” “It is our obligation to be supportive of our church home. It is a special place for us.” “I have been blessed with wonderful gifts and LM’s music ministry nourishes my soul.” And finally, a quote from Steve Erstad who has cleaned the pews after church for many years: “I like to go and help out the church; and I like to go to church every Sunday; and I like to go and meet more people.” Thank you! 8
(Top) Sunday school, (bottom left) adult forum, (bottom right) confirmation retreat at Bethel Horizons.
Faith Formation & Growth Whether it is Sunday school, confirmation or the adult forum, September is always a time to meet new people and to begin new learnings in our faith in Christ Jesus. This fall the confirmands (7th–9th graders) went on a retreat to Bethel Horizons. We engaged in team building activities, held evening prayer, walked a night hike looking at the stars and went on the high ropes course. But more importantly we built friendships with sisters and brothers in Christ. Luther Memorial is blessed to have children attend from all over Dane County. The challenge for us is to get youth (or adults!) who do not know each other or attend school together to share in common experience that they might develop long lasting friendships and learn what it means to live our baptismal vocation. The confirmation retreat is just one way we build community and learn what it means to follow Christ.
(Top left) Quilters, (bottom left) the men’s retreat, (right) games & snacks night.
Congregational Life & Renewal Congregational Life & Renewal offers fellowship and support to church members and friends throughout the year. Some 2011 highlights: ·· Mustard Seed Gardeners kept the front grounds and church entrance looking beautiful. They also worked with young Madisonians doing community service and LM Preschoolers planting hanging pots. ·· Men’s Group met monthly with a variety of topics and speakers. They held their annual fall retreat at St. Anthony’s Center near Marathon, Wisconsin. ·· Women’s Retreat spent a delightful fall weekend at Sinsinawa Mound contemplating forgiveness. Women Gathering met monthly this fall, reading Small Wonder by Barbara Kingsolver. ·· 32 households participated in Breadbreakers, rotating small groups that meet monthly to share a meal and get acquainted. ·· The quilters pieced 49 quilts and knitted 45 sets of hats, mitten, and scarves. ·· Senior Day, held at Oakwood Village West, met five times during the spring and fall for worship, lunch and a program. ·· Other ongoing activities included Food & Fellowship, games & snacks night, the annual bike trip to Verona, the prayer shawl ministry, Sunday and event hospitality, and Luther on Tap.
The summer roof repair project.
Facilities & Renovation If the Facilities & Renovation Committee were asked for a theme in 2011, the South African hymn “Marching in the Light of God” might come to mind. Last January saw the restoration and painting of interior nave walls: a lighter shade of grey to match the transepts. Each week last summer, our oversight group climbed scaffolding to the top of the west exterior wall when summer light was directly overhead (and heat in abundance). And our own “high maintenance” crew—going where few dare to go—changed nave lamps on a routine basis. Light and the loss of it played a major role in photos, discussions, and even fears during the St. Francis process. Light and hope were constant guides throughout. Even when city (and congregation) council meetings last well into the night, the Light of Christ continues to shine. Darkness cannot overcome the Light. As we march in the light of God, this is our hope.
The nave wall restoration project, (top right) the “high maintenance� crew. 12
Steve & Angela Read review the 2011 third quarter financial reports.
Administration & Finance Did you know that Luther Memorial finances, including all church funds, Luther Memorial Preschool, Columbarium, and LM Foundation funds, are reviewed each quarter? An internal review is conducted, in which the organization’s books are scrutinized to make sure that payroll taxes are deposited on time, invoices are paid properly, donations are recorded correctly, bank statements are reconciled, and church and institutional financial statements agree. Earlier this year, as Steve and Angela Read were taking over this important responsibility from Bill & Virginia Bopf (who had competently performed this task for over seven years), a committee task force reviewed our current process and sought outside opinions. Among other positive comments, former South-Central Synod treasurer Bob Gorsuch thought our quarterly process excellent and will recommend it to other organizations. Because donor trust is of ultimate importance, Luther Memorial and its affiliated organizations (Luther Memorial Preschool, Columbarium Trust, LM Foundation) will continue to expect the highest standards of accountability in financial areas.
