3 minute read
Advent Devotions
Rejoice This Christmas in the Child of Promise
Jesus Christ, born in Bethlehem: this is the Son of God who came down for you and me. This is God showing us He cares as He enters our world. “There are many ways to show love— even at a distance. God could have sent an angel. He could have showered His blessings on us from far away. He could have even stuck with the prophets we were already used to. But He came Himself.” So we read in day one of this year’s Advent devotions, Child of Promise. Written by Dr. Kari Vo, LHM’s theological writer, these messages remind us how the story of the Savior’s birth is a story for all of us.
From the unlikely call of Abram to be a blessing to the nations to the even more unlikely birth of Jesus to the virgin Mary, God is intimately concerned with our lives. Vo writes, “God is giving us the best gift ever, because Jesus is the One who will take away all our sin—and all the fear and guilt that it causes us. Through His life, death, and resurrection, He will set us free from all this bad stuff, and give us the joy of being children of God.” And what better joy to share than this at Christmas?
“We can do that too, can’t we? When we’re talking to friends or family who aren’t Christians, we don’t need to overthink it. We can simply pray and trust the whole situation to God, and then just be in the moment—say what comes to mind—be quiet, or speak—without worrying that somehow, some way, we’re going to make a mistake that turns them away from Jesus. The Holy Spirit will take care of that stuff. He cares about these people even more than we do,” Vo added.
Mobile, audio, and Spanish also available!
You can read or listen to Child of Promise, beginning Sunday, November 28, 2021. It can also be received as a daily email during Advent. As an outreach resource, churches can download, personalize, and print them for congregational use or for sharing with visitors. The audio version will also be available at lhm.org/advent beginning November 28.
Hijo de la promesa will be available to read online or to receive as a daily email throughout Advent, beginning November 28. Rev. Hector Hoppe will be reading the texts. Spanish Advent devotions can be downloaded and printed for personal use or group sharing, too. Visit paraelcamino.com/adviento for all the details. =
Our neighborhoods are primed for action, and there are many things we can do to contribute to their well-being.
Nurturing Your Faith: Forgiveness Bible study, numerous examples of forgiveness needed and given are explored. In each we see how God has been forgiving toward us—and how we are to be this way toward others. From mankind’s original fall into sin, God did not cast us aside. Instead, His Old Testament promise of a Savior was fulfilled in Jesus, in whom we are shown mercy, so we can show mercy.
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