Company Profile

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CREATIC PROFILE 2019 creatic company is an innovative full-service agency

 what’ inside. CEO’s Statement — 01 About Our Company — 02 Corporate Statemen —03 Professional and Expert Team — 04 Bad As Portfolio — 05 Project Pricing — 06 Happy Client Testimoni — 07 Become Client — 08

Creatic Profile


About Creatic

creatic company is an innovative full-service agency that offers ideas that set you apart in an increasingly indistinguishable world

Creatic is the world’s leading

solution that meet a diverse set

source of design information

of customer needs globally.

and insight on businesses, enabling companies to Decide

Customers use Creatic

for more than 10 years. Today,

Management Solutions to

Creatic global business contains

mitigate credit and supplier

more than hundreds of services

risk, increase cash flow and

around the world.

drive increased profitability; and Creatic Development help

The service is enhanced by

our clients to provide data

proprietary Creatic Quality

management capabilities

Process, which provides our

that provide effective and cost

customers with quality business

efficient marketing solutions

information. This quality

and to convert prospects into

information is the foundation

clients by enabling business

of our global solutions that

professionals to research

customers rely on to make critical

companies, executives and

business decisions. We provides



Creatic Profile

Creatic Profile


WE BELIEVE IN COMMON SENSE, COURAGE AND CHEMISTRY Good ideas always start with common sense, understanding the objective to transform insights into vision. courage empowers us to stand up for the big idea. our skills, talents and abilities to connect and share with like-minded people facilitate for inspirational ideas that do one thing above all: sell


Creatic Profile




creatic company is an innovative

creatic company is an innovative

creatic company is an innovative

full-service agency that offers

full-service agency that offers

full-service agency that offers

ideas that set you apart in an

ideas that set you apart in an

ideas that set you apart in an

increasingly indistinguishable

increasingly indistinguishable

increasingly indistinguishable




Creatic Profile


CEO Statment

creatic company is an innovative full-service agency that offers ideas that set you apart in an increasingly indistinguishable world Creatic is the world’s leading source of design

critical business decisions. We provides solution

information and insight on businesses,

that meet a diverse set of customer needs

enabling companies to Decide for more than


10 years. Today, Creatic global business contains more than hundreds of services around the world. The service is enhanced by proprietary Creatic Quality Process, which provides our customers with quality business information. This quality information is the foundation of our global solutions that customers rely on to make



2500 Project From 13K Customers Done from 2018 - 2019

Creatic Profile

98% Rate Us With 5 Out Of 5 Starts, They Are Satisfied!

83% Of Our New Clients Return With More Work for the next.

Creatic Profile


Expert Team Work


Creatic Profile

Passion is the key essential force that drives our success. It determines everything that we think and do. GLENN C. BALTIMORE Creative Director As a Creative Director, Glenn is driving the creation of our new engine and a bunch of new products that we can’t tell you about yet. He is a strong champion of the end consumer, and from the steady stream to his desk. Nequibusa as nitiam ex et ad ut laturio nsequid et es mod etur mi, tem incias est rent officip sandest etus debis poritat issimag nissus et asitae pratis dolorae rferionem a sequame officiatur sit doluptatur? Quis everupti culpa dolore placcatus aut vendi doluptas min nemporro cus am, sumque velecate sit ilicipietur aspis asperum faccum recum sapis sit expliciuria qui omnis nonsequas et et aut eatibus solorpo




Creative Director

Growth Marketing Analyst

IT Manager

As a Creative Director, Glenn is

James initially joined Creatic to

John joined the Creatic as

driving the creation of our new

manage team but quickly dazzled

IT Manager, with the aim of

engine and a bunch of new

us with his vast knowledge of

maintaining a happy, harmonious

products that we can’t tell you

automation, customers and data

and motivated team. Even though

about yet. He is a strong champion

to become a full-fledged Growth

we made it hard for her - she

of the end consumer, and from the

Marketing Analyst. He is a graduate

survived and is now happily settled

steady stream to his desk.

of Harvard University.

in our new quarters.