Luther Memorial Church staff: (left to right) Suelyn Swiggum, Kim O’Leary, Robin Wagner, Senior Pastor Franklin Wilson, Bruce Bengtson, Anne Ehlers, Dan Zerger and Associate Pastor Brad Pohlman.
Personnel & Staff Support and Talia (5), a Luther Memorial Preschool graduate.
Meet our front office staff, Robin and Anne. You don’t see them on Sundays, but they are instrumental to our ministry.
Anne Ehlers maintains the calendar, assists the pastors and church administrator, is the office contact for committees and the go-to person for information. She loves the variety of her job and working with staff and volunteers. She laughs when telling about Pastor Wilson arriving at the beginning of November 2008 and expecting her to know everything but not realizing she’d been here just three weeks. Instead, they learned together.
Robin Wagner creates our communication pieces. She enjoys getting to know the congregation through people, events and her work. This summer she climbed up on the roof to take photos of the roof repair project. She enjoys staff meetings, gaining insight through Bible study and discussion. Robin has two brothers, which may explain her interest in motorcycles and boxing. She studied music and was a jazz big band singer during college years. Robin is married and has two children: Owen (8)
Anne, her husband and daughter, Kaylee (3), who attends our preschool, live in Janesville. She is hockey fan, cheering for Duluth, the Badgers and MN Wild.
(Left) Luther Memorial’s columbarium, (right) members and visitors light candles for departed friends and family during All Saints Sunday.
Columbarium Trust The Luther Memorial Church columbarium is our cemetery. It has become a tradition to have part of the Ash Wednesday and All Saints Sunday services led from the columbarium. When we have an inurnment, our custodian Dan Zerger usually dons a purple robe and participates in the ceremony. After he places the urn containing the ashes in a niche, he replaces the heavy stone panel, then uses a tiny wrench to reach in and tighten the fasteners. This can take a while because the fasteners are not visible. Pastor Wilson tells a story about a visitor at a funeral service that included an inurnment in the columbarium. After the service the visitor spoke with him about how nice it was to have the burial be part of the service but he was especially curious about the final blessing by the “priest� in the purple robe.
(Left) The preschool participated in the Christmas Gifts for Transitional Families program through its “Giving Tree” gift collection, (right) the preschool Christmas program.
Luther Memorial Preschool Luther Memorial Preschool began its thirteenth school year this fall. Returning to teach our bilingual Tiger classroom is the creative Sandra Carr. In our Elephant classroom, we have two new talented teachers, Heidi Crider and Courtney Brooks. Suzanne DuChateau is new to the director position after teaching at the preschool for five years. Our mission remains the same: to offer young children a warm, nurturing, Christian environment where they learn through play in a classroom rich with opportunities to explore. Highlights of our fall include: ·· New books and learning materials in our classrooms ·· Visit from a firefighter during fire safety week ·· Fall Festival Celebration ·· Visits from Luther Memorial Church members and UW student volunteers ·· Geology Museum field trip ·· Thanksgiving story time with Preschool Board President Phyllis Pleuss ·· Weekly chapel with Pastor Wilson and Pastor Brad ·· Christmas program and gift collection for families in need We gratefully acknowledge the congregation’s support and enduring vision to assist families with tuition. Five families benefited from scholarships in 2011. 16
Committee Rosters Congregation Council
Congregational Life & Renewal
Kelly Engbring, Amanda Dedo, Loren Denlinger, Neal Deunk (treasurer), Mike Heggeseth (financial secretary), Barb Hughes, Ted Huwe, Al Larson (president), Barb Luedke, Laura McGuire, Neil Moll, Phyllis Pleuss (secretary), Mary Powell, Randy Raasch, Beth Rahko, Angela Read (vice president), Kathy Seifert, Bob Uphoff, Janet Zentner
Laura McGuire, Angela Read, Cameron Scarlett (chair), Lori Scarlett (co-chair). Staff: Bruce Bengtson, Suelyn Swiggum. Leaders/organizers: Hospitality: Mary Powell. Parents of Young Children: Scarletts. Women Gathering: Lonnie Vitse. Women’s Retreat: Phyllis Pleuss. Food & Fellowship: Raasches. Breadbreakers: Heggesesths. Quilters: Nancy Jensen. Prayer Shawl Ministry: Kathy Seifert/Petra Ressler. Mustard Seed Gardeners: Steffens. Mardi Gras Musical: Mary Powell. Youth: Kelly Engbring, Ted Huwe, Neil Moll.