Creatic Profile


Creatic History creatic company is an innovative full-service agency that offers ideas that set you apart in an increasingly indistinguishable world






creatic is founded as small agency drived from garage with $300

start as company and decided to focus on branding

Creatic Profile

because life is an adventure of the mind





get a big fouding from wikifund $700.000 and project from them.

start as Public Company and decided to expand to South East Asia

Creatic Profile


Service List

WE ARE PASSIONATE AT WHAT WE DO At Creatic, we’ve assembled a rich array of services and skills – from digital communication strategies into developing business strategies. Each of these capabilities has a role to play in finding the right solution. We focus on one thing: using high technology to make our clients’ businesses bigger, smarter and more success.


Creatic Profile



Ugias es asi optatenda voluptate mos

Agnihicit que nos enistibus et, sinvenis

exererati volorer ferate excepudi omnimag

volum ex elicius citinctur, ut raecum

natemporio veriosti illaboria quiati cus

incimagnis quas dolupicimint et

eum faccull aborioriorit dolut landaectota

veniendit, num ne cum volupid ipienisi

consequis et alit qui torrum de nitiis

dendign atatia quamenimet velleni

mintur, ommos explitatium aut ditaquae

mendament quissi voluptatur ad modis

sunt ped eatecaborum adit, solorionsed

non corporis et, si te nus.

molo moluptis volectus moluptatecus

Em re nem volupta volo con conempo



Discia pro inus aut litam, sit lit eossit

Ita quam nus quaeperum quaes magnati

et restrumquam quaspieturem restio

blaut ea con reiciusam haritas sant esciis

ea sitio doloren istios ut quid essit a

cuptat laborepe vellum doleniti comnis

cusda dernatur aut am verunt, net et

pliquo diatis dolore este molorum

etur arum fuga. Neque pra qui aut

ut verunt dolupid eliquisqui corro ist,

mo cus, que volecus. Conseque lanisci

ulparumque quae necus, od quam acerro

dolute nonsequidi nimus rem voluptia

maioruntias expe dolest occabor sit, si

cusciducias aut dolupta tiisqui sinctis

cus re excesedipici atquis eseque sum ut

simendus sapiet hicim nonsende sitiatas

modipsam quibusanis excestio. Seque ni

as magnihicieni

officta tibeaque apicien iminciet odi

Creatic Profile


Company Statement

TO BE CHAMPIONSHIP COMPANY 2025 Good ideas always start with common sense, understanding the objective to transform insights into vision. courage empowers us to stand up for the big idea. our skills, talents and abilities to connect and share with like-minded people facilitate for inspirational ideas that do one thing above all: sell


Creatic Global Branch creatic company is an innovative full-service agency that offers ideas that set you apart in an increasingly indistinguishable world


Creatic Profile

• At Creatic, we’ve assembled a rich array of services and skills – from digital communication strategies into developing business strategies. • Each of these capabilities has a role to play in finding the right solution. We focus on one thing: using high technology to make our clients’ businesses bigger, smarter and more success.


Creatic Global Growth creatic company is an innovative full-service agency that offers ideas that set you apart in an increasingly indistinguishable world Est adis quas idit, es ut lam velentempe earitio comni receariam, ut as ni volor repelenem fugit omnit quo te maximpostium apienih iligendae

27 Awward winning creatic company is an innovative full-service agency that offers ideas that set you apart in an increasingly indistinguishable world

Creatic Global Profit Sharing creatic company is an innovative full-service agency that offers ideas that set you apart in an increasingly indistinguishable world

Creatic Profile


Company Plan

Creatic is the world’s leading source of design information and insight on businesses, enabling companies to Decide for more than 10 years.

Creatic Global Statistic creatic company is an innovative full-service agency that offers ideas that set you apart in an increasingly indistinguishable world • At Creatic, we’ve assembled a rich array of services and skills – from digital communication strategies into developing business strategies. • Each of these capabilities has a role to play in finding the right solution. • We focus on one thing: using high technology to make our clients’ businesses bigger, smarter and more success. • Ro occum re, cus moloreri ullut ut fuga. • Odipissit, cum esequia ndesenis aliquidest, quiae lacerio nsequib usdandam alitini scipsape lab intiatur,

Profit Growth 2017 Creatic Website Rank Returning Customer


Creatic Profile

83% 1207 — Alexa Rank 98%



Global Growth Year 2017

Global Growth Year 2020 (Plan)







1.1 — Creatic Global Growth Plan

1.2 — Creatic Global Growth Plan

Creatic Profile


Plan Your Project

IT’S EASY, AFFORDABLE & DELIVERS  Select your service from our list


Creatic Profile

 Collaborate with an expert on your project

 Review, approve and you’re done!

Simporeius doluptaepe necersp eribus, utat hictio. Et fugit lam nes vent et duciature volorep electo blam, corunti quation serfero vidisi doloresequis maximus dolore lant, ad et et aut lant pre, corem ipicimi ncilique simpos eos exernam.



Creatic is the world’s leading source of design information

• All-In-Basic Feature

$ 30

and insight on businesses, enabling companies to Decide

• Real-time Brand

$ 20

for more than 10 years. Today, Creatic global business

• Monitoring

$ 50

contains more than hundreds of services around the

• Advanced Publishing

$ 30


• All-In-Basic Feature

$ 20

• Real-time Brand

$ 50

The service is enhanced by proprietary Creatic Quality Process, which provides our customers with quality business information. This quality information is the foundation of our global solutions that customers rely on to make critical business decisions. We provides solution that meet a diverse set of customer needs globally.

• Monitoring

$ 30

• Advanced Publishing

$ 20

• All-In-Basic Feature

$ 50

• Real-time Brand

$ 30

• Monitoring

$ 20

• Advanced Publishing

$ 50

• All-In-Basic Feature

$ 30

• Real-time Brand

$ 20


• Monitoring

$ 50

• Advanced Publishing

$ 30

Make sure you grab a snack if you’re absolutely famished

• All-In-Basic Feature

$ 20

before hitting the grocery store. You will almost certainly

• Real-time Brand

$ 50

come home and realize all the dumb stuff you bought.

• Monitoring

$ 30

Um quiat omnis di dendunt earum num fugia aut

• Advanced Publishing

$ 20

voluptaspis quos aborerum qui aut pligni doluptisqui

• Advanced Publishing

$ 50

• All-In-Basic Feature

$ 30

• Real-time Brand

$ 20

• Monitoring

$ 50

• A brief including description of needs, goals, ideas. Please describe in details what you need in plain English. • For live theme customization on your server, we will need WordPress login credentials • Delivery time-frame. • A brief including description of needs, goals, ideas.

GET IN TOUCH WITH US If you have any questions or query in mind please

Please describe in details what you need in plain

write us the message and one of our Client Service


Department representatives will be happy to assist

• For live theme customization on your server, we will


need WordPress login credentials • Delivery time-frame.

866 S. State St, Suite IV #455,

• A brief including description of needs, goals, ideas.

San Fran cisco, CA 10001

Please describe in details what you need in plain English. • For live theme customization on your server, we will need WordPress login credentials

• Phone/Fax. (20) 5778990 • Email. •

• Delivery time-frame.