Worship, Music & Arts Paul Creswell, Jim Nelson, Randy Raasch, Lori Scarlett, Jon Schneider (chair), Kathy Seifert, Cat Smith, Angela Vitcenda. Staff: Bruce Bengtson, Franklin Wilson. Leaders/organizers: Arts Group: Annette Mahler. Worship Assistants: Kathy Seifert/Judy Braham. Sacristans: Angela Vitcenda. Communion Deacons: Anne Ehlers. Ushers: Cindy Cameron-Fix. Pursers: Randy & Connie Burmeister. Sound Crew: Lee Powell.
Facilities & Renovation Randy Eide, Neal Deunk, Al Larson, Bill Lautz, Eric Oelkers, Lee Powell, Douglas Swiggum (chair), Angela Vitcenda. Staff: Kim O’Leary, Brad Pohlman.
Administration & Finance Jim Behrens, Loren Denlinger, Neal Deunk, Jon Enslin, Sandy Erickson (chair), Sara Garski, Adam Schinke, Eric Suomi, Deborah Uecker, Michael Wilson. Staff: Kim O’Leary, Franklin Wilson.
Outreach Linda Brewer, Helen Hartman, Dale Lavelle, Phyllis Pleuss, Beth Rahko, Phil Schoech, Janet Zentner (chair). Staff: Brad Pohlman. Leaders/organizers: The Road Home: Dale Lavelle/Larry Thies. Transitional Gifts: Maria Brown. Habitat: Barb Luedke. Meals on Wheels: Angela Read. Campus Ministry: Yvonne Eide. Mission Trip: Mary Powell.
Personnel & Staff Support Janelle Allen, Randy Burmeister, Barb Hughes, Al Larson, Mary Powell (chair), Peter Rahko, Lynne Svetnicka. Staff: Kim O’Leary, Franklin Wilson.
Columbarium Trust
Stewardship & Resource Development
Neal Deunk, Lee Powell (president), Petra Ressler, Bob Steffen, Peter Strupp. Staff: Brad Pohlman.
Joyce Bisbee, Mike Heggeseth, Barb Luedke, Randy Raasch, Angela Read, John Streiff (chair), Matt Sundell, Martha Taylor. Staff: Kim O’Leary, Brad Pohlman, Suelyn Swiggum.
Luther Memorial Preschool John Etzler, Sue Gaard, Jenny Greiber, Pei-Pei Heikkinen, Phyllis Pleuss (president), Pat Roloff, Cynthia Vander Woude. Staff: Sandra Briesath, Suzanne DuChateau, Franklin Wilson.
Faith Formation & Growth Joyce Bisbee, Bill Braham (chair), Amando Dedo, Laura Guse, Kelly Olson. Staff: Brad Pohlman. Leaders/organizers: Sunday School: Amando Dedo. Confirmation: Carol Landahl/Dave Zentner. Library: Kelly Olson. 17
“Our Lord makes all things new— including us.” – Walt Miner
Luther Memorial Church 1021 University Avenue Madison, Wisconsin 53715