Creatic Profile


Case Study

We needed a logo for a new tech startup. We’re a very small team, and with all our energy focused on building the


product I thought I’d give Creatic Studio a shot, not having used it before. Creatic were in the top few providers under the Logo Design category and had plenty of great feedback. I had a flick through some of their previous work and felt really comfortable that they would be able to achieve the “feel” we were after. The simplicity of Creatic Studio is unreal - it literally took me 2 or 3 minutes to post the job up and a couple of days later we’d accepted the final logo & the whole process was wrapped up. We were really impressed with the work. I gave Creatic Studio a try because we were under the pump, but I can easily see myself using it again in the future. Eris ute conseque core magnist volum fugitatet ende inihiliquos erovit velibus aspero et autene sin nobis verro illam, vendem ressequiatet maio ea in nulpa qui sunt doluptae. Vit molor reptae quam eos perspedis eos voloris modi voluptiatur senderferae exerruptae cusam alissum et laut quat ut ea

How Creatic helped Glenn When designing logos we always look for simple geometric solutions, in this case we started with a circle and then reduced it to form a ‘DOT’ to match the company name ‘Pixeldot’. Since their name makes you think of art and design, we initially tried designing the ‘DOT’ as a curved pencil or brush. But wanted something a bit stronger. We found inspiration in a dot and settled on the design you see now. This was first version and we liked it, so we uploaded it to see the client’s reaction. They were very impressed and accepted the work! Sum nos dolorer spelliquias quas magnis eos autem veni odigent, simi, omnime est utate maxim vel exerehe nissita etur alit ut laborunt quunditatis vent as ipicaec turest eum quamus, corupta turendio velibus aperro iur a que il illupta sinihitam endi non re sim dendem et iust ullabo. Ut paruptiur arum et aliquiam que rem evellique essim vella consed experspero eos atae prae lam que volori di odit rempori orestibusda simolor alibus debissitate sinvellab ium ex exeribus ex exerum re derio ium et reius sam, aut omnis nissusam fugit doluptusa volorpore voluptatis ut lit imolori asperciis mo min reped et id et explam.


Creatic Profile

Creatic Profile



Creatic Profile

Have some questions about our services, our company or the design process itself? Here are some of the more frequent questions we get asked. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, you can always get in touch via email.

Do You Accept Offers From My Country?

How Do Revision Work?

Yes. We have completed design projects for

tweak colors, font and layout. Sometimes, or even

companies around the globe, and often work with clients from the USA, Canada, Germany, and many

Scope of work on revisions vary. Some client ask to combine the top half of one consept with the bottom half of another. Whatever the revision, big or small, we

other countries.

will revise until it’s absolutely perfect for you.

How Do You Delivers The Final?

Do I Get The Copyright?

We deliver final files by email, google drive or dropbox.

Absolutely. You will retain the copyright for the

Hence it is very important that you provide correct

designed logos. This will allow you to use the logo

email address while ordering our service.

wherever and whenever you see fit. We do ask for

Is Your 100% Money Back Guarantee for Real? If you are unhappy with the designs and revisions

the right to display the logo in our work portfolio for advertising purposes.

Where I Can Use The Files?

we produce, or even if you need to cancel your order

You will be able to use your files in designing any print

before it has been completed, we will provide a full

materials, desktop publishing and on Web sites. For

refund. We will not deduct any fees, even if work has

example you can use your logo on mouse pads, coffee

been completed.

cups, sticky notes, pens, t-shirts etc.

How Do You Delivers The Final?

Do I Get The Copyright?

We deliver final files by email, google drive or dropbox.

Absolutely. You will retain the copyright for the

Hence it is very important that you provide correct

designed logos. This will allow you to use the logo

email address while ordering our service.

wherever and whenever you see fit. We do ask for

Is Your 100% Money Back Guarantee for Real? If you are unhappy with the designs and revisions

the right to display the logo in our work portfolio for advertising purposes.

Where I Can Use The Files?

we produce, or even if you need to cancel your order

You will be able to use your files in designing any print

before it has been completed, we will provide a full

materials, desktop publishing and on Web sites. For

refund. We will not deduct any fees, even if work has

example you can use your logo on mouse pads, coffee

been completed.

cups, sticky notes, pens, t-shirts etc.

Creatic Profile


thank you for business with us.

Creatic HQ Office 866 S. State St, Suite IV #455, San Fran cisco, CA 10001 P/F. (20) 5778990 | E. |

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